More Than Half of U.S. Companies Plan to Add New Positions in the Second Half of 2024

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Robert Half's State of U.S. Hiring Survey reveals 52% of companies plan to add new permanent positions in the second half of 2024, while 57% expect to hire contract workers. Despite a slight decrease from the first half of 2024, hiring intentions remain strong across various specializations. 86% of employers report hiring challenges, including lack of skilled applicants, hiring speed, and meeting salary expectations. To attract talent, companies are offering hybrid work options (41%), flexible hours (41%), and higher starting salaries (38%). The survey highlights the importance of strategic hiring plans and retention strategies in a competitive job market.

Il 52% delle aziende prevede di aggiungere nuove posizioni permanenti nella seconda metà del 2024, secondo il sondaggio sulla situazione occupazionale negli Stati Uniti di Robert Half, mentre il 57% prevede di assumere lavoratori a contratto. Nonostante una leggera diminuzione rispetto alla prima metà del 2024, le intenzioni di assunzione rimangono forti in vari settori. Il 86% dei datori di lavoro riporta difficoltà nell'assumere, inclusa la mancanza di candidati qualificati, la velocità di assunzione e il soddisfacimento delle aspettative salariali. Per attrarre talenti, le aziende offrono opzioni di lavoro ibrido (41%), orari flessibili (41%) e stipendi iniziali più alti (38%). Il sondaggio mette in evidenza l'importanza di piani di assunzione strategici e strategie di fidelizzazione in un mercato del lavoro competitivo.

La encuesta sobre el estado de la contratación en EE. UU. de Robert Half revela que el 52% de las empresas planea añadir nuevos puestos permanentes en la segunda mitad de 2024, mientras que el 57% espera contratar trabajadores temporales. A pesar de una ligera disminución en comparación con la primera mitad de 2024, las intenciones de contratación siguen siendo fuertes en varias especializaciones. El 86% de los empleadores informa sobre desafíos de contratación, incluyendo la falta de solicitantes cualificados, la velocidad de contratación y el cumplimiento de las expectativas salariales. Para atraer talento, las empresas están ofreciendo opciones de trabajo híbrido (41%), horarios flexibles (41%) y salarios iniciales más altos (38%). La encuesta destaca la importancia de los planes de contratación estratégicos y las estrategias de retención en un mercado laboral competitivo.

로버트 하프의 미국 채용 상태 조사에 따르면, 52%의 기업이 2024년 하반기에 새로운 정규직을 추가할 계획이다고 합니다. 그리고 57%는 계약직 근로자를 채용할 것으로 예상하고 있습니다. 2024년 상반기와 비교해 약간의 감소가 있었지만, 다양한 전문 분야에서 채용 의사는 여전히 강하게 유지되고 있습니다. 86%의 고용주가 채용의 어려움을 보고하고 있으며, 이는 숙련된 지원자의 부족, 채용 속도 및 급여 기대치 충족과 관련이 있습니다. 인재를 유치하기 위해 회사들은 하이브리드 근무 옵션(41%), 유연한 근무 시간(41%) 및 더 높은 초봉(38%)을 제공하고 있습니다. 이 조사는 경쟁이 치열한 노동 시장에서 전략적 채용 계획과 유지 전략의 중요성을 강조합니다.

L'enquête sur l'état de l'embauche aux États-Unis de Robert Half révèle que 52% des entreprises prévoient d'ajouter de nouveaux postes permanents dans la seconde moitié de 2024, tandis que 57% s'attendent à embaucher des travailleurs sous contrat. Malgré une légère diminution par rapport à la première moitié de 2024, les intentions d'embauche restent fortes dans divers domaines de spécialisation. 86% des employeurs rapportent des défis en matière d'embauche, y compris le manque de candidats qualifiés, la rapidité de l'embauche et le respect des attentes salariales. Pour attirer des talents, les entreprises offrent des options de travail hybride (41%), des horaires flexibles (41%) et des salaires de départ plus élevés (38%). L'enquête souligne l'importance de plans d'embauche stratégiques et de stratégies de rétention dans un marché du travail compétitif.

