Redwire Joins the U.S.-U.A.E. Business Council to Support Greater Bilateral Collaboration in Space

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Redwire (NYSE: RDW), a leader in space infrastructure, has joined the U.S.-U.A.E. Business Council to foster collaboration with the Emirati space sector. The company has already contributed to U.A.E.'s space endeavors, including the deployment of Redwire-built Roll-Out Solar Arrays on the International Space Station and bioprinting the first human knee meniscus in space.

Redwire's Chief Growth Officer, Mike Gold, praised the U.A.E.'s rapid progress in space exploration and policy leadership. The U.S.-U.A.E. Business Council welcomed Redwire, emphasizing the company's innovative contributions to space infrastructure. This membership aims to expand Redwire's presence in the Middle East and enhance U.S.-U.A.E. collaboration in the growing space sector.

Redwire (NYSE: RDW), un leader nell'infrastruttura spaziale, si è unita al Consiglio Commerciale U.S.-U.A.E. per promuovere la collaborazione con il settore spaziale emiratino. L'azienda ha già contribuito agli sforzi spaziali degli U.A.E., comprese l'installazione di pannelli solari Roll-Out costruiti da Redwire sulla Stazione Spaziale Internazionale e la biostampa del primo menisco del ginocchio umano nello spazio.

Il Chief Growth Officer di Redwire, Mike Gold, ha elogiato i rapidi progressi degli U.A.E. nell'esplorazione spaziale e nella leadership politica. Il Consiglio Commerciale U.S.-U.A.E. ha accolto Redwire, sottolineando i contributi innovativi dell'azienda all'infrastruttura spaziale. Questa adesione mira ad espandere la presenza di Redwire in Medio Oriente e a migliorare la collaborazione tra U.S.A. e U.A.E. nel crescente settore spaziale.

Redwire (NYSE: RDW), un líder en infraestructura espacial, se ha unido al Consejo Empresarial U.S.-U.A.E. para fomentar la colaboración con el sector espacial emiratí. La empresa ya ha contribuido a los esfuerzos espaciales de los EAU, incluyendo el despliegue de los Paneles Solares Roll-Out construidos por Redwire en la Estación Espacial Internacional y la bioprinting del primer menisco de rodilla humano en el espacio.

El Director de Crecimiento de Redwire, Mike Gold, elogió el rápido progreso de los EAU en la exploración espacial y el liderazgo en políticas. El Consejo Empresarial U.S.-U.A.E. dio la bienvenida a Redwire, enfatizando las contribuciones innovadoras de la empresa a la infraestructura espacial. Esta membresía tiene como objetivo expandir la presencia de Redwire en el Medio Oriente y mejorar la colaboración entre EE.UU. y los EAU en el creciente sector espacial.

레드와이어(Redwire) (NYSE: RDW)는 우주 인프라의 선두주자로서 에미리트 우주 분야와의 협력을 촉진하기 위해 미국-아랍에미리트 비즈니스 협의회에 가입했습니다. 이 회사는 이미 에미리트의 우주 노력에 기여했으며, 여기에는 레드와이어가 제작한 롤아웃 태양열 배열을 국제 우주 정거장에 배치하고 우주에서 첫 번째 인간 무릎 반월상의 생체 인쇄를 포함합니다.

레드와이어의 최고 성장 책임자인 마이크 골드(Mike Gold)는 에미리트의 우주 탐사와 정책 리더십의 빠른 발전을 칭찬했습니다. 미국-아랍에미리트 비즈니스 협의회는 레드와이어를 환영하며 회사의 혁신적인 우주 인프라 기여를 강조했습니다. 이 회원가입의 목표는 레드와이어의 중동 내 존재감을 확장하고 성장하는 우주 분야에서 미국과 아랍에미리트 간의 협력을 강화하는 것입니다.

Redwire (NYSE : RDW), un leader dans l'infrastructure spatiale, a rejoint le Conseil Commercial États-Unis-Émirats Arabes Unis pour favoriser la collaboration avec le secteur spatial émirati. L'entreprise a déjà contribué aux efforts spatiaux des É.A.U., y compris le déploiement de panneaux solaires Roll-Out construits par Redwire sur la Station Spatiale Internationale et la bioprinting du premier ménisque de genou humain dans l'espace.

Le directeur de la croissance de Redwire, Mike Gold, a loué les progrès rapides des É.A.U. dans l'exploration spatiale et le leadership en matière de politique. Le Conseil Commercial États-Unis-Émirats Arabes Unis a accueilli Redwire, soulignant les contributions innovantes de l'entreprise à l'infrastructure spatiale. Cette adhésion vise à élargir la présence de Redwire au Moyen-Orient et à renforcer la collaboration entre les États-Unis et les É.A.U. dans le secteur spatial en pleine expansion.

