RadNet, Inc. Announces the Appointment of Kees Wesdorp as President and Chief Executive Officer of RadNet’s Digital Health Division
RadNet (NASDAQ: RDNT) has appointed Kees Wesdorp as President and CEO of its Digital Health division and a member of the executive management team. Wesdorp, formerly with Philips and Hellman & Friedman, brings extensive experience in radiology software solutions and AI development. He will lead RadNet's digital health products, including eRAD Radiology Information/Image Management Systems and DeepHealth OS, as well as clinical AI solutions in breast, prostate, lung, and neuro imaging.
This appointment signifies RadNet's commitment to strengthening its digital health offerings and accelerating growth in health informatics and AI applications. Wesdorp's expertise is expected to drive innovation in radiology practice, improving efficiency, accuracy, and patient outcomes.
RadNet (NASDAQ: RDNT) ha nominato Kees Wesdorp come Presidente e CEO della sua divisione Salute Digitale e come membro del team di gestione esecutiva. Wesdorp, che in passato ha lavorato per Philips e Hellman & Friedman, porta con sé una vasta esperienza nel campo delle soluzioni software per la radiologia e nello sviluppo di intelligenza artificiale. Dirigerà i prodotti per la salute digitale di RadNet, inclusi i sistemi di gestione delle informazioni/imaging radiologiche eRAD e DeepHealth OS, nonché soluzioni di AI clinica per immagini di seno, prostata, polmoni e neurologia.
Questa nomina segna l'impegno di RadNet a rafforzare la sua offerta di salute digitale e ad accelerare la crescita nell'informatica sanitaria e nelle applicazioni di intelligenza artificiale. Si prevede che l'esperienza di Wesdorp favorisca l'innovazione nella pratica della radiologia, migliorando l'efficienza, l'accuratezza e i risultati per i pazienti.
RadNet (NASDAQ: RDNT) ha nombrado a Kees Wesdorp como Presidente y CEO de su división de Salud Digital y miembro del equipo de gestión ejecutiva. Wesdorp, que anteriormente trabajó en Philips y Hellman & Friedman, aporta una amplia experiencia en soluciones de software de radiología y desarrollo de IA. Liderará los productos de salud digital de RadNet, incluidos los sistemas de gestión de información/imágenes radiológicas eRAD y DeepHealth OS, así como soluciones de IA clínica en imágenes de mama, próstata, pulmón y neurología.
Este nombramiento significa el compromiso de RadNet de fortalecer su oferta de salud digital y acelerar el crecimiento en informática de la salud y aplicaciones de IA. Se espera que la experiencia de Wesdorp impulse la innovación en la práctica de la radiología, mejorando la eficiencia, la precisión y los resultados para los pacientes.
RadNet (NASDAQ: RDNT)는 Kees Wesdorp를 디지털 헬스 부문의 사장 겸 CEO로 임명하고 임원 관리 팀의 일원으로 선임했습니다. Wesdorp는 Philips와 Hellman & Friedman에서 이전에 근무한 경력을 가지고 있으며, 방사선 소프트웨어 솔루션 및 AI 개발에 대한 폭넓은 경험을 보유하고 있습니다. 그는 eRAD 방사선 정보/이미지 관리 시스템과 DeepHealth OS를 포함한 RadNet의 디지털 헬스 제품을 이끌며, 유방, 전립선, 폐 및 신경 이미징 분야의 임상 AI 솔루션도 담당할 예정입니다.
이번 임명은 RadNet이 디지털 헬스 제공을 강화하고 건강 정보학 및 AI 응용 프로그램의 성장을 가속화하려는 의지를 나타냅니다. Wesdorp의 전문성이 방사선학 실무에서 혁신을 촉진하고 효율성, 정확성 및 환자 결과를 개선할 것으로 기대됩니다.
RadNet (NASDAQ: RDNT) a nommé Kees Wesdorp en tant que Président et CEO de sa division Santé Numérique et membre de l'équipe de direction. Wesdorp, anciennement chez Philips et Hellman & Friedman, apporte une vaste expérience dans les solutions logicielles en radiologie et le développement de l'intelligence artificielle. Il dirigera les produits de santé numérique de RadNet, y compris les systèmes de gestion de l'information/imagerie radiologique eRAD et DeepHealth OS, ainsi que des solutions d'IA clinique en imagerie du sein, de la prostate, des poumons et neurologique.
Cette nomination souligne l'engagement de RadNet à renforcer son offre de santé numérique et à accélérer la croissance dans le domaine de l'informatique de la santé et des applications d'IA. L'expertise de Wesdorp devrait favoriser l'innovation dans la pratique de la radiologie, améliorant ainsi l'efficacité, la précision et les résultats pour les patients.
RadNet (NASDAQ: RDNT) hat Kees Wesdorp zum Präsidenten und CEO seiner Digital Health-Sparte sowie zum Mitglied des Führungsteams ernannt. Wesdorp, der zuvor bei Philips und Hellman & Friedman tätig war, bringt umfangreiche Erfahrungen im Bereich der radiologischen Softwarelösungen und der KI-Entwicklung mit. Er wird die digitalen Gesundheitsprodukte von RadNet leiten, einschließlich der eRAD Radiologie-Informations-/Bildverwaltungssysteme und des DeepHealth OS sowie klinischer KI-Lösungen für Brust-, Prostata-, Lungen- und Neurologie-Bildgebung.
