Renewables and EVs Are Driving Copper Shortages Faster Than Expected
Usha Resources (TSXV:USHA) (OTC:USHAF) has initiated fieldwork on an Induced Polarization (IP) survey at its Southern Arm property in Quebec's Abitibi Greenstone Belt. The survey, conducted by Geophysique TMC, will map underground areas up to 350 meters deep to identify optimal drilling locations for copper and other metals.
The property features a 7.3-kilometer conductive copper-gold trend along the Bapst Fault and is located near significant deposits, including the historic Selbaie mine. Usha plans to commence a 3,000-meter drilling program in winter 2024-2025.
This development comes amid warnings of a looming copper shortage, with UBS predicting a supply deficit exceeding 200,000 tons by 2025. The International Energy Forum emphasizes the need for over a billion tons of new copper mining capacity annually through 2050 to meet growing demand from renewables and EV markets.
Usha Resources (TSXV:USHA) (OTC:USHAF) ha avviato lavori di campo per un sondaggio di Polarizzazione Indotta (IP) nella sua proprietà Southern Arm, situata nella Greenstone Belt di Abitibi in Quebec. Il sondaggio, condotto da Geophysique TMC, mapperà aree sotterranee fino a 350 metri di profondità per identificare le posizioni di perforazione ottimali per il rame e altri metalli.
La proprietà presenta una tendenza conduttiva di rame-oro di 7,3 chilometri lungo il Bapst Fault ed è situata vicino a giacimenti significativi, tra cui la storica miniera Selbaie. Usha prevede di avviare un programma di perforazione di 3.000 metri nell'inverno 2024-2025.
Questo sviluppo avviene in un contesto di avvertimenti su una possibile carenza di rame, con UBS che prevede un deficit di offerta superiore alle 200.000 tonnellate entro il 2025. L'International Energy Forum sottolinea la necessità di oltre un miliardo di tonnellate di nuova capacità mineraria di rame ogni anno fino al 2050 per soddisfare la crescente domanda dai mercati delle energie rinnovabili e dei veicoli elettrici.
Usha Resources (TSXV:USHA) (OTC:USHAF) ha iniciado trabajos de campo en una encuesta de Polarización Inducida (IP) en su propiedad Southern Arm, en el cinturón de rocas verdes de Abitibi en Quebec. La encuesta, realizada por Geophysique TMC, mapeará áreas subterráneas hasta 350 metros de profundidad para identificar las ubicaciones óptimas de perforación para cobre y otros metales.
La propiedad cuenta con una tendencia conductiva de cobre y oro de 7,3 kilómetros a lo largo de la falla Bapst y se encuentra cerca de depósitos significativos, incluida la histórica mina Selbaie. Usha planea comenzar un programa de perforación de 3,000 metros en el invierno de 2024-2025.
Este desarrollo se produce en medio de advertencias sobre una inminente escasez de cobre, con UBS pronosticando un déficit de suministro que superará las 200,000 toneladas para 2025. El Foro Internacional de la Energía enfatiza la necesidad de más de mil millones de toneladas de nueva capacidad minera de cobre anualmente hasta 2050 para satisfacer la creciente demanda de los mercados de energías renovables y vehículos eléctricos.
Usha Resources (TSXV:USHA) (OTC:USHAF)는 퀘벡 아비티비 그린스톤 벨트에 위치한 서남편지(Southern Arm) 소유지에서 유도 극성화(IP) 조사를 위한 현장 작업을 시작했습니다. Geophysique TMC가 수행하는 이 조사는 최대 350미터 깊이의 지하 영역을 맵하여 구리 및 기타 금속의 최적 시추 위치를 식별합니다.
이 소유지는 Bapst Fault를 따라 7.3킬로미터의 전도성 구리-금 트렌드를 보이며, 역사적인 Selbaie 광산을 포함한 주요 매장지 근처에 위치하고 있습니다. Usha는 2024-2025년 겨울에 3,000미터의 시추 프로그램을 시작할 예정입니다.
이 개발은 2025년까지 20만 톤이 넘는 공급 부족이 예측되는 구리 부족에 대한 경고 속에서 나온 것입니다. 국제 에너지 포럼은 재생 가능 에너지 및 전기차 시장의 증가하는 수요를 충족하기 위해 2050년까지 매년 10억 톤 이상의 새로운 구리 채굴 능력이 필요하다고 강조하고 있습니다.
Usha Resources (TSXV:USHA) (OTC:USHAF) a lancé des travaux de terrain pour une enquête de Polarisation Induite (IP) sur sa propriété Southern Arm dans la ceinture de roches vertes Abitibi, au Québec. L'enquête, réalisée par Geophysique TMC, cartographiera des zones souterraines jusqu'à 350 mètres de profondeur pour identifier les emplacements de forage optimaux pour le cuivre et d'autres métaux.
La propriété présente une tendance conductrice de cuivre et d'or de 7,3 kilomètres le long de la faille Bapst et est située près de dépôts significatifs, y compris la mine historique Selbaie. Usha prévoit de commencer un programme de forage de 3 000 mètres à l'hiver 2024-2025.
Ce développement survient dans un contexte d'avertissements concernant une pénurie imminente de cuivre, UBS prévoyant un déficit d'approvisionnement dépassant 200 000 tonnes d'ici 2025. Le Forum International de l'Énergie souligne la nécessité d'une nouvelle capacité minière en cuivre de plus d'un milliard de tonnes par an jusqu'en 2050 pour répondre à la demande croissante des marchés des énergies renouvelables et des véhicules électriques.
