Redwire Enabling ESA’s First Planetary Defense Mission with Cutting-Edge Onboard Computer System

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Redwire (NYSE: RDW) is providing a critical onboard computer system for the European Space Agency's (ESA) Hera mission, Europe's first planetary defense mission. The mission is a companion to NASA's Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART), which successfully impacted the Didymos asteroid system in September 2022.

Redwire's Belgian subsidiary developed the third generation Advanced Data and Power Management System (ADPMS-3) for Hera. This onboard computer will control vital spacecraft operations, including power, navigation, and data transmission. It will play a important role in major mission milestones, such as deploying ESA's two deep-space CubeSats and the spacecraft's final orbital insertion at Didymos.

The Hera mission, set to launch in October 2024 on a SpaceX Falcon 9, adds to Redwire's growing portfolio of space solutions for scientific discovery and planetary defense efforts.

Redwire (NYSE: RDW) sta fornendo un sistema critico di computer a bordo per la missione Hera dell'Agenzia Spaziale Europea (ESA), la prima missione europea di difesa planetaria. La missione è un compagno del Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) della NASA, che ha colpito con successo il sistema asteroidale Didymos nel settembre 2022.

La filiale belga di Redwire ha sviluppato il terzo sistema di gestione avanzata dei dati e dell'energia (ADPMS-3) per Hera. Questo computer a bordo controllerà operazioni vitali della navetta spaziale, inclusi potenza, navigazione e trasmissione dei dati. Giocherà un ruolo importante nei principali traguardi della missione, come il dispiegamento dei due CubeSat di ESA per lo spazio profondo e l'inserimento finale in orbita della navetta spaziale a Didymos.

La missione Hera, prevista per il lancio nell'ottobre 2024 su un Falcon 9 di SpaceX, si aggiunge al crescente portafoglio di soluzioni spaziali di Redwire per la scoperta scientifica e gli sforzi di difesa planetaria.

Redwire (NYSE: RDW) está proporcionando un sistema crítico de computadora a bordo para la misión Hera de la Agencia Espacial Europea (ESA), la primera misión europea de defensa planetaria. La misión acompaña a la Prueba de Redirección de Doble Asteroide (DART) de la NASA, que impactó con éxito el sistema de asteroides Didymos en septiembre de 2022.

La subsidiaria belga de Redwire desarrolló el tercer Sistema Avanzado de Gestión de Datos y Energía (ADPMS-3) para Hera. Esta computadora a bordo controlará operaciones vitales de la nave espacial, incluyendo energía, navegación y transmisión de datos. Jugará un papel importante en hitos clave de la misión, como el despliegue de los dos CubeSats de la ESA para el espacio profundo y la inserción final en órbita de la nave espacial en Didymos.

La misión Hera, programada para ser lanzada en octubre de 2024 en un Falcon 9 de SpaceX, se suma al creciente portafolio de soluciones espaciales de Redwire para el descubrimiento científico y los esfuerzos de defensa planetaria.

레드와이어 (NYSE: RDW)는 유럽 우주국(ESA)의 헤라 미션을 위한 중요한 온보드 컴퓨터 시스템을 제공하고 있습니다. 이는 유럽 최초의 행성 방어 미션입니다. 이 미션은 NASA의 이중 소행성 편향 시험(DART)과 함께하며, DART는 2022년 9월에 Didymos 소행성 시스템에 성공적으로 충돌했습니다.

레드와이어의 벨기에 자회사는 헤라를 위해 3세대 고급 데이터 및 전력 관리 시스템(ADPMS-3)을 개발했습니다. 이 온보드 컴퓨터는 전력, 내비게이션 및 데이터 전송을 포함하여 우주선의 필수 작업을 제어합니다. 이는 ESA의 두 깊은 우주 큐브샛을 배포하고 Didymos에서의 우주선 최종 궤도 삽입과 같은 주요 미션 이정표에서 중요한 역할을 할 것입니다.

