From the 2023 Regency Centers Corporate Responsibility Report: Corporate Responsibility Governance and Strategy

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Regency Centers' Corporate Responsibility Program is built on four pillars: Our People, Our Communities, Ethics and Governance, and Environmental Stewardship. The program aims to create long-term value for shareholders and stakeholders, maintain company culture, and protect Regency's brand. The company develops near- and long-term goals aligned with these objectives.

The Board oversees the corporate responsibility strategy, with the Nominating and Governance Committee specifically overseeing the Corporate Responsibility Program. The President and CEO leads the Management Executive Committee and has ultimate senior management responsibility for the ESG program.

In 2023, the Nominating and Governance Committee was regularly briefed on strategic sustainability initiatives, goal-setting, progress towards SBTi and TCFD alignment, performance metrics, sustainability reporting, and evolving ESG expectations from investors and stakeholders.

Il Programma di Responsabilità Sociale di Regency Centers si basa su quattro pilastri: Le Nostre Persone, Le Nostre Comunità, Etica e Governance, e Stewardship Ambientale. Il programma mira a creare valore a lungo termine per azionisti e portatori di interesse, mantenere la cultura aziendale e proteggere il marchio Regency. L'azienda sviluppa obiettivi a breve e lungo termine allineati con questi obiettivi.

Il Consiglio sovrintende alla strategia di responsabilità sociale, con il Comitato per le Nomine e la Governance che supervisiona specificamente il Programma di Responsabilità Sociale. Il Presidente e CEO guida il Comitato Esecutivo di Gestione e ha la responsabilità finale della gestione senior per il programma ESG.

Nel 2023, il Comitato per le Nomine e la Governance è stato regolarmente aggiornato sulle iniziative strategiche di sostenibilità, fissazione degli obiettivi, progressi verso l'allineamento con SBTi e TCFD, metriche di performance, rendicontazione sostenibile e aspettative in evoluzione in materia di ESG da parte di investitori e portatori di interesse.

El Programa de Responsabilidad Corporativa de Regency Centers se fundamenta en cuatro pilares: Nuestra Gente, Nuestras Comunidades, Ética y Gobernanza, y Conservación Ambiental. El programa tiene como objetivo crear valor a largo plazo para accionistas y partes interesadas, mantener la cultura de la empresa y proteger la marca Regency. La empresa desarrolla objetivos a corto y largo plazo alineados con estos objetivos.

La Junta supervisa la estrategia de responsabilidad corporativa, con el Comité de Nominaciones y Gobernanza supervisando específicamente el Programa de Responsabilidad Corporativa. El Presidente y CEO lidera el Comité Ejecutivo de Gestión y tiene la máxima responsabilidad de la alta dirección para el programa ESG.

En 2023, el Comité de Nominaciones y Gobernanza fue informado regularmente sobre iniciativas estratégicas de sostenibilidad, establecimiento de metas, progreso hacia la alineación con SBTi y TCFD, métricas de desempeño, informes de sostenibilidad y expectativas en evolución de ESG por parte de inversores y partes interesadas.

Regency Centers의 기업 책임 프로그램은 우리 사람들, 우리 커뮤니티, 윤리 및 거버넌스, 환경 관리라는 네 가지 기둥에 기반을 두고 있습니다. 이 프로그램은 주주와 이해관계자를 위해 장기 가치를 창출하고, 회사 문화를 유지하며, Regency 브랜드를 보호하는 것을 목표로 합니다. 회사는 이러한 목표에 맞춰 단기 및 장기 목표를 개발합니다.

이사회는 기업 책임 전략을 감독하며, 지명 및 거버넌스 위원회가 기업 책임 프로그램을 특별히 감독합니다. 회장 겸 CEO는 경영 집행 위원회를 이끌고 있으며, ESG 프로그램에 대한 궁극적인 고위 관리 책임을 집니다.

2023년에는 지명 및 거버넌스 위원회가 전략적 지속 가능성 이니셔티브, 목표 설정, SBTi 및 TCFD 정렬을 향한 진행 상황, 성과 지표, 지속 가능성 보고, 투자자 및 이해관계자의 변화하는 ESG 기대에 대해 정기적으로 보고를 받았습니다.

Le Programme de Responsabilité Sociétale de Regency Centers repose sur quatre piliers : Nos Gens, Nos Communautés, Éthique et Gouvernance, et Gestion Environnementale. Le programme vise à créer de la valeur à long terme pour les actionnaires et les parties prenantes, à maintenir la culture d'entreprise et à protéger la marque Regency. L'entreprise développe des objectifs à court et à long terme alignés sur ces objectifs.

