Regenx Addresses Effects of Hurricane Helene
Regenx Tech Corp. (TSXV: RGX) (OTCQB: RGXTF) has reported on the effects of Hurricane Helene on its operations. CEO Don Weatherbee confirmed that the company's facility suffered no damage and all employees are safe. However, the Regenx Module One facility in Greene County has been impacted by severe flooding, rated as a 1 in 1,000-year event.
The local water intake structure was damaged, resulting in a complete shutdown of water supply to the area. Regenx's facility cannot operate without water access, and local officials expect water service to resume next week. The company will provide updates on the restart of operations as more information becomes available.
Regenx Tech Corp. (TSXV: RGX) (OTCQB: RGXTF) ha comunicato gli effetti dell'uragano Helene sulle proprie operazioni. Il CEO Don Weatherbee ha confermato che l'impianto dell'azienda non ha subito danni e tutti i dipendenti sono al sicuro. Tuttavia, l'impianto Regenx Module One nella contea di Greene ha subito gravi allagamenti, classificati come un evento raro, con una probabilità di occorrenza di 1 su 1.000 anni.
La struttura locale di assunzione dell'acqua è stata danneggiata, causando una completa sospensione della fornitura d'acqua nell'area. L'impianto di Regenx non può operare senza accesso all'acqua, e le autorità locali prevedono che il servizio idrico riprendrà la prossima settimana. L'azienda fornirà aggiornamenti sul riavvio delle operazioni non appena saranno disponibili ulteriori informazioni.
Regenx Tech Corp. (TSXV: RGX) (OTCQB: RGXTF) ha informado sobre los efectos del huracán Helene en sus operaciones. El CEO Don Weatherbee confirmó que las instalaciones de la empresa no sufrieron daños y que todos los empleados están a salvo. Sin embargo, la instalación Regenx Module One en el condado de Greene ha sido afectada por inundaciones severas, calificadas como un evento de 1 en 1.000 años.
La estructura local de captación de agua fue dañada, lo que resultó en un cierre total del suministro de agua en la zona. Las instalaciones de Regenx no pueden operar sin acceso al agua, y los funcionarios locales esperan que el servicio de agua se reanude la próxima semana. La empresa proporcionará actualizaciones sobre el reinicio de las operaciones a medida que se disponga de más información.
Regenx Tech Corp. (TSXV: RGX) (OTCQB: RGXTF)는 허리케인 헬렌이 자사 운영에 미친 영향을 보고했습니다. CEO 돈 웨더비는 회사의 시설이 손상되지 않았고 모든 직원이 안전하다고 확인했습니다. 그러나 그린 카운티에 있는 Regenx Module One 시설은 1,000년 중 1의 확률로 치유된 심각한 홍수에 영향을 받았습니다.
지역 물 취수 구조가 손상되어 해당 지역의 물 공급이 완전히 중단되었습니다. Regenx의 시설은 물 접근 없이는 운영할 수 없습니다. 지역 관계자는 다음 주에 물 서비스가 재개될 것으로 예상합니다. 회사는 더 많은 정보가 제공되는 대로 운영 재개에 대한 업데이트를 제공할 것입니다.
Regenx Tech Corp. (TSXV: RGX) (OTCQB: RGXTF) a rapporté sur les effets de l'ouragan Helene sur ses opérations. Le PDG Don Weatherbee a confirmé que l'installation de l'entreprise n'a subi aucun dommage et que tous les employés sont en sécurité. Cependant, l'installation Regenx Module One dans le comté de Greene a été impactée par de graves inondations, qualifiées d'événement d'une fois tous les 1.000 ans.
La structure locale de captage d'eau a été endommagée, entraînant une interruption complète de l'approvisionnement en eau dans la région. L'installation de Regenx ne peut pas fonctionner sans accès à l'eau, et les responsables locaux s'attendent à ce que le service de l'eau reprenne la semaine prochaine. L'entreprise fournira des mises à jour sur le redémarrage des opérations dès que de nouvelles informations seront disponibles.
Regenx Tech Corp. (TSXV: RGX) (OTCQB: RGXTF) hat über die Auswirkungen von Hurrikan Helene auf seine Betriebe berichtet. CEO Don Weatherbee bestätigte, dass die Einrichtung des Unternehmens keinen Schaden genommen hat und alle Mitarbeiter in Sicherheit sind. Die Regenx Module One-Anlage im Greene County wurde jedoch von schweren Überschwemmungen betroffen, die als 1 zu 1.000 Jahre eingestuft wurden.
Die lokale Wasserentnahmestruktur wurde beschädigt, was zu einem vollständigen Stopp der Wasserversorgung in der Umgebung führte. Die Regenx-Anlage kann ohne Wasserzugang nicht betrieben werden, und die örtlichen Behörden erwarten, dass die Wasserversorgung nächste Woche wiederhergestellt wird. Das Unternehmen wird Updates zum Neustart der Betriebsabläufe bereitstellen, sobald weitere Informationen verfügbar sind.
- Regenx facility suffered no damage from Hurricane Helene
- All employees are reported safe
- Facility operations halted due to lack of water supply
- Uncertain timeline for resumption of water service and facility operations
EDMONTON, Alberta, Oct. 02, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Regenx Tech Corp., (the "Company" or "Regenx") (TSXV: RGX) (OTCQB: RGXTF) (FSE: YRS WKN: A2DSW3) provides details on the effect to the Company of Hurricane Helene.
Don Weatherbee, CEO of Regenx stated that “We are pleased to report that the Regenx facility suffered no damage, and all our employees are safe. Our sympathies go out to everyone in the area that did incur losses caused by Hurricane Helene.”
On September 27, 2024, Greene County where the Regenx Module One facility is located was severely impacted by flooding created by the rain event associated with Hurricane Helene. The level of rain was rated as a 1 in 1,000-year event and created substantial damage to property and infrastructure in the area.
Area infrastructure damage included the water intake structure for the Greeneville Water Commission resulting in water supply to the area being completely shut off. Local government is in the process of making repairs but until this is completed the Regenx facility will be without access to a supply of water. Although officials are still in the process of implementing their recovery plans, they expect water service not to resume until next week.
Until water service is resumed Regenx will not be able to operate its facility. As the Company receives additional information it will provide an update on the restart of operations.
About Regenx
Regenx is positioned for growth in the Clean Tech sector through the development and commercialization of its environmentally friendly processing technologies for the recovery of precious metals. Initial focus is the extraction of platinum and palladium from diesel catalytic converters. For further information visit:
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