Refined Energy Corp. Identifies Uranium Drill Targets at Dufferin West in the Athabasca Basin
Refined Energy Corp. (CSE: RUU; OTC: RFMCF; FRA: CWA0) has completed the review of historical geophysical survey data at the Dufferin West Property in the Athabasca Basin, identifying three priority uranium drill targets. Using archived VTEM and magnetic data, Condor Consulting Inc. pinpointed these targets, focusing on the southeast of the property adjacent to the Virgin River Shear Zone.
The highest priority target includes two conductors, one extending from the unconformity at the sandstone contact into the basement rocks and another to a lesser extent. This target has not been drill tested and is estimated to have sandstone cover at less than 200m depth. The other two targets also show conductors with magnetic features.
Refined Energy is planning a drill program for the highest priority target area. CEO Mark Fields expressed optimism about the results, highlighting the project's proximity to uranium-rich faults and the potential for high-grade deposits. Refined holds an exclusive option to acquire 75% from Eagle Plains Resources The Dufferin Project, comprising 10,140ha, is located near Cameco’s Centennial Deposit.
Qualified Person C. C. Downie, P.Geo., has reviewed and approved the technical disclosure.
Refined Energy Corp. (CSE: RUU; OTC: RFMCF; FRA: CWA0) ha completato la revisione dei dati storici del sondaggio geofisico presso la proprietà Dufferin West nell'Athabasca Basin, identificando tre obiettivi prioritari per gli interventi di perforazione dell'uranio. Utilizzando dati VTEM e magnetici archiviati, Condor Consulting Inc. ha individuato questi obiettivi, concentrandosi sulla parte sud-est della proprietà adiacente alla Virgin River Shear Zone.
L'obiettivo di massima priorità include due conduttori, uno dei quali si estende dall'incongruenza al contatto con la arenaria fino alle rocce sottostanti e un altro in misura minore. Questo obiettivo non è stato testato tramite perforazione ed è stimato avere uno strato di arenaria a meno di 200 m di profondità. Gli altri due obiettivi mostrano anch'essi conduttori con caratteristiche magnetiche.
Refined Energy sta pianificando un programma di perforazione per l'area dell'obiettivo di massima priorità. Il CEO Mark Fields ha espresso ottimismo riguardo ai risultati, evidenziando la vicinanza del progetto a faglie ricche di uranio e il potenziale per depositi di alta qualità. Refined detiene un'opzione esclusiva per acquisire il 75% da Eagle Plains Resources. Il Dufferin Project, che comprende 10.140 ha, si trova nelle vicinanze del deposito Centennial di Cameco.
La persona qualificata C. C. Downie, P.Geo., ha revisionato e approvato la divulgazione tecnica.
Refined Energy Corp. (CSE: RUU; OTC: RFMCF; FRA: CWA0) ha completado la revisión de los datos de encuestas geofísicas históricas en la propiedad Dufferin West en la Cuenca de Athabasca, identificando tres objetivos prioritarios para perforación de uranio. Utilizando datos archivados de VTEM y magnéticos, Condor Consulting Inc. ha localizado estos objetivos, enfocándose en el sureste de la propiedad adyacente a la Zona de Cizalla del Río Virgen.
El objetivo de mayor prioridad incluye dos conductores, uno que se extiende desde la inconformidad en el contacto con la arenisca hacia las rocas de fondo y otro en menor medida. Este objetivo no ha sido probado con perforación y se estima que tiene una cobertura de arenisca a menos de 200 m de profundidad. Los otros dos objetivos también muestran conductores con características magnéticas.
Refined Energy está planificando un programa de perforación para el área del objetivo de mayor prioridad. El CEO Mark Fields expresó optimismo sobre los resultados, destacando la proximidad del proyecto a fallas ricas en uranio y el potencial para depósitos de alta calidad. Refined tiene una opción exclusiva para adquirir el 75% de Eagle Plains Resources. El Dufferin Project, que comprende 10,140 ha, se encuentra cerca del depósito Centennial de Cameco.
La persona calificada C. C. Downie, P.Geo., ha revisado y aprobado la divulgación técnica.
Refined Energy Corp. (CSE: RUU; OTC: RFMCF; FRA: CWA0)가 아타바스카 분지의 더퍼린 웨스트 부동산에 대한 역사적 지구물리학 조사 데이터 검토를 완료하고 3개의 우선 우라늄 시추 목표를 확인했습니다. 보관된 VTEM 및 자율 데이터를 사용하여, Condor Consulting Inc.는 Virgin River Shear Zone 옆 부동산의 남동쪽에 초점을 맞춰 이러한 목표를 지적했습니다.
