MANTL Announces Integration With Q2’s Digital Banking Platform

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MANTL, an origination platform for financial institutions, has announced its integration with Q2's Digital Banking Platform through the Q2 Partner Accelerator Program. This collaboration integrates MANTL Consumer Deposit Origination and MANTL Business Deposit Origination with Q2's platform, offering a seamless account origination and onboarding experience for banks and credit unions.

The integration provides two key benefits: simplified online banking enrollment by eliminating redundant data entry, and a single sign-on (SSO) integration allowing existing customers to open new accounts in under a minute. This partnership aims to enhance customer acquisition, improve deposit product adoption, and deliver industry-leading time-to-value for financial institutions.

MANTL, una piattaforma di origine per istituzioni finanziarie, ha annunciato la sua integrazione con la Piattaforma di Banking Digitale di Q2 attraverso il Programma di Accelerazione Partner di Q2. Questa collaborazione integra MANTL Consumer Deposit Origination e MANTL Business Deposit Origination con la piattaforma di Q2, offrendo un'esperienza senza soluzione di continuità per l'origine degli account e l'onboarding per banche e cooperative di credito.

L'integrazione offre due vantaggi chiave: una registrazione semplificata per il banking online eliminando l'inserimento ridondante dei dati, e un'integrazione di single sign-on (SSO) che consente ai clienti esistenti di aprire nuovi conti in meno di un minuto. Questa partnership mira a migliorare l'acquisizione di clienti, aumentare l'adozione dei prodotti di deposito e fornire un tempo di valore leader nel settore per le istituzioni finanziarie.

MANTL, una plataforma de origen para instituciones financieras, ha anunciado su integración con la Plataforma de Banca Digital de Q2 a través del Programa de Aceleración de Socios de Q2. Esta colaboración integra MANTL Consumer Deposit Origination y MANTL Business Deposit Origination con la plataforma de Q2, ofreciendo una experiencia de origen de cuenta y onboarding sin interrupciones para bancos y cooperativas de crédito.

La integración proporciona dos beneficios clave: una inscripción simplificada para la banca en línea al eliminar la entrada de datos redundante, y una integración de inicio de sesión único (SSO) que permite a los clientes existentes abrir nuevas cuentas en menos de un minuto. Esta asociación tiene como objetivo mejorar la adquisición de clientes, aumentar la adopción de productos de depósito y ofrecer un tiempo de valor líder en la industria para las instituciones financieras.

MANTL, 금융 기관을 위한 원천 플랫폼, Q2의 디지털 뱅킹 플랫폼과 Q2 파트너 가속화 프로그램을 통해 통합되었다고 발표했습니다. 이 협력은 MANTL 소비자 예금 원천MANTL 비즈니스 예금 원천을 Q2 플랫폼과 통합하여 은행과 신용 조합을 위한 원활한 계좌 개설 및 온보딩 경험을 제공합니다.

통합은 두 가지 주요 이점을 제공합니다: 중복 데이터 입력을 없애는 온라인 뱅킹 등록 간소화와, 기존 고객이 1분 이내에 새로운 계좌를 열 수 있도록 해주는 싱글 사인온(SSO) 통합입니다. 이 파트너십은 고객 확보를 향상시키고, 예금 상품 채택을 개선하며, 금융 기관을 위한 업계 최고의 가치 도달 시간을 제공하는 것을 목표로 합니다.

MANTL, une plateforme d'origine pour les institutions financières, a annoncé son intégration avec la Plateforme de Banque Numérique de Q2 dans le cadre du Programme d'Accélération des Partenaires de Q2. Cette collaboration intègre MANTL Consumer Deposit Origination et MANTL Business Deposit Origination à la plateforme de Q2, offrant une expérience d'ouverture de compte et d'intégration fluide pour les banques et les coopératives de crédit.

L'intégration offre deux avantages clés : un processus d'inscription en ligne simplifié en éliminant la saisie de données redondantes, et une intégration à connexion unique (SSO) qui permet aux clients existants d'ouvrir de nouveaux comptes en moins d'une minute. Ce partenariat vise à améliorer l'acquisition de clients, à favoriser l'adoption des produits de dépôt et à offrir un temps de valeur de premier plan dans l'industrie pour les institutions financières.

MANTL, eine Origination-Plattform für Finanzinstitute, hat ihre Integration mit Q2s Digital Banking Platform über das Q2 Partner Accelerator Programm angekündigt. Diese Zusammenarbeit integriert MANTL Consumer Deposit Origination und MANTL Business Deposit Origination mit der Plattform von Q2 und bietet ein nahtloses Kontoeröffnungs- und Onboarding-Erlebnis für Banken und Kreditgenossenschaften.

