The Typical U.S. Housing Payment Has Fallen to Lowest Level in 6 Months. That Has Led to More Buyer Interest, But Not More Sales.

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Redfin's latest report shows the typical U.S. housing payment has fallen to $2,588, nearly $250 below April's peak and up just 1% year-over-year. This is the smallest increase in five years. Despite this and improving inventory, pending home sales are down 5.1% year-over-year, the biggest decline since November. Factors keeping buyers hesitant include near-record high home prices, economic uncertainty, and expectations of further mortgage rate drops.

The report also notes that less than 30% of homes are selling above list price, down from 35% a year ago. Mortgage-purchase applications are up 3% week-over-week, and Redfin's Homebuyer Demand Index shows the smallest decline since April. The median sale price is $389,250, up 3.4% year-over-year but below the July peak.

Il recente rapporto di Redfin mostra che il pagamento medio per abitazioni negli Stati Uniti è diminuito a $2,588, quasi $250 in meno rispetto al picco di aprile e in aumento solo dell'1% rispetto all'anno precedente. Questo rappresenta l'aumento più contenuto negli ultimi cinque anni. Nonostante ciò e il miglioramento dell'inventario, le vendite di case in attesa sono diminuite del 5.1% rispetto all'anno scorso, il calo più significativo da novembre. I fattori che rendono i compratori esitanti includono prezzi delle abitazioni quasi ai massimi storici, incertezze economiche e aspettative di ulteriori riduzioni dei tassi ipotecari.

Il rapporto sottolinea anche che meno del 30% delle case viene venduto a un prezzo superiore a quello di listino, in calo rispetto al 35% di un anno fa. Le domande per i mutui per l'acquisto sono aumentate del 3% rispetto alla settimana precedente, e l'Indice di Domanda degli Acquirenti di Redfin mostra il calo più contenuto da aprile. Il prezzo di vendita mediano è di $389,250, in aumento del 3.4% rispetto all'anno scorso ma al di sotto del picco di luglio.

El último informe de Redfin muestra que el pago típico de vivienda en EE. UU. ha caído a $2,588, casi $250 por debajo del pico de abril y solo un 1% por encima del año anterior. Este es el incremento más pequeño en cinco años. A pesar de esto y de la mejora en el inventario, las ventas de casas pendientes han disminuido un 5.1% en comparación con el año pasado, la mayor caída desde noviembre. Los factores que mantienen a los compradores dudosos incluyen precios de vivienda casi récord, incertidumbre económica y expectativas de nuevas caídas en las tasas hipotecarias.

El informe también señala que menos del 30% de las casas se venden por encima del precio de lista, en comparación con el 35% del año pasado. Las solicitudes de hipotecas para compra han aumentado un 3% semana a semana, y el Índice de Demanda de Compradores de Redfin muestra la menor disminución desde abril. El precio de venta medio es de $389,250, un aumento del 3.4% en comparación con el año anterior, pero por debajo del pico de julio.

레드핀의 최신 보고서에 따르면, 미국의 평균 주택 지불금이 $2,588로 감소했습니다. 이는 4월의 정점에서 거의 $250 낮아진 수치이며, 전년 대비 1% 증가한 것입니다. 이는 5년 만에 가장 작은 증가폭입니다. 이러한 상황과 재고가 개선되었음에도 불구하고, 대기 중인 주택 판매는 전년 대비 5.1% 감소했습니다, 이는 11월 이후 가장 큰 감소입니다. 구매자들이 주저하는 이유에는 거의 기록적인 높은 주택 가격, 경제적 불확실성 및 추가적인 모기지 금리 인하에 대한 기대감이 포함됩니다.

보고서는 또한 30% 미만의 주택이 목록 가격보다 높은 가격에 판매되고 있다고 언급하고 있습니다. 이는 작년의 35%에서 감소한 수치입니다. 주택 구매를 위한 모기지 신청은 주간 기준으로 3% 증가했으며, 레드핀의 주택 구매자 수요 지수는 4월 이후 가장 작은 감소폭을 보이고 있습니다. 중간 판매 가격은 $389,250이며, 이는 전년 대비 3.4% 상승했지만, 7월의 정점 아래에 있습니다.

