Ryder Leaders Honored with 2024 Women in Supply Chain Award

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Ryder System, Inc. (NYSE: R) celebrates three female leaders as recipients of the 2024 Women in Supply Chain awards from Supply & Demand Chain Executive and Food Logistics magazines. The awards recognize female supply chain leaders for their accomplishments, mentorship, and impact on the industry.

The honorees from Ryder include:

  • Zully Jimenez (Rising Star category): Inventory supervisor known for excellence in customer account management and safety improvements.
  • Kristy Killingbeck (Trailblazers category): Vice President of Supply Chain Operations with 25+ years of experience, instrumental in expanding Ryder's CPG transportation management portfolio.
  • Lesley Kerr (Workforce Innovator category): Vice President of Human Resources, recognized for employee engagement initiatives and the successful launch of the Future Leaders Program.

These leaders exemplify Ryder's commitment to fostering a diverse and inclusive workforce, driving innovation and growth in the supply chain industry.

Ryder System, Inc. (NYSE: R) celebra tre leader femminili come premiate degli awards 2024 Women in Supply Chain delle riviste Supply & Demand Chain Executive e Food Logistics. Questi premi riconoscono le donne leader nella supply chain per i loro successi, il mentoring e l'impatto sul settore.

Le premiate di Ryder includono:

  • Zully Jimenez (categoria Rising Star): supervisore dell'inventario noto per l'eccellenza nella gestione degli account dei clienti e per i miglioramenti della sicurezza.
  • Kristy Killingbeck (categoria Trailblazers): Vice Presidente delle Operazioni della Supply Chain con oltre 25 anni di esperienza, fondamentale nell'espansione del portfolio di gestione dei trasporti CPG di Ryder.
  • Lesley Kerr (categoria Workforce Innovator): Vice Presidente delle Risorse Umane, riconosciuta per le iniziative di coinvolgimento dei dipendenti e per il successo del lancio del Future Leaders Program.

Queste leader esemplificano l'impegno di Ryder nel promuovere una forza lavoro diversificata e inclusiva, guidando innovazione e crescita nel settore della supply chain.

Ryder System, Inc. (NYSE: R) celebra a tres líderes femeninas como galardonadas en los premios 2024 Women in Supply Chain de las revistas Supply & Demand Chain Executive y Food Logistics. Estos premios reconocen a las mujeres líderes en la cadena de suministro por sus logros, mentores y su impacto en la industria.

Las homenajeadas de Ryder incluyen:

  • Zully Jimenez (categoría Rising Star): supervisora de inventario conocida por su excelencia en la gestión de cuentas de clientes y mejoras en la seguridad.
  • Kristy Killingbeck (categoría Trailblazers): Vicepresidenta de Operaciones de la Cadena de Suministro con más de 25 años de experiencia, fundamental en la expansión del portafolio de gestión de transporte CPG de Ryder.
  • Lesley Kerr (categoría Workforce Innovator): Vicepresidenta de Recursos Humanos, reconocida por sus iniciativas de compromiso de empleados y el exitoso lanzamiento del Future Leaders Program.

Estas líderes ejemplifican el compromiso de Ryder con la promoción de una fuerza laboral diversa e inclusiva, impulsando la innovación y el crecimiento en la industria de la cadena de suministro.

라이다 시스템 주식회사 (NYSE: R)은 공급 및 수요 체인 경영 잡지 및 식품 물류 잡지의 2024 여성 공급망 수상자 수상자로 세 명의 여성 리더를 축하합니다. 이 상은 공급망 리더로서의 업적, 멘토십, 그리고 산업에 미친 영향을 인정합니다.

라이다에서 수상한 인원은 다음과 같습니다:

  • 줄리 짐네즈 (신예 카테고리): 고객 계정 관리 및 안전 개선에서의 탁월함으로 알려진 재고 감독입니다.
  • 크리스티 킬린벡 (개척자 카테고리): 공급망 운영의 부사장으로 25년 이상의 경험을 가지고 있으며, 라이다의 CPG 운송 관리 포트폴리오 확대에 중요한 역할을 했습니다.
  • 레슬리 커 (노동력 혁신자 카테고리): 인사 부사장으로, 직원 참여 이니셔티브와 미래 리더 프로그램의 성공적인 출범으로 인정받고 있습니다.

이 리더들은 라이다가 다양한 인력과 포용적인 노동력을 육성하고, 공급망 산업에서 혁신과 성장을 주도하려는 의지를 보여줍니다.