Die Integration bietet zwei wichtige Vorteile: vereinfachte Online-Banking-Anmeldung durch die Eliminierung redundanter Dateneingabe und eine Single Sign-On (SSO) Integration, die es bestehenden Kunden ermöglicht, neue Konten in weniger als einer Minute zu eröffnen. Diese Partnerschaft zielt darauf ab, die Kundenakquise zu verbessern, die Annahme von EinlagProdukten zu fördern und eine branchenführende Zeit-bis-Wert für Finanzinstitute zu liefern.

  • Integration with Q2's Digital Banking Platform expands MANTL's market reach
  • Simplified online banking enrollment process eliminates redundant data entry
  • Single sign-on integration enables quick account opening for existing customers
  • Partnership aims to enhance customer acquisition and improve deposit product adoption
  • None.

Financial institutions can now utilize MANTL’s consumer and business deposit origination platform through Q2’s Digital Banking Platform

JERSEY CITY, N.J.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- MANTL, an origination platform for banks and credit unions, is proud to announce its integration with Q2’s Digital Banking Platform via the Q2 Partner Accelerator Program. Q2 Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: QTWO) is a leading provider of digital transformation solutions for financial services. This collaboration integrates MANTL Consumer Deposit Origination and MANTL Business Deposit Origination with Q2's Digital Banking Platform to deliver a seamless account origination and onboarding experience for bank and credit union staff, customers, and members.

The Q2 Partner Accelerator is a program through the Q2 Innovation Studio that allows in-demand financial services companies who are leveraging the Q2 software development kit (SDK) to pre-integrate their technology to the Q2 Digital Banking Platform. This enables financial institutions to work with these partners, purchase their solutions, and rapidly deploy their standardized integrations to financial institutions.

"MANTL is thrilled to join the Q2 Partner Accelerator Program, furthering our commitment to improving the digital banking experience for banks, credit unions, and their communities," said David Carlson, Vice President of Sales at MANTL. "Through this integration, financial institutions can enhance customer and member acquisition and improve deposit product adoption, while benefiting from our industry-leading time-to-value.”

The integration between MANTL and Q2’s Digital Banking Platform offers two critical benefits. First, it simplifies the online banking enrollment process by eliminating redundant data entry. Once customers and members are approved for an account, they can seamlessly enroll in online banking without re-entering any information collected during the account opening process. Secondly, with the single sign-on (SSO) integration, existing customers and members can open new accounts in under a minute. With a few clicks, authenticated customers and members logged into online banking can effortlessly initiate an application through the MANTL platform.

To learn more about MANTL and the Q2 Innovation Partner Accelerator Program, please click here.

MANTL is a financial technology firm offering omnichannel account origination software for banks and credit unions. Consumer Deposit Origination by MANTL is among the fastest and most performant solutions on the market, empowering net-new prospects to open accounts in under three minutes, enabling existing account holders to open additional accounts with just one click, and reducing fraud by as much as 67%. Commercial Deposit Origination by MANTL is a first-of-its-kind solution that reimagines account opening for businesses of all sizes by automating up to 97% of application decisions. MANTL customers raise billions in core deposits each month. Founded in 2016, MANTL is a privately held company headquartered in New York with the backing of prominent venture capital investors. For more information, visit or follow MANTL on LinkedIn.

About Q2 Holdings, Inc.:
Q2 is a leading provider of digital transformation solutions for financial services, serving banks, credit unions, alternative finance companies, and fintechs in the U.S. and internationally. Q2 enables its financial institution and fintech customers to provide comprehensive, data-driven digital engagement solutions for consumers, small businesses and corporate clients. Headquartered in Austin, Texas, Q2 has offices worldwide and is publicly traded on the NYSE under the stock symbol QTWO. To learn more, please visit Follow us on LinkedIn and X to stay up to date.


Jackie Daane


Source: MANTL


What is the significance of MANTL's integration with Q2's Digital Banking Platform?

The integration allows financial institutions to utilize MANTL's consumer and business deposit origination platform through Q2's Digital Banking Platform, providing a seamless account origination and onboarding experience for bank and credit union staff, customers, and members.

How does the MANTL and Q2 integration benefit financial institutions?

The integration simplifies online banking enrollment by eliminating redundant data entry and offers a single sign-on (SSO) feature allowing existing customers to open new accounts in under a minute, enhancing customer acquisition and improving deposit product adoption.

What is the Q2 Partner Accelerator Program?

The Q2 Partner Accelerator is a program through the Q2 Innovation Studio that allows financial services companies to pre-integrate their technology with the Q2 Digital Banking Platform, enabling rapid deployment of standardized integrations to financial institutions.

How does MANTL's integration affect the online banking enrollment process?

The integration simplifies the online banking enrollment process by eliminating redundant data entry. Once customers are approved for an account, they can seamlessly enroll in online banking without re-entering information collected during the account opening process.

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