RedHill Announces New U.S. Coronavirus Patent for Opaganib, Valid Through 2041

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RedHill Biopharma (Nasdaq: RDHL) has announced the issuance of a new U.S. patent for opaganib, valid through 2041. The patent covers the identification of a novel biomarker of coronavirus pneumonia (≤60% fraction of inspired oxygen (FiO2)) prognostic for potential opaganib efficacy in treating COVID-19.

Post-hoc data from opaganib's Phase 2/3 study showed that patients with ≤60% FiO2 levels had better outcomes after 14 days of treatment compared to placebo, including:

  • Increased number of patients no longer requiring supplemental oxygen (76.9% vs. 63.4%; p-value=0.033)
  • 62.6% reduction in intubation/mechanical ventilation (6.84% vs. 17.91%; p-value=0.012)
  • 62% reduction in mortality by day 42 (5.98% vs. 16.7%; p-value=0.019)

Opaganib is being developed for various indications, including oncology, viral infections, inflammatory diseases, and nuclear/radioprotection.

RedHill Biopharma (Nasdaq: RDHL) ha annunciato l'emissione di un nuovo brevetto negli Stati Uniti per l'opaganib, valido fino al 2041. Il brevetto copre l'identificazione di un nuovo biomarker per la polmonite da coronavirus (≤60% di frazione di ossigeno inspirato (FiO2)), prognostico per l'efficacia potenziale dell'opaganib nel trattamento del COVID-19.

I dati post-hoc dello studio di Fase 2/3 sull'opaganib hanno mostrato che i pazienti con livelli di FiO2 ≤60% hanno ottenuto risultati migliori dopo 14 giorni di trattamento rispetto al placebo, tra cui:

  • Aumento del numero di pazienti che non necessitano più di ossigeno supplementare (76.9% vs. 63.4%; p-value=0.033)
  • Riduzione del 62.6% dell'intubazione/ventilazione meccanica (6.84% vs. 17.91%; p-value=0.012)
  • Riduzione del 62% della mortalità entro il giorno 42 (5.98% vs. 16.7%; p-value=0.019)

Opaganib è in fase di sviluppo per varie indicazioni, tra cui oncologia, infezioni virali, malattie infiammatorie e nucleare/radioprotezione.

RedHill Biopharma (Nasdaq: RDHL) ha anunciado la emisión de una nueva patente estadounidense para el opaganib, válida hasta 2041. La patente cubre la identificación de un nuevo biomarcador de neumonía por coronavirus (≤60% de fracción de oxígeno inspirado (FiO2)), pronóstico para la posible eficacia del opaganib en el tratamiento de COVID-19.

Los datos post-hoc del estudio de Fase 2/3 del opaganib mostraron que los pacientes con niveles de FiO2 ≤60% tuvieron mejores resultados después de 14 días de tratamiento en comparación con el placebo, incluyendo:

  • Aumento del número de pacientes que ya no requieren oxígeno suplementario (76.9% vs. 63.4%; p-value=0.033)
  • Reducción del 62.6% en la intubación/ventilación mecánica (6.84% vs. 17.91%; p-value=0.012)
  • Reducción del 62% en la mortalidad para el día 42 (5.98% vs. 16.7%; p-value=0.019)

El opaganib se está desarrollando para diversas indicaciones, incluyendo oncología, infecciones virales, enfermedades inflamatorias y protección nuclear/radiológica.

레드힐 바이오파마 (Nasdaq: RDHL)는 오파가닙에 대한 새로운 미국 특허가 발급되었으며, 이는 2041년까지 유효하다고 발표했습니다. 이 특허는 코로나바이러스 폐렴의 새로운 생체 표지자(≤60% 산소 흡입 분율 (FiO2))를 식별하는 내용을 포함하며, COVID-19 치료에 있어서 오파가닙의 잠재적 효능에 대한 예측을 위해 사용됩니다.

오파가닙의 2/3상 임상 시험 후속 데이터에 따르면, FiO2 수준이 ≤60%인 환자들은 위약군에 비해 14일 치료 후 더 나은 결과를 보였으며, 다음과 같은 결과가 포함됩니다:

  • 추가 산소 공급을 더 이상 필요로 하지 않는 환자의 수 증가 (76.9% vs. 63.4%; p-value=0.033)
  • 기관내 삽관/기계 환기의 62.6% 감소 (6.84% vs. 17.91%; p-value=0.012)
  • 42일째 사망률 62% 감소 (5.98% vs. 16.7%; p-value=0.019)

오파가닙은 종양학, 바이러스 감염, 염증성 질환 및 원자력/방사선 보호 등을 포함한 다양한 적응증에 대해 개발되고 있습니다.

