Quantum Computing Inc. Reports Second Quarter and First Half 2024 Financial Results

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Quantum Computing Inc. (QUBT) reported its Q2 and H1 2024 financial results. Key highlights include:

- Q2 2024 revenue: $183,000 (32% gross margin), up from $112,000 in Q2 2023

- Q2 2024 operating expenses: $5.3 million, down 24% year-over-year

- Net loss: $5.2 million ($0.06 per basic share) vs $7.6 million ($0.12 per basic share) in Q2 2023

- Cash and cash equivalents: $2.5 million as of June 30, 2024

- Total assets: $76.0 million

- Shareholders' equity: $65.5 million

Operational highlights include progress on establishing a U.S.-based Thin Film Lithium Niobate foundry, a $200,000 quantum LiDAR prototype sale to Johns Hopkins University, and enhanced sales strategy with key appointments. The company also regained compliance with Nasdaq and SEC reporting requirements.

Quantum Computing Inc. (QUBT) ha riportato i risultati finanziari per il secondo trimestre e il primo semestre del 2024. Punti salienti includono:

- Fatturato Q2 2024: 183.000 $ (margine lordo del 32%), in aumento rispetto a 112.000 $ nel Q2 2023

- Spese operative Q2 2024: 5,3 milioni di $, in calo del 24% rispetto all'anno precedente

- Perdita netta: 5,2 milioni di $ (0,06 $ per azione di base) rispetto a 7,6 milioni di $ (0,12 $ per azione di base) nel Q2 2023

- Cassa e mezzi equivalenti: 2,5 milioni di $ al 30 giugno 2024

- Attività totali: 76,0 milioni di $

- Patrimonio netto degli azionisti: 65,5 milioni di $

I punti operativi di rilievo includono progressi nell'istituzione di una fonderia di Niobato di Litio a film sottile negli Stati Uniti, la vendita di un prototipo di LiDAR quantistico da 200.000 $ alla Johns Hopkins University e una strategia di vendita potenziata con nomine chiave. L'azienda ha anche ripristinato la conformità con i requisiti di reporting di Nasdaq e SEC.

Quantum Computing Inc. (QUBT) informó sobre sus resultados financieros del segundo trimestre y del primer semestre de 2024. Los aspectos destacados incluyen:

- Ingresos Q2 2024: 183,000 $ (margen bruto del 32%), un aumento desde 112,000 $ en Q2 2023

- Gastos operativos Q2 2024: 5.3 millones de $, una disminución del 24% en comparación con el año anterior

- Pérdida neta: 5.2 millones de $ (0.06 $ por acción ordinaria) frente a 7.6 millones de $ (0.12 $ por acción ordinaria) en Q2 2023

- Efectivo y equivalentes de efectivo: 2.5 millones de $ a 30 de junio de 2024

- Activos totales: 76.0 millones de $

- Patrimonio de los accionistas: 65.5 millones de $

Los aspectos operativos destacados incluyen avances en el establecimiento de una fundición de niobato de litio de película delgada con sede en EE. UU., la venta de un prototipo de LiDAR cuántico de 200,000 $ a la Universidad Johns Hopkins y una estrategia de ventas mejorada con nombramientos clave. La empresa también recuperó el cumplimiento con los requisitos de informes de Nasdaq y SEC.

Quantum Computing Inc. (QUBT)는 2024년 2분기 및 상반기 재무 결과를 보고했습니다. 주요 사항은 다음과 같습니다:

- 2024년 2분기 수익: 183,000달러 (32% 총 이익률), 2023년 2분기 112,000달러에서 증가

- 2024년 2분기 운영 비용: 530만 달러, 지난해 대비 24% 감소

- 순손실: 520만 달러 (기본 주당 0.06 달러) vs 760만 달러 (기본 주당 0.12 달러) 2023년 2분기

- 현금 및 현금성 자산: 2024년 6월 30일 기준 250만 달러

- 총 자산: 7600만 달러

- 주주 지분: 6550만 달러

운영 주요 사항은 미국에 본사를 둔 박막 리튬 나이오베이트 파운드리 설립 진전, 존스 홉킨스 대학교에 대한 20만 달러의 양자 LiDAR 프로토타입 판매, 주요 임명으로 강화된 판매 전략 등을 포함합니다. 또한 해당 기업은 나스닥 및 SEC 보고 요구 사항에 대한 준수를 회복하였습니다.

