Ryder E-commerce Study Reveals In-Store Shopping Sentiment Up 21%

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Rhea-AI Sentiment
(Very Positive)

Ryder System has released its 10th annual e-commerce consumer study, highlighting evolving consumer behaviors. The 2024 study, titled 'The Influence of Omnichannel Excellence on Consumer Behavior', reveals a 21% increase in in-store shopping sentiment. Despite a strong affinity for e-commerce, consumers are returning to physical stores for experiences like trying items on and comparing products. Key findings include:

  • 61% enjoy in-store shopping for the experience, up 21% from last year.
  • 35% shop in-store to avoid waiting for deliveries, up 4%.
  • 15% shop in-store to avoid package theft, up 8%.
  • 41% of cosmetics shoppers and 54% of apparel shoppers prefer physical locations, both up 9%.
  • 55% prefer returning online purchases in-store, a 15% increase.
  • 77% use mobile devices to search for items while in-store.

The study emphasizes the importance of omnichannel strategies for retailers to meet evolving consumer expectations and enhance customer satisfaction.

Ryder System ha pubblicato il suo decimo studio annuale sui consumatori nell'e-commerce, mettendo in evidenza i comportamenti dei consumatori in evoluzione. Lo studio del 2024, intitolato 'L'influenza dell'eccellenza omnicanale sul comportamento dei consumatori', rivela un aumento del 21% nel sentimento di acquisto in negozio. Nonostante una forte affinità per l'e-commerce, i consumatori stanno tornando nei negozi fisici per esperienze come provare i prodotti e confrontarli. I risultati chiave includono:

  • Il 61% apprezza lo shopping in negozio per l'esperienza, con un aumento del 21% rispetto all'anno scorso.
  • Il 35% fa acquisti in negozio per evitare di aspettare le consegne, con un aumento del 4%.
  • Il 15% acquista in negozio per evitare i furti dei pacchi, con un aumento dell'8%.
  • Il 41% degli acquirenti di cosmetici e il 54% di quelli di abbigliamento preferiscono i negozi fisici, entrambi in aumento del 9%.
  • Il 55% preferisce restituire gli acquisti online in negozio, un incremento del 15%.
  • Il 77% utilizza dispositivi mobili per cercare articoli mentre si trova in negozio.

Lo studio sottolinea l'importanza delle strategie omnicanale per i rivenditori al fine di soddisfare le aspettative in evoluzione dei consumatori e migliorare la soddisfazione del cliente.

Ryder System ha publicado su décimo estudio anual sobre los consumidores en e-commerce, destacando los comportamientos de los consumidores en evolución. El estudio de 2024, titulado 'La Influencia de la Excelencia Omnicanal en el Comportamiento del Consumidor', revela un aumento del 21% en la preferencia por las compras en tienda. A pesar de una fuerte afinidad por el e-commerce, los consumidores están regresando a las tiendas físicas para experiencias como probarse productos y comparar opciones. Los hallazgos clave incluyen:

  • El 61% disfruta comprar en tienda por la experiencia, un aumento del 21% respecto al año pasado.
  • El 35% compra en tienda para evitar esperar por las entregas, un aumento del 4%.
  • El 15% compra en tienda para evitar robos de paquetes, un incremento del 8%.
  • El 41% de los compradores de cosméticos y el 54% de los compradores de ropa prefieren las ubicaciones físicas, ambos con un aumento del 9%.
  • El 55% prefiere devolver las compras en línea en la tienda, un incremento del 15%.
  • El 77% utiliza dispositivos móviles para buscar artículos mientras están en la tienda.

El estudio enfatiza la importancia de las estrategias omnicanal para que los minoristas satisfagan las expectativas cambiantes de los consumidores y mejoren la satisfacción del cliente.

