New Raadr, Inc. President and Director Issues Shareholder Letter on Recent Acquisition Transaction

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Raadr, Inc. (OTC PINK: RDAR) has completed a reverse takeover, acquiring the U.S. and Ireland operating units of Mexedia SpA, a Rome-based telecommunication and technology company listed on Euronext Growth Paris. The acquisition positions Raadr to leverage Mexedia's experience, financial strength, and acquisition strategy in U.S. capital markets. Key points:

1. Raadr's headquarters are now in Miami, Florida.
2. In 2023, Mexedia US and Ireland generated over $349 million in revenues with an EBITDA exceeding $9 million.
3. The company aims to expand its B2B communication services and cross-sell higher margin telco and telco-related SaaS products.
4. A financial restructuring is underway to solidify the balance sheet, eliminate debt, and ensure sustainable profitability.

The new President and Director, Orlando Taddeo, expressed optimism about future growth opportunities and committed to providing regular updates to shareholders.

Raadr, Inc. (OTC PINK: RDAR) ha completato un'operazione di takeover inverso, acquisendo le unità operative statunitensi e irlandesi di Mexedia SpA, una compagnia di telecomunicazioni e tecnologia con sede a Roma, quotata su Euronext Growth Paris. Questa acquisizione consente a Raadr di sfruttare l'esperienza, la forza finanziaria e la strategia di acquisizione di Mexedia nei mercati di capitale statunitensi. Punti chiave:

1. La sede di Raadr è ora a Miami, Florida.
2. Nel 2023, Mexedia US e Irlanda hanno generato oltre 349 milioni di dollari in ricavi, con un EBITDA superiore a 9 milioni di dollari.
3. L'azienda ha l'obiettivo di espandere i suoi servizi di comunicazione B2B e di cross-sellare prodotti SaaS telco e correlati a margini più elevati.
4. È in corso una ristrutturazione finanziaria per consolidare il bilancio, eliminare i debiti e garantire una redditività sostenibile.

Il nuovo Presidente e Direttore, Orlando Taddeo, ha espresso ottimismo riguardo alle opportunità di crescita future e si è impegnato a fornire aggiornamenti regolari agli azionisti.

Raadr, Inc. (OTC PINK: RDAR) ha completado una toma de control inversa, adquiriendo las unidades operativas de EE. UU. e Irlanda de Mexedia SpA, una empresa de telecomunicaciones y tecnología con sede en Roma, cotizada en Euronext Growth París. La adquisición posiciona a Raadr para aprovechar la experiencia, la fortaleza financiera y la estrategia de adquisición de Mexedia en los mercados de capitales de EE. UU. Puntos clave:

1. La sede de Raadr ahora está en Miami, Florida.
2. En 2023, Mexedia US e Irlanda generaron más de $349 millones en ingresos, con un EBITDA que supera $9 millones.
3. La empresa tiene como objetivo expandir sus servicios de comunicación B2B y vender productos SaaS de telecomunicaciones y relacionados con márgenes más altos.
4. Se está llevando a cabo una reestructuración financiera para consolidar el balance, eliminar deudas y asegurar rentabilidad sostenible.

El nuevo Presidente y Director, Orlando Taddeo, expresó optimismo sobre las oportunidades de crecimiento futuras y se comprometió a proporcionar actualizaciones regulares a los accionistas.

Raadr, Inc. (OTC PINK: RDAR)는 로마에 본사를 둔 통신 및 기술 회사인 Mexedia SpA의 미국 및 아일랜드 운영 부서를 인수하여 역매입을 완료했습니다. 이 인수는 Raadr가 미국 자본 시장에서 Mexedia의 경험, 재무 안정성 및 인수 전략을 활용할 수 있는 기회를 제공합니다. 주요 사항:

1. Raadr의 본사는 이제 플로리다주 마이애미에 있습니다.
2. 2023년, Mexedia US와 아일랜드는 3억 4천 9백만 달러 이상의 수익을 창출했으며, EBITDA는 9백만 달러 이상입니다.
3. 이 회사는 B2B 통신 서비스 확장과 더 높은 마진의 통신 및 관련 SaaS 제품을 교차 판매할 계획입니다.
4. 재무 안정성을 강화하고 부채를 제거하며 지속 가능한 수익을 보장하기 위한 재구성이 진행 중입니다.