Le dernier rapport de Redfin montre que le paiement moyen pour les logements aux États-Unis est tombé à 2 588 $, soit près de 250 $ en dessous du pic d'avril et seulement 1 % d'augmentation par rapport à l'année précédente. C'est la plus petite augmentation en cinq ans. Malgré cela et l'amélioration des stocks, les ventes de maisons en attente ont diminué de 5,1 % par rapport à l'année précédente, la plus forte baisse depuis novembre. Les facteurs qui rendent les acheteurs hésitants incluent des prix de l'immobilier presque historiques, l'incertitude économique et des attentes de nouvelles baisses des taux hypothécaires.

Le rapport souligne également que moins de 30% des maisons se vendent au-dessus du prix de liste, contre 35 % l'an dernier. Les demandes de prêts hypothécaires pour l'achat sont en hausse de 3 % d'une semaine à l'autre, et l'indice de demande des acheteurs de Redfin montre la plus petite baisse depuis avril. Le prix de vente médian est de 389 250 $, en hausse de 3,4 % par rapport à l'année dernière, mais en dessous du pic de juillet.

Redfins aktueller Bericht zeigt, dass die typische US-Hauszahlung auf $2,588 gesunken ist, was fast $250 unter dem Höchststand im April liegt und nur um 1% im Vergleich zum Vorjahr gestiegen ist. Dies ist der kleinste Anstieg seit fünf Jahren. Trotz dessen und eines verbesserten Angebots sind die ausstehenden Hausverkäufe um 5,1% im Jahresvergleich gesunken, der größte Rückgang seit November. Faktoren, die Käufer zögern lassen, sind nahezu rekordhohe Immobilienpreise, wirtschaftliche Unsicherheit und die Erwartung weiterer Rückgänge der Hypothekenzinsen.

Der Bericht weist außerdem darauf hin, dass weniger als 30% der Häuser über dem Listenpreis verkauft werden, im Vergleich zu 35% im letzten Jahr. Die Hypothekenanträge sind im Wochenvergleich um 3% gestiegen, und der Redfin-Index für die Nachfrage von Hauskäufern zeigt den kleinsten Rückgang seit April. Der mittlere Verkaufspreis beträgt $389,250, was einem Anstieg von 3,4% im Jahresvergleich entspricht, aber unter dem Höchststand im Juli liegt.

  • Typical U.S. housing payment down to $2,588, nearly $250 below April's peak
  • Total number of homes for sale up nearly 20% year-over-year
  • Less than 30% of homes selling above list price, down from 35% a year ago
  • Mortgage-purchase applications up 3% week-over-week
  • Median sale price up 3.4% year-over-year to $389,250
  • Pending home sales down 5.1% year-over-year
  • Home prices still near record highs despite recent declines
  • Redfin's Homebuyer Demand Index down 10% year-over-year
  • Google searches for 'home for sale' down 3% year-over-year


The housing market is showing mixed signals. While the typical buyer's housing payment has decreased to $2,588, 1% higher year-over-year, pending home sales are down 5.1%. This divergence suggests that despite improved affordability, other factors are restraining buyer activity. The median sale price of $389,250 is up 3.4% year-over-year, indicating resilient home values. However, with only 29.6% of homes selling above list price, down from 35% last year, we're seeing a shift towards a more balanced market. The increase in active listings by 18.9% year-over-year provides more options for buyers, potentially easing upward price pressures.

Consumer behavior in the housing market is evolving. Despite lower mortgage rates and increased inventory, buyers remain cautious. This hesitancy can be attributed to several factors: economic uncertainty, the upcoming presidential election and expectations of further rate cuts. The 3% week-over-week increase in mortgage-purchase applications suggests a slight uptick in interest, but it's not translating into sales. The regional disparities are noteworthy, with places like Philadelphia seeing a 12.5% increase in median sale price, while Austin experiences a 3% decrease. This indicates that local market conditions are playing a significant role in housing dynamics, emphasizing the importance of location-specific analysis for investors and homebuyers alike.

