More Than 1 in 5 Renters Say Their Entire Paycheck Goes to Rent: Redfin Survey

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Redfin's recent survey reveals significant financial strain among U.S. renters, with 22% reporting their entire regular income goes to rent payments. The survey highlights various coping strategies: 20% work second jobs, 19% have worked undesirable jobs, and 14% receive family cash gifts to afford rent.

Financial compromises include 13% of renters withdrawing from retirement funds early and 12% reducing retirement contributions. While rental prices have stabilized recently, they remain significantly higher than pre-pandemic levels, outpacing wage growth. The rental market may see improved affordability as new apartment construction increases supply, though renting remains more accessible than buying, with renter households growing three times faster than homeowner households.

Un recente sondaggio di Redfin rivela una significativa pressione finanziaria tra gli inquilini statunitensi, con il 22% che dichiara che tutto il loro reddito regolare va interamente a pagare l'affitto. Il sondaggio mette in evidenza varie strategie di adattamento: il 20% lavora in un secondo impiego, il 19% ha accettato lavori scomodi e il 14% riceve aiuti economici dalla famiglia per affrontare l'affitto.

I compromessi finanziari includono il 13% degli inquilini che ritira anticipatamente fondi pensionistici e il 12% che riduce i contributi pensionistici. Sebbene i prezzi degli affitti si siano stabilizzati di recente, rimangono significativamente superiori ai livelli pre-pandemia, superando la crescita salariale. Il mercato degli affitti potrebbe vedere un miglioramento dell'accessibilità man mano che la costruzione di nuovi appartamenti aumenta l'offerta, anche se affittare rimane più accessibile rispetto all'acquisto, con le famiglie di inquilini che crescono tre volte più velocemente delle famiglie di proprietari.

Una reciente encuesta de Redfin revela una presión financiera significativa entre los inquilinos de EE. UU., con el 22% indicando que toda su renta regular se destina a los pagos del alquiler. La encuesta destaca varias estrategias de afrontamiento: el 20% trabaja en un segundo empleo, el 19% ha aceptado trabajos indeseables y el 14% recibe regalos en efectivo de la familia para poder pagar el alquiler.

Los compromisos financieros incluyen el 13% de los inquilinos que retiran fondos de pensiones anticipadamente y el 12% que reducen las contribuciones a la jubilación. Aunque los precios de los alquileres se han estabilizado recientemente, siguen siendo significativamente más altos que los niveles anteriores a la pandemia, superando el crecimiento salarial. El mercado de alquileres podría ver una mejora en la asequibilidad a medida que la construcción de nuevos apartamentos aumenta la oferta, aunque alquilar sigue siendo más accesible que comprar, con los hogares de inquilinos creciendo tres veces más rápido que los hogares de propietarios.

레드핀의 최근 설문 조사에 따르면 미국 임차인들 사이에 심각한 재정적 압박이 드러났습니다. 22%가 정규 소득 전체를 월세에 지출한다고 보고했습니다. 이 조사에서는 다양한 대처 전략이 강조됩니다: 20%는 두 번째 직업을 가지며, 19%는 원하지 않는 직업에서 일하고, 14%는 월세를 감당하기 위해 가족의 현금 지원을 받고 있습니다.

재정적 타협 사항으로는 13%의 임차인이 조기 퇴직 연금을 인출하고, 12%는 퇴직 기여금을 줄이고 있습니다. 최근 임대료가 안정세를 보였지만, 팬데믹 이전 수준보다 여전히 상당히 높고, 임금 성장률을 초과하고 있습니다. 임대 시장은 신규 아파트 건설로 공급이 증가하면서 더 나은 가격이 형성될 수 있지만, 임대는 여전히 구매보다 더 접근 가능하며, 임차인 가구는 소유자 가구보다 세 배 더 빠르게 증가하고 있습니다.

Une récente enquête de Redfin met en évidence une pression financière significative parmi les locataires américains, 22% rapportant que l'intégralité de leur revenu régulier est consacrée au paiement du loyer. L'enquête souligne diverses stratégies d'adaptation : 20% travaillent dans des emplois secondaires, 19% ont occupé des emplois peu désirés, et 14% reçoivent des cadeaux en espèces de la part de leur famille pour s'acquitter de leur loyer.

