Robert Half Named a Fortune® World's Most Admired Company™ for 28th Consecutive Year
Robert Half (NYSE: RHI) has been named one of Fortune's 2025 World's Most Admired Companies, marking its 28th consecutive year on the prestigious list. The company stands as the only one in its industry to achieve this long-standing recognition.
The ranking is based on a comprehensive survey of approximately 15,000 senior executives, directors and analysts who evaluate companies across nine key criteria. Companies are assessed on factors including talent attraction and retention, and innovation. The evaluation includes the 1,000 largest U.S. companies by revenue and non-U.S. companies with revenues of $10 billion or more from Fortune's Global 500 database.
President and CEO M. Keith Waddell attributed this recognition to the company's core values, positive workplace culture, and employee dedication. Robert Half's operations are guided by its fundamental principles of integrity, inclusion, innovation and commitment to success, which form the foundation of their service delivery to employees, clients, candidates and communities.
Robert Half (NYSE: RHI) è stata nominata una delle aziende più ammirate al mondo nel 2025 da Fortune, segnando il suo 28° anno consecutivo in questa prestigiosa lista. L'azienda si distingue come l'unica nella sua industria a ottenere questo riconoscimento duraturo.
La classifica si basa su un'indagine completa condotta su circa 15.000 dirigenti senior, direttori e analisti che valutano le aziende su nove criteri chiave. Le aziende vengono valutate in base a fattori quali l'attrazione e la retention dei talenti, e l'innovazione. L'analisi include le 1.000 aziende statunitensi più grandi per fatturato e le aziende non statunitensi con ricavi di 10 miliardi di dollari o più, secondo il database Global 500 di Fortune.
Il presidente e CEO M. Keith Waddell ha attribuito questo riconoscimento ai valori fondamentali dell'azienda, alla sua cultura lavorativa positiva e alla dedizione dei dipendenti. Le operazioni di Robert Half sono guidate dai suoi principi fondamentali di integrità, inclusione, innovazione e impegno per il successo, che formano la base della loro capacità di fornire servizi a dipendenti, clienti, candidati e comunità.
Robert Half (NYSE: RHI) ha sido nombrada una de las empresas más admiradas del mundo en 2025 por Fortune, marcando su 28º año consecutivo en esta prestigiosa lista. La compañía se destaca como la única en su industria en lograr este reconocimiento duradero.
La clasificación se basa en una encuesta integral a aproximadamente 15,000 ejecutivos senior, directores y analistas que evalúan a las empresas en nueve criterios clave. Las empresas son evaluadas en factores como la atracción y retención de talento, y la innovación. La evaluación incluye las 1,000 empresas más grandes de EE. UU. por ingresos y las empresas no estadounidenses con ingresos de 10 mil millones de dólares o más, según la base de datos Global 500 de Fortune.
El presidente y CEO M. Keith Waddell atribuyó este reconocimiento a los valores fundamentales de la empresa, a su cultura laboral positiva y a la dedicación de los empleados. Las operaciones de Robert Half están guiadas por sus principios fundamentales de integridad, inclusión, innovación y compromiso con el éxito, que forman la base de su entrega de servicios a empleados, clientes, candidatos y comunidades.
로버트 반프 (NYSE: RHI)는 포춘의 2025 세계에서 가장 존경받는 기업 중 하나로 선정되었으며, 이는 28년 연속으로 이 prestigiosa 리스트에 올라 있는 것을 의미합니다. 이 회사는 자신의 산업에서 이 오랜 인정을 받은 유일한 기업입니다.
이 순위는 약 15,000명의 고위 경영진, 이사 및 분석가를 대상으로 한 종합 조사에 기반하여, 이들이 아홉 가지 주요 기준을 바탕으로 기업을 평가합니다. 기업들은 인재 유치 및 유지, 혁신 등의 요소를 기준으로 평가됩니다. 이 평가는 매출 기준으로 미국 내 1,000개 대기업과 매출이 100억 달러 이상의 비미국 기업을 포함합니다.
회장 겸 CEO M. Keith Waddell은 이 인정을 회사의 핵심 가치, 긍정적인 직장 문화 및 직원들의 헌신 덕분이라고 설명했습니다. 로버트 반프의 운영은 정직, 포용, 혁신 및 성공에 대한 헌신이라는 기본 원칙에 따라 이끌어지며, 이는 직원, 고객, 후보자 및 지역 사회에 대한 서비스 전달의 기초가 됩니다.