헤라 미션은 2024년 10월 SpaceX의 팰콘 9 로켓으로 발사될 예정이며, 레드와이어의 과학 발견 및 행성 방어 노력에 대한 우주 솔루션 포트폴리오를 더욱 확장할 것입니다.

Redwire (NYSE: RDW) fournit un système informatique embarqué essentiel pour la mission Hera de l'Agence spatiale européenne (ESA), la première mission européenne de défense planétaire. Cette mission est un complément au Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) de la NASA, qui a percuté avec succès le système d'astéroïdes Didymos en septembre 2022.

La filiale belge de Redwire a développé le troisième système avancé de gestion des données et de l'énergie (ADPMS-3) pour Hera. Cet ordinateur de bord contrôlera des opérations vitales du vaisseau spatial, y compris l'énergie, la navigation et la transmission de données. Il jouera un rôle important dans les grandes étapes de la mission, comme le déploiement des deux CubeSats de l'ESA pour l'espace profond et l'insertion orbitale finale du vaisseau spatial à Didymos.

La mission Hera, prévue pour un lancement en octobre 2024 sur un SpaceX Falcon 9, vient s'ajouter au portefeuille croissant de solutions spatiales de Redwire pour la découverte scientifique et les efforts de défense planétaire.

Redwire (NYSE: RDW) liefert ein kritisches Bordcomputersystem für die Hera-Mission der Europäischen Weltraumorganisation (ESA), die erste europäische Planetenschutzmission. Die Mission ist ein Begleiter des Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) der NASA, der im September 2022 erfolgreich das Didymos-Asteroidensystem getroffen hat.

Die belgische Tochtergesellschaft von Redwire entwickelte das dritte Generation fortschrittliche Daten- und Energiemanagementsystem (ADPMS-3) für Hera. Dieser Bordcomputer wird essentielle Operationen des Raumschiffs steuern, einschließlich Energie, Navigation und Datenübertragung. Er spielt eine wichtige Rolle bei wichtigen Meilensteinen der Mission, wie dem Einsatz von ESAs zwei Deep-Space-CubeSats und der endgültigen orbitalen Einspritzung des Raumschiffs bei Didymos.

Die Hera-Mission, die für den Start im Oktober 2024 mit einem SpaceX Falcon 9 geplant ist, erweitert das wachsende Portfolio von Redwire an Raumlösungen für wissenschaftliche Entdeckungen und Planetenschutzmaßnahmen.

  • Redwire is providing critical technology for ESA's first planetary defense mission
  • The company's ADPMS-3 onboard computer will control vital spacecraft operations
  • Redwire's technology leverages 25 years of spaceflight heritage
  • The contract expands Redwire's portfolio in space solutions for scientific discovery and planetary defense
  • None.


Redwire's contribution to ESA's Hera mission marks a significant advancement in planetary defense technology. The ADPMS-3 onboard computer system is a critical component for the mission's success, controlling vital spacecraft operations in deep space. This showcases Redwire's growing influence in high-stakes space missions.

The company's involvement in both NASA's DART and ESA's Hera missions positions it as a key player in the emerging field of asteroid deflection and planetary defense. This could lead to increased contract opportunities and revenue streams in the future, as space agencies worldwide prioritize such missions.

Investors should note Redwire's diversified portfolio, spanning from power systems to navigation technology and now advanced onboard computers. This diversification reduces risk and opens up multiple avenues for growth in the expanding space economy.

While this contract demonstrates Redwire's technological capabilities, its financial impact is not immediately clear without disclosed contract values. However, the company's involvement in high-profile missions like Hera and DART could enhance its market position and lead to future contracts.

Redwire's market cap of $426,492,792 suggests it's a relatively small player in the aerospace sector. Securing contracts for critical components in major space missions could drive significant growth if it translates to larger market share and revenue increases.

