Frederick J. Elmy Joins RBC Bearings Board of Directors

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RBC Bearings Incorporated (NYSE: RBC, RBCP), a leading manufacturer of precision bearings and components for industrial, defense, and aerospace sectors, has elected Frederick J. Elmy to its Board of Directors. Mr. Elmy, a Class III director, will serve until the 2025 annual stockholders meeting and has been appointed to the Audit Committee as a financial expert.

Mr. Elmy brings extensive experience from his nearly four-decade career at PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, where he held various leadership roles until his retirement in 2021. His expertise spans financial markets transactions, mergers and acquisitions, risk management, and SEC reporting. Chairman and CEO Dr. Michael J. Hartnett expressed enthusiasm about the valuable executive and financial experience Mr. Elmy brings to RBC Bearings.

RBC Bearings Incorporated (NYSE: RBC, RBCP), un produttore leader di cuscinetti di precisione e componenti per i settori industriale, della difesa e aerospaziale, ha nominato Frederick J. Elmy nel suo Consiglio di Amministrazione. Il Sig. Elmy, un direttore di Classe III, servirà fino all'assemblea annuale degli azionisti del 2025 ed è stato nominato membro del Comitato di Audit come esperto finanziario.

Il Sig. Elmy porta con sé una vasta esperienza grazie alla sua carriera di quasi quattro decenni presso PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, dove ha ricoperto vari ruoli di leadership fino al suo pensionamento nel 2021. La sua expertise comprende transazioni nei mercati finanziari, fusioni e acquisizioni, gestione del rischio e reportistica SEC. Il Presidente e CEO Dr. Michael J. Hartnett ha espresso entusiasmo riguardo all'importante esperienza esecutiva e finanziaria che il Sig. Elmy apporta a RBC Bearings.

RBC Bearings Incorporated (NYSE: RBC, RBCP), un fabricante líder de rodamientos de precisión y componentes para los sectores industrial, de defensa y aeroespacial, ha elegido a Frederick J. Elmy para su Junta Directiva. El Sr. Elmy, un director de Clase III, ejercerá hasta la reunión anual de accionistas de 2025 y ha sido nombrado para el Comité de Auditoría como experto financiero.

El Sr. Elmy aporta una amplia experiencia de su carrera de casi cuatro décadas en PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, donde ocupó varios roles de liderazgo hasta su retiro en 2021. Su experiencia abarca transacciones en mercados financieros, fusiones y adquisiciones, gestión de riesgos y reportes ante la SEC. El Presidente y CEO Dr. Michael J. Hartnett expresó su entusiasmo por la valiosa experiencia ejecutiva y financiera que el Sr. Elmy aporta a RBC Bearings.

RBC Bearings Incorporated (NYSE: RBC, RBCP)는 산업, 방위 및 항공우주 분야의 정밀 베어링 및 구성 요소의 선도적인 제조업체로, 프레더릭 J. 엘미를 이사회에 선임했습니다. 엘미 씨는 3급 이사로 2025년 연례 주주총회까지 재직하며, 재무 전문가로 감사위원회에 임명되었습니다.

엘미 씨는 2021년 은퇴할 때까지 프라이스워터하우스쿠퍼스 LLP에서 거의 40년간의 경력을 쌓으며 여러 리더십 역할을 수행했습니다. 그의 전문성은 금융 시장 거래, 인수합병, 리스크 관리 및 SEC 보고에 걸쳐 있습니다. 회장 겸 CEO인 마이클 J. 하트넷 박사는 엘미 씨가 RBC Bearings에 가져오는 귀중한 경영 및 재무 경험에 대해 열정을 표현했습니다.

RBC Bearings Incorporated (NYSE: RBC, RBCP), un fabricant de premier plan de roulements et composants de précision pour les secteurs industriel, de défense et aérospatial, a élu Frederick J. Elmy à son Conseil d'administration. M. Elmy, un directeur de la classe III, siégera jusqu'à l'assemblée annuelle des actionnaires de 2025 et a été nommé membre du Comité d'audit en tant qu'expert financier.

M. Elmy apporte une vaste expérience de sa carrière de près de quatre décennies chez PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, où il a occupé divers rôles de leadership jusqu'à sa retraite en 2021. Son expertise couvre les transactions sur les marchés financiers, les fusions et acquisitions, la gestion des risques et les rapports auprès de la SEC. Le Président et CEO Dr. Michael J. Hartnett a exprimé son enthousiasme concernant l'expérience exécutive et financière précieuse que M. Elmy apporte à RBC Bearings.

