Red Cat Introduces ARACHNID™ Family of Small ISR and Precision Strike Systems at AUSA 2024

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Red Cat Holdings (Nasdaq: RCAT) has introduced its ARACHNID™ family of unmanned intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) and precision strike systems at AUSA 2024. This family is designed to align with the U.S. Army's roadmap for integrating UAS and long endurance aircraft in combined arms operations. Key components include:

1. Black Widow™: A rucksack-portable sUAS for operation in Electronic Warfare environments, succeeding Teal 2 with enhanced capabilities.

2. WEB™ (Warfighter Electronic Bridge): A Ground Control Station for operating the entire ARACHNID family.

3. FANG™: A line of First-Person View drones for medium-range reconnaissance and persistent strike.

4. TRICHON™: Building upon the FlightWave Edge 130 Blue for medium-range operations.

Red Cat aims to shift from legacy, high-cost UAS to highly interoperable systems adaptable to evolving battlefield needs, emphasizing layered deployment, extended reach, and reduced cognitive burden for warfighters.

Red Cat Holdings (Nasdaq: RCAT) ha introdotto la sua famiglia ARACHNID™ di sistemi di intelligenza, sorveglianza e ricognizione (ISR) e attacco di precisione all'AUSA 2024. Questa famiglia è progettata per allinearsi con la tabella di marcia dell'Esercito degli Stati Uniti per l'integrazione di UAS e aerei ad alta autonomia nelle operazioni combinate. I componenti chiave includono:

1. Black Widow™: un sUAS portatile nello zaino per operazioni in ambienti di guerra elettronica, che sostituisce il Teal 2 con funzionalità avanzate.

2. WEB™ (Warfighter Electronic Bridge): una stazione di controllo a terra per operare l'intera famiglia ARACHNID.

3. FANG™: una linea di droni First-Person View per ricognizione a medio raggio e attacco persistente.

4. TRICHON™: costruito sulla base del FlightWave Edge 130 Blue per operazioni a medio raggio.

Red Cat mira a passare da UAS legacy ad alto costo a sistemi altamente interoperabili, adattabili alle esigenze mutevoli del campo di battaglia, enfatizzando il dispiegamento stratificato, la portata estesa e il carico cognitivo ridotto per i combattenti.

Red Cat Holdings (Nasdaq: RCAT) ha presentado su familia ARACHNID™ de sistemas de inteligencia, vigilancia y reconocimiento (ISR) y de ataque de precisión en AUSA 2024. Esta familia está diseñada para alinearse con la hoja de ruta del Ejército de EE. UU. para la integración de UAS y aeronaves de larga duración en operaciones de armas combinadas. Los componentes clave incluyen:

1. Black Widow™: un sUAS portátil en una mochila para operar en entornos de Guerra Electrónica, sucediendo al Teal 2 con capacidades mejoradas.

2. WEB™ (Warfighter Electronic Bridge): una estación de control terrestre para operar toda la familia ARACHNID.

3. FANG™: una línea de drones de Primera Persona para reconocimiento a media distancia y ataque persistente.

4. TRICHON™: construido sobre el FlightWave Edge 130 Blue para operaciones de media distancia.

Red Cat tiene como objetivo pasar de UAS heredados de alto costo a sistemas altamente interoperables que se adapten a las cambiantes necesidades del campo de batalla, enfatizando el despliegue en capas, el alcance extendido y la carga cognitiva reducida para los combatientes.

Red Cat Holdings (Nasdaq: RCAT)는 AUSA 2024에서 무인 정보 수집, 감시 및 정찰(ISR) 및 정밀 타격 시스템의 ARACHNID™ 가족을 소개했습니다. 이 가족은 U.S. Army의 UAS 및 장기간 비행기를 결합 무기 작전에 통합하기 위한 로드맵과 일치하도록 설계되었습니다. 주요 구성 요소는 다음과 같습니다:

1. Black Widow™: 전자전 환경에서 운영하기 위한 배낭 휴대형 sUAS로, 향상된 기능을 갖춘 Teal 2를 대체합니다.

2. WEB™ (Warfighter Electronic Bridge): 전체 ARACHNID 가족을 조작하기 위한 지상 통제소입니다.

3. FANG™: 중거리 정찰 및 지속적인 타격을 위한 1인칭 뷰 드론 라인입니다.

4. TRICHON™: 중거리 작전을 위해 FlightWave Edge 130 Blue를 기반으로 구축되었습니다.

Red Cat은 높은 비용의 레거시 UAS에서 변화하는 전장 요구에 적응할 수 있는 고도로 상호 운용 가능 시스템으로 전환하는 것을 목표로 하며, 계층적 배치, 확장된 도달 범위 및 전투원의 인지 부담을 줄이는 것을 강조합니다.

Red Cat Holdings (Nasdaq: RCAT) a introduit sa famille ARACHNID™ de systèmes d'intelligence, de surveillance et de reconnaissance (ISR) ainsi que de frappe de précision lors de l'AUSA 2024. Cette famille est conçue pour s'aligner avec la feuille de route de l'armée américaine pour l'intégration des UAS et des aéronefs à longue endurance dans les opérations interarmes. Les composants clés incluent :

1. Black Widow™ : un sUAS portable dans un sac à dos pour fonctionner dans des environnements de guerre électronique, succédant au Teal 2 avec des capacités améliorées.

2. WEB™ (Warfighter Electronic Bridge) : une station de contrôle au sol pour piloter l'ensemble de la famille ARACHNID.

3. FANG™ : une gamme de drones à vue à la première personne pour la reconnaissance à moyenne distance et les frappes persistantes.

4. TRICHON™ : construit sur la base du FlightWave Edge 130 Blue pour des opérations à moyenne distance.

Red Cat vise à passer de systèmes UAS hérités coûteux à des systèmes hautement interopérables, adaptables aux besoins évolutifs du champ de bataille, en soulignant le déploiement en couches, la portée étendue et la réduction de la charge cognitive pour les combattants.

Red Cat Holdings (Nasdaq: RCAT) hat auf der AUSA 2024 seine ARACHNID™-Familie von unbemannten Intelligenz-, Überwachungs- und Aufklärungssystemen (ISR) sowie Präzisionsangriffssystemen vorgestellt. Diese Familie wurde entwickelt, um mit dem Fahrplan des US-Militärs zur Integration von UAS und Langzeitflugzeugen in kombinierte Operationen übereinzustimmen. Zu den wichtigsten Komponenten gehören:

1. Black Widow™: ein im Rucksack tragbares sUAS für den Einsatz in elektronischen Kriegsumgebungen, das Teal 2 mit erweiterten Funktionen ersetzt.

2. WEB™ (Warfighter Electronic Bridge): eine Bodensteuerstation zur Bedienung der gesamten ARACHNID-Familie.

3. FANG™: eine Reihe von First-Person-View-Drohnen für die Mittelstreckenaufklärung und anhaltende Angriffe.

4. TRICHON™: basierend auf dem FlightWave Edge 130 Blue für Mittelstreckenoperationen.

Red Cat zielt darauf ab, von herkömmlichen, kostspieligen UAS auf hochgradig interoperable Systeme umzusteigen, die sich an die sich entwickelnden Anforderungen auf dem Schlachtfeld anpassen, und betont dabei schichtweisen Einsatz, erweiterte Reichweite und reduzierte kognitive Belastung für die Soldaten.

  • Introduction of ARACHNID™ family of systems aligning with U.S. Army's UAS integration roadmap
  • Enhanced capabilities in the Black Widow™ model, including longer endurance and EW resilience
  • Development of WEB™ Ground Control Station for seamless integration with multiple platforms
  • Accelerated development of FANG™ line for medium-range reconnaissance and persistent strike
  • Ability to manufacture systems at high production rates to meet global customer demands
  • None.