Die Umfrage zum Stand der US-Einstellungen von Robert Half zeigt, dass 52% der Unternehmen plant, in der zweiten Hälfte des Jahres 2024 neue unbefristete Stellen hinzuzufügen, während 57% erwarten, Vertragsarbeiter einzustellen. Trotz eines leichten Rückgangs im Vergleich zur ersten Hälfte des Jahres 2024 bleiben die Einstellungsabsichten in verschiedenen Fachrichtungen stark. 86% der Arbeitgeber berichten von Einstellungsproblemen, einschließlich eines Mangels an qualifizierten Bewerbern, der Geschwindigkeit des Einstellungsprozesses und der Erfüllung der Gehaltserwartungen. Um Talente zu gewinnen, bieten Unternehmen hybride Arbeitsoptionen (41%), flexible Arbeitszeiten (41%) und höhere Einstiegsgehälter (38%) an. Die Umfrage hebt die Bedeutung strategischer Einstellungspläne und Bindungsstrategien in einem wettbewerbsintensiven Arbeitsmarkt hervor.

  • 52% of companies plan to add new permanent positions in H2 2024
  • 57% of companies expect to hire contract workers
  • 43% plan to fill vacated positions
  • Hiring intentions remain strong across various specializations
  • 62% of managers are willing to be flexible on years of experience for skilled candidates
  • Companies are offering attractive benefits like hybrid work options and higher starting salaries
  • 86% of employers report hiring challenges
  • Lack of applicants with required skills (48%)
  • Difficulty in hiring quickly enough to land the best talent (48%)
  • Challenges in meeting candidates' salary expectations (48%)
  • 10 percentage point decrease in plans to hire contract professionals compared to H1 2024

The latest Robert Half survey reveals intriguing trends in the U.S. job market for the second half of 2024. With 52% of companies planning to add new permanent positions and 57% looking to increase contract staff, the job market appears robust. However, this represents a slight cooling compared to the first half of the year.

The survey highlights persistent hiring challenges, with 86% of employers reporting difficulties. The top concerns - lack of skilled applicants, speed of hiring and meeting salary expectations - each cited by 48% of respondents, underscore the competitive nature of the current labor market.

Interestingly, 62% of managers are willing to compromise on years of experience if candidates possess the required skills. This flexibility could potentially widen the talent pool and ease some hiring pressures.

The shift towards hybrid work (41%) and flexible hours (41%) as attraction strategies reflects the evolving nature of work post-pandemic. Combined with higher starting salaries (38%), these offerings suggest employers are adapting to meet changing worker expectations.

While the overall hiring outlook remains positive, the slight decrease in hiring intentions compared to the first half of 2024 warrants attention. It could signal a gradual normalization of the job market or potential caution among employers about economic conditions.

The Robert Half survey presents a nuanced picture of the hiring landscape for the latter half of 2024. The continued focus on adding new positions, particularly in Human Resources (56% planning to hire), indicates ongoing organizational growth and the strategic importance of HR functions.

However, the persistent hiring challenges reported by 86% of employers suggest a need for innovative recruitment and retention strategies. The willingness of 62% of managers to be flexible on experience requirements is a positive step towards widening talent pools and addressing skills gaps.

The emphasis on hybrid work models (41%) and flexible hours (41%) as attraction strategies aligns with evolving worker preferences. These offerings, coupled with competitive salaries, will be important in attracting and retaining top talent in a tight labor market.

Dawn Fay's comment on the need for a strategic hiring plan and flexibility is particularly salient. In this competitive landscape, companies must balance aggressive recruitment with robust retention strategies. The reminder not to neglect current employees is critical, as the cost of turnover can be substantial in both financial and productivity terms.

Looking ahead, HR professionals should focus on developing comprehensive talent management strategies that address both acquisition and retention. This may include investing in upskilling programs, enhancing employee experience and refining employer branding to stand out in a crowded market.

