Roche closes acquisition of LumiraDx’s Point of Care technology to expand access to diagnostic testing in primary care

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Roche has completed the acquisition of LumiraDx's Point of Care technology, following all required clearances. This acquisition enhances Roche's diagnostics portfolio with a multi-assay platform that consolidates various tests on a single instrument. The integration aims to expand global access to decentralised diagnostic testing, particularly in primary care and low/middle-income countries.

Key points:

  • LumiraDx's technology complements Roche's offerings across multiple disease areas
  • The platform allows for future expansion into molecular testing
  • Roche will continue partnering with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to develop a rapid point-of-care molecular tuberculosis test
  • The acquisition addresses the global need for accessible diagnostics, particularly in underserved areas

Roche ha completato l'acquisizione della tecnologia Point of Care di LumiraDx, dopo aver ottenuto tutte le autorizzazioni necessarie. Questa acquisizione arricchisce il portafoglio diagnostico di Roche con una piattaforma multi-test che consolida vari test su un unico strumento. L'integrazione mira a espandere l'accesso globale ai test diagnostici decentralizzati, in particolare nell'assistenza primaria e nei paesi a basso/medio reddito.

Punti chiave:

  • La tecnologia di LumiraDx completa l'offerta di Roche in diversi ambiti patologici
  • La piattaforma consente future espansioni nel testing molecolare
  • Roche continuerà a collaborare con la Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation per sviluppare un test molecolare rapido per la tubercolosi Point-of-Care
  • L'acquisizione risponde alla necessità globale di diagnosi accessibili, in particolare nelle aree sottoservite

Roche ha completado la adquisición de la tecnología Point of Care de LumiraDx, tras obtener todas las autorizaciones requeridas. Esta adquisición enriquece el portafolio de diagnósticos de Roche con una plataforma de múltiples pruebas que consolida diversas pruebas en un solo instrumento. La integración tiene como objetivo ampliar el acceso global a pruebas diagnósticas descentralizadas, especialmente en atención primaria y en países de ingresos bajos y medianos.

Puntos clave:

  • La tecnología de LumiraDx complementa la oferta de Roche en diversas áreas de enfermedades
  • La plataforma permite una futura expansión en pruebas moleculares
  • Roche continuará colaborando con la Fundación Bill y Melinda Gates para desarrollar una prueba rápida molecular para la tuberculosis Point-of-Care
  • La adquisición aborda la necesidad global de diagnósticos accesibles, especialmente en áreas desatendidas

로슈는 루미라Dx의 포인트 오브 케어 기술 인수를 완료했습니다, 필요한 모든 승인을 받은 후. 이번 인수로 로슈의 진단 포트폴리오가 다중 검사 플랫폼으로 강화되어 여러 검사를 하나의 기기로 통합합니다. 통합의 목표는 분산 진단 테스트에 대한 글로벌 접근성을 확대하는 것이며, 특히 1차 진료와 저소득/중간소득 국가에서입니다.

주요 사항:

  • 루미라Dx의 기술은 여러 질병 분야에서 로슈의 제품을 보완합니다
  • 이 플랫폼은 분자 검사로의 향후 확장을 가능하게 합니다
  • 로슈는 Bill & Melinda Gates 재단과 협력하여 신속한 포인트 오브 케어 분자 결핵 검사를 개발할 것입니다
  • 이번 인수는 특히 서비스가 부족한 지역에서 접근 가능한 진단의 글로벌 필요성을 해결합니다

Roche a achevé l'acquisition de la technologie Point of Care de LumiraDx, après avoir obtenu toutes les autorisations requises. Cette acquisition renforce le portefeuille de diagnostic de Roche avec une plateforme multi-test qui consolide divers tests sur un seul instrument. L'intégration vise à élargir l'accès mondial aux tests diagnostiques décentralisés, en particulier dans les soins primaires et les pays à revenu faible ou intermédiaire.

Points clés :

  • La technologie de LumiraDx complète les offres de Roche dans plusieurs domaines thérapeutiques
  • La plateforme permet une future expansion vers les tests moléculaires
  • Roche continuera de s'associer à la Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation pour développer un test moléculaire rapide au point de soin pour la tuberculose
  • L'acquisition répond à la nécessité mondiale de diagnostics accessibles, notamment dans les zones mal desservies

Roche hat die Übernahme der Point-of-Care-Technologie von LumiraDx abgeschlossen, nachdem alle erforderlichen Genehmigungen erteilt wurden. Diese Übernahme verbessert das Diagnostikportfolio von Roche mit einer Multi-Test-Plattform, die verschiedene Tests auf einem einzigen Gerät konsolidiert. Das Ziel der Integration ist es, den globalen Zugang zu dezentralisierten Diagnosetests zu erweitern, insbesondere in der Primärversorgung und in einkommensschwachen/mittleren Ländern.