라이더 시스템은 소비자 행동의 변화를 강조하는 제10차 연례 전자상거래 소비자 연구를 발표했습니다. 2024년 연구, '옴니채널 우수성이 소비자 행동에 미치는 영향'라는 제목은 매장 쇼핑의 감정이 21% 증가했음을 보여줍니다. 전자상거래에 대한 강한 선호에도 불구하고, 소비자들은 제품을 직접 착용해 보고 비교하는 경험을 위해 물리적 매장으로 돌아오고 있습니다. 주요 발견 사항은 다음과 같습니다:

  • 61%가 경험을 위해 매장 쇼핑을 즐기며, 이는 지난해보다 21% 증가한 수치입니다.
  • 35%는 배송 대기를 피하기 위해 매장에서 쇼핑합니다. 이는 4% 증가했습니다.
  • 15%는 소포 도난을 피하기 위해 매장에서 쇼핑합니다. 이는 8% 증가했습니다.
  • 화장품 구매자의 41%와 의류 구매자의 54%는 물리적 매장을 선호하며 모두 9% 증가했습니다.
  • 55%는 온라인 구매를 매장에서 반품하는 것을 선호하며, 이는 15% 증가한 수치입니다.
  • 77%는 매장에서 물품을 검색하기 위해 모바일 기기를 사용합니다.

이 연구는 소매업체가 변화하는 소비자 기대를 충족하고 고객 만족도를 향상시키기 위해 옴니채널 전략의 중요성을 강조하고 있습니다.

Ryder System a publié sa dixième étude annuelle sur les consommateurs dans le domaine du e-commerce, mettant en avant les comportements évolutifs des consommateurs. L'étude de 2024, intitulée 'L'influence de l'excellence omnicanale sur le comportement des consommateurs', révèle une augmentation de 21% du sentiment d'achats en magasin. Malgré une forte affinité pour le e-commerce, les consommateurs retournent dans les magasins physiques pour des expériences telles que l'essai des produits et la comparaison. Les résultats clés comprennent :

  • 61% apprécient le shopping en magasin pour l'expérience, soit une augmentation de 21% par rapport à l'année dernière.
  • 35% achètent en magasin pour éviter d'attendre des livraisons, soit une augmentation de 4%.
  • 15% achètent en magasin pour éviter le vol de colis, soit une augmentation de 8%.
  • 41% des acheteurs de cosmétiques et 54% des acheteurs de vêtements préfèrent les magasins physiques, en hausse de 9% pour les deux.
  • 55% préfèrent retourner leurs achats en ligne en magasin, avec une augmentation de 15%.
  • 77% utilisent des appareils mobiles pour rechercher des articles tout en étant en magasin.

L'étude souligne l'importance des stratégies omnicanales pour les détaillants afin de répondre aux attentes en évolution des consommateurs et d'améliorer la satisfaction client.

Ryder System hat seine zehnte jährliche Verbraucherstudie zum E-Commerce veröffentlicht, die sich mit den sich entwickelnden Verbraucherverhalten beschäftigt. Die Studie von 2024 mit dem Titel 'Der Einfluss von Omnichannel-Exzellenz auf das Verbraucherverhalten' zeigt einen Anstieg der Kauflaune in Geschäften um 21%. Trotz einer starken Vorliebe für E-Commerce kehren die Verbraucher in die physischen Geschäfte zurück, um Erfahrungen wie das Anprobieren von Artikeln und den Vergleich von Produkten zu sammeln. Wichtige Ergebnisse umfassen:

  • 61% genießen das Einkaufen im Geschäft wegen des Erlebnisses, was einem Anstieg von 21% im Vergleich zum letzten Jahr entspricht.
  • 35% kaufen im Geschäft, um Wartezeiten für Lieferungen zu vermeiden, was einem Anstieg von 4% entspricht.
  • 15% kaufen im Geschäft, um Paketdiebstahl zu vermeiden, was einem Anstieg von 8% entspricht.
  • 41% der Kosmetikkäufer und 54% der Bekleidungskäufer bevorzugen physische Geschäfte, beides mit einem Anstieg von 9%.
  • 55% ziehen es vor, Online-Käufe im Geschäft zurückzugeben, was einem Anstieg von 15% entspricht.
  • 77% verwenden mobile Geräte, um Artikel im Geschäft zu suchen.

