Study Confirms: By-products from Lithium Production can be used in Cement Production

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Rock Tech Lithium (TSXV: RCK) (OTCQX: RCKTF) has announced promising findings from a peer-reviewed study by the German Lithium Institute. The study confirms that leached spodumene concentrate (LSC), a by-product of Rock Tech's lithium production, can be effectively used as a precursor material in the cement industry. This discovery has significant implications for both the lithium and construction sectors:

1. LSC can replace depleting fly ash from coal power, ensuring supply security for the German cement industry.
2. Adding 20% LSC to Portland cement increases its compressive strength by 10%.
3. The process contributes to reducing CO2 emissions in construction.
4. Rock Tech has filed a patent for the production and use of LSC in cement.

This development aligns with Rock Tech's zero-waste strategy and plans for Europe's first lithium converter in Guben, Brandenburg, with an annual capacity of 24,000 tons of lithium hydroxide.

Rock Tech Lithium (TSXV: RCK) (OTCQX: RCKTF) ha annunciato risultati promettenti da uno studio sottoposto a revisione paritaria dall'Istituto Tedesco del Litio. Lo studio conferma che il concentrato di spodumene leachato (LSC), un sottoprodotto della produzione di litio di Rock Tech, può essere utilizzato efficacemente come materiale precursore nell'industria del cemento. Questa scoperta ha implicazioni significative sia per il settore del litio che per quello delle costruzioni:

1. LSC può sostituire le ceneri volanti in esaurimento provenienti dalle centrali a carbone, garantendo la sicurezza dell'approvvigionamento per l'industria del cemento tedesca.
2. L'aggiunta del 20% di LSC al cemento Portland aumenta la resistenza alla compressione del 10%.
3. Il processo contribuisce a ridurre le emissioni di CO2 nelle costruzioni.
4. Rock Tech ha depositato un brevetto per la produzione e l'uso di LSC nel cemento.

Questo sviluppo è in linea con la strategia zero scarti di Rock Tech e i piani per il primo convertitore di litio in Europa a Guben, in Brandenburg, con una capacità annua di 24.000 tonnellate di idrossido di litio.

Rock Tech Lithium (TSXV: RCK) (OTCQX: RCKTF) ha anunciado hallazgos prometedores de un estudio revisado por pares del Instituto Alemán del Litio. El estudio confirma que el concentrado de espodumena lixiviado (LSC), un subproducto de la producción de litio de Rock Tech, puede ser utilizado de manera efectiva como material precursor en la industria del cemento. Este descubrimiento tiene implicaciones significativas tanto para el sector del litio como para el de la construcción:

1. LSC puede reemplazar las cenizas volantes que se están agotando de las plantas de carbón, asegurando la seguridad del suministro para la industria del cemento alemana.
2. La adición del 20% de LSC al cemento Portland incrementa su resistencia a la compresión en un 10%.
3. El proceso contribuye a reducir las emisiones de CO2 en la construcción.
4. Rock Tech ha solicitado una patente para la producción y uso de LSC en el cemento.

Este desarrollo está en línea con la estrategia de cero desperdicio de Rock Tech y los planes para el primer convertidor de litio en Europa en Guben, Brandeburgo, con una capacidad anual de 24,000 toneladas de hidróxido de litio.

락 테크 리튬(Rock Tech Lithium, TSXV: RCK, OTCQX: RCKTF)은 독일 리튬 연구소의 동료 검토 연구에서 유망한 결과를 발표했습니다. 이 연구는 락 테크의 리튬 생산의 부산물인 침출된 스포듐 광물 농축액(LSC)시멘트 산업에서 전구체 물질로 효과적으로 사용될 수 있음을 확인했습니다. 이 발견은 리튬 및 건설 부문 모두에 중요한 의미를 가집니다:

1. LSC는 석탄 발전소에서 고갈되고 있는 플라이 애시를 대체할 수 있으며, 독일 시멘트 산업의 공급 안전성을 보장합니다.
2. 포틀랜드 시멘트에 20% LSC를 추가하면 압축 강도가 10% 증가합니다.
3. 이 과정은 건설에서 CO2 배출 감소에 기여합니다.
4. 락 테크는 시멘트에서 LSC의 생산 및 사용에 대한 특허를 출원했습니다.

이 개발은 락 테크의 무폐기물 전략과 브란덴부르크 구벤에 위치한 유럽 최초의 리튬 변환기에 대한 계획과 일치하며, 연간 24,000톤의 수산화리튬 생산능력을 가지고 있습니다.

Rock Tech Lithium (TSXV: RCK) (OTCQX: RCKTF) a annoncé des résultats prometteurs d'une étude examinée par des pairs réalisée par l'Institut Allemand du Lithium. L'étude confirme que le concentré de spodumène lessivé (LSC), un sous-produit de la production de lithium de Rock Tech, peut être utilisé efficacement comme matériau précurseur dans l'industrie du ciment. Cette découverte a des implications significatives tant pour le secteur du lithium que pour celui de la construction :

1. LSC peut remplacer les cendres volantes en diminution provenant des centrales au charbon, assurant la sécurité de l'approvisionnement pour l'industrie du ciment allemande.
2. L'ajout de 20 % de LSC au ciment Portland augmente sa résistance à la compression de 10 %.
3. Le processus contribue à réduire les émissions de CO2 dans la construction.
4. Rock Tech a déposé un brevet pour la production et l'utilisation de LSC dans le ciment.

