Q2 CFO David Mehok Wins Best CFO Award

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Q2 Holdings' CFO David Mehok has been awarded the Best CFO Award by Austin Business Journal in the Public Company category. Since joining Q2 in 2020, Mehok has overseen significant financial growth:

  • Revenue increased to ~$625 million in 2023, up 53%
  • Adjusted EBITDA grew to ~$77 million, a 246% increase
  • 2024 guidance projects revenue of $689 million and adjusted EBITDA of $112 million

Q2 is targeting an average annual subscription revenue growth of 14% and adjusted EBITDA margin expansion of 300-400 basis points for 2024-2026. Mehok's role extends beyond financial planning, addressing the organization holistically and nurturing partnerships. He oversees global financial operations, compliance, investor relations, legal, and enterprise systems.

Il CFO di Q2 Holdings, David Mehok, ha ricevuto il Best CFO Award dal Austin Business Journal nella categoria delle aziende pubbliche. Dall'entrata in Q2 nel 2020, Mehok ha supervisionato una significativa crescita finanziaria:

  • I ricavi sono aumentati a circa 625 milioni di dollari nel 2023, con un incremento del 53%
  • L'EBITDA rettificato è aumentato a circa 77 milioni di dollari, con un incremento del 246%
  • Le previsioni per il 2024 indicano ricavi di 689 milioni di dollari e un EBITDA rettificato di 112 milioni di dollari

Q2 punta a una crescita media annua dei ricavi da abbonamento del 14% e a un'espansione del margine EBITDA rettificato di 300-400 punti base per il periodo 2024-2026. Il ruolo di Mehok va oltre la pianificazione finanziaria, prendendo in considerazione l'organizzazione nel suo complesso e coltivando le partnership. Supervisiona le operazioni finanziarie globali, la conformità, le relazioni con gli investitori, gli aspetti legali e i sistemi aziendali.

David Mehok, CFO de Q2 Holdings, ha sido galardonado con el Best CFO Award por el Austin Business Journal en la categoría de Empresas Públicas. Desde que se unió a Q2 en 2020, Mehok ha supervisado un crecimiento financiero significativo:

  • Los ingresos aumentaron a aproximadamente 625 millones de dólares en 2023, un incremento del 53%
  • El EBITDA ajustado creció a aproximadamente 77 millones de dólares, un aumento del 246%
  • Las proyecciones para 2024 estiman ingresos de 689 millones de dólares y un EBITDA ajustado de 112 millones de dólares

Q2 tiene como objetivo un crecimiento anual promedio de ingresos por suscripción del 14% y una expansión del margen EBITDA ajustado de 300-400 puntos básicos para 2024-2026. El papel de Mehok va más allá de la planificación financiera, abordando la organización de manera holística y fomentando asociaciones. Supervisa las operaciones financieras globales, el cumplimiento, las relaciones con inversores, los aspectos legales y los sistemas empresariales.

Q2 Holdings의 CFO인 David Mehok는 공기업 부문에서 Austin Business Journal로부터 최고 CFO 상을 수상했습니다. 2020년에 Q2에 합류한 이후 Mehok는 значный한 재무 성장 관리를 해왔습니다:

  • 2023년 수익은 약 6억 2500만 달러로 53% 증가했습니다.
  • 조정된 EBITDA는 약 7700만 달러로 246% 증가했습니다.
  • 2024년 예측은 6억 8900만 달러의 수익과 1억 1200만 달러의 조정된 EBITDA를 예상하고 있습니다.

Q2는 2024-2026년 동안 연평균 14%의 구독 수익 성장과 300-400 베이시스 포인트의 조정 EBITDA 마진 확대를 목표로 하고 있습니다. Mehok의 역할은 재무 계획을 넘어서 조직을 총체적으로 다루고 파트너십을 육성하는 것입니다. 그는 글로벌 재무 운영, 준수, 투자자 관계, 법률 및 기업 시스템을 감독합니다.

David Mehok, CFO de Q2 Holdings, a reçu le Best CFO Award décerné par l'Austin Business Journal dans la catégorie des entreprises publiques. Depuis son arrivée chez Q2 en 2020, Mehok a supervisé une croissance financière significative :

  • Les revenus ont augmenté à environ 625 millions de dollars en 2023, ce qui représente une hausse de 53%
  • L'EBITDA ajusté a augmenté à environ 77 millions de dollars, soit une hausse de 246%
  • Les prévisions pour 2024 projettent des revenus de 689 millions de dollars et un EBITDA ajusté de 112 millions de dollars

Q2 vise une croissance moyenne annuelle des revenus d'abonnement de 14% et une expansion de la marge EBITDA ajustée de 300 à 400 points de base pour la période 2024-2026. Le rôle de Mehok dépasse la planification financière, en abordant l'organisation dans son ensemble et en cultivant des partenariats. Il supervise les opérations financières mondiales, la conformité, les relations avec les investisseurs, les aspects juridiques et les systèmes d'entreprise.