The housing market's current state reflects broader economic trends and policy impacts. The softening inflation, as indicated by the recent CPI report, reinforces expectations of Federal Reserve rate cuts. This could lead to further decreases in mortgage rates, potentially stimulating demand. However, the market has already priced in aggressive rate cuts, creating a delicate situation. If the Fed doesn't meet these expectations, we could see mortgage rates rise, dampening demand. Conversely, if rate cuts are more aggressive than anticipated, it could fuel a surge in housing demand and prices. The 0.7% year-over-year increase in median monthly mortgage payments to $2,588 at a 6.47% rate underscores the ongoing affordability challenges, despite recent improvements. This situation highlights the complex interplay between monetary policy, inflation and the housing market.

The median U.S. housing payment has dropped to nearly $250 below its springtime peak as mortgage rates decline. While Redfin agents are reporting a modest uptick in touring, pending home sales fell 5% year over year.

SEATTLE--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- (NASDAQ: RDFN) — The typical buyer’s housing payment was $2,588 during the four weeks ending August 11, nearly $250 below April’s all-time high and up just 1% year over year–the smallest increase in five years. That’s according to a new report from Redfin (, the technology-powered real estate brokerage.

There are also a few other encouraging signs for today’s buyers: The total number of homes for sale is up nearly 20% year over year, and a growing share of inventory is growing stale, allowing some buyers the chance to negotiate. Additionally, less than 30% of homes are selling above list price, down from 35% a year ago.

Despite declining costs and improving inventory, pending home sales have yet to improve: Pending sales are down 5.1% year over year, the biggest decline since November (except the prior 4-week period, when there was a 6.2% decline). There are several reasons buyers aren’t jumping at the chance to take advantage of falling mortgage rates. Although home prices have come down from their July peak, they’re still near record highs. Additionally, some prospective buyers are sitting on the sidelines because of economic and political uncertainty around the presidential election, whether mortgage rates will fall more and whether the U.S. is going to enter an official recession.

There are a few signs that more house hunters are starting the homebuying process. Mortgage-purchase applications are up 3% week over week on a seasonally adjusted basis. And Redfin’s Homebuyer Demand Index–a measure of requests for tours and other buying services from Redfin agents–is down 10% year over year, but that’s the smallest decline since April.

“I was hoping more buyers would emerge when mortgage rates started declining. And while house hunting has picked up a bit, the increase isn’t all that significant,” said Brynn Rea, a Redfin Premier agent in Spokane, WA. “Budgets are typically the most important factor for buyers, and homes are still really expensive for a lot of people. A lot of buyers are waiting to see if mortgage rates fall more if and when the Fed cuts interest rates, and to see what happens with the economy and the election later in the year.”

This week’s CPI report shows that inflation continues to soften, reinforcing the expectation the Fed will start cutting interest rates in September, though it’s unclear by how much. Markets have priced in expectations of aggressive rate cuts. If the Fed doesn’t match those expectations, rates could rise a bit, but if they cut as quickly as markets are hoping–or even faster–mortgage rates have more room to fall. And if falling rates drive up demand, that could push up home prices.

For more on Redfin economists’ takes on the housing market, please visit Redfin’s “From Our Economists” page.

Indicators of homebuying demand and activity


Value (if applicable)

Recent change

Year-over-year change


Daily average 30-year fixed mortgage rate

6.49% (Aug. 14)

Near lowest level since spring 2023, but up from low of 6.34% about a week earlier

Down from 7.24%

Mortgage News Daily

Weekly average 30-year fixed mortgage rate

6.47% (week ending Aug. 8)

Lowest level in over a year; down from 7.22% in early May

Down from 6.96%

Freddie Mac

Mortgage-purchase applications (seasonally adjusted)


Increased 2% from a week earlier (as of week ending Aug. 9)

Down 8%

Mortgage Bankers Association

Redfin Homebuyer Demand Index (seasonally adjusted)


Essentially unchanged from a month earlier (as of week ending Aug. 11)

Down 10%

Redfin Homebuyer Demand Index, a measure of requests for tours and other homebuying services from Redfin agents

Touring activity


Up 10% from the start of the year (as of Aug. 11)

At this time last year, it was up 7% from the start of 2023

ShowingTime, a home touring technology company

Google searches for “home for sale”


Up 11% from a month earlier (as of Aug. 12)

Down 3%

Google Trends

Key housing-market data

U.S. highlights: Four weeks ending August 11, 2024

Redfin’s national metrics include data from 400+ U.S. metro areas, and is based on homes listed and/or sold during the period. Weekly housing-market data goes back through 2015. Subject to revision.