Le Conseil d'administration supervise la stratégie de responsabilité sociétale, avec le Comité de Nominations et de Gouvernance supervisant spécifiquement le Programme de Responsabilité Sociétale. Le Président et CEO dirige le Comité Exécutif de Gestion et a la responsabilité ultime de la direction senior pour le programme ESG.

En 2023, le Comité de Nominations et de Gouvernance a été régulièrement informé des initiatives stratégiques en matière de durabilité, de la fixation d'objectifs, des progrès vers l'alignement avec SBTi et TCFD, des indicateurs de performance, du reporting en matière de durabilité et des attentes évolutives en matière d'ESG de la part des investisseurs et des parties prenantes.

Das Corporate Responsibility Programm von Regency Centers basiert auf vier Säulen: Unsere Menschen, Unsere Gemeinschaften, Ethik und Governance sowie Umweltverantwortung. Das Programm zielt darauf ab, langfristigen Wert für Aktionäre und Interessengruppen zu schaffen, die Unternehmenskultur aufrechtzuerhalten und die Marke Regency zu schützen. Das Unternehmen entwickelt kurz- und langfristige Ziele, die mit diesen Zielen in Einklang stehen.

Der Vorstand überwacht die Unternehmensverantwortungsstrategie, wobei der Nominierungs- und Governance-Ausschuss speziell das Corporate Responsibility Programm überwacht. Der Präsident und CEO leitet den Vorstand der Geschäftsführung und trägt die letztliche Verantwortung des oberen Managements für das ESG-Programm.

Im Jahr 2023 wurde der Nominierungs- und Governance-Ausschuss regelmäßig über strategische Nachhaltigkeitsinitiativen, Zielsetzungen, Fortschritte in Richtung SBTi- und TCFD-Ausrichtung, Leistungskennzahlen, Nachhaltigkeitsberichterstattung und sich entwickelnde ESG-Erwartungen von Investoren und Interessengruppen informiert.

  • None.
  • None.

Originally published in the 2023 Regency Centers Corporate Responsibility Report

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / October 2, 2024 / Regency's Corporate Responsibility Program is built on four pillars - Our People, Our Communities, Ethics and Governance, and Environmental Stewardship. It is guided by overarching objectives, including long-term value creation for our shareholders and other stakeholders, the importance of maintaining and nurturing our culture, and protecting and enhancing Regency's brand and reputation. With these pillars and objectives in mind, we develop near- and long-term goals to create alignment with each objective and to ensure that our corporate responsibility initiatives, which are key to our business success, remain at the forefront of our priorities.

Through our Corporate Responsibility Policies and Practices we demonstrate how our commitment to sustainability naturally flows from our core values, and addresses our expectations and requirements with respect to key dimensions of sustainability.

Regency's Board is responsible for the oversight of our corporate responsibility strategy, initiatives, and business alignment, and has delegated to its Nominating and Governance Committee oversight of Regency's Corporate Responsibility Program. Our President and CEO, who leads our four-person Management Executive Committee, has ultimate senior management responsibility for the Company's ESG program, including oversight of our management-led Corporate Responsibility Committee. In her role as leader of the Executive Committee, she is the primary decision-maker on all major ESG initiatives and business alignment.

In 2023, the Nominating and Governance Committee was briefed regularly on our strategic sustainability initiatives, our goal-setting process, progress toward developing goals aligned with SBTi and TCFD, performance against metrics and targets, sustainability reporting, and the landscape of evolving ESG expectations and practices across our investors and other stakeholders.

Read the full 2023 Regency Centers Corporate Responsibility Report

For more about Regency Centers' commitment to Corporate Responsibility click here

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Spokesperson: Regency Centers

SOURCE: Regency Centers

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What are the four pillars of Regency Centers' Corporate Responsibility Program?

Regency Centers' (REG) Corporate Responsibility Program is built on four pillars: Our People, Our Communities, Ethics and Governance, and Environmental Stewardship.

Who is responsible for overseeing Regency Centers' corporate responsibility strategy?

Regency Centers' (REG) Board is responsible for overseeing the corporate responsibility strategy, with the Nominating and Governance Committee specifically overseeing the Corporate Responsibility Program.

What role does the President and CEO play in Regency Centers' ESG program?

The President and CEO of Regency Centers (REG) leads the Management Executive Committee and has ultimate senior management responsibility for the company's ESG program, including oversight of the management-led Corporate Responsibility Committee.

What was the Nominating and Governance Committee briefed on in 2023 regarding ESG?

In 2023, Regency Centers' (REG) Nominating and Governance Committee was briefed on strategic sustainability initiatives, goal-setting, progress towards SBTi and TCFD alignment, performance metrics, sustainability reporting, and evolving ESG expectations from stakeholders.

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