Les compromis financiers incluent 13% des locataires qui retirent des fonds de retraite de manière anticipée et 12% qui réduisent leurs contributions aux retraites. Bien que les prix des loyers se soient stabilisés récemment, ils demeurent nettement plus élevés que les niveaux antérieurs à la pandémie, dépassant la croissance des salaires. Le marché locatif pourrait connaître une meilleure accessibilité à mesure que la construction de nouveaux appartements augmente l'offre, bien que la location reste plus accessible que l'achat, avec des ménages locataires croissant trois fois plus vite que les ménages propriétaires.

Eine aktuelle Umfrage von Redfin zeigt eine erhebliche finanzielle Belastung unter US-Mietern, wobei 22% berichten, dass ihr gesamtes reguläres Einkommen für Mietzahlungen verwendet wird. Die Umfrage hebt verschiedene Bewältigungsstrategien hervor: 20% arbeiten in Zweitjobs, 19% haben unangenehme Jobs angenommen und 14% erhalten finanzielle Geschenke von der Familie, um die Miete zu bezahlen.

Finanzielle Kompromisse beinhalten, dass 13% der Mieter frühzeitig Altersvorsorgegelder abheben und 12% ihre Altersvorsorgebeiträge reduzieren. Während die Mietpreise sich zuletzt stabilisiert haben, liegen sie weiterhin erheblich über den Werten vor der Pandemie und übertreffen das Lohnwachstum. Der Mietmarkt könnte eine verbesserte Erschwinglichkeit erleben, da der Bau neuer Wohnungen das Angebot erhöht, während Mieten nach wie vor zugänglicher sind als Kauf, mit Miethaushalten, die dreimal schneller wachsen als Haushalte von Eigentümern.

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22% of U.S. renters say all their regular income goes toward rent payments. 19% of renters report they have worked a job they hated to afford rent.

SEATTLE--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- (NASDAQ: RDFN) — Just over one in five (22%) U.S. renters say all of their regular income goes directly to paying their rent, according to a new survey from Redfin (, the technology-powered real estate brokerage.

Working a second job is also a fairly common way for renters to pay housing costs, with 20% of renters citing that method. Nearly the same share (19%) say they have worked a job they hated to afford rent.

One in seven (14%) renters have used a cash gift from family to pay rent. Renters also report dipping into money that was earmarked for retirement to pay their housing costs. More than one in 10 (13%) pulled money out of retirement funds early, and 12% contributed less to retirement savings.

While U.S. rents have flattened out over the last year, rents are much higher than they were before the pandemic. Because rental prices have surged faster than wages, it’s more difficult than it used to be for Americans to afford rentals, particularly lower-income Americans. Rental affordability may improve in the near future, with prices already showing signs of losing steam as more newly constructed apartments come on the market.

Even though it’s difficult for many Americans to make their rent payments, renting is a popular choice because affordability has become even more strained for people looking to buy a home. A separate Redfin analysis found that the number of renter households is growing three times faster than homeowner households, largely because the cost of buying has increased faster than the cost of renting.

This is according to a Redfin-commissioned survey conducted by Ipsos in September 2024, fielded to 1,802 U.S. residents aged 18-65.

To view the full report including a chart and additional methodology, please visit:

About Redfin

Redfin ( is a technology-powered real estate company. We help people find a place to live with brokerage, rentals, lending, and title insurance services. We run the country's #1 real estate brokerage site. Our customers can save thousands in fees while working with a top agent. Our home-buying customers see homes first with on-demand tours, and our lending and title services help them close quickly. Our rentals business empowers millions nationwide to find apartments and houses for rent. Since launching in 2006, we've saved customers more than $1.6 billion in commissions. We serve approximately 100 markets across the U.S. and Canada and employ over 4,000 people.

Redfin’s subsidiaries and affiliated brands include: Bay Equity Home Loans®, Rent.™, Apartment Guide®, Title Forward® and WalkScore®.

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Contact Redfin

Redfin Journalist Services:

Tana Kelley

Source: Redfin


What percentage of renters spend their entire paycheck on rent according to Redfin's 2024 survey?

According to Redfin's survey, 22% of U.S. renters report that all of their regular income goes directly to paying their rent.

How many renters work second jobs to afford rent in 2024 (RDFN survey)?

20% of renters work second jobs to afford their housing costs, according to Redfin's September 2024 survey.

What percentage of renters have withdrawn from retirement funds to pay rent?

13% of renters have pulled money out of their retirement funds early to pay for housing costs.

How much faster are renter households growing compared to homeowner households?

According to Redfin's analysis, renter households are growing three times faster than homeowner households.

Redfin Corporation


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