Hurricane Milton Relief Response: Regions Bank Announces Disaster-Recovery Financial Services for Impacted Florida Markets

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Regions Bank has announced a series of disaster-recovery financial services to assist people and businesses affected by Hurricane Milton in Florida. These services include:

  • Waived ATM surcharges for non-customers and fees for Regions customers using other banks' ATMs in impacted areas until October 23
  • Mortgage Disaster Relief Purchase and Renovation loan programs
  • Removal of check-cashing fees for FEMA-issued checks
  • Personal and business loan payment assistance
  • Credit card payment deferrals
  • Business loan payment deferrals of up to 90 days
  • Penalty-free CD withdrawal
  • Interest rate discounts on various new loans and lines of credit

The bank has also set up dedicated contact centers for customer support and is assessing branch operations in affected areas. The Regions Foundation is expected to announce grant funding for organizations providing disaster relief in the coming days.

Regions Bank ha annunciato una serie di servizi finanziari per il recupero dai disastri per assistere le persone e le aziende colpite dall'uragano Milton in Florida. Questi servizi includono:

  • Esenzione dalle commissioni sugli sportelli automatici per i non clienti e dalle spese per i clienti Regions che utilizzano sportelli automatici di altre banche nelle aree colpite fino al 23 ottobre
  • Programmi di prestiti per il supporto all'acquisto e alla ristrutturazione per emergenze
  • Eliminazione delle commissioni per l'incasso di assegni emessi dalla FEMA
  • Assistenza per il pagamento di prestiti personali e aziendali
  • Rin postponing del pagamento delle carte di credito
  • Rin postponing del pagamento dei prestiti aziendali fino a 90 giorni
  • Prelievo senza penali da certificati di deposito
  • Sconti sui tassi di interesse per vari nuovi prestiti e linee di credito

La banca ha anche attivato centri di contatto dedicati per il supporto clienti ed è in fase di valutazione delle operazioni delle filiali nelle aree colpite. La Regions Foundation si aspetta di annunciare finanziamenti a fondo perduto per le organizzazioni che forniscono aiuti umanitari nei prossimi giorni.

Regions Bank ha anunciado una serie de servicios financieros de recuperación para ayudar a las personas y empresas afectadas por el huracán Milton en Florida. Estos servicios incluyen:

  • Exención de cargos por uso de cajeros automáticos para no clientes y tarifas para clientes de Regions que usen cajeros automáticos de otros bancos en las áreas afectadas hasta el 23 de octubre
  • Programas de préstamos para la compra y renovación de emergencia
  • Eliminación de comisiones por el cobro de cheques emitidos por FEMA
  • Asistencia en el pago de préstamos personales y empresariales
  • Aplazamientos en los pagos de tarjetas de crédito
  • Aplazamientos en los pagos de préstamos empresariales de hasta 90 días
  • Retiro de CD sin penalización
  • Descuentos en tasas de interés para varios nuevos préstamos y líneas de crédito

El banco también ha establecido centros de contacto dedicados para el apoyo al cliente y está evaluando las operaciones de sus sucursales en las áreas afectadas. Se espera que la Regions Foundation anuncie financiación de subvenciones para organizaciones que brindan ayuda por desastres en los próximos días.

Regions Bank는 플로리다에서 허리케인 밀턴으로 영향을 받은 사람들과 기업들을 지원하기 위해 재해 복구 금융 서비스를 발표했습니다. 이러한 서비스에는 다음이 포함됩니다:

  • 10월 23일까지 영향받은 지역에서 다른 은행의 ATM을 사용하는 Regions 고객과 비고객에 대한 ATM 수수료 면제
  • 재해 구호 구매 및 개조 대출 프로그램
  • FEMA에서 발행한 수표에 대한 수표 현금화 수수료 제거
  • 개인 및 비즈니스 대출 상환 지원
  • 신용카드 상환 연기
  • 최대 90일까지 비즈니스 대출 상환 연기
  • 벌금 없는 CD 인출
  • 여러 새로운 대출 및 신용 한도에 대한 이자율 할인

또한, 은행은 고객 지원을 위한 전담 연락 센터를 설정하고 피해를 입은 지역에서의 지점 운영을 평가하고 있습니다. Regions Foundation은 앞으로 며칠 내에 재해 구호를 제공하는 조직에 대한 기부금 지원을 발표할 것으로 예상됩니다.