Red Cat's introduction of the ARACHNID™ family of systems marks a significant advancement in military drone technology. The company is strategically positioning itself to meet the U.S. Army's evolving needs for unmanned aerial systems (UAS) across various operational levels. Key highlights include:

  • The Black Widow™, an enhanced version of Teal 2, offering improved endurance, electronic warfare resilience and advanced autonomy
  • WEB™ (Warfighter Electronic Bridge), a versatile ground control station compatible with multiple platforms
  • Development of FANG™ FPV drones for medium-range reconnaissance and persistent strike capabilities
  • Plans for TRICHON™, building on the FlightWave Edge 130 Blue for medium-range ISR missions

This comprehensive approach aligns with the Pentagon's Replicator initiative, potentially positioning Red Cat as a key player in the rapidly evolving military drone market. The focus on interoperability, adaptability and cost-effectiveness could give Red Cat a competitive edge in securing defense contracts.

Red Cat's ARACHNID™ family represents a strategic alignment with the U.S. Army's UAS integration roadmap. The system's design philosophy emphasizes:

  • Layered UAS deployment for enhanced fire and maneuver coordination
  • Extended operational reach through networking and autonomy
  • Reduced cognitive burden on operators, improving safety and survivability

The shift towards low-cost, recoverable ISR drones with precision strike capabilities is particularly noteworthy. This approach could significantly enhance tactical flexibility and reduce operational costs. The emphasis on electronic warfare resilience in the Black Widow™ model addresses a critical vulnerability in modern warfare. Moreover, the modular architecture allows for rapid adaptation to diverse mission requirements, which is important in dynamic combat scenarios. If Red Cat can deliver on these capabilities at scale, it could reshape small UAS tactics and procurement strategies for the U.S. military and potentially allied forces.

SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico, Oct. 14, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Red Cat Holdings, Inc. (Nasdaq: RCAT) (“Red Cat”), a drone technology company building hardware and software for military, federal, and commercial operations, today introduced its ARACHNID™ family of unmanned intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) and precision strike systems. Red Cat unveiled the Family of Systems at AUSA 2024 Annual Meeting and Exposition in Washington D.C.

The ARACHNID family of systems is purpose built for the U.S. Army’s roadmap to integrate UAS and long endurance aircraft in a combined arms fight with synchronized fire and maneuver across various command levels. Red Cat currently addresses the needs of warfighters at the platoon and company level with drones that span capabilities and endurance for short and medium-range operations in air, land, and maritime environments. Future potential partnerships will enable long-range reconnaissance.

Red Cat redefines the future of sUAS for defense applications by combining the capabilities of portable, low-cost, and recoverable ISR drones with precision strike payloads. The company is enabling a shift away from legacy, high-cost UAS to highly interoperable systems that can adapt to a rapidly evolving battlefield. This shift includes layered UAS/LE deployment to shape fires and maneuver, extended reach via networks and autonomy, and reduced cognitive burden with increased safety and survivability for warfighters.

“The U.S. Army has prioritized integrating UAS across military formations from squad to corps and have specific requirements informed by an understanding of emerging real-world threats,” said Jeff Thompson, Red Cat CEO. “We are introducing the ARACHNID™ family of systems to ensure we can react to the rapidly evolving needs of sUAS for short, medium and long range operations. With future partnerships, our drones can be dropped from long endurance aircraft or integrated into unmanned surface vessels to extend reach and penetration at the battlefield’s tactical edge.”

ARACHNID advances Red Cat’s established leadership in the sUAS space and brings enhanced capabilities and tech integrations to its existing flagship products from Teal. To reflect this technology evolution and the capabilities of the newest model that Red Cat developed for the U.S. Army’s SRR Program of Record, the company has rebranded its flagship within the ARACHNID family of systems:

  • Black Widow™ (successor to Teal 2) is a highly capable, rucksack portable sUAS designed specifically for operation in Electronic Warfare (EW) environments. A fully modular architecture enables swift adaptation to mission requirements including short range reconnaissance and secondary payload operation. Black Widow™ is significantly enhanced from the Teal 2 model with longer endurance, EW resilience, and advanced autonomy.
  • WEB™ (Warfighter Electronic Bridge) is a Ground Control Station purpose built to operate Red Cat’s entire ARACHNID family of systems for military operations. WEB is fully integrated with Kinesis and ATAK to provide seamless integration with platforms and enhance mission effectiveness. WEB can also function as a stand-alone GCS for other non-Red Cat platforms, offering multi-domain versatility.