Redwire (NYSE: RDW), ein führendes Unternehmen für Raumfahrtinfrastruktur, ist dem U.S.-U.A.E. Business Council beigetreten, um die Zusammenarbeit mit dem Emirati-Raumfahrtsektor zu fördern. Das Unternehmen hat bereits zu den Raumfahrtanstrengungen der VAE beigetragen, einschließlich des Einsatzes von von Redwire gebauten Roll-Out-Solarmodulen an der Internationalen Raumstation und der Bioprinting des ersten menschlichen Knie-Meniskus im Weltraum.

Der Chief Growth Officer von Redwire, Mike Gold, lobte den schnellen Fortschritt der VAE in der Raumfahrtforschung und der politischen Führung. Der U.S.-U.A.E. Business Council begrüßte Redwire und betonte die innovativen Beiträge des Unternehmens zur Raumfahrtinfrastruktur. Diese Mitgliedschaft zielt darauf ab, die Präsenz von Redwire im Nahen Osten auszubauen und die Zusammenarbeit zwischen den USA und den VAE im wachsenden Raumfahrtsektor zu verbessern.

  • Joined U.S.-U.A.E. Business Council, potentially opening new business opportunities in the Middle East
  • Existing collaboration with U.A.E. space sector, including ISS solar array deployment and bioprinting projects
  • Potential for expanded presence and partnerships in the rapidly growing Emirati space market
  • None.

JACKSONVILLE, Fla.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Redwire Corporation (NYSE: RDW), a leader in space infrastructure for the next generation space economy, announced today that it has joined the U.S.-U.A.E. Business Council, signaling the importance that Redwire is placing on developing opportunities with the burgeoning Emirati space sector.

Redwire has already benefited from the U.A.E.’s growing space prowess. During his historic spacewalk in April 2023, Emirati astronaut H.E. Dr. Sultan Al Neyadi supported preparations for the deployment of the sixth Redwire-built Roll-Out Solar Array on the International Space Station. He also assisted in the successful bioprinting of the first human knee meniscus in space using Redwire’s BioFabrication Facility—a significant milestone for human health research.

“No country has done more in a shorter amount of time in space than the U.A.E. Their progress and accomplishments have been unparalleled. Not only has the U.A.E. excelled with the aptly named Hope mission to Mars and trailblazing astronautics, but the Emirates has also been a vital leader in space policy. As a founding signatory to the Artemis Accords, the U.A.E. ensured that while humanity’s journey is to the Moon and Mars, our destination will be peace and prosperity. As a member of the U.S.-U.A.E. Business Council, we are excited to further develop the relationship between the Emirates and America in space, taking our long-standing friendship on Earth and extending it to the final frontier,” said Mike Gold, Chief Growth Officer at Redwire.

“The U.S.-U.A.E. Business Council is pleased to welcome Redwire Space as a valued member of our organization. Redwire’s pioneering advancements in space infrastructure showcase the very best of American innovation and ingenuity. We look forward to working closely with the Redwire Space team to expand their presence in the Middle East and enhance collaboration between the United States and U.A.E. in the dynamic and rapidly growing space sector,” said Danny Sebright, President of the U.S.-U.A.E. Business Council.

As a member of the U.S.-U.A.E. Business Council, Redwire joins an elite list of member companies at the forefront of almost every major industry. The Council works to ensure that the U.S. and U.A.E. remain attractive destinations for foreign direct investment by conducting effective policy advocacy, undertaking various trade promotion initiatives, providing ongoing updates on the business climate in both countries, and helping develop strategic relationships between U.S. and U.A.E. business and government officials.

About Redwire

Redwire Corporation (NYSE:RDW) is a global space infrastructure and innovation company enabling civil, commercial, and national security programs. Redwire’s proven and reliable capabilities include avionics, sensors, power solutions, critical structures, mechanisms, radio frequency systems, platforms, missions, and microgravity payloads. Redwire combines decades of flight heritage and proven experience with an agile and innovative culture. Redwire’s approximately 700 employees working from 14 facilities located throughout the United States and Europe are committed to building a bold future in space for humanity, pushing the envelope of discovery and science while creating a better world on Earth. For more information, please visit

Emily Devine





Source: Redwire Corporation


What is the significance of Redwire (RDW) joining the U.S.-U.A.E. Business Council?

Redwire (RDW) joining the U.S.-U.A.E. Business Council signals the company's commitment to developing opportunities with the Emirati space sector, potentially expanding its presence in the Middle East and enhancing collaboration between the United States and U.A.E. in the rapidly growing space industry.

How has Redwire (RDW) already contributed to U.A.E.'s space efforts?

Redwire (RDW) has contributed to U.A.E.'s space efforts through the deployment of Redwire-built Roll-Out Solar Arrays on the International Space Station and by facilitating the bioprinting of the first human knee meniscus in space using Redwire's BioFabrication Facility.

What potential benefits could Redwire (RDW) gain from this membership?

As a member of the U.S.-U.A.E. Business Council, Redwire (RDW) could benefit from expanded business opportunities in the Middle East, enhanced collaboration with the U.A.E. space sector, and access to strategic relationships between U.S. and U.A.E. business and government officials in the space industry.

Redwire Corporation


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