Ribbon's 2023 Sustainability Report Details Progress on ESG Goals

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Ribbon Communications Inc. (Nasdaq: RBBN) has released its 2023 sustainability report, highlighting progress on ESG goals. The company achieved its emissions reduction target seven years early, with a 33% reduction in Scope 1+2 CO2e emissions compared to 2018. This was facilitated by a 26% cut in electricity consumption over six years and increasing renewable electricity use to 10% of total consumption.

Ribbon reported on its 'Three by 30' targets:

  • 33% reduction in carbon emissions (target: 30% by 2030)
  • 17% of management roles held by women (target: 30% by 2025)
  • 21% of Tier 1 suppliers audited (target: 30% by 2025)

The company acknowledges more progress is needed on diversity goals, with 26% of new hires being women in 2023. Ribbon continues to focus on hiring and promoting women into leadership positions.

Ribbon Communications Inc. (Nasdaq: RBBN) ha pubblicato il suo rapporto di sostenibilità 2023, evidenziando i progressi sugli obiettivi ESG. L'azienda ha raggiunto il suo obiettivo di riduzione delle emissioni sette anni prima del previsto, con una riduzione del 33% delle emissioni di CO2e Scope 1+2 rispetto al 2018. Ciò è stato agevolato da un taglio del 26% nel consumo di energia elettrica in sei anni e dall'aumento dell'uso di elettricità rinnovabile al 10% del consumo totale.

Ribbon ha riportato i suoi obiettivi 'Three by 30':

  • Riduzione del 33% delle emissioni di carbonio (obiettivo: 30% entro il 2030)
  • Il 17% delle posizioni dirigenziali occupate da donne (obiettivo: 30% entro il 2025)
  • Il 21% dei fornitori di Tier 1 auditati (obiettivo: 30% entro il 2025)

L'azienda riconosce che è necessario fare ulteriori progressi sugli obiettivi di diversità, con il 26% delle nuove assunzioni che sono donne nel 2023. Ribbon continua a concentrarsi sull'assunzione e sulla promozione delle donne in posizioni di leadership.

Ribbon Communications Inc. (Nasdaq: RBBN) ha publicado su informe de sostenibilidad 2023, destacando los avances en sus objetivos ESG. La empresa logró su meta de reducción de emisiones siete años antes de lo previsto, con una reducción del 33% en las emisiones de CO2e Scope 1+2 en comparación con 2018. Esto fue posible gracias a un recorte del 26% en el consumo de electricidad durante seis años y al aumento del uso de electricidad renovable al 10% del consumo total.

Ribbon informó sobre sus objetivos 'Three by 30':

  • Reducción del 33% en las emisiones de carbono (meta: 30% para 2030)
  • El 17% de los puestos de gestión ocupados por mujeres (meta: 30% para 2025)
  • El 21% de los proveedores de Tier 1 auditados (meta: 30% para 2025)

La empresa reconoce que se necesita más progreso en los objetivos de diversidad, con un 26% de las nuevas contrataciones siendo mujeres en 2023. Ribbon sigue centrada en contratar y promover a mujeres en puestos de liderazgo.

Ribbon Communications Inc. (Nasdaq: RBBN)는 2023 지속 가능성 보고서를 발표하며 ESG 목표에 대한 진전을 강조했습니다. 이 회사는 2018년 대비 Scope 1+2 CO2e 배출량을 33% 줄이며 7년 조기 목표를 달성했습니다. 이는 6년 동안 전기 소비를 26% 줄이고 재생 가능 전기의 사용을 전체 소비의 10%로 늘리는 것을 통해 가능했습니다.

Ribbon은 'Three by 30' 목표에 대해 보고했습니다:

  • 탄소 배출량 33% 감소 (목표: 2030년까지 30% 감소)
  • 관리직 중 여성 비율 17% (목표: 2025년까지 30%)
  • Tier 1 공급업체의 21% 감사 (목표: 2025년까지 30%)

회사는 2023년 신규 채용의 26%가 여성이라는 점에서 다양성 목표에 더 많은 진전이 필요하다고 인정하며, 리더십 직위에 여성 채용 및 승진에 계속 집중하고 있습니다.

Ribbon Communications Inc. (Nasdaq: RBBN) a publié son rapport de durabilité 2023, mettant en avant les avancées concernant les objectifs ESG. L'entreprise a atteint son objectif de réduction des émissions sept ans plus tôt que prévu, avec une réduction de 33% des émissions de CO2e Scope 1+2 par rapport à 2018. Cela a été rendu possible grâce à une réduction de 26% de la consommation d'électricité sur six ans et à une augmentation de l'utilisation d'électricité renouvelable à 10% de la consommation totale.

Ribbon a fait un point sur ses objectifs 'Three by 30' :

  • Réduction de 33% des émissions de carbone (objectif : 30% d'ici 2030)
  • 17% des postes de direction occupés par des femmes (objectif : 30% d'ici 2025)
  • 21% des fournisseurs Tier 1 audités (objectif : 30% d'ici 2025)

L'entreprise reconnaît qu'il est nécessaire de faire davantage de progrès sur les objectifs de diversité, avec 26% des nouvelles recrues étant des femmes en 2023. Ribbon continue de se concentrer sur l'embauche et la promotion des femmes à des postes de direction.

Ribbon Communications Inc. (Nasdaq: RBBN) hat seinen Nachhaltigkeitsbericht 2023 veröffentlicht und dabei die Fortschritte bei den ESG-Zielen hervorgehoben. Das Unternehmen hat sein Ziel zur Reduzierung von Emissionen sieben Jahre früher erreicht, mit einer Reduzierung von 33% der Scope 1+2 CO2e-Emissionen im Vergleich zu 2018. Dies wurde durch eine Reduzierung des Stromverbrauchs um 26% über sechs Jahre und durch einen Anstieg des Anteils erneuerbarer Energien auf 10% des Gesamtverbrauchs ermöglicht.

