Quantum Computing, Inc. Enters Final Stage of Commissioning Quantum Photonic Chip Foundry in Tempe, Arizona

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Quantum Computing Inc. (QUBT) has entered the final stage of commissioning its quantum photonic chip foundry in Tempe, Arizona. The foundry, initially announced in September 2023, will focus on processing thin film lithium niobate (TFLN) to produce high-performance optical components and photonic integrated circuits (PICs). These chips will serve as essential optical engines for photonic-based quantum computers, secure quantum communications, and 3.2Tbps data rates for datacom.

The QCi Foundry is set to be the first US-based semiconductor foundry of its kind, enhancing capabilities and capacity of TFLN devices. It will meet the growing demand for rapid prototyping and scalable production of PICs. The foundry's anticipated grand opening is set for Q1 2025, with early access offered to customers at favorable rates. Initial wafer runs will focus on custom runs for selected clients, with plans for a multi-project wafer (MPW) run available in the second half of 2025.

Quantum Computing Inc. (QUBT) è entrata nella fase finale di messa in servizio della sua fonderia di chip fotonici quantistici a Tempe, in Arizona. La fonderia, annunciata inizialmente a settembre 2023, si concentrerà sulla lavorazione di niobato di litio a film sottile (TFLN) per produrre componenti ottici ad alte prestazioni e circuiti integrati fotonici (PIC). Questi chip fungeranno da motori ottici essenziali per computer quantistici basati su fotonica, comunicazioni quantistiche sicure e tassi di dati di 3,2 Tbps per il datacom.

La QCi Foundry si preannuncia come la prima fonderia di semiconduttori negli Stati Uniti del suo genere, ampliando le capacità e la capacità dei dispositivi TFLN. Soddisferà la crescente domanda di prototipazione rapida e produzione scalabile di PIC. L'apertura ufficiale della fonderia è prevista per il primo trimestre del 2025, con accesso anticipato offerto ai clienti a tariffe vantaggiose. I primi lotti di wafer si concentreranno su produzioni personalizzate per clienti selezionati, con piani per un'operazione di wafer multi-progetto (MPW) disponibile nella seconda metà del 2025.

Quantum Computing Inc. (QUBT) ha entrado en la etapa final de puesta en marcha de su fábrica de chips fotónicos cuánticos en Tempe, Arizona. La fábrica, anunciada inicialmente en septiembre de 2023, se centrará en el procesamiento de niobato de litio en película delgada (TFLN) para producir componentes ópticos de alto rendimiento y circuitos integrados fotónicos (PIC). Estos chips servirán como motores ópticos esenciales para computadoras cuánticas basadas en fotónica, comunicaciones cuánticas seguras y tasas de datos de 3,2 Tbps para datacom.

La QCi Foundry se establezca como la primera fábrica de semiconductores basada en EE. UU. de su tipo, mejorando las capacidades y la capacidad de los dispositivos TFLN. Satisfará la creciente demanda de prototipado rápido y producción escalable de PIC. La apertura oficial de la fábrica está programada para el primer trimestre de 2025, con acceso anticipado ofrecido a los clientes a tarifas favorables. Las primeras producciones de obleas se centrarán en producciones personalizadas para clientes seleccionados, con planes para una producción de oblea de múltiples proyectos (MPW) disponible en la segunda mitad de 2025.

퀀텀 컴퓨팅 주식회사(Quantum Computing Inc., QUBT)가 애리조나 템프에 있는 양자 포토닉 칩 공장의 최종 커미셔닝 단계에 들어섰습니다. 이 공장은 2023년 9월에 처음 발표된 것으로, 박막 리튬 나이오바이트 (TFLN) 가공에 초점을 맞춰 고성능 광학 부품 및 포토닉 집적회로 (PIC)를 생산할 예정입니다. 이 칩들은 포토닉 기반 양자 컴퓨터, 안전한 양자 통신 및 3.2Tbps 데이터 속도를 위한 데이터 통신의 필수 광학 엔진 역할을 하게 됩니다.

QCi 공장은 미국 기반 반도체 공장 중 최초의 공장이 될 예정이며, TFLN 장치의 능력과 생산량을 증대시킬 것입니다. PIC의 빠른 프로토타입 제작 및 확장 가능한 생산에 대한 증가하는 수요를 충족할 것입니다. 공장의 개관은 2025년 1분기로 예정되어 있으며, 고객에게 유리한 요금으로 조기 접근이 제공됩니다. 초기 웨이퍼 생산은 선택된 고객을 위한 맞춤형 생산에 중점을 두며, 2025년 하반기에는 다중 프로젝트 웨이퍼 (MPW) 생산이 계획되어 있습니다.

