Mendaera Closes $73M Series B Financing to Scale Robotics and AI Across Mainstream Medical Procedures

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Mendaera, a Silicon Valley-based healthcare technology company, has secured $73 million in Series B funding led by Threshold Ventures. The company is developing a handheld robotic interventional platform to address healthcare provider shortages and rising costs in mainstream medical procedures.

Mendaera's platform combines robotics, AI, real-time imaging, and virtual connectivity to improve quality and workforce productivity in common procedures like biopsies, organ and vascular access, and pain management interventions. The funding will be used to complete development of the robotic technology, accelerate AI and connectivity capabilities, and begin clinical introduction.

The company aims to enhance patient experience, increase access to high-quality care, reduce overall costs, and improve healthcare provider satisfaction by making advanced technologies more accessible across specialties and sites of service.

Mendaera, un'azienda tecnologica nel settore sanitario con sede nella Silicon Valley, ha ottenuto 73 milioni di dollari in un finanziamento di Serie B guidato da Threshold Ventures. L'azienda sta sviluppando una piattaforma robotica interventistica portatile per affrontare la carenza di fornitori di assistenza sanitaria e i costi crescenti delle procedure mediche tradizionali.

La piattaforma di Mendaera combina robotica, intelligenza artificiale, imaging in tempo reale e connettività virtuale per migliorare la qualità e la produttività della forza lavoro nelle procedure comuni come biopsie, accesso agli organi e ai vasi, e interventi per la gestione del dolore. I fondi saranno utilizzati per completare lo sviluppo della tecnologia robotica, accelerare le capacità di intelligenza artificiale e connettività, e avviare l'introduzione clinica.

L'azienda si propone di migliorare l'esperienza del paziente, aumentare l'accesso a cure di alta qualità, ridurre i costi complessivi e migliorare la soddisfazione dei fornitori di assistenza sanitaria rendendo le tecnologie avanzate più accessibili in diverse specialità e sedi di servizio.

Mendaera, una empresa de tecnología de atención médica con sede en Silicon Valley, ha asegurado 73 millones de dólares en financiamiento de la Serie B liderado por Threshold Ventures. La empresa está desarrollando una plataforma robótica de intervención portátil para abordar la escasez de proveedores de atención médica y el aumento de los costos en los procedimientos médicos convencionales.

La plataforma de Mendaera combina robótica, inteligencia artificial, imagenología en tiempo real y conectividad virtual para mejorar la calidad y la productividad de la fuerza laboral en procedimientos comunes como biopsias, acceso a órganos y vasos, e intervenciones para el manejo del dolor. Los fondos se utilizarán para completar el desarrollo de la tecnología robótica, acelerar las capacidades de inteligencia artificial y conectividad, y comenzar la introducción clínica.

La compañía tiene como objetivo mejorar la experiencia del paciente, aumentar el acceso a atención de alta calidad, reducir los costos generales y mejorar la satisfacción de los proveedores de atención médica haciendo que las tecnologías avanzadas sean más accesibles en diversas especialidades y lugares de servicio.

실리콘 밸리에 본사를 둔 헬스케어 기술 회사인 Mendaera가 Threshold Ventures 주도 하에 7300만 달러의 시리즈 B 자금을 확보했습니다. 이 회사는 헬스케어 제공자의 부족과 전통적인 의료 절차의 증가하는 비용에 대응하기 위해 휴대용 로봇 개입 플랫폼을 개발하고 있습니다.

Mendaera의 플랫폼은 로봇 기술, 인공지능, 실시간 이미징 및 가상 연결을 결합하여 생검, 장기 및 혈관 접근, 통증 관리 개입과 같은 일반적인 절차에서 품질과 작업 생산성을 향상시키는 데 목적을 두고 있습니다. 자금은 로봇 기술 개발을 완료하고 인공지능 및 연결 가능성을 가속화하며 임상 도입을 시작하는 데 사용될 것입니다.

회사는 환자 경험을 향상시키고, 고품질 치료 접근성을 높이며, 전체 비용을 줄이고, 의료 제공자의 만족도를 향상시키는 것을 목표로 하여 고급 기술을 다양한 전문 분야와 서비스 지역에서 보다 접근할 수 있게 만들고자 합니다.

Mendaera, une entreprise de technologie de la santé basée dans la Silicon Valley, a sécurisé 73 millions de dollars de financement de la Série B sous la direction de Threshold Ventures. L'entreprise développe une plateforme d'intervention robotique portable pour faire face à la pénurie de fournisseurs de soins de santé et à la hausse des coûts des procédures médicales traditionnelles.

