Robert Half Named one of Forbes' World's Best Employers for 2024

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Robert Half, including its subsidiary Protiviti, has been named one of Forbes' World's Best Employers for 2024. This recognition highlights the company's commitment to creating an exceptional workplace globally. The award celebrates organizations that excel in prioritizing employee well-being, promoting inclusivity, and providing opportunities for professional growth and work-life balance.

The selection process involved an independent survey of over 300,000 participants across 50 countries, who evaluated their companies on various employment factors. M. Keith Waddell, president and CEO of Robert Half, expressed honor at the recognition, emphasizing the company's commitment to creating an extraordinary workplace culture.

Robert Half offers employees flexible work options, benefits, wellness offerings, and employee network groups. The company's 2023 Leading With Integrity Report details its socially responsible business practices and future plans.

Robert Half, inclusa la sua filiale Protiviti, è stata nominata uno dei Migliori Datori di Lavoro al Mondo per il 2024 secondo Forbes. Questo riconoscimento evidenzia l'impegno dell'azienda nella creazione di un ambiente di lavoro eccezionale a livello globale. Il premio celebra le organizzazioni che eccellono nel dare priorità al benessere dei dipendenti, promuovendo l'inclusività e offrendo opportunità per la crescita professionale e per un equilibrio tra vita lavorativa e privata.

Il processo di selezione ha coinvolto un sondaggio indipendente di oltre 300.000 partecipanti in 50 paesi, che hanno valutato le loro aziende su vari fattori occupazionali. M. Keith Waddell, presidente e CEO di Robert Half, ha espresso onore per il riconoscimento, sottolineando l’impegno dell'azienda nella creazione di una cultura lavorativa straordinaria.

Robert Half offre ai dipendenti opzioni di lavoro flessibili, benefici, programmi di benessere e gruppi di rete per i dipendenti. Il Rapporto 2023 Leading With Integrity dell'azienda illustra le sue pratiche aziendali socialmente responsabili e i piani futuri.

Robert Half, incluida su filial Protiviti, ha sido nombrada uno de los Mejores Empleadores del Mundo para 2024 por Forbes. Este reconocimiento resalta el compromiso de la empresa de crear un entorno laboral excepcional a nivel global. El premio celebra a las organizaciones que destacan en priorizar el bienestar de los empleados, promover la inclusividad y ofrecer oportunidades para el crecimiento profesional y el equilibrio entre la vida laboral y personal.

El proceso de selección incluyó una encuesta independiente a más de 300,000 participantes de 50 países, quienes evaluaron sus empresas en diversos factores laborales. M. Keith Waddell, presidente y CEO de Robert Half, expresó su honor por el reconocimiento, enfatizando el compromiso de la empresa de crear una cultura laboral extraordinaria.

Robert Half ofrece a sus empleados opciones de trabajo flexibles, beneficios, programas de bienestar y grupos de red para empleados. El Informe 2023 Leading With Integrity de la empresa detalla sus prácticas empresariales socialmente responsables y planes futuros.

로버트 할프와 그 자회사인 프로티비티가 2024 포브스 세계 최고의 고용주로 선정되었습니다. 이 인정은 전 세계적으로 뛰어난 근무 환경을 조성하려는 회사의 헌신을 강조합니다. 이 상은 직원의 복지를 우선시하고 포용성을 촉진하며, 전문성 성장과 일과 삶의 균형을 위한 기회를 제공하는 조직을 기립니다.

선정 과정은 50개국 300,000명 이상의 참가자를 대상으로 한 독립적인 설문조사를 포함하였습니다. 이들은 다양한 고용 요인에 대해 자신이 근무하는 회사를 평가했습니다. 로버트 할프의 회장이자 CEO인 M. Keith Waddell는 이 인정을 받게 되어 영광이라고 밝혔으며, extraordinary한 근무 문화 조성을 향한 회사의 헌신을 강조했습니다.

로버트 할프는 직원들에게 유연한 근무 옵션, 복리후생, 웰니스 프로그램, 직원 네트워크 그룹을 제공합니다. 2023년 Leading With Integrity 보고서는 회사의 사회적 책임 비즈니스 관행과 향후 계획을 상세히 설명합니다.

Robert Half, y compris sa filiale Protiviti, a été nommé l'un des Meilleurs Employeurs du Monde pour 2024 par Forbes. Cette reconnaissance met en avant l'engagement de l'entreprise à créer un lieu de travail exceptionnel à l'échelle mondiale. Le prix célèbre les organisations qui excellent dans la priorité accordée au bien-être des employés, la promotion de l'inclusivité et la fourniture d'opportunités de développement professionnel et d'équilibre entre vie professionnelle et vie personnelle.

