QT Imaging Holdings Announces Further Expansion of Locations Offering Its Technology at Vitality Renewal, in Illinois

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QT Imaging Holdings (NASDAQ:QTI) announces the expansion of its Breast Acoustic CT™ Scanner to Vitality Renewal Functional Medicine in Crystal Lake, Illinois. Dr. Yvonne Karney, the founder, expresses excitement about offering this FDA-cleared, non-invasive 3D breast imaging technology in the Chicagoland area. The QTscan™ provides detailed images without compression or radiation and is more accurate than mammography and hand-held ultrasound for certain breast structures. Dr. Karney highlights the limitations of mammography, especially for women with dense breasts, and emphasizes the importance of offering women alternative screening options. QTI's CEO, Dr. Raluca Dinu, reaffirms the company's commitment to expanding access to their breast imaging technology nationwide.

QT Imaging Holdings (NASDAQ:QTI) annuncia l'espansione del suo Scanner CT Acustico per il seno™ presso Vitality Renewal Functional Medicine a Crystal Lake, Illinois. La Dr.ssa Yvonne Karney, fondatrice, esprime entusiasmo per l'offerta di questa tecnologia di imaging mammario 3D, non invasiva e approvata dalla FDA nell'area di Chicagoland. Il QTscan™ fornisce immagini dettagliate senza compressione o radiazioni ed è più preciso della mammografia e dell'ecografia manuale per alcune strutture mammarie. La Dr.ssa Karney sottolinea le limitazioni della mammografia, specialmente per le donne con seni densi, e enfatizza l'importanza di offrire alle donne opzioni di screening alternative. Il CEO di QTI, Dr. Raluca Dinu, riafferma l'impegno dell'azienda ad ampliare l'accesso alla loro tecnologia di imaging mammario a livello nazionale.

QT Imaging Holdings (NASDAQ:QTI) anuncia la expansión de su Escáner CT Acústico de Mama™ en Vitality Renewal Functional Medicine en Crystal Lake, Illinois. La Dra. Yvonne Karney, fundadora, expresa su entusiasmo por ofrecer esta tecnología de imagen mamaria 3D, no invasiva y aprobada por la FDA en el área de Chicagoland. El QTscan™ proporciona imágenes detalladas sin compresión ni radiación y es más preciso que la mamografía y el ultrasonido manual para ciertas estructuras mamarias. La Dra. Karney destaca las limitaciones de la mamografía, especialmente para mujeres con senos densos, y enfatiza la importancia de ofrecer opciones de detección alternativas a las mujeres. La CEO de QTI, Dra. Raluca Dinu, reafirma el compromiso de la empresa de ampliar el acceso a su tecnología de imagen mamaria en todo el país.

QT Imaging Holdings (NASDAQ:QTI)는 일리노이주 크리스탈 레이크에 있는 Vitality Renewal Functional Medicine에 유방 음향 CT™ 스캐너의 확장을 발표했습니다. 창립자인 Dr. Yvonne Karney는 이 FDA 승인, 비침습적 3D 유방 영상 기술을 시카고 지역에 제공하게 되어 기쁘다고 전했습니다. QTscan™은 압축이나 방사선 없이 세부 이미지를 제공하며, 특정 유방 구조에 있어 맘모그래피 및 수동 초음파보다 더 정확합니다. Dr. Karney는 특히 유방 밀도가 높은 여성의 경우 맘모그래피의 한계를 강조하고, 여성들에게 대안적인 검진 옵션을 제공하는 것이 중요하다고 강조합니다. QTI의 CEO인 Dr. Raluca Dinu는 회사가 자사의 유방 영상 기술에 대한 접근성을 전국적으로 확대하겠다는 의지를 재확인합니다.

