U.S. Army Special Operations Veteran and Drone Expert Joins Red Cat’s Board of Advisors

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Red Cat Holdings, Inc. (Nasdaq: RCAT), a drone technology company, has announced that Brett has joined its Board of Advisors. Brett is a drone industry expert, national media personality, and best-selling author of Drone Warrior. His expertise in drone technology and firsthand understanding of warfighters' needs will provide strategic guidance to Red Cat during its rapid innovation and growth phase.

Jeff Thompson, Red Cat CEO, emphasized the importance of Brett's perspective on complex drone operations as technology advances. Brett highlighted the U.S. Army's integration of sUAS into tactical operations and Red Cat's potential role in this area with its family of portable, low-cost, field repairable, and recoverable ISR drones with precision strike payloads.

Brett's background includes a distinguished career in the U.S. Army, serving in Tier 1 special operations units with six combat deployments overseas. He currently serves on several advisory boards focused on implementing drone technology globally and holds an MBA in International Business from Duke University.

Red Cat Holdings, Inc. (Nasdaq: RCAT), un'azienda nel settore della tecnologia dei droni, ha annunciato che Brett è entrato a far parte del suo Consiglio di Amministrazione. Brett è un esperto del settore dei droni, una personalità dei media nazionali e autore di bestseller del libro Drone Warrior. La sua esperienza nella tecnologia dei droni e la comprensione diretta delle esigenze dei combattenti forniranno orientamenti strategici a Red Cat durante la sua rapida fase di innovazione e crescita.

Jeff Thompson, CEO di Red Cat, ha sottolineato l'importanza della prospettiva di Brett su operazioni complesse con droni mentre la tecnologia avanza. Brett ha evidenziato l'integrazione degli sUAS da parte dell'esercito statunitense nelle operazioni tattiche e il potenziale ruolo di Red Cat in questo settore con la sua famiglia di droni ISR portatili, a basso costo, riparabili sul campo e recuperabili con carichi utili per attacchi di precisione.

Il background di Brett include una carriera distinta nell'esercito degli Stati Uniti, servendo in unità di operazioni speciali di Tier 1 con sei schieramenti di combattimento all'estero. Attualmente è membro di diversi consigli consultivi focalizzati sull'implementazione della tecnologia dei droni a livello globale e ha conseguito un MBA in Business Internazionale presso la Duke University.

Red Cat Holdings, Inc. (Nasdaq: RCAT), una empresa de tecnología de drones, ha anunciado que Brett se ha unido a su Junta Asesora. Brett es un experto en la industria de drones, personalidad de los medios nacionales y autor de bestsellers como Drone Warrior. Su experiencia en tecnología de drones y su comprensión de las necesidades de los combatientes proporcionará orientación estratégica a Red Cat durante su rápida fase de innovación y crecimiento.

Jeff Thompson, CEO de Red Cat, enfatizó la importancia de la perspectiva de Brett sobre operaciones complejas de drones a medida que la tecnología avanza. Brett destacó la integración de los sUAS por parte del ejército de los EE. UU. en operaciones tácticas y el papel potencial de Red Cat en esta área con su línea de drones ISR portátiles, de bajo costo, reparables en el campo y recuperables que ofrecen cargas útiles de ataque de precisión.

El historial de Brett incluye una carrera distinguida en el ejército de los EE. UU., sirviendo en unidades de operaciones especiales de Tier 1 con seis despliegues de combate en el extranjero. Actualmente forma parte de varios consejos asesores centrados en la implementación de la tecnología de drones a nivel mundial y tiene un MBA en Negocios Internacionales de la Universidad de Duke.

레드캣 홀딩스, Inc. (Nasdaq: RCAT), 드론 기술 회사가 브렛이 자문 위원회에 합류했다고 발표했습니다. 브렛은 드론 산업의 전문가이자, 전국 미디어 인물, 그리고 드론 전사(Drones Warrior)의 베스트셀러 작가입니다. 드론 기술에 대한 그의 전문성과 전투원의 요구를 직접 이해하는 능력은 레드캣의 빠른 혁신과 성장 단계에서 전략적 지침을 제공할 것입니다.

레드캣의 CEO인 제프 톰슨은 기술이 발전함에 따라 복잡한 드론 작전에 대한 브렛의 시각이 중요하다고 강조했습니다. 브렛은 미군의전술적 작전을 위한 sUAS의 통합을 강조했으며, 저렴한 가격과 현장 수리가 가능하며 회수 가능한 정밀 타격 소형 무인항공기(ISR 드론) 가족으로서 레드캣의 잠재적 역할을 제시했습니다.