Ce développement est en accord avec la stratégie zéro déchets de Rock Tech et les projets pour le premier convertisseur de lithium d'Europe à Guben, dans le Brandebourg, avec une capacité annuelle de 24 000 tonnes d'hydroxyde de lithium.

Rock Tech Lithium (TSXV: RCK) (OTCQX: RCKTF) hat vielversprechende Ergebnisse einer begutachteten Studie des Deutschen Lithium-Instituts bekannt gegeben. Die Studie bestätigt, dass ausgeschwemmtes Spodumenkonzentrat (LSC), ein Nebenprodukt der Lithiumproduktion von Rock Tech, effektiv als Ausgangsmaterial in der Zementindustrie verwendet werden kann. Diese Entdeckung hat erhebliche Auswirkungen auf den Lithium- und den Bausektor:

1. LSC kann die zunehmend knapper werdenden Flugasche aus Kohlekraftwerken ersetzen und sorgt somit für Versorgungssicherheit in der deutschen Zementindustrie.
2. Die Zugabe von 20% LSC zu Portlandzement erhöht dessen Druckfestigkeit um 10%.
3. Der Prozess trägt zur Verringerung der CO2-Emissionen im Bauwesen bei.
4. Rock Tech hat ein Patent für die Produktion und Verwendung von LSC im Zement angemeldet.

Diese Entwicklung steht im Einklang mit Rocks Techs Null-Abfall-Strategie und den Plänen für den ersten Lithiumkonverter Europas in Guben, Brandenburg, mit einer jährlichen Kapazität von 24.000 Tonnen Lithiumhydroxid.

  • Leached spodumene concentrate (LSC) from lithium production can be used as a cement additive, opening a new revenue stream
  • Adding 20% LSC to Portland cement increases its compressive strength by 10%
  • The process contributes to reducing CO2 emissions in the construction industry
  • Patent filed for the production and use of LSC in cement, potentially securing a competitive advantage
  • Aligns with Rock Tech's zero-waste strategy, enhancing the company's sustainability profile
  • None.
  • Byproducts from Europe's first lithium converter can compensate for the slowly reducing fly ash from the phasing-out of coal power, effectively reducing CO2 emissions in the construction industry.

  • Product properties of Portland cement are improved – Patent for production and use has been filed.

  • Rock Tech Lithium pursues a zero-waste strategy in Guben.

TORONTO, July 22, 2024 /PRNewswire/ - Rock Tech Lithium Inc. (TSXV: RCK) (OTCQX: RCKTF) (FWB: RJIB) (WKN: A1XF0V) ("Rock Tech" or the "Company") is pleased to announce the findings of a peer-reviewed study published by the German Lithium Institute. The study finds that by-products from Rock Tech's Lithium conversion process can be used as precursor material in the cement industry. Specifically, it has been confirmed that leached spodumene concentrate (LSC) generated during the production of lithium from spodumene holds substantial industrial potential. The material, primarily composed of aluminosilicates, can be used in the cement industry as an additive for cement, replacing previously used fly ash, a now slowly depleting by-product of coal-fired power generation. This means that the by-products of Rock Tech's lithium production can ensure the regional supply security of the German cement industry with LSC and help reduce CO2 emissions.

Furthermore, it has been shown that the compressive strength of Portland cement, the most used type of cement worldwide, increases by ten percent when 20 percent LSC is added—regardless of the origin of the spodumene used. The process for producing and utilizing the LSC has been submitted for a patent.

The study was conducted within the Mineralogy and Geochemistry research group at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg by doctoral candidate and ITEL scholarship holder Julia Woskowski. Dr. Andreas Neumann, a member of the research group, explains: "The phase-out of coal and the transformation of the steel industry will sooner or later lead to changed or disappearing material streams that have been significant for the cement industry in terms of CO2 savings and product portfolio. The LSC from lithium production has the potential to compensate for these depleting material streams in the future."

Jannik Schmitz, Supply Chain Manager at ITEL shareholder Rock Tech Lithium, adds: "ITEL's study takes us a big step further on our path to CO2 neutrality and becoming the first zero-waste lithium company worldwide. It is important to note that the suitability of LSC as a cement additive is independent of the origin of the spodumene used. This confirms our choice of production process and our procurement strategy to source spodumene from several sustainably producing sources."

The study was supported by ITEL's shareholding companies, Rock Tech Lithium Inc., GP Günter Papenburg AG, and SCHWENK Zement GmbH & Co. KG. SCHWENK offers comprehensive supply of cement, concrete, sand & gravel, and pumping services in Germany. Dr. Thomas Neumann, Head of Research and Development at SCHWENK, explains: "The use of industrial residues from lithium production in cements and concretes significantly contributes to the conservation of valuable natural resources. Through innovative material use, we make an important contribution to achieving our sustainability goals. By integrating these residues, we can not only reduce environmental impact but also decrease CO2 emissions."

