LexisNexis Risk Solutions Recognized as Category Leader in Both Enterprise and Payment Fraud Solutions Categories in Chartis Research Report

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LexisNexis Risk Solutions has been recognized as a Category Leader in both Enterprise Fraud Solutions and Payment Fraud Solutions quadrants in the 2024 Chartis Enterprise and Payment Fraud Solutions Market Update and Vendor Landscape report. This prestigious recognition highlights the company's exceptional capabilities in providing innovative and effective solutions for fraud detection and prevention.

The Chartis report evaluates vendors based on their completeness of offering and market potential. LexisNexis Risk Solutions' achievement in both quadrants underscores its commitment to advancing fraud prevention strategies and delivering tailored solutions to address evolving challenges in the sector.

Chartis Research evaluated several LexisNexis Risk Solutions products, including the Dynamic Decision Platform, ThreatMetrix, BehavioSec, Emailage, Phone Intelligence, TrueID Document Authentication, and InstantID Q&A.

LexisNexis Risk Solutions è stata riconosciuta come Leader di Categoria sia nel settore delle Soluzioni per la Frode Aziendale che in quello delle Soluzioni per la Frode nei Pagamenti nel report 2024 di Chartis sulle Soluzioni per la Frode Aziendale e nei Pagamenti. Questo prestigioso riconoscimento evidenzia le eccezionali capacità dell'azienda nel fornire soluzioni innovative ed efficaci per la rilevazione e prevenzione delle frodi.

Il report di Chartis valuta i fornitori in base alla completezza dell'offerta e al potenziale di mercato. Il successo di LexisNexis Risk Solutions in entrambi i settori sottolinea il suo impegno nell'avanzare le strategie di prevenzione delle frodi e nel fornire soluzioni personalizzate per affrontare le sfide in evoluzione nel settore.

Chartis Research ha valutato diversi prodotti di LexisNexis Risk Solutions, tra cui la Piattaforma di Decisione Dinamica, ThreatMetrix, BehavioSec, Emailage, Phone Intelligence, Autenticazione Documentale TrueID e InstantID Q&A.

LexisNexis Risk Solutions ha sido reconocida como Líder de Categoría tanto en Soluciones de Fraude Empresarial como en Soluciones de Fraude en Pagos en el informe 2024 de Chartis sobre Soluciones de Fraude Empresarial y en Pagos. Este prestigioso reconocimiento destaca las excepcionales capacidades de la empresa para proporcionar soluciones innovadoras y efectivas para la detección y prevención de fraudes.

El informe de Chartis evalúa a los proveedores en función de la completitud de su oferta y su potencial de mercado. El logro de LexisNexis Risk Solutions en ambos cuadrantes subraya su compromiso con el avance de las estrategias de prevención del fraude y la entrega de soluciones personalizadas para abordar los desafíos en evolución en el sector.

Chartis Research evaluó varios productos de LexisNexis Risk Solutions, incluyendo la Plataforma de Decisión Dinámica, ThreatMetrix, BehavioSec, Emailage, Inteligencia Telefónica, Autenticación de Documentos TrueID y InstantID Q&A.

LexisNexis Risk Solutions는 2024년 Chartis 기업 및 결제 사기 솔루션 시장 업데이트 및 공급업체 환경 보고서에서 기업 사기 솔루션결제 사기 솔루션 두 가지 범주에서 카테고리 리더로 인정받았습니다. 이 권위 있는 인정은 사기 탐지 및 예방을 위한 혁신적이고 효과적인 솔루션을 제공하는 회사의 뛰어난 능력을 강조합니다.

Chartis 보고서는 공급업체를 제품 제공의 완전성과 시장 잠재력 기준으로 평가합니다. LexisNexis Risk Solutions의 두 범주에서의 성과는 사기 예방 전략을 발전시키고 불변하는 시장의 도전에 대응할 수 있는 맞춤형 솔루션을 제공하기 위한 회사의 의지를 강조합니다.

Chartis Research는 동적 의사 결정 플랫폼, ThreatMetrix, BehavioSec, Emailage, 전화 정보, TrueID 문서 인증InstantID Q&A 등 여러 LexisNexis Risk Solutions 제품을 평가했습니다.

LexisNexis Risk Solutions a été reconnue comme Leader de Catégorie dans les deux quadrants des Solutions de Fraude d'Entreprise et des Solutions de Fraude de Paiement dans le rapport 2024 de Chartis sur le marché des solutions de fraude d'entreprise et de paiement. Cette reconnaissance prestigieuse met en avant les capacités exceptionnelles de l'entreprise à fournir des solutions innovantes et efficaces pour la détection et la prévention des fraudes.