Le processus de sélection a impliqué une enquête indépendante auprès de plus de 300 000 participants dans 50 pays, qui ont évalué leurs entreprises sur divers facteurs liés à l'emploi. M. Keith Waddell, président et PDG de Robert Half, a exprimé son honneur concernant cette reconnaissance, en soulignant l'engagement de l'entreprise à créer une culture de travail extraordinaire.

Robert Half offre à ses employés des options de travail flexibles, des avantages, des programmes de bien-être et des groupes de réseau d'employés. Le rapport 2023 Leading With Integrity de l'entreprise détaille ses pratiques commerciales socialement responsables et ses projets futurs.

Robert Half, einschließlich seiner Tochtergesellschaft Protiviti, wurde zu einem der Weltbesten Arbeitgeber 2024 von Forbes ernannt. Diese Anerkennung hebt das Engagement des Unternehmens hervor, weltweit einen außergewöhnlichen Arbeitsplatz zu schaffen. Die Auszeichnung würdigt Organisationen, die sich hervorheben, indem sie das Wohlbefinden der Mitarbeiter priorisieren, Inklusivität fördern und Möglichkeiten für berufliches Wachstum sowie eine ausgewogene Work-Life-Balance bieten.

Der Auswahlprozess umfasste eine unabhängige Umfrage von über 300.000 Teilnehmern aus 50 Ländern, die ihre Unternehmen nach verschiedenen Beschäftigungsfaktoren bewerteten. M. Keith Waddell, Präsident und CEO von Robert Half, äußerte sich geehrt über die Anerkennung und betonte das Engagement des Unternehmens, eine außergewöhnliche Arbeitsplatzkultur zu schaffen.

Robert Half bietet seinen Mitarbeitern flexible Arbeitsoptionen, Sozialleistungen, Wellness-Angebote und Netzwerke für Mitarbeiter. Der Bericht 2023 Leading With Integrity beschreibt die sozial verantwortlichen Geschäftspraktiken des Unternehmens und seine zukünftigen Pläne.

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MENLO PARK, Calif., Oct. 14, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Global talent solutions and business consulting firm Robert Half (NYSE: RHI), including its subsidiary, Protiviti®, has again been named by Forbes as one of the World's Best Employers 2024. This prestigious recognition highlights Robert Half's commitment to creating an exceptional workplace for its employees across the globe.

Forbes' World's Best Employers awards celebrate global organizations that perform exceptionally well in prioritizing employee well-being, promoting a culture of inclusivity, and providing opportunities for professional growth and work-life balance. Honorees were selected through an independent survey of more than 300,000 participants across 50 different countries who were asked to review their company on various factors of employment.

"We are honored to be recognized as one of the world's best employers," said M. Keith Waddell, president and chief executive officer of Robert Half. "This award is a testament to our ongoing commitment to creating an extraordinary workplace culture where our employees can thrive, innovate and grow their careers. It's their dedication and talent that enables us to deliver outstanding service to our clients and candidates every day."

Robert Half delivers a world-class experience to its employees through flexible work options, benefits and wellness offerings, and employee network groups, as well as resources to help individuals connect, thrive and grow. Its 2023 Leading With Integrity Report provides an in-depth look at the company's socially responsible business practices and plans for the future.

About Robert Half
Robert Half (NYSE: RHI) is the world's first and largest specialized talent solutions and business consulting firm, connecting highly skilled job seekers with rewarding opportunities at great companies. We offer contract talent and permanent placement solutions in the fields of finance and accounting, technology, marketing and creative, legal, and administrative and customer support, and we also provide executive search services. Robert Half is the parent company of Protiviti, a global consulting firm that delivers internal audit, risk, business and technology consulting solutions. In the past 12 months, Robert Half, including Protiviti, has been named one of the Fortune® Most Admired Companies™ and 100 Best Companies to Work For. Explore talent solutions, research and insights at


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What award did Robert Half (RHI) receive in 2024?

Robert Half was named one of Forbes' World's Best Employers for 2024.

How were companies selected for Forbes' World's Best Employers 2024 list?

Companies were selected through an independent survey of over 300,000 participants across 50 countries, who reviewed their employers on various employment factors.

What does Robert Half (RHI) offer its employees?

Robert Half offers flexible work options, benefits, wellness offerings, employee network groups, and resources to help employees connect, thrive, and grow in their careers.

Who is the president and CEO of Robert Half (RHI) in 2024?

M. Keith Waddell is the president and chief executive officer of Robert Half.

What does Robert Half's 2023 Leading With Integrity Report cover?

The 2023 Leading With Integrity Report provides an in-depth look at Robert Half's socially responsible business practices and plans for the future.

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