Redfin Reports U.S. Home Prices Rose 0.5% in November
U.S. home prices increased 0.5% month-over-month in November 2024, marking the third consecutive month with this growth rate. Year-over-year prices rose 5.7%, the lowest annual increase since October 2023 and the sixth straight month of slowing annual price growth.
Among the 50 most populous U.S. metros, 13 (26%) saw seasonally adjusted price drops in November. Fort Lauderdale and Tampa, Florida experienced the largest declines (-1.1% each), while Nassau County, NY recorded the highest gain (1.6%). According to Redfin Senior Economist Sheharyar Bokhari, home prices are expected to continue rising steadily throughout 2025, driven by competition over housing inventory due to homeowners retaining their low mortgage rates.
I prezzi delle case negli Stati Uniti sono aumentati dello 0,5% mese su mese a novembre 2024, segnando il terzo mese consecutivo con questo tasso di crescita. Rispetto all'anno precedente, i prezzi sono aumentati del 5,7%, il più basso incremento annuale dall'ottobre 2023 e il sesto mese consecutivo di rallentamento della crescita dei prezzi annuali.
Tra le 50 aree metropolitane più popolose degli Stati Uniti, 13 (26%) hanno visto cali di prezzo stagionalmente aggiustati a novembre. Fort Lauderdale e Tampa, Florida hanno registrato i maggiori cali (-1,1% ciascuno), mentre Contea di Nassau, NY ha registrato il guadagno maggiore (1,6%). Secondo il senior economist di Redfin, Sheharyar Bokhari, si prevede che i prezzi delle case continueranno a salire in modo costante nel 2025, sostenuti dalla competizione per l'inventario abitativo a causa dei proprietari di case che mantengono i loro bassi tassi di interesse sui mutui.
Los precios de las casas en Estados Unidos aumentaron un 0,5% mes a mes en noviembre de 2024, marcando el tercer mes consecutivo con esta tasa de crecimiento. En comparación con el año anterior, los precios subieron un 5,7%, el aumento anual más bajo desde octubre de 2023 y el sexto mes consecutivo de desaceleración en el crecimiento anual de los precios.
Entre las 50 áreas metropolitanas más pobladas de EE. UU., 13 (26%) experimentaron caídas de precios ajustadas estacionalmente en noviembre. Fort Lauderdale y Tampa, Florida experimentaron las mayores caídas (-1,1% cada una), mientras que el Condado de Nassau, NY registró el mayor aumento (1,6%). Según el economista senior de Redfin, Sheharyar Bokhari, se espera que los precios de las casas continúen aumentando de manera constante a lo largo de 2025, impulsados por la competencia por el inventario de viviendas debido a que los propietarios mantienen sus bajos tipos de hipoteca.
미국 주택 가격은 2024년 11월에 월 0.5% 증가하여 세 번째 연속 월간 성장률을 기록했습니다. 전년 대비 가격은 5.7% 상승했으며, 이는 2023년 10월 이후 가장 낮은 연간 증가율이자 여섯 번째 연속 연간 가격 성장 둔화입니다.
미국에서 가장 인구가 많은 50개 대도시 중 13개(26%)는 11월에 계절 조정된 가격 하락을 경험했습니다. 포트 로더데일과 플로리다주 템파는 각각 -1.1%로 가장 큰 하락폭을 보였고, 뉴욕 내쏘 카운티는 1.6%로 가장 높은 상승폭을 기록했습니다. Redfin의 수석 경제학자 Sheharyar Bokhari에 따르면, 주택 가격은 2025년 내내 지속적으로 상승할 것으로 예상되며, 이는 주택 소유자들이 낮은 주택 대출 금리를 유지하면서 주택 재고에 대한 경쟁이 강화되기 때문입니다.
Les prix des maisons aux États-Unis ont augmenté de 0,5 % d'un mois sur l'autre en novembre 2024, marquant ainsi le troisième mois consécutif avec ce taux de croissance. Par rapport à l'année précédente, les prix ont augmenté de 5,7%, ce qui représente la plus faible augmentation annuelle depuis octobre 2023 et le sixième mois consécutif de ralentissement de la croissance annuelle des prix.
