IIS Announces 2024 RGA Leaders of Tomorrow Finalists: Industry’s Rising Stars Address Leadership, Financial Literacy, and the Protection Gap

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The International Insurance Society (IIS) has announced the finalists for the 2024 RGA Leaders of Tomorrow award, recognizing exceptional leadership potential in the insurance industry. The three finalists are:

  • Annie Nhat Anh Tran (MSIG Asia): Exploring courageous leadership in emerging markets
  • Beth Carter (Protective Life Insurance): Highlighting benefits of improving financial literacy
  • Kyeonghwa Kim (RGA): Examining innovation opportunities for the protection gap in aging societies

The finalists will participate in a panel session at the IIS Global Insurance Forum on Nov. 18 in Miami, where the winner will be announced. This marks the 10-year anniversary of the RGA-sponsored mentorship program, which has nurtured 86 participants from 17 countries since its inception.

La International Insurance Society (IIS) ha annunciato i finalisti per il premio RGA Leaders of Tomorrow 2024, riconoscendo il potenziale di leadership eccezionale nel settore assicurativo. I tre finalisti sono:

  • Annie Nhat Anh Tran (MSIG Asia): Esplorare una leadership coraggiosa nei mercati emergenti
  • Beth Carter (Protective Life Insurance): Sottolineare i benefici del miglioramento della alfabetizzazione finanziaria
  • Kyeonghwa Kim (RGA): Esaminare le opportunità di innovazione per colmare il gap di protezione nelle società in invecchiamento

I finalisti parteciperanno a una sessione panel durante il IIS Global Insurance Forum il 18 novembre a Miami, dove verrà annunciato il vincitore. Questo segna il decimo anniversario del programma di mentorship sponsorizzato da RGA, che ha sostenuto 86 partecipanti provenienti da 17 paesi dalla sua creazione.

La Sociedad Internacional de Seguros (IIS) ha anunciado a los finalistas para el premio RGA Líderes del Mañana 2024, reconociendo un potencial excepcional de liderazgo en la industria de seguros. Los tres finalistas son:

  • Annie Nhat Anh Tran (MSIG Asia): Explorando el liderazgo valiente en mercados emergentes
  • Beth Carter (Protective Life Insurance): Destacando los beneficios de mejorar la alfabetización financiera
  • Kyeonghwa Kim (RGA): Examinando oportunidades de innovación para cerrar la brecha de protección en sociedades envejecidas

Los finalistas participarán en una sesión de panel en el IIS Global Insurance Forum el 18 de noviembre en Miami, donde se anunciará al ganador. Esto marca el décimo aniversario del programa de mentoría patrocinado por RGA, que ha apoyado a 86 participantes de 17 países desde su inicio.

국제보험협회(IIS)가 보험업계에서 뛰어난 리더십 잠재력을 인정받아 2024 RGA 내일의 리더상의 최종 후보를 발표했습니다. 세 명의 최종 후보자는 다음과 같습니다:

  • Annie Nhat Anh Tran (MSIG Asia): 신흥 시장에서 용기 있는 리더십 탐구
  • Beth Carter (Protective Life Insurance): 재정 교육 개선의 이점 강조
  • Kyeonghwa Kim (RGA): 노인 사회에서 보호의 격차를 위한 혁신 기회 조사

최종 후보자들은 11월 18일 마이애미에서 열리는 IIS 글로벌 보험 포럼에서 패널 세션에 참여하여 수상자가 발표될 예정입니다. 이는 RGA 후원 멘토십 프로그램이 시작된 이래 17개국에서 86명의 참가자를 육성한 10주년 기념일을 의미합니다.

La Société Internationale d'Assurance (IIS) a annoncé les finalistes pour le prix RGA Leaders of Tomorrow 2024, reconnaissant un potentiel exceptionnel de leadership dans l'industrie de l'assurance. Les trois finalistes sont :

  • Annie Nhat Anh Tran (MSIG Asia) : Explorer le leadership courageux sur les marchés émergents
  • Beth Carter (Protective Life Insurance) : Mettre en avant les bénéfices de l'amélioration de l'éducation financière
  • Kyeonghwa Kim (RGA) : Examiner les opportunités d'innovation pour combler le fossé de protection dans les sociétés vieillissantes

Les finalistes participeront à une session de panel lors du IIS Global Insurance Forum le 18 novembre à Miami, où le gagnant sera annoncé. Cela marque le dixième anniversaire du programme de mentorat sponsorisé par RGA, qui a soutenu 86 participants de 17 pays depuis sa création.

Die International Insurance Society (IIS) hat die Finalisten für den RGA Leaders of Tomorrow Award 2024 bekannt gegeben, um außergewöhnliches Führungspotenzial in der Versicherungsbranche zu würdigen. Die drei Finalisten sind:

  • Annie Nhat Anh Tran (MSIG Asia): Erforschung mutiger Führung in aufstrebenden Märkten
  • Beth Carter (Protective Life Insurance): Hervorhebung der Vorteile der Verbesserung der finanziellen Bildung
  • Kyeonghwa Kim (RGA): Untersuchung von Innovationsmöglichkeiten zur Schließung der Schutzlücke in alternden Gesellschaften

Die Finalisten werden an einer Panelsitzung beim IIS Global Insurance Forum am 18. November in Miami teilnehmen, wo der Gewinner bekannt gegeben wird. Dies markiert das zehnjährige Jubiläum des von RGA unterstützten Mentoring-Programms, das seit seiner Gründung 86 Teilnehmer aus 17 Ländern gefördert hat.