Diese Ernennung verdeutlicht RadNets Engagement zur Stärkung seines Angebots im Bereich digitale Gesundheit und zur Beschleunigung des Wachstums in der Gesundheitsinformatik und bei KI-Anwendungen. Es wird erwartet, dass Wesdorps Fachwissen Innovationen in der radiologischen Praxis vorantreibt und Effizienz, Genauigkeit und Patientenresultate verbessert.
- Appointment of an experienced healthcare executive to lead the Digital Health division
- Strengthening of management team indicates strong momentum in digital businesses
- Wesdorp's expertise aligns with RadNet's focus on radiology software and AI solutions
- Potential for accelerated growth and innovation in digital health offerings
- None.
- Former Chief Business Leader of Philips’ multi-billion-dollar Precision Diagnosis division and member of Philips’ Executive Committee
- End-to-end responsibility for Philip’s CT, MR, dXR, Ultrasound and Diagnostic Informatics (radiology software) businesses
- Proven track record of building and managing radiology software solutions, including significant experience with AI development and commercialization
LOS ANGELES, Sept. 12, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- RadNet, Inc. (NASDAQ: RDNT), a national leader in providing high-quality, cost-effective diagnostic imaging services through a network of fully-owned and operated outpatient imaging centers and digital health solutions, announced today the appointment of Kees Wesdorp as President and Chief Executive Officer of RadNet’s Digital Health division and a member of the RadNet executive management team. Mr. Wesdorp will assume leadership for the company’s Digital Health products and services, including the current portfolio of radiology informatics (eRAD Radiology Information/Image Management Systems and DeepHealth OS) and clinical Artificial Intelligence (AI) solutions in breast, prostate, lung and neuro marketed under the DeepHealth brand.
Since 2023, Mr. Wesdorp has served as a Managing Director at Hellman & Friedman where he focused on driving transformation at Hellman & Friedman’s portfolio companies in Europe. Prior to Hellman & Friedman, Mr. Wesdorp spent six years in business leadership roles at Philips (Koninklijke Philips N.V.) and was part of the Philips Executive Committee, leading the multi-billion-dollar Precision Diagnosis division overseeing Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), Computed Tomography (CT), Advanced Molecular Imaging (AMI), Diagnostic X-Ray (DXR), Ultrasound, Enterprise Diagnostic Informatics (radiology software) and Precision Diagnosis Solutions – including pathology, oncology and tele-radiology solutions.
Prior to joining Philips, Mr. Wesdorp was an Executive Vice President at Bain Capital, focusing on driving transformation in selected Bain Capital portfolio companies. Before Bain Capital, Mr. Wesdorp worked for NXP Semiconductors and was involved in the transformation of NXP in a variety of operational and functional roles.
“The strengthening of our Digital Health management team through a senior leader like Kees is indicative of the strong momentum in our digital businesses and a commitment to our health informatics and artificial intelligence applications roadmap. Kees is a seasoned healthcare executive with a proven track record in leading and growing healthcare businesses and in directing digital transformations,” noted Howard Berger, M.D., President and Chief Executive Officer of RadNet. “We are confident that Kees’ leadership and insights as well as his knowledge of medical imaging equipment will be instrumental as we continue to evolve our Digital Health offerings to meet the growing demand for more efficient and accessible care solutions in the diagnostic imaging sector.”
Mr. Wesdorp commented, “I am excited to join RadNet and to lead its Digital Health division, which includes dynamically growing platforms in radiology software and generative and clinical AI solutions. I believe RadNet is uniquely positioned to redefine how Radiology is practiced through its portfolio of clinical and operational technologies, as evidenced by its recent success in offering the AI-powered Enhanced Breast Cancer Detection (EBCD) program to RadNet patients nationwide. I look forward to working with the RadNet and Digital Health teams to deliver innovation that can further drive efficiency, accuracy and productivity in Radiology – resulting in improvement in patient outcomes and population health.”
About RadNet, Inc.
RadNet, Inc. is the leading national provider of freestanding, fixed-site diagnostic imaging services in the United States based on the number of locations and annual imaging revenue. RadNet has a network of 398 owned and/or operated outpatient imaging centers. RadNet's markets include Arizona, California, Delaware, Florida, Maryland, New Jersey, New York and Texas. In addition, RadNet provides radiology information technology and artificial intelligence solutions, teleradiology professional services and other related products and services to customers in the diagnostic imaging industry. Together with affiliated radiologists, and inclusive of full-time and per diem employees and technologists, RadNet has a total of over 10,000 employees. For more information, visit http://www.radnet.com.
About DeepHealth
DeepHealth, a wholly-owned subsidiary of RadNet, Inc. (NASDAQ: RDNT) provides AI-powered health informatics to empower breakthroughs in care delivery. The heart of its portfolio of solutions, the DeepHealth OS, is a cloud-native operating system that orchestrates all clinical and operational data to drive value across the enterprise. The portfolio builds on the strengths of RadNet’s existing Digital Health businesses and products, including eRAD Radiology Information Systems and Image Management Systems, Aidence lung AI, Quantib prostate AI, and DeepHealth breast AI. DeepHealth aims to elevate the role of the radiologist beyond radiology and across the entire care pathway. It empowers all users across the care continuum with personalized workflows to make work easier and more meaningful. DeepHealth leverages advanced AI operational and clinical technologies in breast, lung, brain, and prostate health, leading to increased operational efficiency, clinical confidence, and patient outcomes. https://deephealth.com/
RadNet, Inc.
Mark Stolper
Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer

Who is the new President and CEO of RadNet's Digital Health division?
What is Kees Wesdorp's background before joining RadNet (RDNT)?
What will Kees Wesdorp be responsible for at RadNet (RDNT)?