RedHill Biopharma (Nasdaq: RDHL) a annoncé l'émission d'un nouveau brevet américain pour l'opaganib, valable jusqu'en 2041. Ce brevet couvre l'identification d'un nouveau biomarqueur de pneumonie à coronavirus (≤60% de fraction d'oxygène inspiré (FiO2)), pronostic pour l'efficacité potentielle de l'opaganib dans le traitement du COVID-19.

Les données post-hoc de l'étude de Phase 2/3 sur l'opaganib ont montré que les patients avec des niveaux de FiO2 ≤60% avaient de meilleurs résultats après 14 jours de traitement par rapport au placebo, y compris :

  • Augmentation du nombre de patients ne nécessitant plus d'oxygène supplémentaire (76,9% vs. 63,4%; p-value=0,033)
  • Réduction de 62,6% de l'intubation/ventilation mécanique (6,84% vs. 17,91%; p-value=0,012)
  • Réduction de 62% de la mortalité d'ici le jour 42 (5,98% vs. 16,7%; p-value=0,019)

L'opaganib est en cours de développement pour diverses indications, y compris oncologie, infections virales, maladies inflammatoires et protection nucléaire/radiologique.

RedHill Biopharma (Nasdaq: RDHL) hat die Erteilung eines neuen US-Patents für Opaganib bekannt gegeben, das bis 2041 gültig ist. Das Patent umfasst die Identifizierung eines neuartigen Biomarkers der Coronavirus-Pneumonie (≤60% teilweiser inspirierter Sauerstoff (FiO2)), der prognostisch für die potenzielle Wirksamkeit von Opaganib bei der Behandlung von COVID-19 ist.

Post-hoc-Daten aus der Phase 2/3-Studie zu Opaganib zeigten, dass Patienten mit ≤60% FiO2-Werten nach 14 Tagen Behandlung im Vergleich zur Placebo-Gruppe bessere Ergebnisse erzielten, einschließlich:

  • Erhöhung der Anzahl der Patienten, die kein zusätzliches Sauerstoff mehr benötigen (76,9% vs. 63,4%; p-value=0,033)
  • 62,6% Reduzierung der Intubation/mechanischen Beatmung (6,84% vs. 17,91%; p-value=0,012)
  • 62% Reduzierung der Sterblichkeit bis Tag 42 (5,98% vs. 16,7%; p-value=0,019)

Opaganib wird für verschiedene Indikationen entwickelt, einschließlich Onkologie, Virusinfektionen, entzündliche Erkrankungen und nukleare/radioprotektion.

  • New U.S. patent issued for opaganib, valid through 2041
  • Post-hoc data shows improved outcomes for COVID-19 patients with ≤60% FiO2 levels after opaganib treatment
  • 62.6% reduction in intubation/mechanical ventilation in treated patients
  • 62% reduction in mortality by day 42 in treated patients
  • Opaganib being developed for multiple indications, potentially expanding market opportunities
  • Results based on post-hoc analysis, which may limit their statistical significance
  • Efficacy data to a specific subset of patients (≤60% FiO2 levels)


This patent issuance for opaganib's COVID-19 treatment biomarker is a significant development for RedHill Biopharma. The patent, valid until 2041, strengthens the company's intellectual property position and potential market exclusivity for opaganib in COVID-19 treatment.

The post-hoc data from the Phase 2/3 study is particularly noteworthy:

  • Increased number of patients no longer requiring supplemental oxygen by day 14 (76.9% vs. 63.4%, p=0.033)
  • 62.6% reduction in intubation/mechanical ventilation (6.84% vs. 17.91%, p=0.012)
  • 62% reduction in mortality (5.98% vs. 16.7%, p=0.019) by day 42

These results suggest potentially significant clinical benefits for patients with ≤60% FiO2 levels. However, it's important to note that this is post-hoc analysis and further studies may be needed to confirm these findings.

The broader potential of opaganib across multiple indications (oncology, viral infections, inflammatory diseases and nuclear/radioprotection) could provide diversification opportunities for RedHill's pipeline. The U.S. government collaborations also indicate potential interest in opaganib for pandemic preparedness, which could lead to future contracts or funding opportunities.

From a financial perspective, this patent issuance is a positive development for RedHill Biopharma. The extended patent protection until 2041 enhances the company's ability to monetize opaganib if it reaches the market for COVID-19 treatment.

