Qualys Debuts Industry's First Risk Operations Center (ROC) in the Cloud

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Qualys (NASDAQ: QLYS) has launched the industry's first Risk Operations Center (ROC) with Enterprise TruRisk Management (ETM) at the Qualys Security Conference. This innovative solution aims to transform cybersecurity risk management by unifying diverse security data into actionable insights. The ROC consolidates risk data from both Qualys and non-Qualys sources, including technology alliances like Forescout, Okta AI, Microsoft, Oracle, and Wiz.

Key features of Qualys ETM include:

  • Ingesting and unifying risk factors from various security tools
  • Aligning risk to business value for better communication of financial impact
  • Automated remediation workflows to reduce cyber risk

The solution is designed to help organizations overcome challenges posed by fragmented risk data and enable more informed decision-making in cybersecurity management.

Qualys (NASDAQ: QLYS) ha lanciato il primo Centro Operativo di Rischio (ROC) del settore con Gestione del Rischio Enterprise TruRisk (ETM) durante la Conferenza sulla Sicurezza Qualys. Questa soluzione innovativa punta a trasformare la gestione del rischio informatico unificando diversi dati di sicurezza in approfondimenti utilizzabili. Il ROC consolida i dati di rischio provenienti da fonti Qualys e non, comprese alleanze tecnologiche come Forescout, Okta AI, Microsoft, Oracle e Wiz.

Le caratteristiche principali di Qualys ETM includono:

  • Ingestione e unificazione di fattori di rischio da vari strumenti di sicurezza
  • Allineamento del rischio al valore aziendale per una migliore comunicazione dell'impatto finanziario
  • Flussi di lavoro di remediation automatizzati per ridurre il rischio informatico

La soluzione è progettata per aiutare le organizzazioni a superare le sfide poste dai dati di rischio frammentati e consentire decisioni più informate nella gestione della sicurezza informatica.

Qualys (NASDAQ: QLYS) ha lanzado el primer Centro de Operaciones de Riesgo (ROC) de la industria con Gestión de Riesgo Empresarial TruRisk (ETM) en la Conferencia de Seguridad de Qualys. Esta solución innovadora tiene como objetivo transformar la gestión del riesgo cibernético unificando diversos datos de seguridad en información procesable. El ROC consolida los datos de riesgo tanto de fuentes Qualys como no Qualys, incluyendo alianzas tecnológicas como Forescout, Okta AI, Microsoft, Oracle y Wiz.

Las características clave de Qualys ETM incluyen:

  • Ingestión y unificación de factores de riesgo de varias herramientas de seguridad
  • Alineación del riesgo con el valor empresarial para una mejor comunicación del impacto financiero
  • Flujos de trabajo de remediación automatizados para reducir el riesgo cibernético

La solución está diseñada para ayudar a las organizaciones a superar los desafíos que plantean los datos de riesgo fragmentados y permitir una toma de decisiones más informada en la gestión de la ciberseguridad.

Qualys (NASDAQ: QLYS)는 Qualys 보안 컨퍼런스에서 위험 운영 센터(ROC)기업 TruRisk 관리(ETM)를 출시했습니다. 이 혁신적인 솔루션은 다양한 보안 데이터를 실행 가능한 통찰력으로 통합하여 사이버 보안 위험 관리를 변환하는 것을 목표로 합니다. ROC는 Forescout, Okta AI, Microsoft, Oracle 및 Wiz와 같은 기술 제휴를 포함하여 Qualys 및 비Qualys 출처의 위험 데이터를 통합합니다.

Qualys ETM의 주요 기능은 다음과 같습니다:

  • 다양한 보안 도구로부터 위험 요소를 수집 및 통합
  • 재무적 영향의 보다 나은 소통을 위하여 위험을 비즈니스 가치와 정렬
  • 사이버 위험을 줄이기 위한 자동화된 remediation 워크플로우

이 솔루션은 조직이 단편화된 위험 데이터가 제기하는 문제를 극복하고 사이버 보안 관리에서 더 많은 정보에 기반한 의사 결정을 할 수 있도록 돕도록 설계되었습니다.