Ribbon berichtete über seine 'Three by 30'-Ziele:

  • 33% Reduzierung der Kohlenstoffemissionen (Ziel: 30% bis 2030)
  • 17% der Führungspositionen sind mit Frauen besetzt (Ziel: 30% bis 2025)
  • 21% der Tier-1-Lieferanten wurden auditiert (Ziel: 30% bis 2025)

Das Unternehmen erkennt an, dass weiter Fortschritte bei den Diversitätszielen nötig sind, da 26% der Neueinstellungen im Jahr 2023 Frauen sind. Ribbon konzentriert sich weiterhin auf die Einstellung und Förderung von Frauen in Führungspositionen.

  • None.
  • None.

Meets key environmental milestone ahead of schedule

PLANO, Texas, Aug. 12, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Ribbon Communications Inc. (Nasdaq: RBBN), a global provider of real time communications technology and IP optical networking solutions to many of the world's largest service providers, enterprises, and critical infrastructure operators to modernize and protect their networks, today released its 2023 sustainability report. The report highlights Ribbon's continued efforts in achieving its sustainability initiatives, and its success in delivering enhanced access, connectivity, and network security to customers in more than 140 countries.

"Customers are increasingly taking ESG objectives, which include social, compliance and environmental factors, into consideration when making purchasing decisions," said Patrick Macken, CLO and EVP, Ribbon. "I'm proud of the work the team has done to make improvements in several areas, many of which also positively impact our operational expenses."

Ribbon was able to achieve its emissions reduction target seven years early, facilitated by a deliberate 26% cut in electricity consumption over six years and boosting its renewable electricity consumption to 10% of total electricity use.

As always, the company reported on the latest status of its 'Three by 30' targets:

  • Reduce direct carbon emissions by 30% by 2030 (Scope 1+2 CO2e, from a base year of 2018)
    • 33% reduction in Scope 1+2 CO2e emissions compared to 2018.
  • Increase women in management to 30% of all management roles to be held by women by 2025
    • 17% of management roles were held by women in 2023.
  • Achieve 30% of our Tier 1 suppliers audited with zero major non-conformances against Ribbon's Supplier Audit Protocol by 2025.
    • 21% of our Tier 1 suppliers were audited against our Supplier Code of Conduct in 2023 by independent external auditors.

"We are making good progress towards our 'Three by 30' targets although more progress is needed against our diversity goals. Last year, 26% of our new hires were women, including Chief Marketing Officer Joni Roberts, and we promoted a number of women into management or into higher positions within management," Mr. Macken added. "We continue to work on accelerating our velocity in hiring more women and elevating them into leadership positions."

About Ribbon
Ribbon Communications (Nasdaq: RBBN) delivers communications software, IP and optical networking solutions to service providers, enterprises and critical infrastructure sectors globally. We engage deeply with our customers, helping them modernize their networks for improved competitive positioning and business outcomes in today's smart, always-on and data-hungry world. Our innovative, end-to-end solutions portfolio delivers unparalleled scale, performance, and agility, including core to edge software-centric solutions, cloud-native offers, leading-edge security and analytics tools, along with IP and optical networking solutions for 5G. We maintain a keen focus on our commitments to Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) matters, offering an annual Sustainability Report to our stakeholders. To learn more about Ribbon, please visit

Important Information Regarding Forward-Looking Statements
The information in this release contains forward-looking statements regarding future events that involve risks and uncertainties. All statements other than statements of historical facts contained in this release, including those regarding the expected benefits from use of Ribbon Communication's products, are forward-looking statements. The actual results of Ribbon Communications may differ materially from those contemplated by the forward-looking statements. For further information regarding risks and uncertainties associated with Ribbon Communications' business, please refer to the "Risk Factors" section of Ribbon Communications' most recent annual or quarterly report filed with the SEC. Any forward-looking statements represent Ribbon Communications' views only as of the date on which such statement is made and should not be relied upon as representing Ribbon Communications' views as of any subsequent date. While Ribbon Communications may elect to update forward-looking statements at some point, Ribbon Communications specifically disclaims any obligation to do so.

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SOURCE Ribbon Communications Inc.


What progress has Ribbon Communications (RBBN) made on its emissions reduction target?

Ribbon Communications (RBBN) achieved its emissions reduction target seven years early, with a 33% reduction in Scope 1+2 CO2e emissions compared to 2018. This was facilitated by a 26% cut in electricity consumption over six years and increasing renewable electricity use to 10% of total consumption.

What are Ribbon Communications' (RBBN) 'Three by 30' targets as of 2023?

Ribbon Communications' (RBBN) 'Three by 30' targets are: 1) Reduce direct carbon emissions by 30% by 2030, 2) Increase women in management to 30% by 2025, and 3) Achieve 30% of Tier 1 suppliers audited with zero major non-conformances by 2025.

How is Ribbon Communications (RBBN) progressing on its diversity goals in 2023?

As of 2023, 17% of management roles at Ribbon Communications (RBBN) were held by women, with 26% of new hires being women. The company acknowledges more progress is needed to reach its target of 30% women in management roles by 2025 and is focusing on hiring and promoting women into leadership positions.

What percentage of Ribbon Communications' (RBBN) Tier 1 suppliers were audited in 2023?

In 2023, 21% of Ribbon Communications' (RBBN) Tier 1 suppliers were audited against the company's Supplier Code of Conduct by independent external auditors. The company's target is to achieve 30% of Tier 1 suppliers audited by 2025.

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