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Rio Tinto reported its strongest first-quarter shipments ever in the Pilbara iron ore sector, achieving 82.5 million tonnes, which is a 16% increase compared to Q1 2022. Production also rose by 11% to 79.3 million tonnes. However, bauxite production fell 11% to 12.1 million tonnes due to adverse weather conditions and equipment downtime. Additionally, mined copper production remained stable at 145,000 tonnes, with significant variances across mines. A new joint venture was established for the La Granja copper project in Peru, and the Oyu Tolgoi project financing was refinanced with a deferral of principal repayments until June 2026.
Rio Tinto is enhancing its climate advocacy as it approaches its Annual General Meetings, aiming to support decarbonization aligned with the Paris Agreement. The company emphasizes the importance of transparency and effective government policies in driving emissions reduction in challenging industrial sectors. Since 2021, Rio Tinto has prioritized low-carbon transitions, with goals targeting Scope 1 and 2 emissions to limit global warming to 1.5°C. The firm intends to publish detailed briefing papers on its emissions sources and engage with stakeholders to align policy settings with its decarbonization targets.
Rio Tinto will support Energy Resources of Australia Ltd's Interim Entitlement Offer (IEO) to raise up to
Rio Tinto has released its 2022 Taxes and Royalties Paid Report, revealing
Rio Tinto and First Quantum Minerals have formed a joint venture to develop the La Granja copper project in Peru, one of the world's largest undeveloped copper deposits. First Quantum will acquire a 55% stake for $105 million and commit up to $546 million to fund capital and operational costs through feasibility studies. La Granja has a mineral resource of 4.32 billion tonnes at 0.51% copper, with First Quantum set to operate the project. The agreement highlights Peru's significance in mining investment and bolsters Rio Tinto's copper portfolio following its acquisition of Turquoise Hill Resources.
South America seeks to establish a 'Lithium OPEC' involving Argentina, Chile, Bolivia, and Brazil to enhance control over lithium resources, similar to OPEC's influence on oil markets. The region possesses over 60% of the world's lithium resources, driving significant investment in mining operations. Key players in this space include Livent Corporation (NYSE:LTHM), Allkem Limited (OTC:OROCF), Lithium South Development Corporation, and Rio Tinto Group (NYSE:RIO). Livent reported a strong performance in 2022, with increased profitability expected in 2023, while Allkem achieved record revenue of $296 million in H1 2023, reflecting robust lithium demand.
Rio Tinto is marking World Water Day 2023 by launching an interactive map detailing annual surface water usage across its managed sites in 35 countries. This initiative aligns with Rio Tinto's commitment made in 2019 to enhance water stewardship and transparency. The new database shows permitted surface water allocations, annual usage, and historic data, with plans for future updates. Chief Executive Jakob Stausholm emphasized the importance of sustainable water management for biodiversity and local communities. This effort is in accordance with the International Council on Mining and Metals' water stewardship guidelines.
Rio Tinto has published an independent report assessing its Cultural Heritage Management compliance following a global audit by ERM. The audit covered 37 assets worldwide, including Australia, Canada, South Africa, the US, and Mongolia, completed between 2021 and 2022. The report highlights areas of effective cultural heritage practices, while also identifying the need for improvement in certain areas. Chief Executive Kellie Parker emphasized the company's commitment to enhancing cultural heritage management post the Juukan Gorge incident in May 2020. Focus areas for improvement include workforce heritage education and regional cultural expertise access.
Rio Tinto increased its spend with Australian suppliers to over
What is the current stock price of Rio Tinto plc (RIO)?