Wichtige Punkte:

  • Die Technologie von LumiraDx ergänzt das Angebot von Roche in mehreren Krankheitsbereichen
  • Die Plattform ermöglicht eine zukünftige Expansion in molekulare Tests
  • Roche wird weiterhin mit der Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation zusammenarbeiten, um einen schnellen Point-of-Care-Test für molekulareTuberkulose zu entwickeln
  • Die Übernahme begegnet dem globalen Bedarf an zugänglichen Diagnosetests, insbesondere in unterversorgten Gebieten
  • Expansion of Roche's diagnostics portfolio with LumiraDx's multi-assay point of care platform
  • Potential to increase market presence in primary care and low/middle-income countries
  • Future expansion possibilities into molecular testing
  • Continued partnership with Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation for tuberculosis test development
  • None.
  • The acquisition of LumiraDx’s Point of Care technology received all required antitrust and regulatory clearances.
  • LumiraDx’s transformative Point of Care solution will complement Roche’s diagnostics portfolio across Clinical Chemistry, Immunochemistry, Coagulation and Molecular, and across multiple disease areas.
  • By integrating LumiraDx, Roche will further its ambition to deliver decentralised solutions that expand global access to testing in primary care settings worldwide.

Basel, 29 July 2024 - Roche (SIX: RO, ROG; OTCQX: RHHBY) announced today the completion of the acquisition of LumiraDx’s Point of Care technology, following the receipt of all required antitrust and regulatory clearances. Roche will now embark on the full integration of the company’s innovative multi-assay point of care platform and the related R&D, operational and commercial sites into its global organisation.

Through this acquisition, Roche complements its diagnostics portfolio with a simple-to-use platform that consolidates a wide range of immunoassay and clinical chemistry tests on a single instrument, with the future potential to expand into molecular testing. The innovative solution will allow Roche to further expand its offering in decentralised patient care, and drive global access to timely and actionable diagnostic results.

“Access to diagnostic testing is critical for the delivery of healthcare worldwide and we are confident that the LumiraDx platform and technology will help us expand the availability of testing, especially in settings such as primary care and low and middle income countries,” said Matt Sause, CEO of Roche Diagnostics.

Veronique Ameye, Chief Executive Officer of LumiraDx, added: “We are absolutely delighted to continue our journey as part of Roche Diagnostics. Being an integral part of the Roche network opens the door to realising the full potential of our Point of Care technology, and to increasing patient access to community-based healthcare around the world. We look forward to writing the next chapter in our shared efforts to deliver even greater impact for patients.”

Roche announced the signing of its agreement to acquire LumiraDx’s Point of Care technology at the end of 2023. 

Continued Partnership with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
As part of the acquisition, Roche will continue to partner with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation on the further expansion of the platform’s molecular diagnostic capabilities through the development of an innovative and rapid point of care molecular tuberculosis test. Today, we are still facing an estimated gap of more than 4 million people worldwide whose tuberculosis remains undiagnosed - and as a consequence, untreated.1 With a lower-cost solution that is ideally suited to providing diagnostics at the point of care in remote settings, this test aims to enable better tuberculosis detection and treatment to achieve global epidemic control targets.

About Roche
Founded in 1896 in Basel, Switzerland, as one of the first industrial manufacturers of branded medicines, Roche has grown into the world’s largest biotechnology company and the global leader in in-vitro diagnostics. The company pursues scientific excellence to discover and develop medicines and diagnostics for improving and saving the lives of people around the world. We are a pioneer in personalised healthcare and want to further transform how healthcare is delivered to have an even greater impact. To provide the best care for each person we partner with many stakeholders and combine our strengths in Diagnostics and Pharma with data insights from the clinical practice.

In recognising our endeavour to pursue a long-term perspective in all we do, Roche has been named one of the most sustainable companies in the pharmaceuticals industry by the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices for the fifteenth consecutive year. This distinction also reflects our efforts to improve access to healthcare together with local partners in every country we work.

Genentech, in the United States, is a wholly owned member of the Roche Group. Roche is the majority shareholder in Chugai Pharmaceutical, Japan.

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All trademarks used or mentioned in this release are protected by law.

[1] World Health Organization (WHO) Global Tuberculosis Report 2022. Accessed 30 May 2024.

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What is the significance of Roche's acquisition of LumiraDx's Point of Care technology?

The acquisition allows Roche (RHHBY) to expand its diagnostics portfolio, particularly in decentralized patient care. It adds a multi-assay platform that can perform various tests on a single instrument, potentially increasing access to diagnostic testing in primary care settings and low/middle-income countries.

How will the LumiraDx acquisition impact Roche's (RHHBY) market position?

The acquisition is expected to strengthen Roche's position in the point-of-care diagnostics market. It complements Roche's existing portfolio across Clinical Chemistry, Immunochemistry, Coagulation, and Molecular diagnostics, potentially expanding their market reach, especially in primary care settings.

What are the future plans for the LumiraDx platform under Roche (RHHBY)?

Roche plans to fully integrate LumiraDx's platform, R&D, and operations into its global organization. There are plans to expand the platform's capabilities into molecular testing. Additionally, Roche will continue partnering with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to develop a rapid point-of-care molecular tuberculosis test.

How does the LumiraDx acquisition align with Roche's (RHHBY) global healthcare strategy?

The acquisition aligns with Roche's ambition to deliver decentralized diagnostic solutions and expand global access to testing. It particularly focuses on improving diagnostic capabilities in primary care settings worldwide and in low and middle-income countries, addressing the need for timely and actionable diagnostic results.



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