Protiviti Named a 2024 Fast Company Best Workplace for Innovators

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(Very Positive)

Protiviti, a global consulting firm, has been named to Fast Company's 2024 Best Workplaces for Innovators list for the third consecutive year. The recognition is based on Protiviti's firmwide focus on innovation, robust in-house innovation program, and development of an advanced AI tool. The company explores multiple employee-submitted use cases annually, developing promising solutions to transform business processes and drive client success.

To support its innovation culture, Protiviti offers employees:

  • Training on human-centered 'design thinking' and generative AI
  • Rotational opportunities in the firm's incubator program
  • Chances to participate in innovation challenges and become global innovation ambassadors
  • Opportunity to apply to the firm's global patent program

Protiviti has also been recognized on the Fortune 100 Best Companies to Work For® list for 10 consecutive years and has received other workplace accolades in 2024.

Protiviti, una società di consulenza globale, è stata nominata per il terzo anno consecutivo nella lista Fast Company's 2024 Best Workplaces for Innovators. Questo riconoscimento si basa sull'impegno dell'azienda verso l'innovazione, su un solido programma interno dedicato all'innovazione e sullo sviluppo di uno strumento avanzato di intelligenza artificiale. L'azienda esamina annualmente molteplici casi d'uso proposti dai dipendenti, sviluppando soluzioni promettenti per trasformare i processi aziendali e guidare il successo dei clienti.

Per supportare la sua cultura dell'innovazione, Protiviti offre ai dipendenti:

  • Formazione su 'design thinking' centrato sull'uomo e intelligenza artificiale generativa
  • Opportunità rotative nel programma di incubazione dell'azienda
  • Possibilità di partecipare a sfide innovative e diventare ambasciatori globali dell'innovazione
  • Opportunità di candidarsi al programma globale di brevetti dell'azienda

Protiviti è stata anche riconosciuta nella lista Fortune 100 Best Companies to Work For® per 10 anni consecutivi e ha ricevuto ulteriori riconoscimenti nel 2024.

Protiviti, una firma de consultoría global, ha sido nombrada por tercer año consecutivo en la lista de Fast Company's 2024 Best Workplaces for Innovators. Este reconocimiento se basa en el enfoque de toda la empresa en la innovación, el sólido programa interno de innovación y el desarrollo de una herramienta avanzada de inteligencia artificial. La compañía explora anualmente múltiples casos de uso propuestos por los empleados, desarrollando soluciones prometedoras para transformar los procesos comerciales y impulsar el éxito del cliente.

Para apoyar su cultura de innovación, Protiviti ofrece a los empleados:

  • Capacitación en 'design thinking' centrado en el ser humano e inteligencia artificial generativa
  • Oportunidades rotativas en el programa de incubación de la firma
  • Oportunidades para participar en desafíos de innovación y convertirse en embajadores globales de la innovación
  • Oportunidad de postularse al programa de patentes global de la firma

Protiviti también ha sido reconocida en la lista de Fortune 100 Best Companies to Work For® durante 10 años consecutivos y ha recibido otros premios laborales en 2024.

프르티비티, 글로벌 컨설팅 회사, 는 Fast Company's 2024 Best Workplaces for Innovators 목록에 3년 연속으로 이름을 올렸습니다. 이 인정은 프르티비티의 혁신에 대한 전사적 집중, 강력한 내부 혁신 프로그램, 고급 AI 도구 개발에 기반하고 있습니다. 이 회사는 매년 직원들이 제출한 다양한 활용 사례를 조사하여 비즈니스 프로세스를 변환하고 고객의 성공을 이끌기 위한 유망한 솔루션을 개발합니다.

프르티비티는 혁신 문화를 지원하기 위해 직원들에게 다음을 제공합니다:

  • 인간 중심의 '디자인 사고' 및 생성적 AI 교육
  • 회사의 인큐베이터 프로그램에서의 순환 기회
  • 혁신 도전에 참여하고 글로벌 혁신 대사가 될 기회
  • 회사의 글로벌 특허 프로그램에 지원할 기회

프르티비티는 또한 Fortune 100 Best Companies to Work For® 목록에 10년 연속으로 이름을 올렸으며 2024년에는 다른 직장 관련 상을 수상했습니다.

Protiviti, une société de conseil mondiale, a été nommée pour la troisième année consécutive dans la liste Fast Company's 2024 Best Workplaces for Innovators. Cette reconnaissance repose sur l'engagement de Protiviti envers l'innovation, un solide programme interne d'innovation et le développement d'un outil d'intelligence artificielle avancé. L'entreprise examine chaque année de nombreux cas d'utilisation soumis par les employés, développant des solutions prometteuses pour transformer les processus commerciaux et favoriser le succès des clients.

Pour soutenir sa culture de l'innovation, Protiviti offre à ses employés :

  • Une formation sur le 'design thinking' centré sur l'humain et l'IA générative
  • Des opportunités de rotation dans le programme d'incubation de l'entreprise
  • Des chances de participer à des défis d'innovation et de devenir des ambassadeurs mondiaux de l'innovation
  • La possibilité de postuler au programme de brevets mondial de l'entreprise

Protiviti a également été reconnue dans la liste Fortune 100 Best Companies to Work For® pendant 10 années consécutives et a reçu d'autres distinctions liées au lieu de travail en 2024.