Key financial implications include:

  • Increased market exclusivity: Longer patent protection could translate to higher potential revenues over an extended period.
  • Enhanced partnering opportunities: Stronger IP position may attract potential licensing or collaboration deals.
  • Diversified revenue potential: Opaganib's multiple indications could provide multiple revenue streams if successful in clinical development.

However, investors should note that RedHill is a small-cap company ($11.26 million market cap) with significant clinical development costs ahead. The company's ability to fund further development and potential commercialization will be crucial. Future capital raises may be necessary, potentially diluting existing shareholders.

While the patent news is positive, the company's overall financial health, cash position and burn rate should be closely monitored. The stock may see increased interest due to this news, but long-term value will depend on clinical success and regulatory approvals across opaganib's targeted indications.

New U.S. patent issued covering the identification of a novel biomarker of coronavirus pneumonia (≤60% fraction of inspired oxygen (FiO2)) prognostic for potential opaganib efficacy in treating COVID-19, valid through 204

Published post-hoc data from opaganib's Phase2/3 study showed that patients with ≤60% FiO2 levels had better outcomes after 14 days' opaganib treatment (n=117) compared to placebo (n=134), including: increased number of patients no longer requiring supplemental oxygen by day 14 of opaganib treatment (76.9% vs. 63.4%; p-value =0.033), a 62.6% reduction in intubation/mechanical ventilation (6.84% vs. 17.91%; p-value=0.012) and a clinically meaningful 62% reduction in mortality (5.98% vs. 16.7%; p-value=0.019) by day 42[1]

With multiple U.S. government collaborations for medical countermeasure and pandemic preparedness, opaganib is a novel, host-directed, potentially broad acting, orally administered small molecule drug with demonstrated safety & efficacy profiles, being developed for various oncology, viral infections, inflammatory diseases and nuclear/radioprotection indications

TEL-AVIV, Israel and RALEIGH, N.C., Sept. 30, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- RedHill Biopharma Ltd. (Nasdaq: RDHL) ("RedHill" or the "Company"), a specialty biopharmaceutical company, today announced the issue of a new U.S. patent for identification of a novel biomarker of coronavirus pneumonia (≤60% fraction of inspired oxygen (FiO2)) prognostic for potential opaganib[2] efficacy in treating COVID-19, valid through 2041 (U.S. Patent and Trademark Office Number: 12,115,150, date of grant to be: October 15, 2024).

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Guy Goldberg, RedHill's Chief Business Officer, said: "This exciting new patent is based on compelling published post-hoc data from opaganib's Phase 2/3 study, showing that patients with ≤60% FiO2 levels had better outcomes after 14 days' opaganib treatment. These outcomes included an increase in patients no longer requiring supplemental oxygen by day 14 of opaganib treatment, a reduction in patients requiring intubation/mechanical ventilation and a clinically meaningful 62% reduction in mortality. This is a very interesting addition to the already strong patent portfolio protecting opaganib."

About Opaganib (ABC294640)
Opaganib, a proprietary investigational host-directed and potentially broad-acting drug, is a first-in-class, orally administered sphingosine kinase-2 (SPHK2) selective inhibitor with anticancer, anti-inflammatory and antiviral activity, targeting multiple potential indications, including several cancers, diabetes and obesity-related disorders, gastrointestinal acute radiation syndrome (GI-ARS), Sulfur Mustard exposure, COVID-19, Ebola and other viruses as part of pandemic preparedness.

Opaganib's host-directed action is thought to work through the inhibition of multiple pathways, the induction of autophagy and apoptosis, and disruption of viral replication, through simultaneous inhibition of three sphingolipid-metabolizing enzymes in human cells (SPHK2, DES1 and GCS).

Several U.S. government countermeasures and pandemic preparedness programs have selected opaganib for evaluation for multiple indications, including Acute Radiation Syndrome (ARS),  Ebola virus disease and others Funding bodies include the Radiation and Nuclear Countermeasures Program (RNCP), led by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), part of the U.S. government Department of Health & Human Services' National Institutes of Health and the Administration for Strategic Preparedness and Response's (ASPR) Center for Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA).

Opaganib has demonstrated antiviral activity against SARS-CoV-2, multiple variants, and several other viruses, such as Influenza A and Ebola. Opaganib delivered a statistically significant increase in survival time when given at 150 mg/kg twice a day (BID) in a United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) in vivo Ebola virus study, making it the first host-directed molecule to show activity in Ebola virus disease. Opaganib also recently demonstrated a distinct synergistic effect when combined individually with remdesivir (Veklury®, Gilead Sciences Inc.), significantly improving potency while maintaining cell viability, in a U.S. Army-funded and conducted in vitro Ebola virus study.