Quantum Computing Inc. (QUBT) est entrée dans la phase finale de la mise en service de sa fonderie de puces photoniques quantiques à Tempe, en Arizona. La fonderie, annoncée initialement en septembre 2023, se concentrera sur le traitement de niobate de lithium en film mince (TFLN) pour produire des composants optiques hautes performances et des circuits intégrés photoniques (PIC). Ces puces serviront de moteurs optiques essentiels pour les ordinateurs quantiques basés sur la photonique, les communications quantiques sécurisées et des débits de données de 3,2 Tbps pour le datacom.

La QCi Foundry s'annonce comme la première fonderie de semi-conducteurs basée aux États-Unis de ce type, améliorant les capacités et la capacité des dispositifs TFLN. Elle répondra à la demande croissante de prototypage rapide et de production évolutive de PIC. L'ouverture anticipée de la fonderie est prévue pour le premier trimestre 2025, avec un accès anticipé proposé aux clients à des tarifs avantageux. Les premières productions de wafers se concentreront sur des productions personnalisées pour des clients sélectionnés, avec des projets pour une production de wafer multi-projet (MPW) disponible dans la seconde moitié de 2025.

Quantum Computing Inc. (QUBT) ist in die letzte Phase der Inbetriebnahme seiner quantenphotonic Chip-Fabrik in Tempe, Arizona, eingetreten. Die Fabrik, die erstmals im September 2023 angekündigt wurde, wird sich auf die Verarbeitung von dünnschichtigem Lithiumniobat (TFLN) konzentrieren, um hochleistungsfähige optische Komponenten und photonische integrierte Schaltungen (PICs) herzustellen. Diese Chips werden als essentielle optische Engines für fotonisch basierte Quantencomputer, sichere Quantenkommunikation und Datenraten von 3,2 Tbps für Datacom dienen.

Die QCi Foundry wird als die erste auf den USA basierende Halbleiterfabrik ihrer Art eingerichtet, um die Fähigkeiten und Kapazitäten von TFLN-Geräten zu verbessern. Sie wird der wachsenden Nachfrage nach schneller Prototypenerstellung und skalierbarer Produktion von PICs gerecht werden. Die Eröffnung der Fabrik ist für das erste Quartal 2025 vorgesehen und ein früher Zugang wird Kunden zu vorteilhaften Preisen angeboten. Die ersten Wafer-Produktionen werden sich auf kundenspezifische Ausführungen für ausgewählte Kunden konzentrieren, mit Plänen für eine Mehrprojektwafer-Produktion (MPW), die in der zweiten Hälfte von 2025 verfügbar sein wird.

  • QCi is entering the final stage of commissioning its quantum photonic chip foundry, indicating progress towards operational readiness
  • The foundry will be the first US-based semiconductor foundry of its kind, potentially giving QCi a competitive advantage
  • QCi's proprietary TFLN processing technology aims to provide customers with reliable integration of TFLN photonic engines
  • The company plans to offer early access to customers at favorable rates, which could drive initial adoption and revenue
  • The foundry's grand opening is not until Q1 2025, meaning potential revenue from this project is still some time away
  • Multi-project wafer runs won't be available until the second half of 2025, potentially limiting initial production capacity


QCi's announcement marks a significant milestone in the quantum computing and photonics industry. The commissioning of their TFLN foundry in Tempe positions them as a pioneer in U.S.-based quantum photonic chip production. This development is important for several reasons:

  • It addresses the growing demand for high-performance optical components and PICs essential for quantum computing and AI applications.
  • The focus on TFLN technology could lead to substantial improvements in photon efficiency, a critical factor in quantum operations.
  • By offering early access and favorable terms, QCi is strategically positioning itself to capture market share and establish partnerships in this emerging field.

However, investors should note that the full impact of this development may not be immediate. The grand opening is slated for Q1 2025, with multi-project wafer runs not available until H2 2025. This timeline suggests that significant revenue generation from the foundry might be a mid-term prospect. The success will largely depend on QCi's ability to deliver on its promises of superior performance and scalability in TFLN processing.