Regions Bank a annoncé une série de services financiers de récupération pour aider les personnes et les entreprises touchées par l'ouragan Milton en Floride. Ces services comprennent :

  • Exonération des frais de retrait aux distributeurs automatiques pour les non-clients et des frais pour les clients de Regions utilisant les distributeurs automatiques d'autres banques dans les zones touchées jusqu'au 23 octobre
  • Programmes de prêts pour l'achat et la rénovation en cas de catastrophe
  • Suppression des frais pour l'encaissement des chèques émis par la FEMA
  • Assistance au paiement des prêts personnels et professionnels
  • Report des paiements des cartes de crédit
  • Report des paiements des prêts commerciaux pouvant aller jusqu'à 90 jours
  • Retraits de CD sans pénalité
  • Réductions de taux d'intérêt sur divers nouveaux prêts et lignes de crédit

La banque a également mis en place des centres de contact dédiés pour l'assistance client et évalue les opérations des agences dans les zones touchées. La Regions Foundation devrait annoncer des financements de subventions pour les organisations fournissant de l'aide en cas de catastrophe dans les prochains jours.

Regions Bank hat eine Reihe von finanziellen Dienstleistungen zur Katastrophenbewältigung angekündigt, um Personen und Unternehmen zu helfen, die vom Hurrikan Milton in Florida betroffen sind. Zu diesen Dienstleistungen gehören:

  • Verzicht auf Geldautomatengebühren für Nichtkunden und Gebühren für Regions-Kunden, die Geldautomaten anderer Banken in den betroffenen Gebieten bis zum 23. Oktober nutzen
  • Programme für Hypothekennothilfe sowie Kauf- und Sanierungsdarlehen
  • Streichung der Gebühren für das Einlösen von Schecks, die von FEMA ausgestellt wurden
  • Unterstützung bei der Rückzahlung von Privat- und Geschäftsdarlehen
  • Stundung der Kreditkartenrückzahlungen
  • Stundung der Rückzahlungen von Geschäftsdarlehen für bis zu 90 Tage
  • Strafgebührenfreie CD-Abhebungen
  • Zinsrabatte auf verschiedene neue Darlehen und Kreditlinien

Die Bank hat auch spezielle Kontaktzentren für den Kundenservice eingerichtet und bewertet die Betriebsabläufe in den betroffenen Gebieten. Die Regions Foundation wird in den kommenden Tagen mit der Ankündigung von Fördermitteln für Organisationen, die Katastrophenhilfe leisten, rechnen.

  • Offering various fee waivers and financial assistance to customers affected by Hurricane Milton
  • Providing interest rate discounts on new loans and lines of credit for disaster recovery
  • Establishing dedicated contact centers for customer support during the crisis
  • Potential grant funding from Regions Foundation for disaster relief organizations
  • None.

Regional effects of second named storm in two weeks prompt new wave of special banking services from Regions Bank.

TAMPA, Fla.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- In the wake of Hurricane Milton, Regions Bank on Friday announced a series of disaster-recovery financial services designed to help people and businesses in communities across Florida’s impacted storm path.

Regions Bank immediately launched a series of disaster-recovery financial services to help people and businesses impacted by Hurricane Milton. (Photo: Business Wire)

Regions Bank immediately launched a series of disaster-recovery financial services to help people and businesses impacted by Hurricane Milton. (Photo: Business Wire)

“Our hearts are with everyone who’s been affected by Milton, and in the days, weeks and months to come, our teams stand ready to help people assess their financial needs and build a plan to confidently move forward,” said John Jordan, head of Retail for Regions Bank. “This is a time when our teams work with heightened urgency for our customers; it’s a time for us to lean into our experience and help people and businesses navigate the difficult paths that lie ahead. And beyond the services we’re announcing today, we invite our customers to meet with our teams one-on-one to discuss your situation in-depth so we can look for any other ways our services and support can help.”