브렛의 경력은 미군에서의 저명한 경력을 포함하며, 그는 6회의 전투 배치 경험이 있는 Tier 1 특수 작전 부대에서 복무했습니다. 현재 그는 글로벌 드론 기술 구현에 중점을 둔 여러 자문 위원회에서 활동하고 있으며, 듀크 대학교에서 국제 비즈니스 MBA를 보유하고 있습니다.

Red Cat Holdings, Inc. (Nasdaq: RCAT), une entreprise de technologie de drones, a annoncé que Brett a rejoint son Conseil Consultatif. Brett est un expert de l'industrie des drones, une personnalité médiatique nationale et l'auteur à succès du livre Drone Warrior. Son expertise en technologie des drones et sa compréhension directe des besoins des combattants fourniront une orientation stratégique à Red Cat pendant sa phase rapide d'innovation et de croissance.

Jeff Thompson, PDG de Red Cat, a souligné l'importance de la perspective de Brett sur les opérations complexes de drones à mesure que la technologie progresse. Brett a mis en avant l'intégration des sUAS par l'armée américaine dans les opérations tactiques et le rôle potentiel de Red Cat dans ce domaine avec sa gamme de drones ISR portables, à faible coût, réparables sur le terrain et récupérables, dotés de charges utiles de frappe de précision.

Le parcours de Brett inclut une carrière distinguée au sein de l'armée américaine, ayant servi dans des unités d'opérations spéciales de niveau 1 avec six déploiements de combat à l'étranger. Il siège actuellement dans plusieurs conseils consultatifs axés sur la mise en œuvre de la technologie des drones à l'échelle mondiale et possède un MBA en affaires internationales de l'Université de Duke.

Red Cat Holdings, Inc. (Nasdaq: RCAT), ein Unternehmen für Drohnentechnologie, hat bekannt gegeben, dass Brett in seinen Beraterkreis berufen wurde. Brett ist ein Experte der Drohnenbranche, eine nationale Medienpersönlichkeit und Bestsellerautor des Buches Drone Warrior. Seine Expertise in der Drohnentechnologie und sein unmittelbares Verständnis der Bedürfnisse von Kämpfern werden Red Cat während seiner rasanten Innovations- und Wachstumsphase strategische Orientierung bieten.

Jeff Thompson, CEO von Red Cat, betonte die Bedeutung von Bretts Perspektive auf komplexe Drohneneinsätze, während die Technologie Fortschritte macht. Brett hob die Integration der sUAS des US-Militärs in taktische Einsätze hervor und Red Cats potenzielle Rolle in diesem Bereich mit seiner Familie tragbarer, kostengünstiger, vor Ort reparierbarer und wiederherstellbarer ISR-Drohnen mit Präzisionsschlägen.

Brettes Hintergrund umfasst eine herausragende Karriere im US-Militär, wo er in Tier-1-Spezialeinheiten mit sechs Kampfeinsätzen im Ausland diente. Derzeit ist er in mehreren Beratergremien tätig, die sich auf die weltweite Implementierung von Drohnentechnologie konzentrieren und hält einen MBA in International Business von der Duke University.

  • Addition of a drone industry expert to the Board of Advisors
  • Potential for strategic guidance in rapid innovation and growth
  • Insight into U.S. Army's integration of sUAS in tactical operations
  • Positioning for significant role in military drone technology
  • None.


The addition of Brett Velicovich to Red Cat's Board of Advisors is a strategic move that could significantly enhance the company's position in the military drone market. His extensive combat experience and expertise in unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) bring valuable insights into the practical needs of warfighters. This could help Red Cat develop more effective and mission-specific drone solutions.

Velicovich's background aligns well with Red Cat's focus on integrating robotic hardware and software for military operations. His understanding of the "complex nature of drone operations" and the need for "constant and rapid innovation" could drive Red Cat's R&D efforts in a direction that meets evolving military requirements.

However, investors should note that while advisory roles can provide strategic guidance, they don't necessarily translate directly to financial performance. The impact on Red Cat's bottom line will depend on how effectively the company leverages Velicovich's expertise to win contracts and develop market-leading products.

Red Cat's appointment of Brett Velicovich signals a strong commitment to expanding its footprint in the defense sector, particularly in small unmanned aerial systems (sUAS) for tactical operations. The U.S. Army's increasing integration of sUAS presents a significant market opportunity for Red Cat.

The company's focus on portable, low-cost, field repairable and recoverable ISR drones with precision strike payloads aligns well with current military trends towards agile, cost-effective solutions. Velicovich's insights could help Red Cat refine its product offerings to better meet specific military needs, potentially leading to increased contract opportunities.