Usha Resources (TSXV:USHA) (OTC:USHAF) hat mit Feldarbeiten zu einer polarisationsinduzierten (IP) Untersuchung auf seinem Southern Arm Grundstück im Abitibi Greenstone Belt in Quebec begonnen. Die von Geophysique TMC durchgeführte Untersuchung wird unterirdische Bereiche bis zu 350 Meter tief kartieren, um optimale Bohrstandorte für Kupfer und andere Metalle zu identifizieren.
Das Grundstück weist einen 7,3 Kilometer langen leitenden Kupfer-Gold-Trend entlang des Bapst Fault auf und liegt in der Nähe bedeutender Ablagerungen, einschließlich der historischen Selbaie-Mine. Usha plant, im Winter 2024-2025 ein Bohrprogramm über 3.000 Meter zu starten.
Diese Entwicklung erfolgt vor dem Hintergrund von Warnungen über eine drohende Kupferknappheit, wobei UBS prognostiziert, dass bis 2025 ein Angebotsdefizit von über 200.000 Tonnen bestehen wird. Das Internationale Energieforum betont die Notwendigkeit von jährlich über einer Milliarde Tonnen neuer Kupferbergbaumkapazität bis 2050, um der wachsenden Nachfrage aus den Märkten für erneuerbare Energien und Elektrofahrzeuge gerecht zu werden.
- Strategic location in mineral-rich Abitibi Greenstone Belt near historic productive mines
- Advanced exploration progress with IP survey implementation
- Planned 3,000-meter drilling program for winter 2024-2025
- Favorable market conditions with predicted copper supply deficit
- No current production or revenue generation
- Exploration results pending and uncertain
- Development timeline extends into 2024-2025
The global copper supply-demand dynamics present a compelling narrative. UBS's forecast of a 200,000-ton supply deficit by 2025 alongside the International Energy Forum's projection of needed capacity highlights severe market tightness ahead. The convergence of renewable energy expansion and EV adoption is creating unprecedented demand pressure, while new mine development faces lengthy lead times.
The market implications are significant - current copper price weakness appears temporary given the structural demand drivers. Wood Mackenzie's estimate of
The technical aspects of Usha's exploration program demonstrate a methodical approach to resource definition. The deployment of Induced Polarization (IP) surveying to depths of 350 meters, combined with surface geochemistry, represents industry best practices for target generation. The property's location along the 7.3km Bapst Fault corridor is particularly noteworthy given its proximity to the former Selbaie mine's 53 million tonne production history and the B26 deposit's substantial indicated resource.
The planned 3,000-meter winter drilling program, guided by the ongoing IP survey results, could be transformative if it validates the geological model. The Hollywood trend's VMS-style mineralization potential, coupled with the proven regional endowment, enhances the probability of discovery.
Issued on behalf of Usha Resources Ltd.
The article continued: Achieving net-zero emissions by 2050 will require unprecedented investment, estimated at
Usha Resources Announces Initiation of Induced Polarization Survey at the Drill Ready Southern Arm Copper-Gold VMS Property
Usha Resources Ltd. (TSXV: USHA) (OTC: USHAF), a North American mineral acquisition and exploration company, announced that it has started fieldwork on a new survey at its Southern Arm property in
"This work represents an important stage in Usha's exploration strategy at the Southern Arm Property, and we are thrilled to have the experience of the local experts at Geophysique TMC applied to our program," said Deepak Varshney, CEO of USHA. "We eagerly await the results from this program and plan to apply the results of the complimentary geochemical exploration program at our
Now, Usha is using advanced technology, called an Induced Polarization (IP) survey, to map the underground area up to 350 meters deep. This survey will help pinpoint the best spots for drilling by identifying areas likely to contain copper and other valuable metals. Usha plans to start a 3,000-meter drilling program this winter. Alongside the IP survey, the company is also collecting surface samples to create a baseline for future exploration.
The Southern Arm property is located in
CONTINUED… Read this and more news for Usha Resources Ltd.
Other recent industry developments and happenings in the market include:
Rio Tinto Group (NYSE: RIO), a mining giant with operations worldwide, recently announced it approved the construction of a new 25-megawatt solar plant at its Kennecott copper operation in
"Expanding our solar farm is the latest step in our journey to reduce our carbon footprint," said Nate Foster, Kennecott Managing Director for Rio Tinto. "Together with other measures we've taken, such as closing a coal-fired power plant, deploying battery electric vehicles underground, and our recent transition to renewable diesel, we have reduced our emissions by millions of tons over the past few years. We're demonstrating every day that sustainable practices and resource production can go hand-in-hand to benefit our company as well as our community."
Taseko Mines Limited (NYSE-American: TGB) (TSX: TKO), a mining company with assets in
"The development of the new Connector pit advanced on plan in the third quarter, with the new pit providing approximately half of the mill feed in the period," said Stuart McDonald, President and CEO of Taseko. "Copper production next year is expected to increase to the 120 to 130 million pound range, and molybdenum production is also expected to increase. Lower-grade ore stockpiles will be used to supplement mined ore in the first half of the year, so production will be weighted to the second half of the year."
Capstone Copper Corp. (TSX: CS) (OTCPK: CSCCF), an
"Our operations in
Amerigo Resources Ltd. (TSX: ARG) (OTCQX: ARREF), a producer and seller of copper and molybdenum concentrates, recently reported its Q3 2024 operational results from its
"MVC delivered a strong quarter with copper production of 16.3 million pounds, outperforming guidance," said Aurora Davidson, President and CEO of Amerigo. "Amerigo's Capital Return Strategy was designed so shareholders can quickly benefit from a quarter like this. We will continue to deploy all three mechanisms in the Strategy with maximum flexibility, as we expect copper prices to continue strengthening due to fundamental supply and demand issues. We are off to a great start in Q4, as copper prices are well above the quarterly average prices we have received throughout 2024."
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