WEPACK & SANSIN Vietnam Banquet Concludes Successfully

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The WEPACK & SANSIN Vietnam Banquet, jointly organized by RX and Sansin International Holding Group, successfully concluded in Ho Chi Minh City on September 19, 2024. The event brought together over 200 paper packaging industry leaders, experts, and enterprise representatives from Vietnam and beyond.

Key highlights include:

  • Vietnam's packaging market scale is expected to reach $6.5 billion by 2024
  • The Vietnamese packaging industry is growing at an average annual rate of 15%
  • Future demand for Vietnam's paper packaging market is projected to grow at 14-18% annually over the next 5-10 years
  • The event featured discussions on industry trends, technological innovations, and sustainable development
  • Participants were invited to attend WEPACK ASEAN 2024 in Malaysia and WEPACK 2025 in Shanghai

Il WEPACK & SANSIN Vietnam Banquet, organizzato congiuntamente da RX e Sansin International Holding Group, si è concluso con successo a Ho Chi Minh City il 19 settembre 2024. L'evento ha riunito oltre 200 leader del settore del packaging in carta, esperti e rappresentanti d'impresa vietnamiti e non.

I principali punti salienti includono:

  • Il valore del mercato del packaging in Vietnam è previsto raggiungere $6,5 miliardi entro il 2024
  • Il settore del packaging vietnamita sta crescendo a un tasso di crescita annuale medio del 15%
  • La domanda futura per il mercato del packaging in carta vietnamita dovrebbe crescere tra un 14% e un 18% annualmente nei prossimi 5-10 anni
  • L'evento ha presentato discussioni sulle tendenze del settore, innovazioni tecnologiche e sviluppo sostenibile
  • I partecipanti sono stati invitati a partecipare a WEPACK ASEAN 2024 in Malesia e a WEPACK 2025 a Shanghai

El WEPACK & SANSIN Vietnam Banquet, organizado conjuntamente por RX y Sansin International Holding Group, concluyó con éxito en Ho Chi Minh City el 19 de septiembre de 2024. El evento reunió a más de 200 líderes de la industria de envases de papel, expertos y representantes de empresas de Vietnam y más allá.

Los puntos clave incluyen:

  • Se espera que el mercado del embalaje en Vietnam alcance $6.5 mil millones para 2024
  • La industria de envases vietnamita está creciendo a una tasa de crecimiento anual promedio del 15%
  • Se prevé que la demanda futura del mercado de envases de papel en Vietnam crezca entre un 14% y un 18% anualmente durante los próximos 5 a 10 años
  • El evento incluyó discusiones sobre tendencias de la industria, innovaciones tecnológicas y desarrollo sostenible
  • Se invitó a los participantes a asistir a WEPACK ASEAN 2024 en Malasia y a WEPACK 2025 en Shanghai

WEPACK & SANSIN 베트남 연회가 RX와 Sansin International Holding Group의 공동 주최로 2024년 9월 19일 호치민시에서 성공적으로 마무리되었습니다. 이 행사에는 베트남 및 기타 지역의 200명 이상의 종이 포장 산업 리더, 전문가 및 기업 대표들이 참석했습니다.

주요 하이라이트는 다음과 같습니다:

  • 베트남의 포장 시장 규모는 2024년까지 65억 달러에 이를 것으로 예상됩니다
  • 베트남 포장 산업은 연평균 15%의 성장률을 보이고 있습니다
  • 향후 5-10년 동안 베트남의 종이 포장 시장에 대한 수요는 연평균 14-18% 성장할 것으로 예상됩니다
  • 이번 행사에서는 산업 동향, 기술 혁신 및 지속 가능한 개발에 대한 논의가 진행되었습니다
  • 참가자들은 말레이시아에서 열리는 WEPACK ASEAN 2024와 상하이에서 열리는 WEPACK 2025에 참석하도록 초대받았습니다

Le WEPACK & SANSIN Vietnam Banquet, organisé conjointement par RX et le groupe international de holdings Sansin, s'est terminé avec succès à Ho Chi Minh-Ville le 19 septembre 2024. L'événement a rassemblé plus de 200 leaders de l'industrie de l'emballage en papier, experts et représentants d'entreprises venant du Vietnam et d'ailleurs.