Four weeks ending August 11, 2024

Year-over-year change


Median sale price



Up slightly from a week earlier, but $6,750 below all-time high set during the 4 weeks ending July 7

Median asking price



Biggest increase since Oct. 2022

Median monthly mortgage payment

$2,588 at a 6.47% mortgage rate


Lowest level since Feb.; $244 below all-time high set during the 4 weeks ending April 28

Pending sales



Biggest decline since Nov. 2023, except the prior 4-week period, when there was a 6.2% decline

New listings




Active listings




Months of supply


+0.7 pts.

4 to 5 months of supply is considered balanced, with a lower number indicating seller’s market conditions.

Share of homes off market in two weeks


Down from 43%


Median days on market


+6 days


Share of homes sold above list price


Down from 35%


Share of homes with a price drop


+1.8 pts.

Near highest level on record

Average sale-to-list price ratio


-0.5 pts.


Metro-level highlights: Four weeks ending August 11, 2024

Redfin’s metro-level data includes the 50 most populous U.S. metros. Select metros may be excluded from time to time to ensure data accuracy.


Metros with biggest year-over-year increases

Metros with biggest year-over-year decreases


Median sale price

Philadelphia (12.5%)

Detroit (12.4%)

Anaheim, CA (11.2%)

Newark, NJ (10.3%)

New Brunswick, NJ (10.1%)

Austin, TX (-3%)

Tampa, FL (-1.3%)

San Antonio, TX (-1.3%)

Declined in 3 metros

Pending sales

Cincinnati (10.4%)

Sacramento, CA (10.2%)

Los Angeles (7.5%)

San Jose, CA (6.8%)

Montgomery County, PA (5.3%)


Houston (-20.6%)

Atlanta (-17.1%)

Tampa, FL (-15.7%)

Minneapolis (-12.9%)

West Palm Beach, FL (-12.5%)

Increased in 9 metros

New listings

Cincinnati (20.7%)

San Jose, CA (19%)

Sacramento, CA (18.2%)

Baltimore (17.2%)

San Diego (17.1%)


Atlanta (-16%)

Austin, TX (-5.4%)

Chicago (-3.9%)

Portland, OR (-3.8%)

Nassau County, NY (-3.1%)

Declined in 11 metros

To view the full report, including charts, please visit:

About Redfin

Redfin ( is a technology-powered real estate company. We help people find a place to live with brokerage, rentals, lending, title insurance, and renovations services. We run the country's #1 real estate brokerage site. Our customers can save thousands in fees while working with a top agent. Our home-buying customers see homes first with on-demand tours, and our lending and title services help them close quickly. Customers selling a home can have our renovations crew fix it up to sell for top dollar. Our rentals business empowers millions nationwide to find apartments and houses for rent. Since launching in 2006, we've saved customers more than $1.6 billion in commissions. We serve more than 100 markets across the U.S. and Canada and employ over 4,000 people.

Redfin’s subsidiaries and affiliated brands include: Bay Equity Home Loans®, Rent.™, Apartment Guide®, Title Forward® and WalkScore®.

For more information or to contact a local Redfin real estate agent, visit To learn about housing market trends and download data, visit the Redfin Data Center. To be added to Redfin's press release distribution list, email To view Redfin's press center, click here.

Contact Redfin

Redfin Journalist Services:

Tana Kelley

Source: Redfin


What is the current typical U.S. housing payment according to Redfin's report?

According to Redfin's report, the typical U.S. housing payment is $2,588 during the four weeks ending August 11, which is nearly $250 below April's all-time high.

How have pending home sales changed year-over-year for Redfin (RDFN)?

Redfin (RDFN) reports that pending home sales are down 5.1% year-over-year, which is the biggest decline since November, except for the prior 4-week period when there was a 6.2% decline.

What is the current median sale price for homes according to Redfin's data?

Redfin's data shows that the current median sale price for homes is $389,250, which is up 3.4% year-over-year but $6,750 below the all-time high set during the 4 weeks ending July 7.

How has Redfin's (RDFN) Homebuyer Demand Index changed year-over-year?

Redfin's (RDFN) Homebuyer Demand Index, which measures requests for tours and other buying services from Redfin agents, is down 10% year-over-year, but this is the smallest decline since April.

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