Qualys (NASDAQ: QLYS) a lancé le premier Centre d'Opérations de Risque (ROC) de l'industrie avec Gestion du Risque Enterprise TruRisk (ETM) lors de la Conférence de Sécurité Qualys. Cette solution innovante vise à transformer la gestion des risques en cybersécurité en unifiant diverses données de sécurité en informations exploitables. Le ROC consolide les données de risque provenant à la fois de sources Qualys et non-Qualys, y compris des alliances technologiques telles que Forescout, Okta AI, Microsoft, Oracle et Wiz.

Les principales caractéristiques de Qualys ETM comprennent :

  • Intégration et unification des facteurs de risque à partir de divers outils de sécurité
  • Alignement du risque sur la valeur commerciale pour une meilleure communication de l'impact financier
  • Flux de travail de remédiation automatisés pour réduire le risque cybernétique

La solution est conçue pour aider les organisations à surmonter les défis posés par des données de risque fragmentées et à permettre une prise de décision plus informée en matière de gestion de la cybersécurité.

Qualys (NASDAQ: QLYS) hat das erste Risk Operations Center (ROC) der Branche mit Enterprise TruRisk Management (ETM) auf der Qualys Security Conference vorgestellt. Diese innovative Lösung zielt darauf ab, das Management von Cybersecurity-Risiken zu transformieren, indem unterschiedliche Sicherheitsdaten in umsetzbare Erkenntnisse zusammengeführt werden. Das ROC konsolidiert Risikodaten sowohl aus Qualys- als auch aus Nicht-Qualys-Quellen, einschließlich technologischer Partnerschaften mit Forescout, Okta AI, Microsoft, Oracle und Wiz.

Die Schlüsselmerkmale von Qualys ETM umfassen:

  • Erfassung und Vereinheitlichung von Risikofaktoren aus verschiedenen Sicherheitswerkzeugen
  • Ausrichtung des Risikos an Geschäftswerten zur besseren Kommunikation der finanziellen Auswirkungen
  • Automatisierte Remediation-Workflows zur Reduzierung des Cyberrisikos

Die Lösung wurde entwickelt, um Organisationen dabei zu helfen, die Herausforderungen fragmentierter Risikodaten zu überwinden und fundiertere Entscheidungen im Management der Cybersecurity zu ermöglichen.

  • Launch of industry's first Risk Operations Center (ROC) with Enterprise TruRisk Management (ETM)
  • Integration of risk data from multiple sources, including technology alliances
  • Ability to measure TruRisk score by aggregating and unifying dispersed risk factors
  • Enables cyber risk quantification (CRQ) for communicating business impact of security threats
  • Automated remediation workflows to reduce cyber risk efficiently
  • None.


Qualys' introduction of the Risk Operations Center (ROC) with Enterprise TruRisk Management (ETM) represents a significant advancement in cybersecurity risk management. This solution addresses a critical industry need by consolidating fragmented risk data from various sources, including third-party integrations, into a unified platform.

The ROC's ability to ingest both Qualys and non-Qualys data for a comprehensive risk assessment is particularly noteworthy. By correlating this data with threat intelligence and business context, it provides a more accurate and actionable view of an organization's cybersecurity posture. The inclusion of Cyber Risk Quantification (CRQ) functionality allows CISOs to translate technical risks into financial impact, which is important for communicating with board members and justifying security investments.

The automated remediation workflows and integration with ITSM tools like ServiceNow and JIRA could significantly reduce mean time to remediation, addressing a common pain point in cybersecurity operations. Overall, this launch positions Qualys as a leader in the evolving landscape of integrated cybersecurity risk management solutions.

The launch of Qualys' Risk Operations Center (ROC) with Enterprise TruRisk Management (ETM) is a strategic move that could positively impact the company's market position and financial performance. By addressing the growing need for integrated risk management solutions, Qualys is tapping into a high-demand market segment.