새로운 사장 겸 이사인 올란도 타데오(Orlando Taddeo)는 향후 성장 기회에 대한 낙관적인 입장을 표명하며 주주들에게 정기적으로 업데이트를 제공하겠다고 약속했습니다.

Raadr, Inc. (OTC PINK: RDAR) a achevé une prise de contrôle inversée en acquérant les unités opérationnelles des États-Unis et d'Irlande de Mexedia SpA, une entreprise de télécommunications et de technologie basée à Rome et cotée sur Euronext Growth Paris. L'acquisition positionne Raadr pour tirer parti de l'expérience, de la solidité financière et de la stratégie d'acquisition de Mexedia sur les marchés de capitaux américains. Points clés :

1. Le siège de Raadr est maintenant à Miami, en Floride.
2. En 2023, Mexedia US et Irlande ont généré plus de 349 millions de dollars de revenus, avec un EBITDA dépassant 9 millions de dollars.
3. L'entreprise vise à étendre ses services de communication B2B et à vendre en cross-sell des produits SaaS liés aux télécommunications avec des marges plus élevées.
4. Une restructuration financière est en cours pour solidifier le bilan, éliminer les dettes et garantir une rentabilité durable.

Le nouveau Président et Directeur, Orlando Taddeo, a exprimé son optimisme concernant les opportunités de croissance future et s'est engagé à fournir des mises à jour régulières aux actionnaires.

Raadr, Inc. (OTC PINK: RDAR) hat eine Umkehrübernahme abgeschlossen und die amerikanischen und irischen Betriebe von Mexedia SpA, einem in Rom ansässigen Telekommunikations- und Technologieunternehmen, das an Euronext Growth Paris gelistet ist, übernommen. Diese Akquisition positioniert Raadr, um die Erfahrung, finanzielle Stärke und Akquisitionsstrategie von Mexedia in den US-Kapitalmärkten zu nutzen. Wichtige Punkte:

1. Der Hauptsitz von Raadr befindet sich jetzt in Miami, Florida.
2. Im Jahr 2023 erzielten Mexedia US und Irland über 349 Millionen Dollar an Einnahmen mit einem EBITDA von über 9 Millionen Dollar.
3. Das Unternehmen zielt darauf ab, seine B2B-Kommunikationsdienste auszubauen und Produkte mit höheren Margen aus der Telekommunikations- und SaaS-Branche cross-sell zu konnten.
4. Eine finanzielle Umstrukturierung ist im Gange, um die Bilanz zu stärken, Schulden abzubauen und nachhaltige Rentabilität zu gewährleisten.

Der neue Präsident und Direktor, Orlando Taddeo, äußerte sich optimistisch über zukünftige Wachstumschancen und verpflichtete sich, den Aktionären regelmäßige Updates zu geben.

  • Acquisition of Mexedia's US and Ireland units, providing access to established operations and revenue streams
  • Combined 2023 revenue of over $349 million from acquired units
  • EBITDA exceeding $9 million from acquired operations in 2023
  • Potential for cross-selling higher margin telco and SaaS products
  • Planned financial restructuring to eliminate debt and improve balance sheet
  • Complex transaction structure may require further explanation to shareholders
  • Potential integration challenges following the reverse takeover

NEW YORK, NY / ACCESSWIRE / October 14, 2024 / Raadr, Inc. (OTC PINK: RDAR) ("Raadr" or the "Company"), is pleased to announce the completion of a reverse takeover by which the Company acquired the U.S. and Ireland operating units of Mexedia SpA (, an internationally renowned telecommunication and technology company headquartered in Rome, Italy, and listed on Euronext Growth Paris, in two separate acquisition transactions. This transaction marks an exciting new chapter for the Company and Mexedia Spa, as the Company is well-positioned to capitalize on Mexedia SpA's wealth of experience, financial strength and a strong acquisition strategy in the U.S. capital markets. Raadr's principal executive offices and operations are now headquartered in Miami, Florida.