Ryder System, Inc. (NYSE: R) célèbre trois dirigeantes féminines en tant que lauréates des prix 2024 Women in Supply Chain des revues Supply & Demand Chain Executive et Food Logistics. Ces prix reconnaissent les femmes leaders dans la chaîne d'approvisionnement pour leurs réalisations, leur mentorat et leur impact sur l'industrie.

Les honorées de Ryder incluent :

  • Zully Jimenez (catégorie Rising Star) : superviseur d'inventaire connu pour son excellence dans la gestion des comptes clients et les améliorations de la sécurité.
  • Kristy Killingbeck (catégorie Trailblazers) : Vice-présidente des opérations de la chaîne d'approvisionnement avec plus de 25 ans d'expérience, jouant un rôle clé dans l'expansion du portefeuille de gestion des transports CPG de Ryder.
  • Lesley Kerr (catégorie Workforce Innovator) : Vice-présidente des ressources humaines, reconnue pour ses initiatives d'engagement des employés et le lancement réussi du Future Leaders Program.

Ces dirigeantes illustrent l'engagement de Ryder à promouvoir une main-d'œuvre diversifiée et inclusive, tout en stimulant l'innovation et la croissance dans l'industrie de la chaîne d'approvisionnement.

Ryder System, Inc. (NYSE: R) feiert drei weibliche Führungskräfte als Preisträgerinnen der 2024 Women in Supply Chain Awards der Zeitschriften Supply & Demand Chain Executive und Food Logistics. Die Auszeichnungen würdigen weibliche Führungskräfte in der Lieferkette für ihre Leistungen, Mentorenschaft und ihren Einfluss auf die Branche.

Die Ausgezeichneten von Ryder sind:

  • Zully Jimenez (Kategorie Rising Star): Inventaraufsicht, bekannt für Exzellenz im Kundenkontomanagement und Sicherheitsverbesserungen.
  • Kristy Killingbeck (Kategorie Trailblazers): Vizepräsidentin für Operations der Lieferkette mit über 25 Jahren Erfahrung, maßgeblich an der Erweiterung von Ryders CPG-Transportmanagement-Portfolio beteiligt.
  • Lesley Kerr (Kategorie Workforce Innovator): Vizepräsidentin für Personalwesen, anerkannt für Mitarbeiterengagement-Initiativen und den erfolgreichen Start des Future Leaders Program.

Diese Führungskräfte verkörpern Ryders Engagement für die Förderung einer vielfältigen und integrativen Belegschaft, um Innovation und Wachstum in der Lieferkettenbranche voranzutreiben.

  • Recognition of three female leaders with industry awards, enhancing Ryder's reputation
  • Expansion of consumer packaged goods transportation management portfolio, including 14 new distribution centers
  • Successful launch of Future Leaders Program, advancing career growth and diversity in supervisory and managerial positions
  • None.

MIAMI--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Ryder System, Inc. (NYSE: R), a leader in supply chain, dedicated transportation, and fleet management solutions, celebrates three female leaders as recipients of the 2024 Women in Supply Chain awards from Supply & Demand Chain Executive and Food Logistics magazines. Now in its 5th year, the annual award recognizes female supply chain leaders and executives whose accomplishments, mentorship, and examples set a foundation for women in all levels of a company’s supply chain network.

Ryder female executives honored for leadership by Supply & Demand Chain Executive and Food Logistics magazines. (Photo: Business Wire)

Ryder female executives honored for leadership by Supply & Demand Chain Executive and Food Logistics magazines. (Photo: Business Wire)

This year’s Women in Supply Chain award recipients from Ryder include:

  • Zully Jimenez in the “Rising Star” category, which recognizes young or newer professionals whose achievements, hard work, and vision have shaped the supply chain network. As inventory supervisor at Ryder, Zully demonstrates an unwavering commitment to excellence and continuous growth. Her achievements include successfully leading complex customer accounts, maintaining high inventory accuracy during the pandemic, and significantly improving safety standards at various Ryder facilities. Zully’s compassionate leadership, self-taught bilingual communication skills, and ability to train and inspire her teams make her a standout leader among colleagues and customers.
  • Kristy Killingbeck in the “Trailblazers” category, which honors female leaders who continue to pave the way for future females in logistics. As vice president of supply chain operations, Kristy’s innovative problem-solving and dedication to mentoring rising talent have significantly contributed to Ryder’s success. With more than 25 years of experience, 19 of which have been spent at Ryder, and spanning multiple industry verticals, Kristy is instrumental in expanding Ryder’s consumer packaged goods transportation management portfolio including 14 new distribution centers. Kristy’s leadership extends beyond her professional role, as she founded and oversees the non-profit Sophia’s Rainbow to support pediatric patients and their families.
  • Lesley Kerr in the “Workforce Innovator” category, which pays tribute to female leaders whose efforts in supply chain education and workforce development help build a better workforce. As vice president of human resources, Lesley’s exceptional leadership can be seen in her dedication to employee engagement and development for Ryder’s front-line employees, drivers, technicians, and warehouse personnel. Her innovative and inclusive approach led to the successful launch of the Future Leaders Program, which has significantly advanced career growth and diversity across supervisory and managerial positions at Ryder. Now in her 24th year with Ryder, Lesley continues to lead initiatives for several integrated strategic acquisitions, focusing on building a strong leadership bench with various development and management trainee programs across the business.

“We are incredibly proud to see Zully, Kristy, and Lesley recognized for their contributions to the advancement of women in the industry and at Ryder. Their fearless leadership and dedication have not only benefited our employees and customers but have also set a powerful example for future generations of women in supply chain,” says Diana Anderson, vice president of talent management and human resources at Ryder. “By continually investing in talent development at Ryder, we are fostering a diverse and inclusive workforce that brings fresh ideas and innovative solutions for today’s challenges. This approach – alongside leaders such as Zully, Kristy, and Lesley – ensures our business remains competitive while driving growth and positive change within the industry.”

For the full list of the 2024 Women in Supply Chain award winners from Supply & Demand Chain Executive and Food Logistics magazines, visit here.

About Ryder System, Inc.

Ryder System, Inc. (NYSE: R) is a fully integrated port-to-door logistics and transportation company. It provides supply chain, dedicated transportation, and fleet management solutions, including warehousing and distribution, contract manufacturing and packaging, e-commerce fulfillment, last-mile delivery, managed transportation, professional drivers, freight brokerage, nearshoring solutions, full-service leasing, maintenance, commercial truck rental, and used vehicle sales to some of the world’s most-recognized brands. Ryder provides services throughout the United States, Mexico, and Canada. In addition, Ryder manages nearly 250,000 commercial vehicles, services fleets at 760 maintenance locations, and operates nearly 300 warehouses encompassing more than 100 million square feet. Ryder is regularly recognized for its industry-leading practices; technology-driven innovations; corporate responsibility; environmental management; safety, health and security programs; military veteran recruitment initiatives; and the hiring of a diverse workforce.

About Food Logistics and Supply & Demand Chain Executive

Food Logistics reaches more than 26,000 supply chain executives in the global food and beverage industries, including executives in the food sector (growers, producers, manufacturers, wholesalers and grocers) and the logistics section (transportation, warehousing, distribution, software and technology) who share a mutual interest in the operations and business aspects of the global cold food supply chain. Supply & Demand Chain Executive is the only supply chain publication covering the entire global supply chain, focusing on trucking, warehousing, packaging, procurement, risk management, professional development and more. Food Logistics and Supply & Demand Chain Executive also operate SCN Summit and Women in Supply Chain Forum. Go to and

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Jonathan Mayer,

Amy Federman,

Source: Ryder System, Inc.


Who are the Ryder executives honored with the 2024 Women in Supply Chain Award?

The Ryder executives honored are Zully Jimenez (Rising Star category), Kristy Killingbeck (Trailblazers category), and Lesley Kerr (Workforce Innovator category).

What is the significance of the Women in Supply Chain Award for Ryder (NYSE: R)?

The award recognizes Ryder's female leaders for their accomplishments, mentorship, and impact on the supply chain industry, highlighting the company's commitment to diversity and leadership development.

How has Kristy Killingbeck contributed to Ryder's (NYSE: R) business growth?

Kristy Killingbeck has been instrumental in expanding Ryder's consumer packaged goods transportation management portfolio, including the addition of 14 new distribution centers.

What initiative did Lesley Kerr launch at Ryder (NYSE: R) to promote career growth?

Lesley Kerr successfully launched the Future Leaders Program at Ryder, which has significantly advanced career growth and diversity across supervisory and managerial positions.

Ryder System, Inc.


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