Quantum Computing Inc. (QUBT) a publié ses résultats financiers pour le deuxième trimestre et le premier semestre de 2024. Les points clés incluent :

- Revenus du Q2 2024 : 183 000 $ (marge brute de 32 %), en hausse par rapport à 112 000 $ au Q2 2023

- Dépenses d'exploitation du Q2 2024 : 5,3 millions $, en baisse de 24 % par rapport à l'année précédente

- Perte nette : 5,2 millions $ (0,06 $ par action ordinaire) contre 7,6 millions $ (0,12 $ par action ordinaire) au Q2 2023

- Liquidités et équivalents de liquidités : 2,5 millions $ au 30 juin 2024

- Actif total : 76,0 millions $

- Capitaux propres des actionnaires : 65,5 millions $

Les points opérationnels notables incluent des progrès dans l'établissement d'une fonderie de niobate de lithium à film mince basée aux États-Unis, la vente d'un prototype de LiDAR quantique pour 200 000 $ à l'Université Johns Hopkins et une stratégie de vente améliorée grâce à des nominations clés. L'entreprise a également retrouvé sa conformité avec les exigences de reporting de Nasdaq et SEC.

Quantum Computing Inc. (QUBT) hat die Finanzzahlen für das zweite Quartal und das erste Halbjahr 2024 veröffentlicht. Wichtige Highlights sind:

- Q2 2024 Umsatz: 183.000 $ (32% Bruttomarge), im Vergleich zu 112.000 $ im Q2 2023

- Q2 2024 Betriebskosten: 5,3 Millionen $, ein Rückgang um 24% im Jahresvergleich

- Nettoverlust: 5,2 Millionen $ (0,06 $ pro Stammaktie) gegenüber 7,6 Millionen $ (0,12 $ pro Stammaktie) im Q2 2023

- Liquide Mittel: 2,5 Millionen $ zum 30. Juni 2024

- Gesamte Vermögenswerte: 76,0 Millionen $

- Eigenkapital der Aktionäre: 65,5 Millionen $

Zu den betrieblichen Highlights gehören Fortschritte bei der Einrichtung einer U.S.-basierten Dünnschicht-Lithium-Niobat-Fabrik, der Verkauf eines 200.000 $ Quantum LiDAR-Prototyps an die Johns Hopkins University und eine verbesserte Verkaufsstrategie mit wichtigen Ernennungen. Das Unternehmen hat außerdem die Einhaltung der Berichterstattungspflichten von Nasdaq und SEC wiederhergestellt.

  • Revenue increased from $112,000 in Q2 2023 to $183,000 in Q2 2024
  • Operating expenses decreased by 24% year-over-year to $5.3 million in Q2 2024
  • Net loss per share improved from $0.12 in Q2 2023 to $0.06 in Q2 2024
  • Cash and cash equivalents increased by $0.5 million from year-end 2023 to $2.5 million
  • Total liabilities decreased by $2.1 million compared to year-end 2023
  • Successful sale of a quantum LiDAR prototype to Johns Hopkins University for $200,000
  • Progress on establishing a U.S.-based Thin Film Lithium Niobate foundry
  • Regained compliance with Nasdaq and SEC reporting requirements
  • Gross margin decreased from 54% in Q2 2023 to 32% in Q2 2024
  • Net loss of $5.2 million in Q2 2024, although improved from previous year
  • Raised $7.0 million in secured convertible debt financing, potentially diluting shareholders


QCi's Q2 2024 results show mixed signals. Revenue increased by 63% year-over-year to $183,000, but gross margin declined from 54% to 32% due to a shift in revenue composition. The company reduced operating expenses by 24%, which helped narrow the net loss to $5.2 million from $7.6 million in Q2 2023.

The balance sheet shows improvement with total assets increasing to $76 million and cash position strengthening to $2.5 million. The $7 million secured convertible debt financing post-quarter provides additional liquidity. However, the company remains unprofitable with a significant cash burn rate.

Key developments include progress on the TFLN foundry, product sales to Johns Hopkins University and extended partnerships. While these initiatives show potential, QCi needs to significantly scale revenues and improve margins to achieve profitability. The company's focus on quantum technologies positions it in a high-growth sector, but investors should closely monitor cash burn and path to commercialization.