Les principaux points forts incluent :

  • Le marché de l'emballage au Vietnam devrait atteindre 6,5 milliards de dollars d'ici 2024
  • L'industrie de l'emballage vietnamienne connaît une taux de croissance annuel moyen de 15%
  • La demande future du marché vietnamien du papier d'emballage devrait croître de 14 à 18 % annuellement au cours des 5 à 10 prochaines années
  • L'événement a présenté des discussions sur les tendances de l'industrie, les innovations technologiques et le développement durable
  • Les participants ont été invités à assister à WEPACK ASEAN 2024 en Malaisie et à WEPACK 2025 à Shanghai

Das WEPACK & SANSIN Vietnam Banquet, das gemeinsam von RX und der Sansin International Holding Group organisiert wurde, fand am 19. September 2024 in Ho-Chi-Minh-Stadt erfolgreich statt. Die Veranstaltung brachte über 200 Führungskräfte der Papierverpackungsindustrie, Experten und Unternehmensvertreter aus Vietnam und darüber hinaus zusammen.

Die Hauptpunkte sind:

  • Der Markt für Verpackungen in Vietnam wird voraussichtlich bis 2024 6,5 Milliarden Dollar erreichen
  • Die vietnamesische Verpackungsindustrie wächst mit einer durschnittlichen jährlichen Rate von 15%
  • Die zukünftige Nachfrage auf dem vietnamesischen Markt für Papierverpackungen wird voraussichtlich in den nächsten 5-10 Jahren jährlich um 14-18% wachsen
  • Die Veranstaltung beinhaltete Diskussionen über Branchenentwicklungen, technologische Innovationen und nachhaltige Entwicklung
  • Die Teilnehmer wurden eingeladen, an der WEPACK ASEAN 2024 in Malaysia und der WEPACK 2025 in Shanghai teilzunehmen
  • Vietnam's packaging market scale expected to reach $6.5 billion by 2024
  • Average annual growth rate of 15% in Vietnam's paper packaging industry
  • Projected 14-18% annual growth in demand for Vietnam's paper packaging market over next 5-10 years
  • Tetra Pak Binh Duong factory plans to expand annual production capacity from 12 billion to 20 billion cartons
  • None.

SHANGHAI, Sept. 25, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- On September 19, the WEPACK & SANSIN Vietnam Banquet, jointly held by RX and Sansin International Holding Group Co., Ltd, successfully concluded in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. The Forum welcomed representatives from Vietnam Paper Association (VPA) and the Vietnam Industry Association for Paper and Packaging (VINPAS), as well as over 200 paper packaging industry leaders, experts, and enterprise representatives in Vietnam and beyond. They jointly discussed the development trends, technological innovations, and sustainable development of Vietnam's paper packaging industry, aiming to foster exchanges and collaborations between Chinese & international enterprises and local Vietnamese enterprises.

Mr. Nguyen Van Dong, chairman of VPA (second from left), talked with the RX team


Mr. Nguyen Van Dong, chairman of VPA (second from left), talked with the RX team


Following the opening remarks, Will Sandman, Business Development Director of MPG GLOBAL, MGIH Vietnam, shared Global Paper Packaging Trends and Opportunities in the Vietnamese Market. Sandman stated that Vietnam's strategic location, low labor costs, and robust manufacturing base position the country as an emerging global hub in the packaging sector, with a packaging market scale expected to reach 6.5 billion US dollars by 2024.

Will Sandman, Business Development Director of MPG GLOBAL, MGIH Vietnam

Furthermore, the Vietnamese government and enterprises are committed to obtaining green certifications by actively investing in environment-friendly technologies and equipment, adopting renewable energy and sustainable raw materials, and enhancing automation and digitized production, to ensure that international environment-friendly standards are met. Will Sandman recommended that the Vietnamese packaging industry continue investing in R&D, quality control, and automation, while strengthening sustainable development initiatives to maintain a leading position in the global market.

Group photo of enterprise representatives attending the packaging industry summit

Wang Jianjun, Chairman of Lap Thinh Packaging Company Limited, Vietnam, shared Trends and Experiences in China's Paper Packaging Development. He pointed out that Vietnam's packaging industry is experiencing rapid growth, similar to China's situation a decade ago but with more advantages. Investments from Chinese enterprises in Vietnam, particularly the introduction of high-end equipment and technologies, are driving the industry to grow towards efficiency and environmental friendliness.