QT Imaging Holdings (NASDAQ:QTI) annonce l'expansion de son Scanner CT Acoustique du Sein™ au Vitality Renewal Functional Medicine à Crystal Lake, Illinois. La Dr Yvonne Karney, fondatrice, exprime son enthousiasme à proposer cette technologie d'imagerie mammaire 3D, non-invasive et approuvée par la FDA dans la région de Chicagoland. Le QTscan™ fournit des images détaillées sans compression ni radiation et est plus précis que la mammographie et l'échographie manuelle pour certaines structures mammaires. La Dr Karney souligne les limitations de la mammographie, en particulier pour les femmes ayant des seins denses, et insiste sur l'importance d'offrir aux femmes des options de dépistage alternatives. Le PDG de QTI, Dr Raluca Dinu, réaffirme l'engagement de l'entreprise à élargir l'accès à sa technologie d'imagerie mammaire à l'échelle nationale.

QT Imaging Holdings (NASDAQ:QTI) gibt die Expansion ihres Brust-Akustik-CT™-Scanners bei Vitality Renewal Functional Medicine in Crystal Lake, Illinois, bekannt. Dr. Yvonne Karney, die Gründerin, äußert ihre Begeisterung darüber, diese von der FDA zugelassene, nicht-invasive 3D-Brustbildgebungstechnologie im Bereich Chicagoland anzubieten. Der QTscan™ liefert detaillierte Bilder ohne Kompression oder Strahlung und ist genauer als die Mammografie und das händische Ultraschall für bestimmte Bruststrukturen. Dr. Karney hebt die Einschränkungen der Mammografie hervor, insbesondere bei Frauen mit dichtem Brustgewebe, und betont die Wichtigkeit, den Frauen alternative Screening-Optionen anzubieten. Der CEO von QTI, Dr. Raluca Dinu, bekräftigt das Engagement des Unternehmens, den Zugang zu ihrer Brustbildgebungstechnologie landesweit zu erweitern.

  • Expansion of Breast Acoustic CT™ Scanner to a new location in Illinois
  • QTscan™ provides more accurate imaging than mammography for certain breast structures
  • FDA-cleared technology offering non-invasive 3D breast imaging without radiation or compression
  • None.

NOVATO, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- QT Imaging Holdings, Inc. (NASDAQ:QTI) a medical device company engaged in research, development, and commercialization of innovative body imaging systems, is pleased to announce further expansion of locations offering the Breast Acoustic CT™ Scanner to Vitality Renewal Functional Medicine, in Crystal Lake, Illinois. The commercial shipment was made together with our strategic business and distribution partner.

Dr. Yvonne Karney, founder of Vitality Renewal Functional Medicine, has been an obstetrics and gynecology doctor for 25 years. Dr. Karney served in the Air Force for 8 years.

“I cannot be more excited that QTI’s Breast Acoustic CT Scanner™ will be available in Chicagoland this summer! The QTscan™ is the first non-invasive breast imaging technology that provides a true 3D image of the breast’s microanatomy down to a few hundred cells without compression or harmful radiation. FDA cleared, and more accurate than mammography and hand-held ultrasound at identifying certain breast structures, the QTscan™ algorithm can systematically strip away normal tissues to expose an underlying mass deep within the dense breast tissue,” said Dr. Karney. “The goal of mammography is to detect cancer early, making treatment easier and resulting in a lower death rate from breast cancer, but there are a few substantial limitations of this imaging modality, which has been the standard of care for decades. Not all breast cancers have calcifications, and these are missed with mammography1. For women with dense breasts, meaning a higher ratio of fibrous to fat tissue, the mammogram is difficult to interpret. This is a significant limitation, because over 40% of women have dense breasts.2 Half of women screened over a 10-year period will have a false positive mammogram. This occurs when the call-back for additional views and possible procedures ends up being non-cancerous. While around 12% of 2-D screening mammograms are recalled for more work-up, only 4.4% of those recalls, or 0.5% overall, conclude with a cancer diagnosis.3 Women deserve to know ALL the facts and be championed for making their own decisions.”