QCi's progress in quantum computing and integrated photonics is noteworthy. The successful sale of a quantum LiDAR prototype to Johns Hopkins University for $200,000 demonstrates commercial viability. The ongoing development of the U.S.-based Thin Film Lithium Niobate (TFLN) foundry is a strategic move to capture market share in the growing optical chip sector.

The extension of the CRADA with Los Alamos National Laboratory for the Dirac-3 entropy quantum optimization machine showcases QCi's capabilities in solving complex problems across various domains. This positions the company at the forefront of quantum applications in high-performance computing, AI and cybersecurity.

However, the current revenue levels are still minimal compared to the company's $62.7 million market cap. The success of QCi hinges on its ability to transition from prototypes and research partnerships to large-scale commercial deployments. Investors should watch for signs of accelerating revenue growth and expanding partnerships in the coming quarters as indicators of market traction.

HOBOKEN, N.J., Oct. 2, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Quantum Computing Inc. ("QCi" or the "Company") (Nasdaq: QUBT), an innovative, integrated photonics and quantum optics technology company, today released financial results for the three- and six-month periods ended June 30, 2024, which contain restated financial results for the quarterly periods ended June 30, 2023.

Dr William McGann, Chief Executive Officer of QCi, commented, "During the first half of 2024, we strengthened our position in the quantum computing landscape. Our progress on establishing our U.S.-based Thin Film Lithium Niobate (TFLN) foundry is proceeding well, marking a critical step toward positioning QCi as a leader in the growing optical chip market. Our partnerships continued to evolve, highlighted by our successful product sale to Johns Hopkins University and ongoing collaboration with NASA. I'm also pleased to announce that with the filing of these financial results, we have taken key steps to regain compliance with Nasdaq and are now caught up with our Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) reporting requirements. Like some other companies that experienced delays due to forced auditor transitions, we've navigated this process effectively while ensuring adherence to best practices. We are now well-positioned to continue advancing our mission."

Second Quarter 2024 Financial Highlights:

  • Second quarter 2024 revenues totaled approximately $183,000 (32% gross margin) compared to $112,000 (54% gross margin) generated in the second quarter 2023. The increase in revenues was due to increased contractual sales. The decrease in gross margin was nearly entirely the result of revenue in the current period being primarily comprised of customized research and development as compared to consulting services revenue in the prior period.
  • Second quarter 2024 operating expenses totaled $5.3 million compared to the previous year's second quarter operating expenses of $7.0 million. The 24% period-over-period decrease is primarily a result of the Company's disciplined strategy to minimize general and administrative expenses as well as net reductions in stock-based compensation.
  • The Company reported a net loss available to common stockholders of $5.2 million, or $(0.06) per basic share for the second quarter of 2024, compared to a net loss available to common stockholders of $7.6 million or $(0.12) per basic share for the same period of the previous year.
  • Total assets at June 30, 2024 were $76.0 million, increasing from $74.4 million at December 31, 2023. Cash and cash equivalents at June 30, 2024 increased $0.5 million from year-end 2023 to $2.5 million. Subsequent to the close of the quarter, the Company raised net proceeds of $7.0 million in a secured convertible debt financing.
  • Total liabilities at June 30, 2024 were $3.6 million, a decrease of approximately $2.1 million compared to year-end 2023, driven primarily by the Company's monthly repayment of its unsecured debt, which was paid in full in the first quarter of 2024, and sizable reduction in accrued expenses reflecting the issuance of restricted stock grants.
  • As of June 30, 2024, the Company had shareholders' equity totaling $65.5 million.

Second Quarter 2024 Operational Highlights

  • Successful Quantum LiDAR Prototype Sale: QCi executed the sale of a quantum LiDAR prototype to Johns Hopkins University for $200,000. This sale marked a significant advancement in underwater LiDAR technology and showcases the commercial potential of QCi's quantum solutions across diverse applications.
  • Enhanced Sales Strategy: QCi appointed Richard Nelson as Senior Vice President of Business Development and Pouya Dianet as Director of TFLN Optical Chip Sales to accelerate market penetration and expand global sales of QCi's quantum technologies.
  • TFLN Foundry Progress: The Company continues to advance its strategic initiative to establish the first U.S.-based TFLN fabrication facility in Tempe, Arizona, a key element of QCi's long-term strategy to become a leader in the optical chip market, and to secure offtake agreements for future chip sales from the foundry.
  • Subsequent to the Quarter: In line with the Company's initiative to expand its partnerships with government agencies and laboratories, QCi announced the extension of its Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA) with the Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL). This strategic collaborative agreement focuses on QCi's new entropy quantum optimization machine, Dirac-3, and its capabilities to quickly and efficiently solve highly complex problems associated with quantum simulations, social networks, protein structure prediction, and telecommunications.

