Nearly 1 in 10 Gen Zers Who Plan to Move Soon Cite Abortion Access as a Reason: Redfin Survey

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Redfin's recent survey reveals that abortion access is influencing moving decisions, especially among younger generations. 7% of Gen Zers and 5% of millennials planning to move soon cite living in a place where abortion is legal as a reason. Across all generations, at least 50% of respondents prefer to live where abortion is legal, with millennials leading at 59%.

The survey also found that 64% of millennials and 66% of Gen Zers want to live in areas where IVF and other fertility treatments are easily accessible. Political affiliations show varying preferences, with 75% of Kamala Harris voters wanting to live where abortion is legal, compared to 35% of Donald Trump voters.

These findings highlight how the Supreme Court's overturning of Roe v. Wade in 2022 has made state-level abortion laws a significant factor in relocation decisions for many Americans.

Un recente sondaggio di Redfin rivela che l'accesso all'aborto sta influenzando le decisioni di trasferimento, specialmente tra le generazioni più giovani. Il 7% della Gen Z e il 5% dei millennial che pianificano di trasferirsi a breve citano come motivo il vivere in un luogo dove l'aborto è legale. In tutte le generazioni, almeno il 50% degli intervistati preferisce vivere dove l'aborto è legale, con i millennial in testa al 59%.

Il sondaggio ha anche trovato che il 64% dei millennial e il 66% della Gen Z desiderano vivere in aree dove la fertilità e i trattamenti come la fecondazione in vitro sono facilmente accessibili. Le affiliazioni politiche mostrano preferenze diverse, con il 75% degli elettori di Kamala Harris che desidera vivere dove l'aborto è legale, rispetto al 35% degli elettori di Donald Trump.

Questi risultati evidenziano come l'annullamento di Roe v. Wade da parte della Corte Suprema nel 2022 abbia reso le leggi statali sull'aborto un fattore significativo nelle decisioni di relocazione per molti americani.

Una reciente encuesta de Redfin revela que el acceso al aborto está influyendo en las decisiones de mudanza, especialmente entre las generaciones más jóvenes. El 7% de los miembros de la Generación Z y el 5% de los millennials que planean mudarse pronto citan vivir en un lugar donde el aborto es legal como un motivo. En todas las generaciones, al menos el 50% de los encuestados prefieren vivir donde el aborto es legal, siendo los millennials los que lideran con un 59%.

La encuesta también encontró que el 64% de los millennials y el 66% de la Generación Z quieren vivir en áreas donde los tratamientos de fertilidad como la FIV son fácilmente accesibles. Las afiliaciones políticas muestran preferencias variadas, con el 75% de los votantes de Kamala Harris deseando vivir donde el aborto es legal, en comparación con el 35% de los votantes de Donald Trump.

Estos hallazgos resaltan cómo la anulación de Roe v. Wade por parte de la Corte Suprema en 2022 ha convertido las leyes estatales sobre el aborto en un factor significativo en las decisiones de reubicación para muchos estadounidenses.

레드핀의 최근 조사에 따르면, 낙태 접근성이 이사 결정에 영향을 미치고 있으며, 특히 젊은 세대에서 그러합니다. Z세대의 7%와 밀레니얼 세대의 5%가 곧 이사를 계획하며 낙태가 합법인 곳에 살고 싶어 하는 이유를 언급했습니다. 모든 세대를 통틀어 응답자의 최소 50%가 낙태가 합법인 곳에 살기를 선호하며, 밀레니얼 세대가 59%로 앞서고 있습니다.

조사에서는 밀레니얼 세대의 64%와 Z세대의 66%가 IVF와 같은 불임 치료가 쉽게 접근 가능한 지역에 살기를 원한다고 나타났습니다. 정치적 성향에 따라 선호도가 달라지며, 카말라 해리스를 지지하는 유권자의 75%가 낙태가 합법인 곳에 살고 싶어하는 반면, 도널드 트럼프 지지자는 35%에 그쳤습니다.

이 연구 결과는 2022년 로 대 웨이드 사건의 대법원 판결이 엎어진 것이 미국인들의 이사 결정에서 주 수준의 낙태 법률을 중요한 요소로 만들었다는 것을 강조합니다.

Une récente enquête de Redfin révèle que l'accès à l'avortement influence les décisions de déménagement, en particulier parmi les jeunes générations. 7% des membres de la Génération Z et 5% des milléniaux planifiant de déménager bientôt citent le fait de vivre dans un endroit où l'avortement est légal comme une raison. Dans toutes les générations, au moins 50% des répondants préfèrent vivre là où l'avortement est légal, les milléniaux étant en tête avec 59%.

L'enquête a également révélé que 64% des milléniaux et 66% de la Génération Z souhaitent vivre dans des zones où les traitements de fertilité comme la FIV sont facilement accessibles. Les affiliations politiques montrent des préférences variées, avec 75% des électeurs de Kamala Harris souhaitant vivre là où l'avortement est légal, contre 35% des électeurs de Donald Trump.

Ces résultats soulignent comment l'annulation de Roe v. Wade par la Cour suprême en 2022 a rendu les lois sur l'avortement au niveau des États un facteur significatif dans les décisions de relocalisation pour de nombreux Américains.

Eine aktuelle Umfrage von Redfin zeigt, dass der Zugang zu Abtreibungen die Umzugsentscheidungen beeinflusst, insbesondere bei den jüngeren Generationen. 7% der Generation Z und 5% der Millennials, die bald umziehen wollen, geben an, dass sie in einem Ort leben möchten, wo Abtreibungen legal sind. In allen Generationen bevorzugen mindestens 50% der Befragten, wo Abtreibungen legal sind, wobei die Millennials mit 59% anführen.