David Mehok, CFO von Q2 Holdings, wurde vom Austin Business Journal mit dem Best CFO Award in der Kategorie öffentliche Unternehmen ausgezeichnet. Seit seinem Eintritt bei Q2 im Jahr 2020 hat Mehok ein signifikantes finanzielles Wachstum überwacht:

  • Die Einnahmen stiegen 2023 auf etwa 625 Millionen Dollar, was einem Anstieg von 53% entspricht
  • Das bereinigte EBITDA wuchs auf etwa 77 Millionen Dollar, was einem Anstieg von 246% entspricht
  • Die Prognosen für 2024 rechnen mit einem Umsatz von 689 Millionen Dollar und einem bereinigten EBITDA von 112 Millionen Dollar

Q2 strebt ein durchschnittliches jährliches Umsatzwachstum von 14% und eine Erhöhung der bereinigten EBITDA-Marge um 300-400 Basispunkte für 2024-2026 an. Mehok's Rolle geht über die Finanzplanung hinaus, da er die Organisation ganzheitlich angeht und Partnerschaften fördert. Er überwacht die globalen Finanzoperationen, die Einhaltung der Vorschriften, die Beziehungen zu Investoren, die rechtlichen Aspekte und die Unternehmenssysteme.

  • None.
  • None.

Austin Business Journal names Mehok Best CFO in the Public Company category

AUSTIN, Texas--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Q2 Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: QTWO), a leading provider of digital transformation solutions for financial services, today announced that Q2 Chief Financial Officer David Mehok has been recognized as the Best CFO Award by Austin Business Journal in the Public Company category.

Since joining Q2 Holdings in 2020, Mehok has overseen the company's revenue growth to approximately $625 million for the full year of 2023, an increase of approximately 53 percent. During the same period, adjusted EBITDA (earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization) grew to approximately $77 million, reflecting growth of 246 percent. Additionally, mid-points of the company’s 2024 financial guidance provided in May reflect continued strong growth and profit expansion with revenue of $689 million and adjusted EBITDA of $112 million. As previously communicated, Q2 Holdings is also targeting an average annual subscription revenue growth of 14 percent and an average annual adjusted EBITDA margin expansion of 300-400 basis points for the three years of 2024 to 2026. This substantial growth in revenue and adjusted EBITDA demonstrates Mehok’s ability to help drive operational efficiency and improved profitability with continued strategic growth.

“I’ve seen firsthand the invaluable impact a CFO can have on a company’s success,” said Q2 Chairman and CEO Matt Flake. “David’s visionary financial leadership led Q2 an impressive year of financial performance in 2023. His financial acumen and unwavering dedication guided Q2 to record revenue growth, profitability, and significant global expansion. All of this, as well as Q2 being recognized as a Top-Workplace in the country, record customer satisfaction ratings, and noteworthy stock price performance.”

Mehok continually demonstrates that the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) role goes far beyond accounting and financial planning. While these skills are critical to any business, Mehok addresses the organization holistically, nurtures partnerships and establishes trust both internally and externally with new and existing customers while also leading forward-thinking strategic planning. Mehok oversees all aspects of global financial and accounting operations, compliance, controls, investor relations, legal and enterprise systems, including supporting and enhancing Q2’s growth initiatives and financial statement optimization.

“Q2 has a clear and enduring mission to build strong and diverse communities by strengthening their financial institutions,” said Mehok. “The company’s success since its founding almost 20 years ago has been rooted in ensuring we provide the best technology to empower banks and credit unions to not only survive but thrive for their communities. I am truly honored to work with a team of talented individuals who are dedicated to fulfilling our mission and serving our customers and one another.”

About Q2 Holdings, Inc.

Q2 is a leading provider of digital transformation solutions for financial services, serving banks, credit unions, alternative finance companies, and fintechs in the U.S. and internationally. Q2 enables its financial institution and fintech customers to provide comprehensive, data-driven digital engagement solutions for customers, small businesses and corporate clients. Headquartered in Austin, Texas, Q2 has offices worldwide and is publicly traded on the NYSE under the stock symbol QTWO. To learn more, please visit Follow us on LinkedIn and X to stay up to date.

Jean Kondo


Source: Q2 Holdings, Inc.


What award did Q2 Holdings' CFO David Mehok receive in 2024?

David Mehok received the Best CFO Award from Austin Business Journal in the Public Company category.

How much did Q2 Holdings' (QTWO) revenue grow in 2023?

Q2 Holdings' revenue grew to approximately $625 million in 2023, representing an increase of about 53% since David Mehok joined in 2020.

What is Q2 Holdings' (QTWO) projected revenue for 2024?

Q2 Holdings' 2024 financial guidance projects revenue of $689 million.

What is Q2 Holdings' (QTWO) target for subscription revenue growth from 2024 to 2026?

Q2 Holdings is targeting an average annual subscription revenue growth of 14% for the three years from 2024 to 2026.

How much did Q2 Holdings' (QTWO) adjusted EBITDA grow in 2023?

Q2 Holdings' adjusted EBITDA grew to approximately $77 million in 2023, reflecting a growth of 246% since David Mehok joined in 2020.

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