Quartz Retains Acuity Advisory Corp for Communications and Advisory Services
Quartz Mountain Resources (TSXV:QZM)(OTC PINK:QZMRF) has entered into a consulting services agreement with Acuity Advisory Corp for investor relations services, pending TSX Venture Exchange approval. The agreement, dated January 15, 2025, has a 12-month term with a monthly fee of $7,500. Acuity will receive 500,000 stock options at $0.435, vesting quarterly.
Acuity, based in Vancouver, specializes in corporate communications for Canadian and U.S. listed companies, focusing on junior mining and mineral exploration sectors. The firm's principals, Jeffrey Wilson and Roger Blair, bring 50 years of combined public markets experience.
Quartz also announced the launch of new social media initiatives, including an updated website and corporate presentation. The company will showcase Discovery Core from its Maestro and Jake projects at the AME Round Up on January 20-21 in Vancouver Convention Centre East, booth #924.
Quartz Mountain Resources (TSXV:QZM)(OTC PINK:QZMRF) ha stipulato un contratto di servizi di consulenza con Acuity Advisory Corp per servizi di relazioni con gli investitori, in attesa dell'approvazione della TSX Venture Exchange. Il contratto, datato 15 gennaio 2025, ha una durata di 12 mesi con una fee mensile di $7,500. Acuity riceverà 500,000 opzioni su azioni a $0.435, con vesting trimestrale.
Acuity, con sede a Vancouver, è specializzata in comunicazioni aziendali per aziende quotate in Canada e negli Stati Uniti, concentrandosi sui settori delle miniere junior e dell'esplorazione mineraria. I fondatori dell'azienda, Jeffrey Wilson e Roger Blair, vantano 50 anni di esperienza complessiva nei mercati pubblici.
Quartz ha anche annunciato il lancio di nuove iniziative sui social media, inclusi un sito web aggiornato e una presentazione aziendale. L'azienda presenterà Discovery Core dei suoi progetti Maestro e Jake all'AME Round Up il 20-21 gennaio presso il Vancouver Convention Centre East, booth #924.
Quartz Mountain Resources (TSXV:QZM)(OTC PINK:QZMRF) ha firmado un contrato de servicios de consultoría con Acuity Advisory Corp para servicios de relaciones con inversores, pendiente de la aprobación de la TSX Venture Exchange. El contrato, fechado el 15 de enero de 2025, tiene una duración de 12 meses con una tarifa mensual de $7,500. Acuity recibirá 500,000 opciones sobre acciones a $0.435, con adquisición trimestral.
Acuity, con sede en Vancouver, se especializa en comunicaciones corporativas para empresas cotizadas en Canadá y Estados Unidos, enfocándose en los sectores de minería junior y exploración mineral. Los principales de la firma, Jeffrey Wilson y Roger Blair, aportan 50 años de experiencia combinada en mercados públicos.
Quartz también anunció el lanzamiento de nuevas iniciativas en redes sociales, incluyendo un sitio web actualizado y una presentación corporativa. La empresa exhibirá Discovery Core de sus proyectos Maestro y Jake en el AME Round Up el 20-21 de enero en el Vancouver Convention Centre East, stand #924.
쿼츠 마운틴 리소스 (TSXV:QZM)(OTC PINK:QZMRF)는 아큐이티 자문 공사와 투자자 관계 서비스를 위한 자문 서비스 계약을 체결했습니다. 이는 TSX 벤처 거래소의 승인을 대기 중입니다. 계약은 2025년 1월 15일자로 12개월의 계약 기간이 있으며 월수수료는 $7,500입니다. 아큐이티는 $0.435에 500,000 주식 옵션을 받을 것이며, 분기별로 행사됩니다.
밴쿠버에 본사를 둔 아큐이티는 캐나다와 미국에 상장된 기업을 위한 기업 커뮤니케이션 분야에서 전문성을 가지고 있으며, 주로 주니어 광산 및 광물 탐사 분야에 초점을 맞추고 있습니다. 회사의 주요 인사인 제프리 윌슨과 로저 블레어는 총 50년의 공공 시장 경험을 보유하고 있습니다.
쿼츠는 또한 새로운 소셜 미디어 이니셔티브의 출범을 발표하였으며, 여기에는 업데이트된 웹사이트와 기업 프레젠테이션이 포함됩니다. 회사는 1월 20-21일 밴쿠버 컨벤션 센터 동관 #924 부스에서 마에스트로 및 제이크 프로젝트의 디스커버리 코어를 선보일 것입니다.