Die Umfrage ergab auch, dass 64% der Millennials und 66% der Generation Z in Gegenden leben wollen, wo IVF und andere Fruchtbarkeitsbehandlungen leicht zugänglich sind. Politische Zugehörigkeiten zeigen unterschiedliche Präferenzen, wobei 75% der Wähler von Kamala Harris dort leben möchten, wo Abtreibungen legal sind, im Vergleich zu 35% der Wähler von Donald Trump.

Diese Ergebnisse heben hervor, wie die Aufhebung von Roe v. Wade durch den Obersten Gerichtshof im Jahr 2022 die Abtreibungsgesetze auf Bundesstaatsebene zu einem bedeutenden Faktor bei den Umzugsentscheidungen vieler Amerikaner gemacht hat.

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Most homeowners and renters want to live in a place where abortion is legal, with some survey respondents indicating they’re moving to a different area to live somewhere abortion is legal and accessible

SEATTLE--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- (NASDAQ: RDFN) — Seven percent of Gen Zers who plan to move soon say one reason is to live in a place where abortion is legal and accessible, and one in 20 (5%) millennials say the same thing, according to a new report from Redfin (, the technology-powered real estate brokerage.

At least 50% of respondents across every generation said they want to live somewhere abortion is legal, with millennials leading the way; 59% said they want to live in such a place, followed by just over half of both Gen Zers and Gen Xers, and exactly half of baby boomers (note that the oldest baby boomers surveyed were 65). Baby boomers and Gen Xers were mostly likely to say they don’t want to live somewhere abortion is legal (30% each).

Overall, 54% of respondents want to live in a place where abortion is legal, compared to 28% who don’t want to.

Broken down by political affiliation, more than one-third (35%) of respondents who plan to vote for Donald Trump in the upcoming presidential election want to live in a place where abortion is legal, while 45% of Trump voters don’t want to live in such a place. Three-quarters (75%) of Kamala Harris voters want to live in such a place, and 13% don’t want to.

Four percent of Trump voters say they’re moving soon because they want to live in a place where abortion is legal, and 6% of Harris voters say the same thing.

The U.S. Supreme Court’s overturning of Roe v. Wade in 2022 means the legality of abortion differs from state to state. For some Americans, that has made the decision about which state to live in more important than it used to be. Kamala Harris promises to federally protect abortion rights, and Donald Trump’s view is murkier; he has expressed support for some version of a national abortion ban, but has also said the issue should be left to the states.

Two-Thirds of Young People Want to Live in an IVF-Friendly Place

Roughly two-thirds of millennials (64%) and Gen Zers (66%) want to live in a place where IVF and other fertility treatments are easily accessible. Most older respondents also want to live in a place where IVF is accessible: 60% of Gen Xers want to, and 54% of baby boomers.

Broken down by political affiliation, most Trump voters (52%) want to live somewhere IVF and other fertility treatments are accessible, compared to 15% who don’t want to. Three-quarters (75%) of Harris voters want to live in such a place; 10% don’t want to.

Access to fertility treatments has become a hot button issue as at least one state has effectively ended access to IVF, and other states have introduced legislation to do something similar. Trump and Harris have both said they support access to IVF.

The survey findings in this report are from a Redfin-commissioned survey conducted by Ipsos in September 2024. The survey was fielded to 1,802 people aged 18-65. It focuses on two questions, one asking respondents why they’re likely to move in the next year, and one asking about the importance of living in an area where abortion is legal.

To view the full report, including charts and more on methodology, please visit:

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Redfin ( is a technology-powered real estate company. We help people find a place to live with brokerage, rentals, lending, title insurance, and renovations services. We run the country's #1 real estate brokerage site. Our customers can save thousands in fees while working with a top agent. Our home-buying customers see homes first with on-demand tours, and our lending and title services help them close quickly. Customers selling a home can have our renovations crew fix it up to sell for top dollar. Our rentals business empowers millions nationwide to find apartments and houses for rent. Since launching in 2006, we've saved customers more than $1.6 billion in commissions. We serve more than 100 markets across the U.S. and Canada and employ over 4,000 people.

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Isabelle Novak

Source: Redfin


What percentage of Gen Zers cite abortion access as a reason for moving according to Redfin's survey?

According to Redfin's survey, 7% of Gen Zers who plan to move soon cite living in a place where abortion is legal and accessible as a reason for their move.

How do millennials compare to other generations in wanting to live where abortion is legal?

Millennials lead all generations in wanting to live where abortion is legal, with 59% expressing this preference, compared to just over 50% for Gen Z and Gen X, and exactly 50% for baby boomers.

What percentage of Kamala Harris voters want to live where abortion is legal, according to the Redfin (RDFN) survey?

The Redfin survey found that 75% of Kamala Harris voters want to live in a place where abortion is legal.

How do Gen Z and millennials view living in IVF-friendly places based on Redfin's findings?

Redfin's survey shows that 66% of Gen Zers and 64% of millennials want to live in a place where IVF and other fertility treatments are easily accessible.

What percentage of Trump voters want to live where abortion is legal, according to the Redfin (RDFN) report?

The Redfin report indicates that 35% of respondents who plan to vote for Donald Trump in the upcoming presidential election want to live in a place where abortion is legal.

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