To address the needs of medium-range reconnaissance and persistent strike systems, Red Cat is accelerating the development of its FANG™ line of First-Person View (FPV) drones. Additionally, Red Cat’s product roadmap includes TRICHON™, which will build upon the FlightWave Edge 130 Blue, a military-grade VTOL tricopter for medium-range mapping, intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance.

“The Pentagon’s Replicator initiative established a bold mission to accelerate the deployment of attritable sUAS to the warfighter. In concert with Replicator’s mission we are accelerating the development of our products that will enhance the effectiveness and safety of military and security operations,” said George Matus, Red Cat CTO. “In many ways, domestic UAS innovation has been spurred by learnings in Ukraine and Israel, where drones have clearly demonstrated asymmetric warfare. The ARACHNID family of systems represents what we believe the future of drones needs to look like.”

The new family of systems will leverage ongoing industry collaboration, underpinned by the Red Cat Futures Initiative. Both through Red Cat’s agile internal research and development, as well as robust partnerships, the family of systems will continually iterate with new capabilities across hardware and software. Red Cat has the ability to manufacture these systems at a high production rate with superior quality to meet the demands of our customers globally.

To meet with Red Cat and see the Black Widow™ and rest of the family of systems, visit booth 330 at AUSA October 14-16, 2024.

For more information about the Red Cat family of systems and capabilities, visit:

About Red Cat, Inc. 
Red Cat (Nasdaq: RCAT) is a drone technology company integrating robotic hardware and software for military, government, and commercial operations. Through two wholly owned subsidiaries, Teal Drones and Flightwave Aerospace, Red Cat has developed a bleeding-edge Family of ISR and Precision Strike Systems including Black Widow™, a small unmanned system offering the highest-resolution thermal imaging in its class, TRICHON™ Tricopter for extended endurance and range, and FANG™, the industry's first line of NDAA compliant FPV drones optimized for military operations with precision strike capabilities. Learn more at

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This press release contains "forward-looking statements" that are subject to substantial risks and uncertainties. All statements, other than statements of historical fact, contained in this press release are forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements contained in this press release may be identified by the use of words such as "anticipate," "believe," "contemplate," "could," "estimate," "expect," "intend," "seek," "may," "might," "plan," "potential," "predict," "project," "target," "aim," "should," "will," "would," or the negative of these words or other similar expressions, although not all forward-looking statements contain these words. Forward-looking statements are based on Red Cat Holdings, Inc.'s current expectations and are subject to inherent uncertainties, risks and assumptions that are difficult to predict. Further, certain forward-looking statements are based on assumptions as to future events that may not prove to be accurate. These and other risks and uncertainties are described more fully in the section titled "Risk Factors" in the final prospectus related to the public offering filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Forward-looking statements contained in this announcement are made as of this date, and Red Cat Holdings, Inc. undertakes no duty to update such information except as required under applicable law. 



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What is Red Cat's new ARACHNID™ family of systems introduced at AUSA 2024?

Red Cat's ARACHNID™ family is a series of unmanned intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) and precision strike systems designed for military operations. It includes the Black Widow™ sUAS, WEB™ Ground Control Station, FANG™ FPV drones, and TRICHON™ medium-range systems.

How does the Black Widow™ drone differ from its predecessor Teal 2?

The Black Widow™, successor to Teal 2, is a rucksack-portable sUAS designed for Electronic Warfare environments. It features significant enhancements including longer endurance, improved EW resilience, and advanced autonomy compared to the Teal 2 model.

What is the purpose of Red Cat's WEB™ (Warfighter Electronic Bridge) system?

WEB™ is a Ground Control Station designed to operate Red Cat's entire ARACHNID family of systems for military operations. It integrates with Kinesis and ATAK for seamless platform integration and can also function as a standalone GCS for non-Red Cat platforms.

How is Red Cat (RCAT) addressing medium-range reconnaissance needs?

Red Cat is accelerating the development of its FANG™ line of First-Person View (FPV) drones for medium-range reconnaissance and persistent strike systems. Additionally, they are developing TRICHON™, building upon the FlightWave Edge 130 Blue for medium-range mapping and ISR operations.

Red Cat Holdings, Inc.


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