Being host-targeted, and based on data accumulated to date, opaganib is expected to maintain effect against emerging viral variants. In prespecified analyses of Phase 2/3 clinical data in hospitalized patients with moderate to severe COVID-19, oral opaganib demonstrated improved viral RNA clearance, faster time to recovery and significant mortality reduction in key patient subpopulations versus placebo on top of standard of care. Opaganib has demonstrated its safety and tolerability profile in more than 470 people in multiple clinical studies and expanded access use. Data from the opaganib global Phase 2/3 study was published in Microorganisms.

Opaganib has received several orphan-drug designations from the FDA in oncology and other diseases and has undergone studies in advanced cholangiocarcinoma (Phase 2a) and prostate cancer. Opaganib also has a Phase 1 chemoradiotherapy study protocol ready for FDA-IND submission.

Opaganib has also shown positive preclinical results in renal fibrosis, and has the potential to target multiple oncology, radioprotection, viral, inflammatory, and gastrointestinal indications.

About RedHill Biopharma
RedHill Biopharma Ltd. (Nasdaq: RDHL) is a specialty biopharmaceutical company primarily focused on gastrointestinal and infectious diseases. RedHill promotes the gastrointestinal drugs Talicia®, for the treatment of Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection in adults[3], and Aemcolo®, for the treatment of travelers' diarrhea in adults[4]. RedHill's key clinical late-stage development programs include: (i) opaganib (ABC294640), a first-in-class oral broad-acting, host-directed SPHK2 selective inhibitor with potential for pandemic preparedness, targeting multiple indications with a U.S. government collaboration for development for Acute Radiation Syndrome (ARS), a Phase 2/3 program for hospitalized COVID-19, and a Phase 2 program in oncology; (ii) RHB-107 (upamostat), an oral broad-acting, host-directed, serine protease inhibitor with potential for pandemic preparedness is in late-stage development as a treatment for non-hospitalized symptomatic COVID-19, with non-dilutive external funding covering the entirety of the RHB-107 arm of the 300-patient Phase 2 adaptive platform trial, and is also targeting multiple other cancer and inflammatory gastrointestinal diseases; (iii) RHB-102, with potential UK submission for chemotherapy and radiotherapy induced nausea and vomiting, positive results from a Phase 3 study for acute gastroenteritis and gastritis and positive results from a Phase 2 study for IBS-D; (iv) RHB-104, with positive results from a first Phase 3 study for Crohn's disease; and (v) RHB-204, a Phase 3-stage program for pulmonary nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) disease.

More information about the Company is available at /

Forward-Looking Statements
This press release contains "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and may discuss investment opportunities, stock analysis, financial performance, investor relations, and market trends. Such statements may be preceded by the words "intends," "may," "will," "plans," "expects," "anticipates," "projects," "predicts," "estimates," "aims," "believes," "hopes," "potential" or similar words and include, among others, statements regarding the potential effects of opaganib in the treatment of COVID-19. Forward-looking statements are based on certain assumptions and are subject to various known and unknown risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond the Company's control and cannot be predicted or quantified, and consequently, actual results may differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Such risks and uncertainties include, without limitation: market and other conditions; the Company's ability to maintain compliance with the Nasdaq Capital Market's listing requirements; the risk that the addition of new revenue generating products or out-licensing transactions will not occur; the risk that acceptance onto the RNCP Product Development Pipeline will not guarantee ongoing development or that any such development will not be completed or successful; the risk that the FDA does not agree with the Company's proposed development plans for opaganib for any indication; the risk that observations from preclinical studies are not indicative or predictive of results in clinical trials; the risk that the FDA pre-study requirements will not be met and/or that the Phase 3 study of RHB-107 in COVID-19 outpatients will not be approved to commence or if approved, will not be completed or, should that be the case, that we will not be successful in obtaining alternative non-dilutive development funding for RHB-107; the risk that RHB-107's late-stage development for non-hospitalized COVID-19 will not benefit from the resources redirected from the terminated RHB-204 Phase 3 study, and that the Phase 2/3 COVID-19 study for RHB-107 may not be successful and, even if successful, such studies and results may not be sufficient for regulatory applications, including emergency use or marketing applications, and that additional COVID-19 studies for opaganib and RHB-107 are likely to be required; the risk that the Company will not successfully commercialize its products; as well as risks and uncertainties associated with (i) the initiation, timing, progress and results of the Company's research, manufacturing, pre-clinical studies, clinical trials, and other therapeutic candidate development efforts, and the timing of the commercial launch of its commercial products and ones it may acquire or develop in the future; (ii) the Company's ability to advance its therapeutic candidates into clinical trials or to successfully complete its pre-clinical studies or clinical trials or the development of a commercial companion diagnostic for the detection of MAP; (iii) the extent and number and type of additional studies that the Company may be required to conduct and the Company's receipt of regulatory approvals for its therapeutic candidates, and the timing of other regulatory filings, approvals and feedback; (iv) the manufacturing, clinical development, commercialization, and market acceptance of the Company's therapeutic candidates and Talicia®; (v) the Company's ability to successfully commercialize and promote Talicia® and Aemcolo®; (vi) the Company's ability to establish and maintain corporate collaborations; (vii) the Company's ability to acquire products approved for marketing in the U.S. that achieve commercial success and build its own marketing and commercialization capabilities; (viii) the interpretation of the properties and characteristics of the Company's therapeutic candidates and the results obtained with its therapeutic candidates in research, pre-clinical studies or clinical trials; (ix) the implementation of the Company's business model, strategic plans for its business and therapeutic candidates; (x) the scope of protection the Company is able to establish and maintain for intellectual property rights covering its therapeutic candidates and its ability to operate its business without infringing the intellectual property rights of others; (xi) parties from whom the Company licenses its intellectual property defaulting in their obligations to the Company; (xii) estimates of the Company's expenses, future revenues, capital requirements and needs for additional financing; (xiii) the effect of patients suffering adverse experiences using investigative drugs under the Company's Expanded Access Program; (xiv) competition from other companies and technologies within the Company's industry; and (xv) the hiring and employment commencement date of executive managers. More detailed information about the Company and the risk factors that may affect the realization of forward-looking statements is set forth in the Company's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), including the Company's Annual Report on Form 20-F filed with the SEC on April 8, 2024. All forward-looking statements included in this press release are made only as of the date of this press release. The Company assumes no obligation to update any written or oral forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise unless required by law.