The solution's ability to unify data from various sources, including major players like Microsoft and Oracle, enhances its value proposition and could lead to increased adoption rates. The emphasis on aligning cybersecurity risks with business value and financial impact is likely to resonate with C-suite executives, potentially driving sales in enterprise markets.

While specific financial projections aren't provided, the immediate availability of the product and the offer of a free trial suggest Qualys is positioned to capitalize on market interest quickly. Investors should monitor adoption rates and the impact on Qualys' revenue streams in upcoming quarterly reports to gauge the success of this new offering.

Qualys Enterprise TruRisk Management redefines cyber risk operations by unifying diverse security solutions for prioritization and actionable remediation

SAN DIEGO, Oct. 9, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Qualys, Inc. (NASDAQ: QLYS), a leading provider of disruptive cloud-based IT, security and compliance solutions, today announced the launch of the industry's first Risk Operations Center (ROC) with Enterprise TruRisk Management (ETM) at the Qualys Security Conference. The solution enables CISOs and business leaders to manage cybersecurity risks in real time, transforming fragmented, siloed data into actionable insights that align cyber risk operations with business priorities. The application consolidates both Qualys and non-Qualys security risk data, including from technology alliances like Forescout, Identity Threat Protection with Okta AI, Microsoft, Oracle, and Wiz across cloud, on-premises and hybrid environments.

Organizations are facing an ever-growing volume of risk findings spread across multiple, disconnected top 10 dashboards. This fragmented view results in conflicting analyses, duplicate work, missed threats, and strategies that fail to fully protect the organization. As a result, companies struggle to get a clear understanding of their true, overall risk, hindering their ability to make informed remediation decisions.

To overcome these challenges, businesses need an integrated approach that combines heterogeneous risk factors from various asset management tools and disparate cybersecurity solutions into a single platform with remediation and mitigation capabilities to reduce risk quickly. That is why Qualys is launching the world's first ROC with Enterprise TruRisk Management designed to unify asset inventory and risk factors, apply threat intelligence, business context, risk prioritization, and orchestrate remediation, compliance and reporting through a single interface.

"With IT environments growing more complex and potential risk exposures more numerous, organizations need a holistic and proactive cybersecurity management platform that brings all cyber-risk exposures to one place, unifies scoring and simplifies prioritization and reporting," said Michelle Abraham, research director at IDC. "Qualys' approach with the Risk Operations Center delivers this ideal in a cohesive way. With the ability to analyze all risk factors at a glance – such as exploitability, unique organizational context, threat intelligence, and financial impact – Qualys Enterprise TruRisk Management empowers CISOs and business leaders to create actionable, enterprise-wide strategies to reduce risk to levels that align with the business's objectives."

Qualys Enterprise TruRisk Management enables enterprises to operationalize their ROC –

  • Ingesting Qualys and Non-Qualys Data for an Accurate Measure of Business Risk: Enterprises are able to measure their TruRisk score, by aggregating and unifying dispersed risk factors – such as vulnerabilities, security postures, asset exposures, and identities – generated by their security toolset across the full stack of cloud, on-premises, or third-party applications. This data is correlated with over 25 threat intel sources and business context to precisely highlight key risk exposure indicators, enabling proactive risk management for business entities, processes or applications.
  • Aligning Risk to Business Value to Communicate Financial Impact of Cyber Risk: CISOs are expected to communicate the return on investment (ROI) and outcomes of existing and future cybersecurity investments in terms of reduction of business risk. By aligning business value and potential losses from cyber risks, ETM enables cyber risk quantification (CRQ) for CISOs and risk teams to communicate the business impact of TruRisk for critical applications, entities and processes, shifting the focus from technical issues to understanding the financial impact of security threats. ETM also allows teams to recognize the contribution of risk factors produced by individual cybersecurity tools, toward overall enterprise-wide TruRisk scores impacting the business, to justify cybersecurity tool investment and better prioritization.
  • Automated Remediation Workflows to Reduce Cyber Risk: Security and Risk Operations teams can leverage personalized risk reduction plans with Qualys TruRisk Eliminate to intelligently patch or mitigate the prioritized exposure indicators, such as vulnerabilities, misconfigurations, asset and software risks, by balancing risk reduction with business continuity. ETM also supports rule-based integrations with ITSM tools, such as ServiceNow and JIRA, to automatically assign prioritized tickets of unified exposures to the right remediation teams and orchestrate active remediation through integrated zero-trust, firewalled solutions to rapidly reduce risk, which helps reduce time to communicate and mean time to remediation.

