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Rhea-AI Summary

C3 AI and Shell have expanded the Open AI Energy Initiative (OAI) with Kongsberg Digital and MathWorks joining as independent software vendors. This initiative aims to integrate artificial intelligence solutions to transform the energy industry. Kongsberg Digital will offer the Kognitwin Energy, enhancing operational efficiency, while MathWorks will provide MATLAB Production Server for analytics and optimization. Solutions are expected to roll out in 2022, focusing on cleaner energy and compliance monitoring.

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Rhea-AI Summary

C3 AI and Shell have unveiled three new artificial intelligence products through the Open AI Initiative aimed at enhancing efficiency in the energy sector. These products include the Shell Process Optimiser for LNG, which improves asset production; the Shell Corrosion Advanced Risk Modelling and Analytics, which predicts corrosion to reduce maintenance costs; and the Shell Autonomous Integrity Recognition, enhancing inspection processes. These tools aim to accelerate the adoption of AI solutions in energy operations.

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Rhea-AI Summary

C3 AI (NYSE:AI) and Shell (NYSE:RDS) have renewed their strategic partnership for five years to enhance the deployment of AI and machine learning applications within Shell's operations. This agreement builds on the earlier launch of the Open AI Energy Initiativeā„¢ aimed at transforming the energy industry. The collaboration emphasizes the importance of enterprise AI in improving reliability, asset integrity, and process optimization across Shell's businesses. Key executives from both companies expressed optimism about leveraging AI for a cleaner energy future and digital transformation.

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