“The QTI team is very proud every time we ship a scanner to another location in the U.S. and doctors such as Dr. Karney get to offer our breast imaging technology to women. Our commitment is to keep doing this until all women will have a choice,” said Dr. Raluca Dinu, Chief Executive Officer at QTI.

About QT Imaging Holding, Inc.

QT Imaging Holdings, Inc. is a public (NASDAQ: QTI) medical device company engaged in research, development, and commercialization of innovative body imaging systems using low frequency sound waves. QT Imaging Holdings, Inc. strives to improve global health outcomes. Its strategy is predicated upon the fact that medical imaging is critical to the detection, diagnosis, and treatment of disease and that it should be safe, affordable, accessible, and centered on the patient’s experience. For more information on QT Imaging Holdings, Inc., please visit the company’s website at

Breast Acoustic CT™ is a trademark of an affiliate of QT Imaging Holdings, Inc.

About Vitality Renewal Functional Medicine

Learn more at Home | Vitality Renewal | Dr. Yvonne Karney.





Ho TH, Bissell MCS, Kerlikowske K, et al. Cumulative Probability of False-Positive Results After 10 Years of Screening With Digital Breast Tomosynthesis vs Digital Mammography. JAMA Netw Open. 2022;5(3):e222440.

Forward Looking Statements

This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. Such statements contain words such as “will,” and “expect,” or the negative thereof or comparable terminology, and include (without limitation) statements regarding the shipment by QT Imaging Holdings to the Vitality Renewal Functional Medicine of a Breast Acoustic CT™ Scanner, plans for QT Imaging Holdings, new product development and introduction, and product sales growth and projected revenues. Forward-looking statements involve certain risks and uncertainties, and actual results may differ materially from those discussed in any such statement. These risks include, but are not limited to: research results from the use of the Breast Acoustic CT™ Scanner, the ability of QT Imaging Holdings to sell and deploy the Breast Acoustic CT™ Scanner, the ability to extend product offerings into new areas or products, the ability to commercialize technology, unexpected occurrences that deter the full documentation and “bring to market” plan for products, trends and fluctuations in the industry, changes in demand and purchasing volume of customers, unpredictability of suppliers, the ability to attract and retain qualified personnel and the ability to move product sales to production levels. Additional factors that could cause actual results to differ are discussed under the heading “Risk Factors” and in other sections of QT Imaging Holding’s (and its predecessor, GigCapital5, Inc.) filings with the SEC, and in its other current and periodic reports filed or furnished from time to time with the SEC. All forward-looking statements in this press release are made as of the date hereof, based on information available to QT Imaging Holdings as of the date hereof, and QT Imaging Holdings assumes no obligation to update any forward-looking statement.

For media inquiries, please contact:

Susan Schaffler

Head of Communications

Stas Budagov

Chief Financial Officer

Source: QT Imaging Holdings, Inc.


What new location is QT Imaging Holdings (QTI) expanding to?

QT Imaging Holdings is expanding its Breast Acoustic CT™ Scanner technology to Vitality Renewal Functional Medicine in Crystal Lake, Illinois.

How does QTI's QTscan™ compare to traditional mammography?

The QTscan™ is more accurate than mammography and hand-held ultrasound at identifying certain breast structures, provides 3D images without compression or radiation, and is particularly beneficial for women with dense breasts.

What are the advantages of QTI's Breast Acoustic CT™ Scanner?

The Breast Acoustic CT™ Scanner offers non-invasive 3D breast imaging without harmful radiation or compression, provides detailed microanatomy images, and is FDA-cleared. It's especially useful for women with dense breasts where mammograms may be less effective.

Who is the founder of Vitality Renewal Functional Medicine partnering with QTI?

Dr. Yvonne Karney, an obstetrics and gynecology doctor with 25 years of experience, is the founder of Vitality Renewal Functional Medicine partnering with QTI to offer the Breast Acoustic CT™ Scanner.

QT Imaging Holdings, Inc.


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Medical Devices
Electromedical & Electrotherapeutic Apparatus
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