Special Bank Services:

The following services and special offers are now in effect for a limited time in impacted areas1:

  • Regions will waive ATM Surcharges at Regions ATMs for non-customers in the impacted areas1 through at least Oct. 23.
  • The bank will also waive fees charged when Regions customers use other banks’ ATMs in the impacted areas through at least Oct. 23. (Note: Fees charged by other banks or ATM owners may still apply.)
  • Regions will provide Mortgage Disaster Relief Purchase and Renovation loan programs.
  • The bank will remove check-cashing fees for FEMA-issued checks when cashed in a Regions branch2.
  • Personal and business loan payment assistance3 is available for qualified customers.
  • Regions is offering payment deferrals for current credit card holders3.
  • The bank can provide business loan payment deferrals of up to 90 days3.
  • Additionally, Regions is offering one penalty-free CD withdrawal upon request (unless within seven days of issuance or renewal).
  • Regions is offering a Disaster Response interest rate discount of 0.50% on new personal unsecured loans when customers apply in a branch or by phone4.
  • Regions is offering a Disaster Response interest rate discount of 0.50% on standard rates for new business loans or lines of credit of up to $1 million to help with recovery needs in impacted areas4.
  • Regions is offering a Disaster Response interest rate discount of 0.50% on new unsecured business term loans of up to $50,000 with up to 36-month terms, including waived origination and loan document fees, as well as options for the first payments to be deferred by up to 90 days4.
  • Regions is offering a Disaster Response interest rate discount of up to 0.50% on non-business auto loans when customers apply in-branch or by phone5.
  • Dedicated Contact Center:
    • For help with loans, credit cards, or deposit accounts: 1-800-221-7471
    • For help with any other banking need: 1-800-411-9393
  • The areas covered by these services could be expanded in the coming days to include additional communities based on continued damage assessments or further disaster declarations from the Federal Emergency Management Agency. Check for an updated list of areas where these offers are available as damage assessments continue.

Regions’ branches in impacted portions of western, central and eastern Florida are currently being assessed, and any closed locations will reopen as soon as possible pending the restoration of utilities, debris removal, any required repair work or other necessary steps for business to resume as normal. In addition, banking services remain available around the clock through, the Regions Mobile Banking App, and other Regions branch locations across Florida, the Southeast and beyond.

Business Support:

Regions Bank’s business clients include companies of various sizes, from smaller businesses to major corporations. Just as the bank delivers customized financial guidance for individual consumers, so, too, will Regions’ teams support business clients through the recovery.

“There are many companies, large and small, that will be working to get back to normal while also supporting the short-term and long-term recovery of their communities,” said Nikki Stephenson, head of Commercial Banking for Regions. “As always, we’re ready to work with business clients one-on-one to discuss their needs and identify the best financial services and solutions to support their operations. We’ll be calling on clients proactively, and we welcome any company seeking financial guidance through the recovery process to let us know how we can help.”

Here for You:

In addition to the above disaster-recovery services, Regions Bank teams can be contacted at the following numbers for customized guidance on a range of lending products, including:

  • Mortgages, home equity loans and lines: 1-800-748-9498
  • Other consumer loans: 1-866-298-1113
  • Any other banking needs: 1-800-411-9393

Community Support:

In addition to special financial services from Regions Bank, the Regions Foundation – a nonprofit funded primarily by Regions Bank – is expected to announce grant funding in the coming days for organizations providing disaster relief. For example, following Hurricane Helene, the Regions Foundation announced a series of grants for several agencies supporting recovery operations across multiple states. Once grants are finalized for organizations supporting the recovery from Milton in Florida, information will be posted at

About Regions Financial Corporation
Regions Financial Corporation (NYSE:RF), with $154 billion in assets, is a member of the S&P 500 Index and is one of the nation’s largest full-service providers of consumer and commercial banking, wealth management, and mortgage products and services. Regions serves customers across the South, Midwest and Texas, and through its subsidiary, Regions Bank, operates approximately 1,250 banking offices and more than 2,000 ATMs. Regions Bank is an Equal Housing Lender and Member FDIC. Additional information about Regions and its full line of products and services can be found at

About Regions Foundation:
The Alabama-based Region Foundation supports community investments that positively impact communities served by Regions Bank. The Foundation engages in a grantmaking program focused on priorities including economic and community development; education and workforce readiness; and financial wellness. The Foundation is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) corporation funded primarily through contributions from Regions Bank. To learn more about the Regions Foundation visit

Offers are available for a limited time and only to individuals and businesses affected by the recent disaster in the ZIP codes listed below, may be subject to other exclusions and restrictions, and are subject to change without notice. All loans and lines, deferrals, extensions or forbearances may be subject to required documentation and credit approval. Residency restrictions may apply.