Parmi les 50 métropoles américaines les plus peuplées, 13 (26 %) ont connu des baisses de prix ajustées saisonnièrement en novembre. Fort Lauderdale et Tampa, Floride ont enregistré les plus fortes baisses (-1,1 % chacune), tandis que le comté de Nassau, NY a affiché la plus forte augmentation (1,6 %). Selon Sheharyar Bokhari, économiste senior chez Redfin, les prix des maisons devraient continuer à augmenter régulièrement tout au long de 2025, soutenus par la concurrence pour l'inventaire de logements due aux propriétaires conservant leurs faibles taux hypothécaires.
Die Immobilienpreise in den USA sind im November 2024 um 0,5 % im Monatsvergleich gestiegen, was den dritten aufeinanderfolgenden Monat mit dieser Wachstumsrate markiert. Im Vergleich zum Vorjahr stiegen die Preise um 5,7%, was den niedrigsten jährlichen Anstieg seit Oktober 2023 darstellt und den sechsten Monat in Folge mit einer verlangsamten Preisentwicklung.
Unter den 50 bevölkerungsreichsten US-Metropolregionen verzeichneten 13 (26 %) saisonbereinigte Preisrückgänge im November. Fort Lauderdale und Tampa, Florida erlebten den größten Rückgang (-1,1 % jeweils), während Nassau County, NY den höchsten Anstieg (1,6 %) verzeichnete. Laut dem leitenden Ökonomen von Redfin, Sheharyar Bokhari, wird erwartet, dass die Immobilienpreise im Jahr 2025 weiterhin stetig steigen, da der Wettbewerb um die Wohnungsbestände aufgrund von Hausbesitzern, die ihre niedrigen Hypothekenzinsen beibehalten, zunimmt.
- Consistent monthly price growth of 0.5% for three consecutive months
- Year-over-year price increase of 5.7%
- 74% of major metros showed price increases
- Slowest annual price growth since October 2023
- Six consecutive months of slowing annual price growth
- 13 major metros experienced price declines
The latest housing market data reveals a 0.5% month-over-month price growth pattern that has held steady for three consecutive months, indicating a stabilizing market trajectory. The 5.7% year-over-year increase marks a return to pre-pandemic appreciation rates, suggesting a healthier, more sustainable market environment.
The geographical divergence in price movements is particularly telling. Coastal Florida markets experiencing price declines (Fort Lauderdale and Tampa both down
The persistence of elevated mortgage rates is creating a 'lock-in' effect, with homeowners reluctant to give up their lower rates. This dynamic is artificially constraining inventory, which paradoxically supports price stability despite reduced transaction volumes. For context, think of it as a game of musical chairs with fewer players but also fewer chairs - prices remain supported despite lower overall market activity.
The moderation in price growth to pre-pandemic levels signals a important market normalization phase. The current
A key metric to watch is the divergence between markets - while 13 metros saw price declines, 37 continued to show growth. This regional variation indicates that market fundamentals, rather than national factors, are increasingly driving local price movements. The sustained price growth in the face of high mortgage rates demonstrates remarkable market resilience and underlying demand strength, particularly in areas with strong job markets and population growth.
On a year-over-year basis, home prices rose
November was the sixth-consecutive month where annual price growth slowed and the second-consecutive month where it dipped below
“Home prices are likely to keep rising steadily throughout 2025 at a similar pace to this year,” said Redfin Senior Economist Sheharyar Bokhari. “Elevated mortgage rates will cause many homeowners to hang onto their homes—and the low rates they have locked in. That means there will be enough buyers competing over a relatively low number of homes to keep prices ticking up consistently.”
Metro-Level Summary: Redfin Home Price Index, November 2024
13 (
The biggest decline in November was in
To view the full report, including charts, additional metro-level data and methodology, please visit:
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Source: Redfin