Investors should monitor Redwire's revenue growth and profit margins in upcoming financial reports to assess how these high-profile projects are impacting the bottom line. The company's ability to leverage its technology across multiple missions (DART, Hera, Comet Interceptor) indicates a scalable business model with potential for improved profitability.

JACKSONVILLE, Fla.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Redwire Corporation (NYSE: RDW), a leader in space infrastructure for the next generation space economy, announced today that it is providing a critical onboard computer system for the European Space Agency’s (ESA) Hera mission, Europe’s inaugural flagship planetary defense mission. Hera is the European-led companion mission to NASA’s Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART), which successfully impacted the binary asteroid system Didymos in September 2022 with Redwire power and navigation technology onboard. The Hera mission will provide a detailed survey of DART’s impact site.

Hera’s onboard computer was developed by Redwire’s wholly owned Belgian subsidiary, Redwire Space NV, through a contract with OHB Germany, the main industrial contractor for the mission. The onboard computer, Redwire’s third generation Advanced Data and Power Management System (ADPMS-3), is designed to monitor and control other spacecraft components, including transmitting critical data to operators on the ground. Developed to meet the challenges of operating in deep space, ADPMS-3 will control all vital spacecraft operations, including power and navigation, and play a crucial role in major mission milestones such as the deployment and monitoring of ESA’s two deep-space CubeSats and the spacecraft’s final orbital insertion at Didymos.

“Redwire’s third generation onboard computer, leveraging more than 25 years of flight heritage and avionics expertise, has become critical, enabling technology for today’s most ambitious missions,” said Erik Masure, President of Redwire Space Europe. “We are proud to partner with ESA for the game-changing Hera mission to advance humanity’s planetary defense capabilities and the scientific understanding of asteroids.”

The Hera mission is an exciting mission contributing to Redwire’s growing portfolio of space solutions that advance scientific discovery and planetary defense efforts. Redwire provided digital sun sensors and Roll-Out Solar Array technology for NASA’s DART mission. Redwire is also providing the onboard computer for ESA’s Comet Interceptor mission, the first spacecraft to visit a long-period comet. Redwire’s ADPMS leverages 25 years of spaceflight heritage, previously supporting ESA’s Proba-2, Proba-V, and Intermediate eXperimental Vehicle missions.

Hera will be launched by a SpaceX Falcon 9 from Kennedy Space Center in October 2024.

About Redwire

Redwire Corporation (NYSE:RDW) is a global space infrastructure and innovation company enabling civil, commercial, and national security programs. Redwire’s proven and reliable capabilities include avionics, sensors, power solutions, critical structures, mechanisms, radio frequency systems, platforms, missions, and microgravity payloads. Redwire combines decades of flight heritage and proven experience with an agile and innovative culture. Redwire’s approximately 700 employees working from 16 facilities located throughout the United States and Europe are committed to building a bold future in space for humanity, pushing the envelope of discovery and science while creating a better world on Earth. For more information, please visit

Disclaimer: The views expressed herein can in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of the European Space Agency

Media Contact:

Emily Devine

+1 305-632-9137


Media Contact (Redwire Space Europe):

Marta Lebron

+32 3 250 14 50


+1 904-425-1431

Source: Redwire Corporation


What is Redwire's role in ESA's Hera mission?

Redwire is providing a critical onboard computer system, the ADPMS-3, for ESA's Hera mission. This system will control vital spacecraft operations, including power, navigation, and data transmission.

When is the Hera mission scheduled to launch?

The Hera mission is scheduled to launch in October 2024 on a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket from Kennedy Space Center.

How does the Hera mission relate to NASA's DART mission?

Hera is the European-led companion mission to NASA's DART mission. It will provide a detailed survey of DART's impact site on the Didymos asteroid system.

What other space missions has Redwire (RDW) been involved in?

Redwire has provided technology for NASA's DART mission, including digital sun sensors and Roll-Out Solar Array technology. The company is also providing the onboard computer for ESA's Comet Interceptor mission.

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