Die Studie hebt die Bedeutung von Omnichannel-Strategien für Einzelhändler hervor, um den sich wandelnden Erwartungen der Verbraucher gerecht zu werden und die Kundenzufriedenheit zu verbessern.

  • 21% increase in in-store shopping sentiment.
  • 61% of consumers enjoy in-store shopping for the experience.
  • 35% shop in-store to avoid waiting for online orders, up 4%.
  • 55% of shoppers prefer returning online purchases in-store, up 15%.
  • 77% of consumers use mobile devices while shopping in-store.
  • None.


The latest Ryder e-commerce study reveals significant shifts in consumer behavior, with a 21% increase in shoppers enjoying in-store experiences. This trend towards omnichannel preferences presents both opportunities and challenges for retailers:

  • In-store shopping for experience up to 61% (+21% YoY)
  • In-store shopping to avoid delivery wait times: 35% (+4% YoY)
  • In-store shopping to prevent package theft: 15% (+8% YoY)

The study also highlights increased preferences for in-store purchases in apparel (54%, +9% YoY) and cosmetics (41%, +9% YoY). Notably, 55% of shoppers now prefer returning online purchases in-store (+15% YoY), surpassing mail returns for the first time since 2020. This shift underscores the growing importance of an integrated omnichannel strategy for retailers to meet evolving consumer expectations and drive sales.

The study reveals a critical intersection of digital and physical retail experiences, emphasizing the need for robust omnichannel technology solutions:

  • 77% of consumers use mobile devices for in-store product searches
  • 69% compare prices with nearby stores
  • 58% check item availability at other locations
  • 31% seek additional product information
  • 17% explore frequently co-purchased items

These findings highlight the importance of seamless integration between online and offline channels. Retailers must invest in mobile-optimized websites, real-time inventory systems and in-store digital touchpoints to enhance the shopping experience. The data also suggests opportunities for personalized marketing and cross-selling strategies based on mobile behavior. As omnichannel excellence becomes a strategic necessity, companies like Ryder are well-positioned to provide the technological infrastructure needed to support these evolving retail paradigms.

Consumers want blend of physical presence and digital convenience, underscoring importance of omnichannel strategy

MIAMI--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Ryder System, Inc. (NYSE: R) releases its 10th annual e-commerce consumer study – a steadfast benchmark of U.S. online shoppers’ behaviors, preferences, and expectations. The 2024 study, “The Influence of Omnichannel Excellence on Consumer Behavior,” reveals key factors influencing purchasing decisions, customer loyalty, and retention as consumers reintegrate physical stores into their shopping journeys.

A 2024 Ryder e-commerce study shows that while consumers maintain a robust affinity for e-commerce, they're also returning to in-store shopping for the experience – requiring shippers to sharpen their omnichannel strategies. (Photo: Business Wire)

A 2024 Ryder e-commerce study shows that while consumers maintain a robust affinity for e-commerce, they're also returning to in-store shopping for the experience – requiring shippers to sharpen their omnichannel strategies. (Photo: Business Wire)

The full 2024 study, “The Influence of Omnichannel Excellence on Consumer Behavior,” can be downloaded at

“Retail and e-commerce continue to evolve,” says Jeff Wolpov, senior vice president of e-commerce for Ryder. “The emergence of e-commerce and growth of omnichannel fulfillment, particularly over the past four years, has altered consumer expectations and behavior dramatically and will continue to do so as time and technology allow. This latest study demonstrates that, while consumers maintain a robust appetite for e-commerce, they are simultaneously embracing in-person shopping, presenting an impetus for merchants to refine their omnichannel strategies.”

The survey of 1,306 U.S. shoppers explores preferences, expectations, sentiment, and behavior pertaining to purchasing, omnichannel experiences, packaging, shipping, returns, and sustainability. These findings identify patterns and trends that brands and retailers can apply to optimize their omnichannel strategies.