Quartz Mountain Resources (TSXV:QZM)(OTC PINK:QZMRF) a signé un contrat de services de conseil avec Acuity Advisory Corp pour des services de relations avec les investisseurs, en attente de l'approbation de la TSX Venture Exchange. Le contrat, daté du 15 janvier 2025, a une durée de 12 mois avec des frais mensuels de 7 500 $. Acuity recevra 500 000 options d'achat d'actions à 0,435 $, acquérant trimestriellement.
Acuity, basé à Vancouver, est spécialisé dans les communications d'entreprise pour les sociétés cotées au Canada et aux États-Unis, se concentrant sur les secteurs des mines juniors et de l'exploration minière. Les responsables de la société, Jeffrey Wilson et Roger Blair, cumulent 50 ans d'expérience dans les marchés publics.
Quartz a également annoncé le lancement de nouvelles initiatives sur les réseaux sociaux, y compris un site Web mis à jour et une présentation d'entreprise. La société mettra en avant le Discovery Core de ses projets Maestro et Jake lors de l'AME Round Up les 20-21 janvier au Vancouver Convention Centre East, stand n° 924.
Quartz Mountain Resources (TSXV:QZM)(OTC PINK:QZMRF) hat einen Beratungsvertrag mit Acuity Advisory Corp für Investor Relations Dienstleistungen unterzeichnet, der auf die Genehmigung der TSX Venture Exchange wartet. Der Vertrag, datiert auf den 15. Januar 2025, hat eine Laufzeit von 12 Monaten mit einer monatlichen Gebühr von 7.500 $. Acuity erhält 500.000 Aktienoptionen zu 0,435 $, die vierteljährlich abrufbar sind.
Acuity, mit Sitz in Vancouver, ist spezialisiert auf Unternehmenskommunikation für an der Börse notierte Unternehmen in Kanada und den USA und konzentriert sich auf die Bereiche Junior Mining und Mineralexploration. Die Firmeninhaber, Jeffrey Wilson und Roger Blair, bringen insgesamt 50 Jahre Erfahrung in den öffentlichen Märkten mit.
Quartz kündigte auch den Start neuer Social-Media-Initiativen an, einschließlich einer aktualisierten Website und Unternehmenspräsentation. Das Unternehmen wird den Discovery Core seiner Projekte Maestro und Jake auf dem AME Round Up am 20.-21. Januar im Vancouver Convention Centre East, Stand #924 vorstellen.
- Agreement with experienced IR firm to enhance market visibility
- Principals bring 50 years of combined market experience and extensive industry network
- Strategic move to advance capital markets program for Maestro and Jake projects
- Monthly cash expense of $7,500 for IR services
- Potential dilution from 500,000 stock options granted to Acuity
VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / January 15, 2025 / Quartz Mountain Resources Ltd. ("Quartz" or the "Company") (TSXV:QZM)(OTC PINK:QZMRF) is pleased to announce that, subject to the approval of the TSX Venture Exchange, it has entered into a consulting services agreement (the "Agreement") with Acuity Advisory Corp. ("Acuity") to provide investor relations services to the Company.
Acuity is based in Vancouver and provides corporate communications to Canadian and U.S. listed companies, with a specific focus on the junior mining and mineral exploration sectors. Acuity's founders and principals, Jeffrey Wilson and Roger Blair, have a combined fifty years of public markets experience, and bring to Quartz extensive contacts within the global mining and finance industries. Acuity's network encompasses North American and international institutional and retail investors, investment advisors, investment bankers, mining analysts, high net worth individuals and strategic investors.
"Quartz is entering an exciting new growth stage as we advance the Maestro and Jake projects in British Columbia towards transactions," said Quartz Chairman Bob Dickinson. "The addition of Acuity to the Quartz team will help advance our capital markets program and provide greater reach as we tell this compelling story. High value, high demand projects like Maestro and Jake are vital to growing Canada's clean, modern economy and are potentially important major sources of gold, silver and copper. As an experienced investor relations team with strong industry experience, Acuity is well positioned to support our goal of creating Canada's next great mineral success story and substantial shareholder wealth."
The Agreement with Acuity is dated January 15, 2025 and runs for an initial twelve (12) month term. Acuity will receive a monthly fee of
In addition to informing investors of entering this consulting services agreement today, Quartz has also launched new social media and awareness initiatives including an updated Website (www.quartzmountainresources.com) and Corporate Presentation (https://www.quartzmountainresources.com/investors/presentation). Quartz will also be presenting Discovery Core from both Maestro and Jake at the upcoming Association of Mineral Explorationists' ("AME") Round Up on January 20 and 21 in booth #924 located in the Vancouver Convention Centre East.