Rock Tech plans to build Europe's first lithium converter in Guben, Brandenburg. With an annual production capacity of 24,000 tons of lithium hydroxide, the converter can provide material for the construction of 500,000 electric batteries. Thus, the converter forms an important component of the battery value chain. Soon, capacities for material recycling will be developed. Additionally, the company aims to become the first zero-waste lithium company in the world through the complete reuse of byproducts. The company benefits from regional value chains and short distances.

ORIGINAL STUDY: J Woskowski, A Neumann, H Roggendorf, R Wehrspohn, S Stöber, "Properties of low sulfur leached spodumene as supplementary cementitious material in ordinary Portland cement" in Construction and Building Materials, Volume 438, page 137096 (2024),; as well as the associated patent application EP 2415 6323 at the European Patent Office.


Rock Tech's vision is to supply the electric vehicle and battery industry with sustainable, locally produced lithium, targeting a 100% recycling rate. To ensure resilient supply chains, the company plans to build lithium converters at the doorstep of its customers, beginning with the Company's proposed Lithium Hydroxide Converter in Guben, Brandenburg, Germany. The second Converter is planned to be built in Red Rock, Ontario, Canada. Rock Tech Lithium plans to source raw material from its own Georgia Lake spodumene project in the Thunder Bay Mining District of Ontario, Canada, and procure from other ESG-compliant mines. Ultimately, Rock Tech's goal is to create a closed-loop lithium production system. Rock Tech has gathered one of the strongest teams in the industry to close the most pressing gap in the clean mobility story. The Company has adopted strict environmental, social and governance standards and is developing a proprietary refining process to increase efficiency and sustainability further.


CAUTIONARY NOTE CONCERNING FORWARD-LOOKING INFORMATION Certain statements contained in this news release constitute "forward-looking information" under applicable securities laws and are referred to herein as "forward-looking statements". All statements, other than statements of historical fact, which address events, results, outcomes or developments that the Company expects to occur are forward-looking statements. When used in this news release, words such as "expects", "anticipates", "plans", "predicts", "believes", "estimates", "intends", "targets", "projects", "forecasts", "may", "will", "should", "would", "could" or negative versions thereof and other similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements. In particular, this press release contains forward-looking information pertaining to expectations concerning the Guben Converter, including the design and features of the Guben Converter, as well as the expected costs, capital expenditures, timing and outcomes thereof; statements regarding the Company's future plans, estimates, and schedules relating to the Guben Converter, including the anticipated timing of future activities taken in support of the development thereof; Rock Tech's potential financing arrangements; the expected economic performance of the Guben Converter and anticipated production of battery-grade lithium hydroxide and related processing methods employed; the estimated capital and operating costs of the Guben Converter; the anticipated timing and outcomes of a final investment decision, construction activities and commissioning of the Guben Converter; statements regarding the Company's sustainability and ESG related goals and strategy, including the benefits and achievement thereof and future actions taken by the Company in relation thereto; expected regulatory processes and final outcomes; expectations regarding the electric vehicle industry, including the demand for and pricing of battery-grade lithium hydroxide and the benefits therefrom, and the development of political and regulatory frameworks especially in Germany and the European Union; Rock Tech's opinions, beliefs and expectations regarding the Company's business strategy, development and exploration opportunities and projects; and plans and objectives of management for the Company's operations and properties. Forward-looking statements by their nature are based on assumptions and involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results to differ materially from the forward-looking statements, including the risks, uncertainties and other factors discussed in the Company's most recent management's discussion and analysis and annual information form filed with the applicable securities regulators. No assurances can be given that any of the events anticipated by the forward-looking statements will transpire or occur, and the Company cautions the reader not to place undue reliance upon any such forward-looking statements. The Company does not intend, nor does it assume any obligation to update or revise any of the forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, changes in assumptions, future events or otherwise, except to the extent required by applicable law.

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SOURCE Rock Tech Lithium Inc.


What is the main finding of the study regarding Rock Tech Lithium's (RCKTF) by-products?

The study confirms that leached spodumene concentrate (LSC), a by-product from Rock Tech Lithium's production process, can be used as a precursor material in the cement industry, replacing depleting fly ash and potentially reducing CO2 emissions.

How does the addition of LSC affect Portland cement's properties?

Adding 20% LSC to Portland cement increases its compressive strength by 10%, regardless of the origin of the spodumene used.

What is Rock Tech Lithium's (RCKTF) plan for lithium production in Europe?

Rock Tech plans to build Europe's first lithium converter in Guben, Brandenburg, with an annual production capacity of 24,000 tons of lithium hydroxide, enough to provide material for 500,000 electric batteries.

Has Rock Tech Lithium (RCKTF) filed a patent related to the LSC discovery?

Yes, Rock Tech has filed a patent for the production and utilization of LSC in cement production.

Rock Tech Lithium Inc


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