가장 높은 우선순위를 가진 목표에는 두 개의 전도체가 포함되어 있으며, 하나는 사암 접촉에서 비부정합부로 뻗어 있으며, 다른 하나는 상대적으로 약합니다. 이 목표는 시추 테스트가 이루어지지 않았으며, 사암 덮개가 200m 미만의 깊이에 있을 것으로 예상됩니다. 다른 두 목표들도 자성 특성을 가진 전도체를 보여줍니다.
Refined Energy는 가장 높은 우선권 목표 지역에 대한 시추 프로그램을 계획하고 있습니다. CEO Mark Fields는 우라늄이 풍부한 단층과 고급 매장량의 잠재력에 대한 프로젝트의 근접성을 강조하며 결과에 대한 낙관적인 태도를 보였습니다. Refined는 Eagle Plains Resources로부터 75%를 인수할 독점 옵션을 보유하고 있습니다. Dufferin 프로젝트는 10,140헥타르 규모이며 Cameco의 Centennial Deposit 근처에 위치해 있습니다.
자격을 갖춘 C. C. Downie, P.Geo. 가 기술 공개를 검토하고 승인했습니다.
Refined Energy Corp. (CSE: RUU; OTC: RFMCF; FRA: CWA0) a terminé l'examen des données historiques des sondages géophysiques sur la propriété Dufferin West dans le bassin d'Athabasca, identifiant trois cibles de forage d'uranium prioritaires. En utilisant des données VTEM et magnétiques archivées, Condor Consulting Inc. a localisé ces cibles, en se concentrant sur le sud-est de la propriété, adjacent à la Virgin River Shear Zone.
La cible de la plus haute priorité comprend deux conducteurs, l'un s'étendant de l'inconformité au contact des grès vers les roches de fond, et un autre dans une moindre mesure. Cette cible n'a pas été testée par forage et il est estimé qu'elle dispose d'une couverture de grès à moins de 200 m de profondeur. Les deux autres cibles montrent également des conducteurs avec des caractéristiques magnétiques.
Refined Energy prévoit un programme de forage pour la zone cible de la plus haute priorité. Le PDG Mark Fields a exprimé de l'optimisme quant aux résultats, soulignant la proximité du projet avec des failles riches en uranium et le potentiel pour des dépôts de haute qualité. Refined détient une option exclusive pour acquérir 75 % d'Eagle Plains Resources. Le projet Dufferin, qui couvre 10 140 ha, est situé à proximité du dépôt Centennial de Cameco.
La personne qualifiée C. C. Downie, P.Geo., a examiné et approuvé la divulgation technique.
Refined Energy Corp. (CSE: RUU; OTC: RFMCF; FRA: CWA0) hat die Überprüfung historischer geophysikalischer Umfragedaten auf dem Dufferin West Grundstück im Athabasca Basin abgeschlossen und dabei drei priorisierte Uran-Bohrziele identifiziert. Mithilfe archivierter VTEM- und Magnetdaten hat Condor Consulting Inc. diese Ziele lokalisiert und sich dabei auf den Südosten des Grundstücks konzentriert, der an die Virgin River Shear Zone grenzt.
Das am höchsten priorisierte Ziel umfasst zwei Leiter, von denen sich einer vom Unkonformitätskontakt bei der Sandsteinlagerstätte bis in das Grundgestein erstreckt, während der andere in geringerem Maße verläuft. Dieses Ziel wurde bislang nicht durch Bohrungen getestet und es wird geschätzt, dass die Sandsteinbedeckung unter einer Tiefe von 200 m liegt. Die anderen beiden Ziele zeigen ebenfalls Leiter mit magnetischen Eigenschaften.
Refined Energy plant ein Bohrprogramm für das am höchsten priorisierte Zielgebiet. CEO Mark Fields äußerte Optimismus hinsichtlich der Ergebnisse und hob die Nähe des Projekts zu uranreichen Fehlern sowie das Potenzial für hochgradige Ablagerungen hervor. Refined hat eine exklusive Option auf den Erwerb von 75 % von Eagle Plains Resources. Das Dufferin-Projekt, das eine Fläche von 10.140 ha umfasst, befindet sich in der Nähe der Centennial-Lagerstätte von Cameco.
Die qualifizierte Person C. C. Downie, P.Geo., hat die technische Offenlegung geprüft und genehmigt.
- Identification of three priority uranium drill targets at Dufferin West.
- Planning of a drill program for the highest priority target.
- Exclusive option to acquire 75% of the Dufferin Project from Eagle Plains Resources
- Proximity to Cameco’s Centennial Deposit, which has high historic drill results.
- None.
VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Jan. 07, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Refined Energy Corp. (CSE: RUU; OTC: RFMCF; FRA: CWA0) (“Refined” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce that it has completed the review and interpretation of historical geophysical survey data at the Dufferin West Property in the Athabasca Basin. Three priority target areas were identified by Condor Consulting Inc. using archived versatile time domain electromagnetic (VTEM) and magnetic data. A drill program is being planned for the highest priority targets. The data interpretation is part of the 2024 work program on the Dufferin Project as described in the news release of October 7.
Interpretation was focused in the southeast of the property and identified three geophysical target areas located adjacent to the Virgin River Shear Zone. The highest priority target area (see figure below) is represented by two conductors. One is a strong conductor associated with a distinct magnetic transition. This conductor is interpreted to extend from the unconformity at the sandstone contact well into the underlying basement rocks. The second conductor is also interpreted to extend from the unconformity to a lesser distance into the underlying basement rocks. This target has never been drill tested and the depth of sandstone cover above the unconformity is estimated to be relatively shallow at less than 200m. Uranium deposits in the Athabasca Basin are often located at or underneath the unconformity contact between the overlying sandstone and the basement rocks. The other two targets are also characterized by conductors with associated magnetic features.
Figure 1: Dufferin West Compilation Map
Refined is currently planning an appropriate drill program to test the highest priority target area.
Mark Fields, Chief Executive Officer of the Company stated, “We are very encouraged to receive notably positive results from our initial work on Dufferin West. It is exciting to be planning an initial drill program for Refined Energy in the Athabasca Basin, renowned for its history of exploration, discovery, and development of high value uranium mines. The Dufferin Project is located in proximity to NE-SW trending faults which are known to host uranium mineralization. Our work is focused on the discovery of potential high-grade deposits that characterize the Athabasca Basin.”
Refined holds the exclusive option to acquire
Qualified Persons
C. C. (Chuck) Downie, P.Geo., a “qualified person” for the purposes of National Instrument 43-101 - Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects and a director of Eagle Plains Resources Ltd., has reviewed and approved the scientific and technical disclosure in this news release.
About Refined Energy Corp.
Refined Energy Corp. is a junior mining company dedicated to identifying, evaluating and acquiring interests in mineral properties in North America. In addition to the Dufferin Project, Refined also has an option to earn up to a
For further information, please contact:
Phone: (604) 398-3378
Forward-Looking Statements
Certain statements contained in this press release constitute forward-looking information. These statements relate to future events or future performance. The use of any of the words "could", "intend", "expect", "believe", "will", "projected", "estimated" and similar expressions and statements relating to matters that are not historical facts are intended to identify forward-looking information and are based on the Company’s current beliefs or assumptions as to the outcome and timing of such future events. In particular, this press release contains forward-looking information relating to, among other things, the Company’s exploration plans and objectives at the Dufferin Project; the exploration potential of the Dufferin Project, including the potential of the Dufferin Project to host unconformity- and basement-hosted uranium mineralization; and the utility of prior historic exploration work in focusing future exploration programs.
Various assumptions or factors are typically applied in drawing conclusions or making the forecasts or projections set out in forward-looking information, including, in respect of the forward-looking information included in this press release, the assumption that: the Company will successfully complete its planned exploration programs in accordance with current expectations and that such programs will yield the results anticipated by the Company, including identifying disrupted faults delineated by EM conductors and other geophysical anomalies for drill targeting.
Although forward-looking information is based on the reasonable assumptions of the Company’s management, there can be no assurance that any forward-looking information will prove to be accurate. Forward looking information involves known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievements to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by the forward-looking information. Such factors include risks inherent in the exploration and development of mineral projects, including risks relating to changes in project parameters as plans continue to be redefined, that mineral exploration is inherently uncertain and that the results of mineral exploration may not be indicative of the actual geology or mineralization of a project and that mineral exploration may be unsuccessful or fail to achieve the results anticipated by the Company, including identifying disrupted faults delineated by EM conductors and other geophysical anomalies for drill targeting and discovering unconformity- and basement-hosted uranium mineralization. The forward-looking information contained in this release is made as of the date hereof, and the Company is not obligated to update or revise any forward-looking information, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by applicable securities laws. Because of the risks, uncertainties and assumptions contained herein, investors should not place undue reliance on forward-looking information. The foregoing statements expressly qualify any forward-looking information contained herein.
The CSE has neither approved nor disapproved the information contained herein.
A figure accompanying this announcement is available at

What are the key findings of Refined Energy Corp.'s review at Dufferin West?
What is the significance of the highest priority target identified by Refined Energy Corp.?
What is Refined Energy Corp.'s next step after identifying drill targets at Dufferin West?
What option does Refined Energy Corp. hold regarding the Dufferin Project?
How large is the Dufferin Project and where is it located?