Company contact:
Adi Frish
Chief Corporate & Business Development Officer
RedHill Biopharma

Category: R&D

[1] Neuenschwander, Fernando & Barnett-Griness, Ofra & Piconi, Stefania & Maor, Yasmin & Sprinz, Eduardo & Assy, Nimer & Khmelnitskiy, Oleg & Lomakin, Nikita & Goloshchekin, Boris & Nahorecka, Ewelina & Calvacante, Adilson & Ivanova, Anastasia & Zhuravel, Sergey & Trufanova, Galina & Bonora, Stefano & Saffoury, Amer & Mayo, Ami & Shvarts, Yury & Rizzardini, Giuliano & Levitt, Mark. (2022). Effect of Opaganib on Supplemental Oxygen and Mortality in Patients with Severe SARS-CoV-2 Pneumonia. 10.1101/2022.06.12.22276088.

[2] Opaganib is an investigational new drug, not available for commercial distribution.

[3] Talicia® (omeprazole magnesium, amoxicillin and rifabutin) is indicated for the treatment of H. pylori infection in adults. For full prescribing information see:

[4] Aemcolo® (rifamycin) is indicated for the treatment of travelers' diarrhea caused by noninvasive strains of Escherichia coli in adults. For full prescribing information see:


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SOURCE RedHill Biopharma Ltd.


What is the new U.S. patent for opaganib issued to RedHill Biopharma (RDHL)?

RedHill Biopharma (RDHL) has been issued a new U.S. patent for opaganib, valid through 2041, covering the identification of a novel biomarker of coronavirus pneumonia (≤60% fraction of inspired oxygen (FiO2)) prognostic for potential opaganib efficacy in treating COVID-19.

What were the key findings from the post-hoc data of opaganib's Phase 2/3 study for COVID-19 treatment?

The post-hoc data showed that COVID-19 patients with ≤60% FiO2 levels had better outcomes after 14 days of opaganib treatment compared to placebo. This included a 62.6% reduction in intubation/mechanical ventilation, a 62% reduction in mortality by day 42, and an increased number of patients no longer requiring supplemental oxygen.

What are the potential applications of opaganib being developed by RedHill Biopharma (RDHL)?

RedHill Biopharma (RDHL) is developing opaganib for various indications, including oncology, viral infections, inflammatory diseases, and nuclear/radioprotection. It is described as a novel, host-directed, potentially broad-acting, orally administered small molecule drug.

When will the new U.S. patent for opaganib be granted to RedHill Biopharma (RDHL)?

The new U.S. patent for opaganib (U.S. Patent and Trademark Office Number: 12,115,150) is set to be granted to RedHill Biopharma (RDHL) on October 15, 2024.

Redhill Biopharma Ltd.


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