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Medolife Rx, a subsidiary of Quanta (OTC PINK: QNTA), announced a webcast for investors scheduled for June 8, 2021. CEO Dr. Arthur Mikaelian and CFO Clemente Pascarella will discuss recent developments. The company focuses on biotechnology and wellness products, with its lead program, Escozine®, aimed at treating various conditions, including COVID-19 and cancer. Medolife has completed preclinical research on Escozine® and is seeking product registration in the U.S. and Latin America.
Medolife Rx, a subsidiary of Quanta (QNTA), launched a PSA-style TV ad campaign in the Dominican Republic to promote its lead drug candidate, Escozine®, as a natural cancer treatment. With renewed product registration, Escozine® will be marketed throughout Latin America. The establishment of a customer service center aims to support patient needs. Medolife awaits bioethics approval for clinical trials to validate Escozine®'s efficacy. Additionally, Escozine® is being tested for COVID-19 treatment in the U.S. and DR, with promising preclinical results.
Medolife Rx, a subsidiary of Quanta (OTC PINK: QNTA), has produced a pharmaceutical-quality batch of its lead drug candidate, Escozine®, in the Dominican Republic. This batch will be submitted to the Ministry of Health as part of the approval process for clinical trials targeting COVID-19. Medolife owns a unique scorpion research facility, enhancing its production capabilities and supply chain efficiency. The company is also pursuing further applications for Escozine® in cancer treatment and awaits a response on its pre-IND filing with the FDA.
Medolife Rx, a subsidiary of Quanta, Inc. (QNTA), reported strong first-quarter 2021 financial results, achieving total revenues of USD $318,807. The company maintained gross margins above 90% and ended the quarter with over USD $300,000 in cash, marking significant growth compared to the previous year. Positive developments included preclinical studies on its lead drug candidate, Escozine®, and preparation for a Pre-Investigational New Drug filing with the FDA. Medolife is expanding its scorpion research facility in the Dominican Republic and rebranding its nutraceutical products to cater to major markets.
Medolife Rx, a subsidiary of Quanta (OTC PINK: QNTA), has completed initial meetings with CONABIOS in the Dominican Republic to seek approval for clinical trials of Escozine® as a treatment for COVID-19. The company conducted significant preclinical trials with over 500 participants, demonstrating Escozine®'s efficacy in reducing severity and duration of COVID-19 symptoms without adverse effects. Following a successful Investigational New Drug (IND) filing with the FDA, Medolife is prepared to commence Phase II human trials.
Medolife Rx, a subsidiary of Quanta (OTC PINK: QNTA), announced CEO Dr. Arthur Mikaelian was awarded by the National District of Civil Defense in the Dominican Republic for his support in combatting COVID-19 with Escozine®. The company has registered Escozine® as an alternative medicine for cancer treatment in the DR and Latin America, increasing production to meet demand. Medolife is also seeking approval for Phase II clinical trials for Escozine® as a COVID-19 treatment. This recognition highlights the company's commitment to impactful health solutions.
Medolife Rx, a bioceutical company and subsidiary of Quanta (OTC PINK: QNTA), has secured a new extraction facility in the Dominican Republic. This facility aims to increase production of Escozine®, a potential natural cancer treatment, to meet rising demand. The new facility is expected to boost production capacity ten-fold and allow in-house peptide production, enhancing profit margins. Medolife is also conducting research on Escozine® as a treatment for COVID-19 and pursuing FDA approval for further clinical studies.
Medolife Rx, a bioceutical company and a subsidiary of Quanta (QNTA), announced a leadership change with President Philip Sands stepping down as part of its merger completion. CEO Dr. Arthur Mikaelian will take over as interim President and Chairman while maintaining his CEO role. Medolife aims to enhance its global pharmaceutical and nutraceutical footprint, focusing on its lead product, Escozine®, derived from scorpion peptides, targeting COVID-19 and cancer treatments. The company recently registered Escozine® for sales in Latin America, underlining its growth strategy.
Quanta, Inc. (OTC PINK: QNTA) has announced a significant advancement through its subsidiary Medolife Rx, which has enhanced its proprietary polarization technology. This new method increases the efficacy and potency of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) with reduced heat generation. The technology will be applied in both nutraceutical and pharmaceutical sectors, notably for their lead product Escozine®, aimed at treating COVID-19 and cancer. Recently, Medolife achieved a key milestone with drug product registration in the Dominican Republic, facilitating Escozine® sales across Latin America.
Medolife Rx, a biopharmaceutical company, announced the renewal of the product registration certificate for its drug candidate Escozine® in the Dominican Republic. This approval allows Escozine® to be prescribed as an alternative medicine for cancer treatments and COVID-19. The registration opens distribution opportunities across Latin America, where cancer is a significant health issue, with over one million annual diagnoses. Medolife’s CEO emphasized the revenue potential and the vital role of Escozine® in improving the quality of life for patients.