La plateforme de Mendaera combine robotique, intelligence artificielle, imagerie en temps réel et connectivité virtuelle pour améliorer la qualité et la productivité du personnel dans des procédures courantes telles que les biopsies, l'accès aux organes et aux vaisseaux, et les interventions pour la gestion de la douleur. Le financement sera utilisé pour terminer le développement de la technologie robotique, accélérer les capacités d'IA et de connectivité, et commencer l'introduction clinique.

L'entreprise vise à améliorer l'expérience patient, accroître l'accès à des soins de haute qualité, réduire les coûts globaux et améliorer la satisfaction des fournisseurs de soins de santé en rendant les technologies avancées plus accessibles dans diverses spécialités et lieux de service.

Mendaera, ein im Silicon Valley ansässiges Unternehmen für Gesundheitstechnologie, hat 73 Millionen Dollar in einer Series B-Finanzierungsrunde unter der Leitung von Threshold Ventures gesichert. Das Unternehmen entwickelt eine tragbare robotische Interventionplattform, um der Knappheit an Gesundheitsdienstleistern und den steigenden Kosten in herkömmlichen medizinischen Verfahren entgegenzuwirken.

Die Plattform von Mendaera kombiniert Robotik, KI, Echtzeit-Bildgebung und virtuelle Konnektivität, um die Qualität und Produktivität der Arbeitskräfte in gängigen Verfahren wie Biopsien, Organ- und Gefäßzugang sowie Schmerzmanagementinterventionen zu verbessern. Die Finanzierung wird verwendet, um die Entwicklung der Robotertechnologie abzuschließen, die KI- und Konnektivitätsfähigkeiten zu beschleunigen und die klinische Einführung zu beginnen.

Das Unternehmen hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, das Patientenerlebnis zu verbessern, den Zugang zu qualitativ hochwertiger Versorgung zu erhöhen, die Gesamtkosten zu senken und die Zufriedenheit der Gesundheitsdienstleister zu steigern, indem fortschrittliche Technologien in verschiedenen Fachgebieten und Dienstleistungsstandorten zugänglicher gemacht werden.

  • Secured $73 million in Series B funding
  • Developing a handheld robotic interventional platform for mainstream medical procedures
  • Addressing healthcare provider shortages and rising costs
  • Potential to improve hundreds of millions of patient encounters per year
  • Acquired telepresence technology from Avail Medsystems
  • Commercial agreement with Butterfly Network for point-of-care ultrasound
  • None.


Mendaera's $73 million Series B funding marks a significant milestone in the medical robotics industry. Their handheld robotic interventional platform addresses a critical gap in healthcare delivery, targeting common procedures like biopsies and vascular access. This approach could potentially disrupt the market by:

  • Improving efficiency and quality in high-demand, skill-intensive procedures
  • Addressing healthcare provider shortages and rising costs
  • Expanding the reach of robotics beyond specialized surgeries

The investment from notable backers, including Intuitive Surgical's founder, lends credibility to Mendaera's vision. Their recent acquisitions and partnerships, particularly with Butterfly Network, suggest a comprehensive strategy to integrate robotics, AI and telemedicine. If successful, this could lead to substantial market penetration and potentially reshape healthcare delivery models, impacting both providers and medical technology companies in the space.

Mendaera's funding success signals a shift in healthcare investment priorities. By focusing on the "messy middle" of healthcare—high-volume, routine procedures—they're addressing a significant market opportunity. Key implications include:

  • Potential for widespread adoption across various healthcare settings
  • Improved resource allocation and cost reduction for healthcare systems
  • Enhanced accessibility to skilled procedures, potentially reducing care disparities

The $73 million raise in a challenging economic climate underscores investor confidence in Mendaera's approach. Their platform's versatility could lead to new reimbursement models and changes in healthcare workforce dynamics. As they move towards clinical introduction, we can expect increased interest from healthcare providers and payers looking to optimize care delivery and manage costs effectively.

With its first-of-its-kind platform, Mendaera is pioneering a new category in medical robotics

SAN MATEO, Calif,--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Mendaera, Inc., a Silicon Valley-based healthcare technology company developing a handheld robotic interventional platform, announced today the close of $73 million in Series B funding led by Threshold Ventures, with participation from investors including Lux Capital, PFM Health Sciences, and Fred Moll (founder of Intuitive Surgical and Auris Health). The financing will further Mendaera’s efforts to scale robotics and AI across mainstream medical procedures.