  • Recognition of emerging industry leaders through the RGA Leaders of Tomorrow program
  • 10-year anniversary of the mentorship program, demonstrating long-term commitment to industry development
  • Global reach with 86 participants from 17 countries over the program's history
  • None.

NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- The International Insurance Society (IIS) has announced the finalists for the 2024 RGA Leaders of Tomorrow award, representing a global cohort of mentees who have demonstrated exceptional leadership potential.

Mentees authored original research on critical topics affecting the insurance and risk management sectors. A panel of seasoned insurance executives evaluated the mentees’ work, recognizing those who presented the most practical and innovative solutions.

The 2024 finalists are as follows:

  • Annie Nhat Anh Tran, MSIG Asia. Tran’s research explores how courageous leadership is the key to unlocking growth in emerging markets.
  • Kyeonghwa Kim, RGA. Kim examines opportunities for innovation that address the protection gap in aging societies.

While all mentees in the RGA Leaders of Tomorrow program are considered promising future leaders, the three finalists will participate in a special panel session at the IIS Global Insurance Forum on Nov. 18 in Miami. One finalist will be named the 2024 RGA Leaders of Tomorrow award winner at the event.

Reinsurance Group of America, Incorporated (RGA), a leading global life and health reinsurer, is a 2024 Global Insurance Forum Gold Partner and the sponsor of the RGA Leaders of Tomorrow. This year marks the 10-year anniversary of the mentorship program, which is designed to nurture and inspire the next generation of insurance professionals who have demonstrated executive leadership potential.

“For the past decade, the RGA Leaders of Tomorrow program has recognized exceptional individuals who are shaping the future of our industry with their innovative thinking,” said Josh Landau, President of IIS. He added, "We value our long-standing partnership with RGA and applaud their commitment to fostering leadership that sets the stage for a more sustainable future.”

Since its inception 10 years ago, the RGA Leaders of Tomorrow program has mentored 86 participants from 17 countries. Past participants continue to drive the industry forward as changemakers who are making significant contributions to solving global challenges, driving innovation, and fostering inclusive growth.

The 2024 RGA Leaders of Tomorrow papers, addressing a range of critical insurance issues, can be accessed here.

The Global Insurance Forum runs Nov. 17-19 at the Hyatt Regency Miami. This year’s event marks the 60th installment and celebrates the 10-year anniversary of the RGA Leaders of Tomorrow program. In addition to recognizing the RGA Leaders of Tomorrow, the agenda will offer insights from 40-plus insurance executives and thought leaders on the theme of the “Illuminating Insurance Innovation.” Panel discussions include “Accelerating Investment Towards Energy Transformation,” “Cyber Risk: Safeguarding in a Tech-Dominated Era,” and “Visualizing the Future of Insurance.”

For more information on the Global Insurance Forum and to register, visit

About International Insurance Society

IIS is a diverse and inclusive platform for all stakeholders of the global insurance and risk management community, providing knowledge, research, thought leadership and connectivity to support the betterment of society. Founded in 1965, IIS is a global 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization dedicated to connecting and empowering the world's insurance leaders. Through forums, programs, and research, the IIS fosters collaboration and innovation within the industry. IIS is an affiliate of The Institutes.

About The Institutes

The Institutes are a global not-for-profit comprised of diverse affiliates that educate, elevate, and connect people in the essential disciplines of risk management and insurance. Through products and services offered by The Institutes’ nearly 20 affiliated business units, people and organizations are empowered to help those in need with a focus on understanding, predicting, and preventing losses to create a more resilient world.

About RGA

Reinsurance Group of America, Incorporated (NYSE: RGA) is a global industry leader specializing in life and health reinsurance and financial solutions that help clients effectively manage risk and optimize capital. Founded in 1973, RGA is today one of the world’s largest and most respected reinsurers and remains guided by a powerful purpose: to make financial protection accessible to all. As a global capabilities and solutions leader, RGA empowers partners through bold innovation, relentless execution, and dedicated client focus — all directed toward creating sustainable long-term value. RGA has approximately $3.8 trillion of life reinsurance in force and assets of $109.9 billion as of June 30, 2024. To learn more about RGA and its businesses, please visit or follow RGA on LinkedIn and Facebook. Investors can learn more at

Media Contact:

Colleen McKenna Tucker

Executive Director International Insurance Society

+1 212 277 5164

Source: International Insurance Society


Who are the finalists for the 2024 RGA Leaders of Tomorrow award?

The finalists are Annie Nhat Anh Tran from MSIG Asia, Beth Carter from Protective Life Insurance, and Kyeonghwa Kim from RGA.

What topics did the 2024 RGA Leaders of Tomorrow finalists research?

The finalists researched courageous leadership in emerging markets, benefits of improving financial literacy, and innovation opportunities for the protection gap in aging societies.

When and where will the 2024 RGA Leaders of Tomorrow award winner be announced?

The winner will be announced at the IIS Global Insurance Forum on November 18 in Miami.

How many participants has the RGA Leaders of Tomorrow program mentored since its inception?

The program has mentored 86 participants from 17 countries over the past 10 years.

Reinsurance Group of America, Incorporated


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