Le rapport de Chartis évalue les fournisseurs en fonction de la complétude de leur offre et de leur potentiel de marché. La réalisation de LexisNexis Risk Solutions dans les deux quadrants souligne son engagement à faire avancer les stratégies de prévention de la fraude et à proposer des solutions sur mesure pour relever les défis évolutifs du secteur.

Chartis Research a évalué plusieurs produits de LexisNexis Risk Solutions, y compris la Plateforme de Décision Dynamique, ThreatMetrix, BehavioSec, Emailage, Intelligence Téléphonique, Authentification de Document TrueID et InstantID Q&A.

LexisNexis Risk Solutions wurde als Kategorie-Leiter sowohl im Bereich der Enterprise Fraud Solutions als auch der Payment Fraud Solutions im 2024 Chartis Marktupdate zu Unternehmens- und Zahlungsbetrugslösungen sowie im Anbieterlandschaftsbericht anerkannt. Diese prestigeträchtige Anerkennung hebt die außergewöhnlichen Fähigkeiten des Unternehmens hervor, innovative und effektive Lösungen zur Erkennung und Prävention von Betrug bereitzustellen.

Der Chartis-Bericht bewertet Anbieter basierend auf der Vollständigkeit ihres Angebots und ihrem Marktpotential. Der Erfolg von LexisNexis Risk Solutions in beiden Quadranten unterstreicht das Engagement des Unternehmens zur Weiterentwicklung von Betrugspräventionsstrategien und zur Bereitstellung maßgeschneiderter Lösungen zur Bewältigung der sich wandelnden Herausforderungen in diesem Sektor.

Chartis Research bewertete mehrere Produkte von LexisNexis Risk Solutions, darunter die Dynamische Entscheidungsplattform, ThreatMetrix, BehavioSec, Emailage, Telefonintelligenz, TrueID Dokumentenautorisierung und InstantID Q&A.

  • None.
  • None.

ATLANTA, Aug. 29, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- LexisNexis® Risk Solutions, a global leader in data analytics and technology solutions, proudly announces its recognition as a Category Leader in both the Enterprise Fraud Solutions and Payment Fraud Solutions quadrants within the 2024 Chartis Enterprise and Payment Fraud Solutions Market Update and Vendor Landscape report.

The prestigious Chartis report evaluates vendors based on their completeness of offering and market potential, highlighting those that demonstrate exceptional capabilities in the fraud solutions sector. Achieving Category Leader status across these quadrants underscores the company's commitment to providing innovative and effective solutions that address the evolving challenges of fraud detection and prevention.

"This recognition by Chartis reflects our continued dedication to advancing fraud prevention strategies and delivering innovative solutions tailored to the needs of our clients," stated Kimberly Sutherland, Vice President of Fraud and Identity Strategy at LexisNexis Risk Solutions. "We are honored to be acknowledged for our efforts to combat fraud across various industries, ensuring greater security and trust in financial and digital transactions."

Chartis Research evaluated several solutions from LexisNexis Risk Solutions including LexisNexis® Dynamic Decision Platform, the underlying platform for LexisNexis® ThreatMetrix®, LexisNexis® BehavioSec®, LexisNexis® Emailage®, LexisNexis® Phone Intelligence, LexisNexis® TrueID® Document Authentication and InstantID® Q&A.

 About LexisNexis Risk Solutions
LexisNexis® Risk Solutions harnesses the power of data, sophisticated analytics platforms and technology solutions to provide insights that help businesses across multiple industries and governmental entities reduce risk and improve decisions to benefit people around the globe. Headquartered in metro Atlanta, Georgia, we have offices throughout the world and are part of RELX (LSE: REL/NYSE: RELX), a global provider of information-based analytics and decision tools for professional and business customers. For more information, please visit LexisNexis Risk Solutions and RELX.

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SOURCE LexisNexis Risk Solutions


What recognition did LexisNexis Risk Solutions receive in the 2024 Chartis Research report?

LexisNexis Risk Solutions was recognized as a Category Leader in both Enterprise Fraud Solutions and Payment Fraud Solutions quadrants in the 2024 Chartis Enterprise and Payment Fraud Solutions Market Update and Vendor Landscape report.

Which LexisNexis Risk Solutions products were evaluated by Chartis Research?

Chartis Research evaluated several products, including LexisNexis Dynamic Decision Platform, ThreatMetrix, BehavioSec, Emailage, Phone Intelligence, TrueID Document Authentication, and InstantID Q&A.

How does the Chartis report evaluate vendors in the fraud solutions sector?

The Chartis report evaluates vendors based on their completeness of offering and market potential, highlighting those that demonstrate exceptional capabilities in the fraud solutions sector.

What does LexisNexis Risk Solutions' recognition in the Chartis report signify?

The recognition signifies LexisNexis Risk Solutions' commitment to providing innovative and effective solutions that address the evolving challenges of fraud detection and prevention across various industries.



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