  • 52% plan to add new permanent roles; 57% expect to hire contract workers
  • Despite plans to add new positions, hiring challenges persist

MENLO PARK, Calif., July 30, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- New research from talent solutions and business consulting firm Robert Half suggests hiring will keep pace for the remainder of the year. According to the company's State of U.S. Hiring Survey, 52% of companies report plans to add new permanent positions in the second half of the year. Another 43% plan to fill for vacated positions, and 57% said they plan to increase the number of contract professionals on staff, down 10 percentage points from the first half of 2024.

Hiring Plans for Permanent Staff 

First Half 2024 

Second Half 2024

Adding new positions 

57 %

52 %

Filling vacated positions 

39 %

43 %

Not adding new or filling vacated positions 

2 %

4 %

Eliminating positions 

1 %

0 %

Hiring Plans by Specialization

First Half 2024

Second Half 2024

Finance and Accounting

43 %

45 %


69 %

58 %

Marketing and Creative

55 %

48 %


60 %

50 %

Administrative and Customer Support         

47 %

49 %

Human Resources

48 %

56 %

View a breakdown of hiring plans by specialization and city.

Hiring Challenges Persist
According to the survey, the top factors influencing hiring decisions include company growth (57%), employee turnover (47%) and project-based work requiring skilled talent (42%). However, most employers (86%) report hiring challenges, and their major areas of concern include: 

  • Lack of applicants with the required skills (48%)
  • Hiring quickly enough to land the best talent (48%)
  • Meeting candidates' salary expectations (48%)

Given these challenges, nearly two-thirds (62%) of managers said they'd be willing to bend on years of experience if the candidate possessed the skills needed for the open role.

Read more about The Demand for Skilled Talent

"Today's workers are more selective when it comes to making a career move," said Dawn Fay, operational president of Robert Half. "Employers should have a strategic hiring plan in place and remain flexible in order to land in-demand talent and keep projects on track and workloads in check."

Attracting Talent Requires a Strategic Approach
To land the best talent and stand out from the competition, hiring managers are implementing proactive strategies and offering:

  • Hybrid jobs where workers can spend time at home and in-office (41%)
  • Windowed work, allowing teams to work outside of typical business hours (41%)
  • Higher starting salaries (38%)

Fay emphasized, "While hiring remains a priority, employers shouldn't lose sight of their current workforce. Skilled talent is still in high demand, so it's crucial to prioritize retention strategies to keep your best employees on board."

About the Research
The online survey was developed by Robert Half and conducted by an independent research firm in June 2024. It includes responses from more than 2,500 managers with hiring responsibilities in finance and accounting, technology, marketing and creative, legal, administrative and customer support, and human resources at companies with 20 or more employees in the U.S.

About Robert Half
Robert Half (NYSE: RHI) is the world's first and largest specialized talent solutions and business consulting firm, connecting highly skilled job seekers with rewarding opportunities at great companies. We offer contract talent and permanent placement solutions in the fields of finance and accounting, technology, marketing and creative, legal, and administrative and customer support, and we also provide executive search services. Robert Half is the parent company of Protiviti®, a global consulting firm that delivers internal audit, risk, business and technology consulting solutions. In the past 12 months, Robert Half, including Protiviti, has been named one of the Fortune® Most Admired Companies™ and 100 Best Companies to Work For and a Forbes Best Employer for Diversity. Explore talent solutions, research and insights at

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SOURCE Robert Half


What percentage of U.S. companies plan to add new permanent positions in H2 2024 according to Robert Half (RHI)?

According to Robert Half's State of U.S. Hiring Survey, 52% of U.S. companies plan to add new permanent positions in the second half of 2024.

How many companies plan to hire contract workers in H2 2024 based on Robert Half's (RHI) survey?

Based on Robert Half's survey, 57% of companies plan to increase the number of contract professionals on staff in the second half of 2024.

What are the top hiring challenges reported by employers in Robert Half's (RHI) 2024 survey?

The top hiring challenges reported are lack of applicants with required skills (48%), hiring quickly enough to land the best talent (48%), and meeting candidates' salary expectations (48%).

What strategies are companies using to attract talent according to Robert Half's (RHI) 2024 survey?

Companies are offering hybrid jobs (41%), windowed work allowing flexible hours (41%), and higher starting salaries (38%) to attract talent.

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