From a market perspective, QCi's move is well-timed. The quantum computing market is projected to grow significantly, with some estimates suggesting a 25% CAGR through 2030. By establishing this foundry, QCi is positioning itself to capitalize on several key trends:

  • Increased demand for quantum technologies in national defense and cybersecurity.
  • The push for faster data processing capabilities to support AI and machine learning advancements.
  • A growing need for U.S.-based semiconductor manufacturing to reduce reliance on foreign suppliers.

However, with a current market cap of about $102 million, QCi is still a relatively small player. The success of this venture could significantly impact the company's valuation, but it also carries risks. Investors should monitor the company's ability to meet its timeline, secure key customers and demonstrate the superiority of its TFLN technology in real-world applications.

HOBOKEN, N.J., Oct. 22, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Quantum Computing Inc. ("QCi" or the "Company") (Nasdaq: QUBT), an innovative, integrated photonics and quantum optics technology company, is pleased to announce that the Company has reached the final stage of commissioning its quantum photonic chip foundry in Tempe, Arizona. Initially announced in September 2023, the QCi Foundry will focus on processing thin film lithium niobate (TFLN) to produce high-performance optical components and photonic integrated circuits (PICs). These photonic chips will serve as essential optical engines for photonic-based quantum computers, secure quantum communications, and 3.2Tbps data rates for datacom, driven by the increasing demands of artificial intelligence (AI) and enabling the future of integrated photonics.

QCi Director of PIC and Foundry Service, Dr. Pouya Dianat, will formally introduce this first-of-its-kind foundry and its services during his presentation at the Optica Photonic-Enabled Cloud Computing (PECC) Industry Summit on October 23, 2024, in Sunnyvale, California. At the summit, Dr. Dianat will discuss how QCi's key technological advantage lies in its precision etching of TFLN, which minimizes the loss of photons in a PIC, alongside wafer-scale production capabilities for TFLN optical components such as electro-optic modulators and waveguides. This commitment ensures successful volume production from early stages of prototyping.

"The QCi Foundry will be the first US-based semiconductor foundry of its kind, set to enhance the capabilities and capacity of TFLN devices. These innovations will also pave the way for advancements and applications in national defense and technology," states Dr. Dianat. "Additionally, the foundry will meet the growing demand and market needs for rapid prototyping and scalable production of photonic integrated circuits. QCi's proprietary TFLN processing technology will provide customers with the agility and confidence necessary for the reliable, seamless integration of TFLN photonic engines into their product lines and offerings."

The QCi Foundry has moved into its final phase of construction and capital equipment installation, with an anticipated grand opening set for Q1 2025. As part of its launch strategy, QCi will offer early access to customers and early adopters at favorable rate and terms. The Company's initial wafer runs will focus on custom runs for selected clients, with plans for a multi-project wafer (MPW) run available in the second half of 2025.

For more information about QCi's photonic chip foundry or to discuss ways of collaborating with QCi and its foundry services, please visit the QCi Foundry webpage.

About Quantum Computing Inc.
Quantum Computing Inc. ("QCi" or the "Company") (Nasdaq: QUBT) is an innovative, integrated photonics and quantum optics technology company that provides accessible and affordable quantum machines to the world today. QCi products are designed to operate at room temperature and low power at an affordable cost. The Company's portfolio of core technology and products offer unique capabilities in the areas of high-performance computing, artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, as well as remote sensing applications.


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When is the anticipated grand opening of QCi's quantum photonic chip foundry?

The anticipated grand opening of Quantum Computing Inc.'s (QUBT) quantum photonic chip foundry in Tempe, Arizona is set for Q1 2025.

What will QCi's foundry focus on producing?

QCi's foundry will focus on processing thin film lithium niobate (TFLN) to produce high-performance optical components and photonic integrated circuits (PICs) for quantum computers, secure quantum communications, and high-speed datacom.

When will QCi (QUBT) offer multi-project wafer runs at its new foundry?

Quantum Computing Inc. (QUBT) plans to offer multi-project wafer (MPW) runs at its new foundry in the second half of 2025.

What is the significance of QCi's quantum photonic chip foundry in Tempe, Arizona?

QCi's foundry in Tempe, Arizona will be the first US-based semiconductor foundry of its kind, enhancing capabilities and capacity of TFLN devices for quantum computing and high-speed communications applications.

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