Investors should watch for any announcements regarding new product developments or contract wins that may result from this strategic advisory appointment. While the news is positive for Red Cat's long-term prospects in the defense market, it's important to remember that the defense procurement process can be lengthy and competitive.

SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico, Oct. 11, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Red Cat Holdings, Inc. (Nasdaq: RCAT), a drone technology company integrating robotic hardware and software for military, government, and commercial operations, today announced that Brett has joined its Board of Advisors. Brett is a drone industry expert, national media personality, and best-selling author of Drone Warrior, a first-hand account that chronicles the U.S. military’s evolution between 2001 - 2016 and the technology driving it.

“Brett’s drone technology expertise is well known within the industry, and we are honored to have him join Red Cat’s Board of Advisors to provide us strategic guidance during this time of rapid innovation and growth for the company,” said Jeff Thompson, Red Cat CEO. “He will provide an invaluable voice for us with a firsthand understanding of the needs of today’s warfighters based on frontline experience using unmanned aerial vehicles in combat. His perspective on the complex nature of drone operations is vitally important as technology advances, including how drones can be used to improve and preserve life."

“I spent a large part of my career watching the nature of warfare evolve and how technology was both a driving force behind that change, but also something that needed constant and rapid innovation to stay ahead of global adversaries,” said Velicovich. The U.S. Army is at the forefront of integrating sUAS into tactical operations across command levels, and Red Cat is well positioned to play a significant role in this with its family of portable, low-cost, field repairable and recoverable ISR drones with precision strike payloads.”

Velicovich left the military in 2010 after a distinguished career in the United States Army, where he received numerous service-related medals while serving in Tier 1 special operations units and conducted six combat deployments overseas. He serves on several other advisory boards focused on the implementation of drone technology to solve complex issues globally including the African Eye Project, Humanitarian Aid and Rescue Project (HARP), SAFE Shelter for Domestic Violence Services, LIFT Aircraft, Cyberlux Corporation, and PteroDynamics Inc., He holds a Master of Business Administration (M.B.A) in International Business from Duke University.

About Red Cat Holdings, Inc.
Red Cat (Nasdaq: RCAT) is a drone technology company integrating robotic hardware and software for military, government, and commercial operations. Through two wholly owned subsidiaries, Teal Drones and FlightWave Aerospace, Red Cat has developed a bleeding-edge Family of ISR and Precision Strike Systems including the Teal 2, a small unmanned system offering the highest-resolution thermal imaging in its class, the Edge 130 Blue Tricopter for extended endurance and range, and FANG™, the industry's first line of NDAA compliant FPV drones optimized for military operations with precision strike capabilities. Learn more at

Forward-Looking Statements 
This press release contains “forward-looking statements” that are subject to substantial risks and uncertainties. All statements, other than statements of historical fact, contained in this press release are forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements contained in this press release may be identified by the use of words such as “anticipate,” “believe,” “contemplate,” “could,” “estimate,” “expect,” “intend,” “seek,” “may,” “might,” “plan,” “potential,” “predict,” “project,” “target,” “aim,” “should,” “will,” “would,” or the negative of these words or other similar expressions, although not all forward-looking statements contain these words. Forward-looking statements are based on Red Cat Holdings, Inc.’s current expectations and are subject to inherent uncertainties, risks and assumptions that are difficult to predict. Further, certain forward-looking statements are based on assumptions as to future events that may not prove to be accurate. These and other risks and uncertainties are described more fully in the section titled “Risk Factors” in the final prospectus related to the public offering filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Forward-looking statements contained in this announcement are made as of this date, and Red Cat Holdings, Inc. undertakes no duty to update such information except as required under applicable law. 


Peter Moran, Indicate Media
Phone: (347) 880-2895


Who joined Red Cat Holdings' Board of Advisors?

Brett, a drone industry expert, national media personality, and best-selling author of Drone Warrior, has joined Red Cat Holdings' (RCAT) Board of Advisors.

What expertise does Brett bring to Red Cat Holdings (RCAT)?

Brett brings expertise in drone technology, firsthand understanding of warfighters' needs, and perspective on complex drone operations based on his military experience and industry knowledge.

How might Brett's addition benefit Red Cat Holdings (RCAT)?

Brett's addition is expected to provide strategic guidance during Red Cat's rapid innovation and growth phase, particularly in developing drone technology for military and tactical operations.

What type of drones does Red Cat Holdings (RCAT) develop?

Red Cat Holdings develops portable, low-cost, field repairable and recoverable ISR drones with precision strike payloads, suitable for military and tactical operations.

Red Cat Holdings, Inc.


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Computer Hardware
Services-prepackaged Software
United States of America