REE Automotive to Participate in 27th Annual Needham Growth Conference
REE Automotive (Nasdaq: REE), a provider of full by-wire electric trucks and platforms, has announced its participation in the 27th Annual Needham Growth Conference in New York City on January 14, 2025. The company's leadership team, including CEO and co-founder Daniel Barel, CFO Hai Aviv, and Chief Strategy Officer Dana Rubenstein, will engage in one-on-one meetings with institutional, private equity, and venture capital investors.
During these meetings, the team will discuss REE's software-defined vehicle (SDV) technology, market opportunities, and future objectives. Interested conference participants can schedule meetings through Dana Rubenstein. The company's participation aims to showcase its patented technology and unique value proposition in the e-mobility sector.
REE Automotive (Nasdaq: REE), fornitore di camion e piattaforme elettriche completamente by-wire, ha annunciato la sua partecipazione al 27° Annual Needham Growth Conference a New York il 14 gennaio 2025. Il team di leadership dell'azienda, compreso il CEO e co-fondatore Daniel Barel, il CFO Hai Aviv e il Chief Strategy Officer Dana Rubenstein, parteciperà a incontri di persona con investitori istituzionali, di private equity e di venture capital.
Durante questi incontri, il team discuterà della tecnologia dei veicoli definiti dal software (SDV) di REE, delle opportunità di mercato e degli obiettivi futuri. I partecipanti interessati alla conferenza possono programmare incontri tramite Dana Rubenstein. La partecipazione dell'azienda mira a mettere in mostra la sua tecnologia brevettata e la proposta di valore unica nel settore della mobilità elettrica.
REE Automotive (Nasdaq: REE), proveedor de camiones eléctricos y plataformas totalmente by-wire, ha anunciado su participación en la 27ª Conferencia Anual de Necesidades de Crecimiento de Needham en la ciudad de Nueva York el 14 de enero de 2025. El equipo directivo de la empresa, incluido el CEO y cofundador Daniel Barel, el CFO Hai Aviv, y el Director de Estrategia Dana Rubenstein, participará en reuniones uno a uno con inversores institucionales, de capital privado y de capital de riesgo.
Durante estas reuniones, el equipo discutirá la tecnología de vehículos definidos por software (SDV) de REE, las oportunidades del mercado y los objetivos futuros. Los participantes interesados en la conferencia pueden programar reuniones a través de Dana Rubenstein. La participación de la empresa tiene como objetivo mostrar su tecnología patentada y su propuesta de valor única en el sector de la movilidad eléctrica.
REE Automotive (Nasdaq: REE), 완전 전기 트럭 및 플랫폼의 공급업체,가 2025년 1월 14일 뉴욕시에서 열리는 제27회 니드햄 성장 컨퍼런스에 참여한다고 발표했습니다. CEO이자 공동 창립자인 다니엘 바렐, CFO 하이 아비브, 최고 전략 책임자 다나 루벤슈타인 등 회사의 리더십 팀은 기관 투자자, 사모펀드 및 벤처 캐피털 투자자와 1대1 회의를 진행할 예정입니다.
이 회의에서 팀은 REE의 소프트웨어 정의 차량(SDV) 기술, 시장 기회 및 미래 목표에 대해 논의할 것입니다. 관심 있는 컨퍼런스 참가자는 다나 루벤슈타인을 통해 회의를 예약할 수 있습니다. 회사의 참여는 전기 모빌리티 분야에서의 특허 기술과 독특한 가치 제안을 선보이는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.
REE Automotive (Nasdaq: REE), fournisseur de camions et de plateformes électriques entièrement by-wire, a annoncé sa participation à la 27e Conférence Annuelle de Croissance de Needham à New York le 14 janvier 2025. L'équipe dirigeante de l'entreprise, y compris le PDG et cofondateur Daniel Barel, le CFO Hai Aviv et le Directeur de la Stratégie Dana Rubenstein, participera à des réunions individuelles avec des investisseurs institutionnels, de capital-investissement et de capital-risque.
Lors de ces réunions, l'équipe discutera de la technologie des véhicules définis par logiciel (SDV) de REE, des opportunités de marché et des objectifs futurs. Les participants intéressés par la conférence peuvent programmer des réunions par l'intermédiaire de Dana Rubenstein. La participation de l'entreprise vise à mettre en avant sa technologie brevetée et sa proposition de valeur unique dans le secteur de la mobilité électrique.
REE Automotive (Nasdaq: REE), Anbieter von vollständig elektrischen Trucks und Plattformen, hat seine Teilnahme an der 27. Jahreskonferenz für Wachstum von Needham in New York City am 14. Januar 2025 angekündigt. Das Führungsteam des Unternehmens, einschließlich CEO und Mitgründer Daniel Barel, CFO Hai Aviv und Chief Strategy Officer Dana Rubenstein, wird persönliche Gespräche mit institutionellen Investoren, Private-Equity- und Venture-Capital-Investoren führen.
In diesen Gesprächen wird das Team über die softwaredefinierte Fahrzeug(SDV)-Technologie von REE, Marktchancen und zukünftige Ziele diskutieren. Interessierte Konferenzteilnehmer können über Dana Rubenstein Treffen vereinbaren. Die Teilnahme des Unternehmens zielt darauf ab, seine patentierte Technologie und das einzigartige Wertangebot im Bereich der E-Mobilität zu präsentieren.
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Company management will participate in 1-on-1 meetings with institutional, private equity, and venture capital investors
NEW YORK, Jan. 10, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- REE Automotive Ltd. (Nasdaq: REE), an automotive technology company and provider of full by-wire electric trucks and platforms, will participate in the 27th Annual Needham Growth Conference in New York City on January 14, 2025. Company leadership including the CEO and co-founder Daniel Barel, CFO Hai Aviv and Chief Strategy Officer Dana Rubenstein will participate in 1-on-1 meetings to discuss the company’s software-defined vehicle (SDV) technology, market opportunities and goals for the future.
Conference participants may schedule a meeting with REE by contacting Dana Rubenstein at
To learn more about REE Automotive’s patented technology and unique value proposition that position the company to break new ground in e-mobility, visit
About REE Automotive
REE Automotive (Nasdaq: REE) is an automotive technology company that allows companies to build electric vehicles of various shapes and sizes on their modular platforms. With complete design freedom, vehicles Powered by REE® are equipped with the revolutionary REEcorner®, which packs critical vehicle components (steering, braking, suspension, powertrain and control) into a single compact module positioned between the chassis and the wheel. As the first company to FMVSS certify a full by-wire vehicle in the U.S., REE’s proprietary by-wire technology for drive, steer and brake control eliminates the need for mechanical connection. Using four identical REEcorners® enables REE to make the industry’s flattest EV platforms with more room for passengers, cargo and batteries. REE platforms are future proofed, autonomous capable, offer a low total cost of ownership (TCO), and drastically reduce the time to market for fleets looking to electrify. To learn more visit
Media Contact
Malory Van Guilder
Skyya PR for REE Automotive
+1 651-335-0585
Investor Contact
Dana Rubinstein
Chief Strategy Officer for REE Automotive

What is REE Automotive presenting at the 2025 Needham Growth Conference?
When and where is REE Automotive participating in the Needham Growth Conference?
Which REE Automotive executives are attending the 2025 Needham Conference?
How can investors meet with REE Automotive at the Needham Conference?