Dear Shareholders,

It is with great enthusiasm that I introduce myself as the new President and Director of Raadr, Inc., following the completion of our reverse takeover transaction with the U.S. and Ireland operating units of Mexedia SpA. This letter aims to provide an initial overview of the transaction and what it means for the future of the Company, along with some important financial summaries. We understand that it is a rather complicated transaction, so we'll make sure that we properly explain it to shareholders in more details in the coming days. We are confident that our shareholders will be incredibly pleased on the structure of the transaction and the amazing opportunity to create immense shareholder value together. We invite you to review the more extensive information about the transaction included in the Company's filed with OTC Markets here.

About the Company and Mexedia SpA

I founded and have led Mexedia SpA into a leading player in the global telecommunications industry. Our headquarters are based in Rome, Italy, and we are listed on the Euronext Paris exchange. With operations extending across Europe, and, through the Company, the United States and Ireland, Mexedia SpA has a proven track record of providing cutting-edge communication solutions for over 200 of the world's most prominent mobile network operators and enterprises.

The Company's acquisition of Mexedia US and Mexedia Ireland provides us with an excellent platform to expand our global footprint by now having a firm presence in the U.S. As we move forward, our focus will remain on B2B communication services, enhanced by a robust pipeline of acquisitions that will allow us to grow both organically and through strategic transactions. However, we believe that the pivot point in the Company's growth will be to leverage our existing B2B tier-1 relationships in the telco industry to now also cross-sell higher margin telco and telco-related SaaS products via internal development and acquisitions.

Historical Financial Performance Concerning Mexedia US and Mexedia Ireland

In 2023, on a combined basis, Mexedia US and Mexedia Ireland, which are now owned by Raadr, generated over $349 million in revenues, with an EBITDA exceeding $9 million.

A Vision for Growth

We are establishing a strong platform for both organic growth and future acquisitions. We are committed to building a truly best-in-class company that will deliver long-term value for our shareholders.

We are also finalizing a comprehensive financial restructuring of Raadr's business aimed at solidifying our balance sheet, eliminating debt and positioning the company for continued sustainable profitability. We expect that progress in this regard will be achieved and announced in the coming days.

The Road Ahead

We are very optimistic about the opportunities that lie ahead for the Company, as well as Mexedia SpA. This transaction is only the beginning of a broader strategy to create a strong, sustainable business with high upside potential, benefiting both existing and future shareholders.

I encourage you to stay connected with us as we continue to grow and evolve, while providing full, real-time transparency to our shareholders. We will keep you informed with regular updates on our progress, and I sincerely thank you for your continued support.

The Raadr Team appreciates the continued support of our shareholders.


Orlando Taddeo
President and Director

Follow Us on X (Twitter): Raadr_

Safe Harbor Statement: Statements in this news release may be "forward-looking statements". Forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, statements that express our intentions, beliefs, expectations, strategies, predictions, or any other statements relating to our future activities or other future events or conditions. These statements are based on current expectations, estimates and projections about our business based, in part, on assumptions made by management. These statements are not guarantees of future performance and involve risks, uncertainties and assumptions that are difficult to predict. Therefore, actual outcomes and results may, and are likely to, differ materially from what is expressed or forecasted in forward-looking statements due to numerous factors. Any forward-looking statements speak only as of the date of this news release and the company undertakes no obligation to update any forward-looking statement to reflect events or circumstances after the date of this news release.


Daniel Gilcher-

SOURCE: Raadr, Inc.

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What companies did Raadr, Inc. (RDAR) acquire in the recent transaction?

Raadr, Inc. (RDAR) acquired the U.S. and Ireland operating units of Mexedia SpA, an internationally renowned telecommunication and technology company headquartered in Rome, Italy.

How much revenue did the acquired Mexedia units generate in 2023?

In 2023, the combined Mexedia US and Mexedia Ireland units, now owned by Raadr, generated over $349 million in revenues.

What is the EBITDA of the acquired Mexedia units for 2023?

The EBITDA of the acquired Mexedia US and Mexedia Ireland units exceeded $9 million in 2023.

Where is Raadr, Inc. (RDAR) now headquartered following the acquisition?

Following the acquisition, Raadr, Inc. (RDAR) is now headquartered in Miami, Florida.

What is Raadr's (RDAR) growth strategy following the Mexedia acquisition?

Raadr's growth strategy includes expanding B2B communication services, cross-selling higher margin telco and telco-related SaaS products, and pursuing both organic growth and strategic acquisitions.



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