Additionally, the Company filed with the SEC its Form 10-Q for the quarterly period ending March 31, 2024, which contains restated financial results for the three-month period ended March 31, 2023. As previously disclosed, following the entry of a cease-and-desist order by the SEC against the Company's former auditor, BF Borgers CPA PC, the Company engaged a new independent registered public accounting firm, BPM LLP, to reaudit 2023 and 2022 financial results and the quarterly financial results released today.  While the auditor transition was the primary reason for the delay in our March 31, 2024 and June 30, 2024, quarterly filings, we do not expect any further delays going forward.

Quantum Computing Inc. (QCi) (Nasdaq: QUBT) is an innovative, integrated photonics company that provides accessible and affordable quantum machines to the world today. QCi products are designed to operate at room temperature and low power at an affordable cost. The Company's portfolio of core technology and products offer unique capabilities in the areas of high-performance computing, artificial intelligence and cybersecurity as well as remote sensing applications.


Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets

(Unaudited, in thousands, except par value data)


June 30,

December 31,




  Current assets

     Cash and cash equivalents





     Accounts receivable






     Loans receivable, net of provision for credit losses of $295 and $279



     Prepaid expenses and other current assets



Total current assets



Property and equipment, net



Operating lease right-of-use assets



Intangible assets, net






Other non-current assets



Total assets





Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity

Current liabilities

       Accounts payable





       Accrued expenses



       Financial liabilities, net of issuance costs



       Deferred revenue



       Other current liabilities



Total current liabilities



Operating lease liabilities



Total liabilities



Contingencies (see Note 10)

Mezzanine equity



Stockholders' equity

     Preferred stock, $0.0001 par value, 1,550 shares Series A Preferred authorized; 1,241  

          and 1,490 shares issued and outstanding as of June 30, 2024 and December 31,

          2023, respectively; 3,080 shares of Series B Preferred Stock authorized; no shares

          issued and outstanding as of June 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023



     Common stock, $0.0001 par value, 250,000 shares authorized; 94,416 and 77,451  

          shares issued and outstanding as of June 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023,




     Additional paid-in capital



     Accumulated deficit



Total stockholders' equity



Total liabilities and mezzanine and stockholders' equity







Condensed Consolidated Statements of Operations

(Unaudited, in thousands, except per share data)

Three Months Ended

Six Months Ended

June 30,

June 30,







Total revenue









Cost of revenue





Gross profit





Research and development





Sales and marketing





General and administrative





Operating expenses





Loss from operations





Non-operating income (expense)

Interest and other income





Interest expense, net





Change in value of warrant liability





Loss before income tax provision





Income tax provision





Net loss





Less: Series A convertible preferred stock dividends





Net loss available to common stockholders









Loss per share – basic and diluted









Weighted average shares used in computing net loss per 

common share – basic and dilutive






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SOURCE Quantum Computing Inc.


What was Quantum Computing Inc's (QUBT) revenue for Q2 2024?

Quantum Computing Inc's revenue for Q2 2024 was $183,000, representing a 63% increase from $112,000 in Q2 2023.

How much did Quantum Computing Inc (QUBT) reduce its operating expenses in Q2 2024?

Quantum Computing Inc reduced its operating expenses by 24% year-over-year, from $7.0 million in Q2 2023 to $5.3 million in Q2 2024.

What was the net loss per share for Quantum Computing Inc (QUBT) in Q2 2024?

The net loss per share for Quantum Computing Inc in Q2 2024 was $0.06, an improvement from $0.12 per share in Q2 2023.

How much cash did Quantum Computing Inc (QUBT) have as of June 30, 2024?

Quantum Computing Inc had $2.5 million in cash and cash equivalents as of June 30, 2024, an increase of $0.5 million from year-end 2023.

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