About Maestro
Quartz's first ever drill test, on its Maestro Property, a maiden two-hole drill program at the Prodigy Zone, discovered exciting high-grade Au-Ag lodes, hosted within an extensive epithermal Au-Ag system. The lodes and the more disseminated precious metals, intersected by the drill holes are both hosted within a large and earlier deposited, Mo-Cu porphyry system. Quartz's second core hole, PR-23-02 intersected 102 m grading 2.22 g/t Au and 104 g/t Ag, including 12 m grading 1.23 g/t Au and 586 g/t Ag and also 36 m of 5.73 g/t Au and 87 g/t Ag. These results indicate high potential for both bulk tonnage and underground high-grade gold and silver mineralization. The next milestone towards a transaction will be delineation drilling of the new Prodigy discovery at Maestro, currently being planned to commence in HI 2025.
About Jake
Mineralization at Jake is situated within a prominent rusty coloured gossan measuring 3.5 km long by 1.5 km wide. The combination of extensive historical and recent exploration work has outlined a very expansive altered area at Jake hosting epithermal and porphyry-style sulphide disseminations and veinlets containing Cu-Au-Ag-Zn-Mo and Re. To delineate deposit targets within this large Jake mineral system for the maiden 2024 drilling program, a series of modern surface exploration programs were completed in the period 2018-2023. These surveys were designed to build on very compelling historical data on the Property developed by legendary porphyry copper explorers, including Kennco, Canadian Superior, Cities Service, Placer Development and Teck Corp. Taken together this comprehensive technical database defined a significant-scale porphyry copper-gold deposit target which Quartz tested with 3,418 metres in seven 7 holes during 2024. This maiden drill program successfully discovered a new porphyry copper-gold-silver system, wide open to expansion. Upon discovery, Quartz acquired a
About Quartz
Headquartered in Vancouver, Canada, Quartz Mountain Resources (TSXV:QZM)(OTC PINK:QZMRF) is a well-structured public company whose successful mine-finding management is focused on discovering and transacting important-scale gold, silver and copper deposits in British Columbia. The company owns 100 per cent of the Maestro high grade gold-silver project and 100 per cent of the Jake porphyry copper-gold-silver project. Both projects are permitted by the British Columbia government for drilling activities with access to infrastructure and high potential for the development of substantial resources for significant future transactions.
Quartz is associated with Hunter Dickinson Inc. (HDI), a company with over 35 years of successfully discovering, developing and transacting mineral projects in Canada and internationally. Former HDI projects in British Columbia included Mount Milligan, Kemess South and Gibraltar -- all of which are porphyry deposits with current-producing or former-producing mines. Other well-known projects with HDI involvement include Sisson and Prosperity in Canada, Pebble and Florence in the United States, and Xietongmen in China.
Quartz is committed to the advancement of important-scale, critical and essential mining assets while following responsible mineral development principles, including a mandate to employ best-practice approaches in the engagement and involvement of local communities and meeting rigorous environmental standards.
On behalf of the Board of Directors
Robert Dickinson
For further information, please contact:
Bob Dickinson
Email: robertdickinson@hdimining.com
Ph: +1 604-684-6365
Jeff Wilson
Email: jwilson@acuityadvisorycorp.com
Ph:+1 604-837-5440
Roger Blair
Email: rblair@acuityadvisorycorp.com
Ph:+1 604-351-0025
Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.
Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward-Looking Information.
This release includes certain statements that may be deemed "forward-looking-statements". All statements in this release, other than statements of historical facts are forward-looking-statements. Although the Company believes the expectations expressed in such forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, such statements are not guarantees of future performance and actual results or developments may differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements. Assumptions used by the Company to develop forward-looking statements include the following: the Company's projects will obtain all required environmental and other permits, and all land use and other licenses, studies and exploration of the Company's projects will continue to be positive, and no geological or technical problems will occur. Though the Company believes the expectations expressed in its forward-looking-statements are based on reasonable assumptions, such statements are subject to future events and third party discretion such as regulatory personnel. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in forward-looking statements include variations in market prices, continuity of mineralization and exploration success, and potential environmental issues or liabilities associated with exploration, development and mining activities, uncertainties related to the ability to obtain necessary permits, licenses and tenure and delays due to third party opposition, changes in and the effect of government policies regarding mining and natural resource exploration and exploitation, and exploration and development of properties located within Aboriginal groups asserted territories that may affect or be perceived to affect asserted aboriginal rights and title, and which may cause permitting delays or opposition by Aboriginal groups, continued availability of capital and financing, and general economic, market or business conditions. Investors are cautioned that any such statements are not guarantees of future performance and actual results or developments may differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements. For more information on the Company, and the risks and uncertainties connected with its business, investors should review the Company's home jurisdiction filings as www.sedarplus.ca and its 20F filings with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission at www.sec.gov.
SOURCE: Quartz Mountain Resources Ltd.
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