He emphasized that Vietnam's packaging industry will develop towards digital technologies and intelligent manufacturing, while facing a profound impact from environment-friendly policies and green economy. He urged Vietnamese packaging enterprises to learn from China's experiences, strengthen international cooperation, and jointly address industry challenges to achieve win-win development.

Wang Jianjun, Chairman of Lap Thinh Packaging Company Limited, Vietnam

Huang Jianhui, Sales Manager of Guangdong SUNYl Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd., shared Intelligence Leading, Efficient Production; Liu Zhongliang, Export Manager of Dongteng Machinery Co., Ltd., presented Professional Partners for Paper Mills and Packaging Manufacturers; the sales manager of Nantong Jiabao Machinery Co., Ltd. shared Efficient Waste Management Solution Suitable for the Paper Packaging Industry; the sales manager of JCCORRUGATED MACHINERY CO. LTD. shared New Perspectives on Printing: Corrugated Printing Equipment Overview, etc. They offered in-depth insights and unique analyses on the Vietnamese market and international development trends, and shared experiences and insights on how to improve production efficiency via intelligent technologies in both the Chinese and Vietnamese markets. It is believed that intelligent manufacturing will bring infinite possibilities to the future of the paper packaging industry.

Huang Jianhui, Sales Manager of Guangdong SUNYl Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd.

Subsequently, Mr. Adward Lu, Project Manager of RX, during an interview with local Vietnamese television media, shared the current development updates and trends of Vietnam's paper packaging industry. He noted that Vietnam's paper packaging industry is experiencing a boom in green and sustainable development, with an average annual growth rate of 15%, drawing over 300 enterprises to participate, such as Tetra Pak Binh Duong factory, which has an annual production capacity of 12 billion cartons and plans to expand to 20 billion. The growth of industries such as e-commerce, food and beverage further propel the demand for paper packaging. Adopting a circular economy model, enterprises use recyclable materials, conserve energy and water, reduce carbon emissions, and actively participate in international exhibitions like WEPACK to showcase innovative packaging solutions. It is expected that the demand for Vietnam's paper packaging market will grow at a rate of 14-18% in the upcoming five to ten years.

Following the paper packaging forum, the organizer arranged a factory tour for the participants to Lap Thinh Packaging Company Limited, Vietnam.

Visit Lap Thinh Packaging Company Limited, Vietnam, with in-depth exchanges


Visit Lap Thinh Packaging Company Limited, Vietnam, with in-depth exchanges


An appreciation banquet was held at the end of the event, where representatives from WEPACK, SANSIN, VINPAS and VPA delivered speeches to express gratitude to all industry peers for their support and participation.

Representatives from WEPACK attended the VPA dinner banquet


Representatives from WEPACK attended the VPA dinner banquet


Representatives from WEPACK attended the VPA dinner banquet


WEPACK representatives cordially invited all industry peers to join WEPACK ASEAN 2024 (November 14-16, 2024, Malaysia International Trade and Exhibition Centre) and WEPACK 2025 (April 8-10, 2025, Shanghai New International Expo Center) to facilitate technical exchange and cooperation, as well as drive innovation and development in the packaging industry.

Contact us

• Booth reservation •
Mr. Adward Lu
021-2231 7103 

• Visit consulting •
Mr. Alan Lee
+86-21-2231 7155

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SOURCE RX (China) Investment Co., Ltd.


What was the main focus of the WEPACK & SANSIN Vietnam Banquet in 2024?

The main focus was on discussing development trends, technological innovations, and sustainable development in Vietnam's paper packaging industry, as well as fostering exchanges between Chinese, international, and local Vietnamese enterprises.

What is the projected market scale for Vietnam's packaging industry by 2024?

According to the information shared at the event, Vietnam's packaging market scale is expected to reach 6.5 billion US dollars by 2024.

What is the average annual growth rate of Vietnam's paper packaging industry?

The paper packaging industry in Vietnam is experiencing an average annual growth rate of 15%.

When and where will WEPACK ASEAN 2024 and WEPACK 2025 be held?

WEPACK ASEAN 2024 will be held on November 14-16, 2024, at the Malaysia International Trade and Exhibition Centre. WEPACK 2025 will take place on April 8-10, 2025, at the Shanghai New International Expo Center.



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