Affected ZIP codes are as follows; please note: the list of ZIP codes could be expanded to include additional communities based on ongoing assessments from the Federal Emergency Management Agency:
32114, 32115, 32116, 32117, 32118, 32119, 32120, 32121, 32122, 32123, 32124, 32125, 32126, 32127, 32128, 32129, 32130, 32132, 32141, 32163, 32168, 32169, 32170, 32173, 32174, 32175, 32176, 32198, 32701, 32702, 32703, 32704, 32706, 32707, 32708, 32709, 32710, 32712, 32713, 32714, 32715, 32716, 32718, 32719, 32720, 32721, 32722, 32723, 32724, 32725, 32726, 32727, 32728, 32730, 32732, 32733, 32735, 32736, 32738, 32739, 32744, 32745, 32746, 32747, 32750, 32751, 32752, 32753, 32754, 32756, 32757, 32759, 32762, 32763, 32764, 32765, 32766, 32767, 32768, 32771, 32772, 32773, 32774, 32775, 32776, 32777, 32778, 32779, 32780, 32781, 32783, 32784, 32789, 32790, 32791, 32792, 32793, 32794, 32795, 32796, 32798, 32799, 32801, 32802, 32803, 32804, 32805, 32806, 32807, 32808, 32809, 32810, 32811, 32812, 32814, 32815, 32816, 32817, 32818, 32819, 32820, 32821, 32822, 32824, 32825, 32826, 32827, 32828, 32829, 32830, 32831, 32832, 32833, 32834, 32835, 32836, 32837, 32839, 32853, 32854, 32855, 32856, 32857, 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2 The FEMA no check-cashing fee offer is available only to Regions customers; if you are not a Regions customer, you must enroll in Now Banking. No checking account is required to enroll in Now Banking. Regions reserves the right to refuse to cash any check.

3 May be subject to credit approval. Interest will continue to accrue during the period that the payment is skipped or deferred. For installment loans, deferring or skipping payment may extend the maturity of your loan but will not automatically extend any optional insurance. Forbearances, skipped payments and deferrals (a) may vary by customer, (b) postpone – rather than forgive – certain payment obligations and (c) may require payment in full of the postponed payments at the end of the forbearance or deferral period, in addition to any other amounts that come due, unless you make other arrangements with Regions to resolve the delinquency.

4 New business loan and personal unsecured loan rate discounts may not be combined with other special offers or discounts. Interest will accrue during the optional 90-day payment deferral period for unsecured business loans if elected.

5 Auto loan rate discount of up to 0.50% includes 0.25% disaster relief rate discount with an additional 0.25% rate discount when you enroll in auto debit payments from an existing Regions checking account. Auto loan rate discounts cannot be combined with other special offers or discounts.

Regions and the Regions logo are registered trademarks of Regions Bank. The LifeGreen color is a trademark of Regions Bank.

Media Contact:

Ashley Foster

Regions Bank

Regions News Online:

(205) 264-4551

Source: Regions Financial Corporation


What financial services is Regions Bank (RF) offering for Hurricane Milton relief?

Regions Bank is offering waived ATM fees, mortgage disaster relief programs, loan payment assistance, credit card payment deferrals, penalty-free CD withdrawals, and interest rate discounts on various new loans and lines of credit for disaster recovery.

How long will Regions Bank (RF) waive ATM fees for Hurricane Milton affected areas?

Regions Bank will waive ATM surcharges for non-customers and fees for Regions customers using other banks' ATMs in impacted areas until at least October 23, 2024.

Is Regions Bank (RF) offering business loan assistance for Hurricane Milton recovery?

Yes, Regions Bank is offering business loan payment deferrals of up to 90 days and interest rate discounts on new business loans or lines of credit of up to $1 million for recovery needs in impacted areas.

How can affected customers contact Regions Bank (RF) for Hurricane Milton assistance?

Customers can contact Regions Bank at 1-800-221-7471 for help with loans, credit cards, or deposit accounts, and 1-800-411-9393 for any other banking needs related to Hurricane Milton relief.

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