The healthcare system is facing an increasing supply and demand crisis, where the ability to consistently deliver high-quality care to patients is hampered by healthcare provider shortages and rising costs. This problem is especially pronounced for highly prevalent, commonplace procedures that exist along most patient journeys between initial consultation and recovery – critical procedures such as biopsies, organ and vascular access, and pain management interventions. Here in the “messy middle” of healthcare, where demand is high and skills are deceptively hard to acquire, a scarcity of experienced proceduralists results in care bottlenecks and increased costs. While other industries have addressed similar dynamics by deploying robotics to improve quality and workforce productivity, robots in healthcare thus far have primarily been limited to high-end, singularly focused surgeries.

Mendaera is pioneering a new category in medical robotics, making advanced technologies readily available for these foundational everyday procedures. Its handheld interventional platform includes robotics, AI, real-time imaging, and virtual connectivity, and is designed to be accessible across specialties and sites of service to empower providers and systems to better meet the growing demand for needle-based interventions. By better distributing care for this ubiquitous yet often-overlooked category of procedures, Mendaera aims to improve hundreds of millions of patient encounters per year and drive systemwide efficiencies.

“Traditional surgical robots have established footing in the operating room,” said Josh DeFonzo, Founder and CEO of Mendaera. “But robotics and AI have evolved to a point where we can deliver broader benefits across all parts of the healthcare system and enable higher standards of care for more patients. We believe that our technology will allow healthcare systems and providers to provision medical procedures at scale – enhancing patient experience, increasing access to high-quality care, reducing overall cost, and improving healthcare provider satisfaction.”

“Mendaera has the unique ability to improve the patient experience and make high-quality care widely accessible,” said Emily Melton, Founder and Managing Partner at Threshold Ventures. “Amidst rising healthcare costs and labor shortages impacting quality and affordability, it is imperative to harness advanced technology to revolutionize healthcare delivery. We are thrilled to join forces with the dynamic Mendaera team, comprising the most innovative and accomplished leaders in medical robotics and software.”

Mendaera will utilize the new funding to complete development of its robotic technology, accelerate development of its AI and connectivity capabilities, and begin clinical introduction of its platform. Earlier this year, Mendaera announced that it had acquired the telepresence technology of Avail Medsystems to expand its portfolio to include virtual connectivity. In 2023, Mendaera announced a commercial agreement with the point-of-care ultrasound company Butterfly Network.

About Mendaera

Mendaera’s vision is to digitize clinical judgment and technical expertise, making high-quality care available for every patient at every care facility. Its platform in development combines robotics, AI, real-time imaging, and connectivity, to enable intervention at scale. Based in Silicon Valley, Mendaera is backed by leading investors and includes a leadership team successful in taking early-stage medical technology companies through to successful exits including Auris Health. Mendaera's robotic system has not been cleared by the FDA for sale in the United States.

About Threshold Ventures

Threshold Ventures is an early-stage venture capital firm helping founders in healthcare and enterprise software bring their ideas to market. Our investments include BetterUp, Brightline, Doximity (NYSE: DOCS), LaunchDarkly, Livongo (NASDAQ: LVGO), Remitly (NASDAQ: RELY), Rippling, Talkdesk, and Based on our work with these and dozens of other startups, we purpose-built Threshold so we can be the most effective partner for entrepreneurs at the early stages of building their companies. Learn more at

Michelle Stevens, Mendaera

Source: Mendaera, Inc.


What is the purpose of Mendaera's $73M Series B financing?

Mendaera's $73M Series B financing will be used to scale robotics and AI across mainstream medical procedures, complete development of its robotic technology, accelerate AI and connectivity capabilities, and begin clinical introduction of its platform.

What problem is Mendaera trying to solve in healthcare?

Mendaera is addressing the healthcare system's supply and demand crisis, where provider shortages and rising costs hamper the ability to consistently deliver high-quality care, especially for common procedures like biopsies, organ and vascular access, and pain management interventions.

How does Mendaera's technology differ from traditional surgical robots?

Unlike traditional surgical robots focused on high-end surgeries, Mendaera's handheld interventional platform combines robotics, AI, real-time imaging, and virtual connectivity to make advanced technologies accessible for everyday medical procedures across various specialties and sites of service.

What recent acquisitions or partnerships has Mendaera announced?

Mendaera recently acquired the telepresence technology of Avail Medsystems and announced a commercial agreement with Butterfly Network, a point-of-care ultrasound company, in 2023.

Remitly Global, Inc.


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