"Organizations need an accurate diagnosis of their risk, including both IT and security data, in a unified view," said Scott Woodgate, general manager, Microsoft Security. "Qualys Enterprise TruRisk now integrates with Microsoft Defender for Endpoint vulnerability and device data to make this possible."

"On its 25th anniversary, Qualys continues its never-ending innovation journey by again disrupting the cybersecurity market with the introduction of the Risk Operations Center (ROC)," said Sumedh Thakar, president and CEO of Qualys. "The ROC delivered by Qualys ETM transforms proactive cybersecurity, empowering organizations to operationalize their risk management process in a single platform, and revolutionizing the way customers measure, communicate and eliminate risk, irrespective of which cyber tools they employ."


Qualys Enterprise TruRisk Management is immediately available. To start your ROC journey, sign up for a free trial, read the blogs, "The Future of Cybersecurity Risk Management: Risk Operations Center (ROC) delivered by Qualys Enterprise TruRisk Management (ETM)" and "Qualys Launches Enterprise TruRisk Management: The Industry's First Cloud-Based Risk Operations Center" or attend the webinar.

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About Qualys   

Qualys, Inc. (NASDAQ: QLYS) is a leading provider of disruptive cloud-based security, compliance and IT solutions with more than 10,000 subscription customers worldwide, including a majority of the Forbes Global 100 and Fortune 100. Qualys helps organizations streamline and automate their security and compliance solutions onto a single platform for greater agility, better business outcomes, and substantial cost savings.

The Qualys Enterprise TruRisk Platform leverages a single agent to continuously deliver critical security intelligence while enabling enterprises to automate the full spectrum of vulnerability detection, compliance, and protection for IT systems, workloads and web applications across on premises, endpoints, servers, public and private clouds, containers, and mobile devices. Founded in 1999 as one of the first SaaS security companies, Qualys has strategic partnerships and seamlessly integrates its vulnerability management capabilities into security offerings from cloud service providers, including Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, Amazon Web Services, the Google Cloud Platform and Microsoft Azure, along with a number of leading managed service providers and global consulting organizations. For more information, please visit

Qualys, Qualys VMDR®, Qualys TruRisk and the Qualys logo are proprietary trademarks of Qualys, Inc. All other products or names may be trademarks of their respective companies. 

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Rachel Yap Winship 


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SOURCE Qualys, Inc.


What is Qualys Enterprise TruRisk Management (ETM)?

Qualys Enterprise TruRisk Management (ETM) is a cloud-based solution that unifies asset inventory and risk factors, applies threat intelligence and business context, prioritizes risks, and orchestrates remediation, compliance, and reporting through a single interface.

How does Qualys ETM help in risk management?

Qualys ETM helps in risk management by aggregating risk factors from various security tools, aligning risk to business value, enabling cyber risk quantification, and providing automated remediation workflows to reduce cyber risk efficiently.

When was Qualys Enterprise TruRisk Management released?

Qualys Enterprise TruRisk Management was announced on October 9, 2024, at the Qualys Security Conference and is immediately available.

What companies has Qualys (QLYS) partnered with for the Risk Operations Center?

Qualys has partnered with technology alliances including Forescout, Okta AI, Microsoft, Oracle, and Wiz for data integration into its Risk Operations Center.

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