Robert Half (NYSE: RHI) a été nommée l'une des entreprises les plus admirées au monde en 2025 par Fortune, marquant sa 28e année consécutive sur cette liste prestigieuse. L'entreprise se distingue comme la seule dans son secteur à avoir obtenu cette reconnaissance durable.
Ce classement est basé sur une enquête complète menée auprès d'environ 15 000 cadres dirigeants, directeurs et analystes, qui évaluent les entreprises selon neuf critères clés. Les entreprises sont jugées sur des facteurs tels que l'attraction et la rétention des talents, ainsi que l'innovation. L'évaluation comprend les 1 000 plus grandes entreprises américaines par chiffre d'affaires et les entreprises non américaines affichant des revenus de 10 milliards de dollars ou plus, selon la base de données Global 500 de Fortune.
Le président et CEO M. Keith Waddell a attribué cette reconnaissance aux valeurs fondamentales de l'entreprise, à sa culture de travail positive et à l'engagement de ses employés. Les opérations de Robert Half sont guidées par ses principes fondamentaux d'intégrité, d'inclusion, d'innovation et d'engagement envers le succès, qui constituent la base de la qualité de service offerte aux employés, clients, candidats et communautés.
Robert Half (NYSE: RHI) wurde von Fortune als eines der 2025 weltweit am meisten bewunderten Unternehmen ausgezeichnet und feiert damit ihr 28. aufeinanderfolgendes Jahr auf dieser renommierten Liste. Das Unternehmen ist das einzige seiner Branche, das diese langfristige Anerkennung erreicht hat.
Das Ranking basiert auf einer umfassenden Umfrage unter etwa 15.000 Führungskräften, Direktoren und Analysten, die Unternehmen anhand von neun wesentlichen Kriterien bewerten. Unternehmen werden unter anderem auf die Anwerbung und Bindung von Talenten sowie Innovation bewertet. Die Bewertung umfasst die 1.000 größten US-Unternehmen nach Umsatz und Unternehmen außerhalb der USA mit Einnahmen von 10 Milliarden Dollar oder mehr aus Fortune's Global 500-Datenbank.
Präsident und CEO M. Keith Waddell führte diese Anerkennung auf die Grundwerte des Unternehmens, die positive Unternehmenskultur und die Hingabe der Mitarbeiter zurück. Die Geschäftstätigkeit von Robert Half wird durch ihre grundlegenden Prinzipien von Integrität, Inklusion, Innovation und Engagement für den Erfolg geleitet, die die Basis ihrer Dienstleistungserbringung gegenüber Mitarbeitern, Kunden, Kandidaten und Gemeinschaften bilden.
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The World's Most Admired Companies ranking is one of the most prestigious as it is based on a comprehensive survey of approximately 15,000 senior executives, directors and analysts, who evaluate companies across nine key criteria—from the ability to attract and retain talent to innovation. Companies that rank in the top half of their industry are considered the "most admired" in that sector. The rankings include the 1,000 largest
"Being recognized once again as a World's Most Admired Company is a reflection of our core values, positive workplace culture and the unwavering dedication of our employees from across the globe," said M. Keith Waddell, president and chief executive officer of Robert Half. "This honor underscores our commitment to success and highlights our long-standing position as the industry leader."
Robert Half is guided by its core values—integrity, inclusion, innovation and a commitment to success—which serve as the cornerstone for everything the company does to deliver an exceptional experience to its employees, clients, candidates and communities. More information on the organization's many programs and initiatives can be found in Robert Half's 2023 Leading With Integrity: Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Report.
About Robert Half
Robert Half (NYSE: RHI) is the world's first and largest specialized talent solutions and business consulting firm, connecting highly skilled job seekers with rewarding opportunities at great companies. We offer contract talent and permanent placement solutions in the fields of finance and accounting, technology, marketing and creative, legal, and administrative and customer support, and we also provide executive search services. Robert Half is the parent company of Protiviti®, a global consulting firm that delivers internal audit, risk, business and technology consulting solutions. In the past 12 months, Robert Half, including Protiviti, has been named one of Fortune's 100 Best Companies to Work For, one of Forbes' World's Best Employers and a Forbes Best Employer for Diversity. Explore talent solutions, research and insights at
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