Protiviti, ein globales Beratungsunternehmen, wurde zum dritten Mal in Folge in die Liste Fast Company's 2024 Best Workplaces for Innovators aufgenommen. Diese Auszeichnung basiert auf dem unternehmensweiten Fokus auf Innovation, einem robusten internen Innovationsprogramm und der Entwicklung eines fortschrittlichen KI-Tools. Das Unternehmen untersucht jährlich zahlreiche von Mitarbeitern eingereichte Anwendungsfälle und entwickelt vielversprechende Lösungen zur Transformation von Geschäftsprozessen und zur Förderung des Kundenerfolgs.

Um eine innovationsfreundliche Kultur zu unterstützen, bietet Protiviti seinen Mitarbeitern:

  • Schulungen zu menschenzentriertem 'Design Thinking' und generativer KI
  • Drehmöglichkeiten im Inkubator-Programm des Unternehmens
  • Möglichkeiten zur Teilnahme an Innovationswettbewerben und zum globalen Innovationsbotschafter zu werden
  • Die Möglichkeit, sich für das globale Patentprogramm des Unternehmens zu bewerben

Protiviti wurde zudem bereits 10 Jahre in Folge in die Liste Fortune 100 Best Companies to Work For® aufgenommen und hat 2024 weitere Arbeitsplatzauszeichnungen erhalten.

  • None.
  • None.

MENLO PARK, Calif., Sept. 16, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Global consulting firm Protiviti has earned a place on the Fast Company 2024 Best Workplaces for Innovators  list, marking the third consecutive year the company has been honored. The annual list recognizes companies from around the globe that foster strong cultures of innovation, empowering their people at all levels to improve processes, create new products and solutions, or invent new ways of doing business.

 Companies named to the list have demonstrated measurable results in their efforts to cultivate internal innovation that generates external impact. Protiviti earned recognition based on its firmwide focus on innovation, robust in-house innovation program and development of an advanced AI tool that has resulted in multiple internal and client-services efficiency gains. Additionally, as part of its commitment to innovation, the firm explores multiple employee-submitted use cases each year, developing the most promising solutions to help transform business processes and drive client success.

"We are excited to be once again recognized by Fast Company as a Best Workplace for Innovators," said Protiviti Chief Operating Officer and Executive Vice President, Global Solutions Cory Gunderson. "We are relentlessly focused on continuing our evolution from being a workplace for innovators to being a most innovative company – one that lives our innovation value and brings innovation everywhere, in all that we deliver for our team members, our clients and our communities. We will continue to focus on and make significant investments in innovation, enabling our employees across geographies to change the way we work and address our clients' most pressing challenges."

To support its innovation culture, Protiviti offers employees training on human-centered "design thinking" and generative AI, along with rotational opportunities within the firm's incubator program where employees collaborate to solve client challenges while gaining valuable skills and earning certifications. Employees can also be involved in Protiviti's innovation initiatives by submitting ideas to the Innovation team, participating in regular internal innovation challenges, becoming a global innovation ambassador and applying to the firm's global patent program, among many others.

"At Protiviti, our focus on innovation was inherently born out of a passion to support our clients' success," said Protiviti Global Innovation Leader Ashley Cuevas. "Innovation has always been foundational to our corporate culture, and we encourage everyone, in all roles and levels, to bring innovation to their daily work. This curiosity and innovation mindset continues to inspire our people to bring to life new business approaches that are creating meaningful results for our clients and our organization."

Submissions for the 2024 Best Workplaces for Innovators were individually evaluated by a team of Fast Company editors and reporters. Finalists were then reviewed by a panel of judges comprised of editors, business leaders and other innovators.

Protiviti has earned a place on the Fortune 100 Best Companies to Work For® list for 10 consecutive years. In 2024, the firm has also been recognized as a Fortune Best Workplace for Consulting & Professional Services™, a Glassdoor Best Place to Work, and by Seramount as a Top Company for Executive Women

About Protiviti   

Protiviti ( is a global consulting firm that delivers deep expertise, objective insights, a tailored approach and unparalleled collaboration to help leaders confidently face the future. Protiviti and its independent and locally owned member firms provide clients with consulting and managed solutions in finance, technology, operations, data, digital, legal, HR, risk and internal audit through a network of more than 90 offices in over 25 countries.  

Named to the Fortune 100 Best Companies to Work For® list for the 10th consecutive year, Protiviti has served more than 80 percent of Fortune 100 and nearly 80 percent of Fortune 500 companies. The firm also works with government agencies and smaller, growing companies, including those looking to go public. Protiviti is a wholly owned subsidiary of Robert Half Inc. (NYSE: RHI).  


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What recognition did Protiviti receive from Fast Company in 2024?

Protiviti was named to Fast Company's 2024 Best Workplaces for Innovators list, marking the third consecutive year the company has received this honor.

How does Protiviti support innovation among its employees?

Protiviti supports innovation by offering training on design thinking and generative AI, providing rotational opportunities in their incubator program, allowing employees to submit ideas and participate in innovation challenges, and offering a global patent program.

What other workplace recognitions has Protiviti received in 2024?

In 2024, Protiviti has been recognized as a Fortune Best Workplace for Consulting & Professional Services, a Glassdoor Best Place to Work, and by Seramount as a Top Company for Executive Women.

How many consecutive years has Protiviti been on the Fortune 100 Best Companies to Work For list?

Protiviti has earned a place on the Fortune 100 Best Companies to Work For® list for 10 consecutive years.

What is the name of Protiviti's Global Innovation Leader mentioned in the press release?

Ashley Cuevas is mentioned as Protiviti's Global Innovation Leader in the press release.

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