Key Takeaways:

  • E-commerce activity remains robust, but a universal affinity for in-store shopping has emerged.
    In 2024, 61% of survey participants report shopping in-store specifically because they enjoy the experience (e.g., trying items on, comparing products, etc.), up 21% compared to last year’s study. Additionally, 35% say they shop in-store because they don’t want to wait for online orders in the mail (+4%), and 15% say they shop in-store to avoid package theft (+8%).
  • Apparel and cosmetics shoppers show growing attraction to buying in-store.
    When purchasing apparel and cosmetics products, shoppers are more inclined to make purchases in a physical location than they were last year. Forty-one percent of shoppers who buy cosmetics say they prefer to do so either in a brand’s physical retail location or a department/convenience store (+9%). As for apparel shoppers, 54% prefer to buy clothing in those same brick-and-mortar locations (+9%).
  • ​More customers prefer returning online purchases in physical stores.
    Fifty-five percent of shoppers (+15%) now say they would rather return online purchases in-store – the first time since early 2020 the preference to Buy Online Return In-Store (BORIS) has outweighed returning via mail. Forty percent of shoppers say they often make additional purchases when picking up or returning online purchases in-store (+2%).
  • Consumers are extremely reliant on mobile devices when shopping in-store.
    This year’s survey reveals that 77% of consumers search for items on their mobile devices while in a store. Sixty-nine percent compare prices with items in nearby stores, 58% check availability at other stores, 31% want to learn more about a product, and 17% want to see other items frequently purchased with a product they’re considering.

“Omnichannel strength is not a fad; it is a strategic necessity for e-commerce and retail businesses to stay competitive and achieve sustainable success in 2024 and beyond,” adds Wolpov. “The findings from this year’s study underscore what we know our customers are experiencing, which is the positive impact of integrating supply chain technology solutions across their sales channels, enabling them to provide their customers with flexible, convenient options to personalize their experience and heighten customer satisfaction.”

For more information about Ryder e-commerce and omnichannel fulfillment solutions, visit

About Ryder System, Inc.

Ryder System, Inc. (NYSE: R) is a fully integrated port-to-door logistics and transportation company. It provides supply chain, dedicated transportation, and fleet management solutions, including warehousing and distribution, contract manufacturing and packaging, e-commerce fulfillment, last-mile delivery, managed transportation, professional drivers, freight brokerage, nearshoring solutions, full-service leasing, maintenance, commercial truck rental, and used vehicle sales to some of the world’s most-recognized brands. Ryder provides services throughout the United States, Mexico, and Canada. In addition, Ryder manages nearly 250,000 commercial vehicles, services fleets at 760 maintenance locations, and operates nearly 300 warehouses encompassing more than 100 million square feet. Ryder is regularly recognized for its industry-leading practices; technology-driven innovations; corporate responsibility; environmental management; safety, health and security programs; military veteran recruitment initiatives; and the hiring of a diverse workforce.

Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements: Certain statements and information included in this news release are “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of the Federal Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These forward-looking statements, including our expectations with respect to market trends, e-commerce, omnichannel fulfillment and consumer preferences, are based on our current plans and expectations and are subject to risks, uncertainties and assumptions. Accordingly, these forward-looking statements should be evaluated with consideration given to the many risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results and events to differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements including those risks set forth in our periodic filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. New risks emerge from time to time. It is not possible for management to predict all such risk factors or to assess the impact of such risks on our business. Accordingly, we undertake no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise.


Media Contact:

Lee Groeger

3E Public Relations

Source: Ryder System, Inc.


What is the main finding of Ryder's 2024 e-commerce study?

The study reveals a 21% increase in in-store shopping sentiment among consumers.

Why do consumers prefer in-store shopping according to Ryder's study?

Consumers enjoy the experience of trying items on and comparing products, and they want to avoid waiting for online orders and package theft.

How has consumer preference for returning online purchases changed?

55% of shoppers now prefer to return online purchases in-store, a 15% increase from previous years.

What percentage of consumers use mobile devices while shopping in-store?

77% of consumers use mobile devices to search for items while shopping in-store.

How have preferences for purchasing cosmetics and apparel changed?

41% of cosmetics shoppers and 54% of apparel shoppers now prefer to buy these products in physical stores, both up 9% from last year.

Ryder System, Inc.


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