RBC Bearings Incorporated (NYSE: RBC, RBCP), ein führender Hersteller von Präzisionslagern und -komponenten für die Industrie-, Verteidigungs- und Luftfahrtsektoren, hat Frederick J. Elmy in seinen Vorstand berufen. Herr Elmy, ein Direktor der Klasse III, wird bis zur jährlichen Hauptversammlung der Aktionäre 2025 tätig sein und wurde als Finanzexperte in den Prüfungsausschuss berufen.

Herr Elmy bringt umfassende Erfahrungen aus seiner fast vier Jahrzehnte währenden Karriere bei PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP mit, wo er bis zu seinem Ruhestand im Jahr 2021 verschiedene Führungspositionen innehatte. Sein Fachwissen umfasst Transaktionen an den Finanzmärkten, Fusionen und Übernahmen, Risikomanagement und SEC-Berichterstattung. Vorsitzender und CEO Dr. Michael J. Hartnett äußerte sich begeistert über die wertvolle Unternehmens- und Finanzexpertise, die Herr Elmy zu RBC Bearings bringt.

  • Addition of Frederick J. Elmy to the Board of Directors, bringing extensive financial and executive experience
  • Appointment of Mr. Elmy to the Audit Committee as a financial expert
  • Potential for improved financial oversight and strategic guidance due to Mr. Elmy's background
  • None.

OXFORD, Conn.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- RBC Bearings Incorporated (NYSE: RBC, RBCP), a leading international manufacturer of highly engineered precision bearings, components and essential systems for the industrial, defense and aerospace industries, today announced that its Board of Directors has elected Frederick J. Elmy as a director of the Company. Mr. Elmy is a Class III director and will serve until the Company’s annual meeting of stockholders in 2025. Additionally, the Board of Directors has determined that he is an audit committee financial expert and appointed him to serve on the Company’s Audit Committee.

Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Dr. Michael J. Hartnett commented, “We are very excited to have Mr. Elmy joining our Board of Directors. His many years with PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP will provide RBC with a wealth of valuable executive and financial experience.” Mr. Elmy stated, “I am honored to be elected to the Board of Directors of RBC Bearings. I look forward to leveraging my experience and sharing my insights with the Company as it continues to execute its strategic and operational initiatives.”

Mr. Elmy joined PricewaterhouseCoopers in 1982 and became a partner in 1994, serving in several roles over the years including National Office Partner—Accounting and SEC Services; Audit Partner—Financial Services, Industrial Products and Technology; and Financial Markets Partner—Accounting Advisory and Treasury Services, until his retirement in 2021. During his years at PwC, Mr. Elmy worked extensively with senior executives, audit committees and boards of directors of numerous organizations on financial markets transactions, mergers and acquisitions, risk management, technical accounting, and SEC and financial reporting matters. Mr. Elmy holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics from the University of Pennsylvania and is a Certified Public Accountant.

About RBC Bearings

RBC Bearings Incorporated is an international manufacturer and marketer of highly engineered precision bearings, components and essential systems. The Company is primarily focused on producing highly technical or regulated bearing products and components requiring sophisticated design, testing, and manufacturing capabilities for the diversified industrial, aerospace, and defense markets. The Company is headquartered in Oxford, Connecticut.

Rob Moffatt

Director of Investor Relations

Source: RBC Bearings Incorporated


Who is the new board member of RBC Bearings (RBC)?

Frederick J. Elmy has been elected as a new board member of RBC Bearings (RBC).

What is Frederick J. Elmy's background before joining RBC Bearings (RBC)?

Frederick J. Elmy had a nearly 40-year career at PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, where he held various leadership roles until his retirement in 2021.

What committee will Frederick J. Elmy serve on at RBC Bearings (RBC)?

Frederick J. Elmy has been appointed to serve on RBC Bearings' (RBC) Audit Committee as a financial expert.

Until when will Frederick J. Elmy serve on RBC Bearings' (RBC) board?

Frederick J. Elmy will serve as a Class III director until RBC Bearings' (RBC) annual meeting of stockholders in 2025.

RBC Bearings Incorporated


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