Global TB Summit 2024: QIAGEN leads the charge as tuberculosis reemerges as a leading infectious killer

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QIAGEN is sponsoring the annual Global TB Summit from October 8-11, 2024, addressing the resurgence of tuberculosis as a leading infectious killer. The event will gather thousands of healthcare professionals, advocates, and policymakers from over 170 countries. Key points include:

- TB incident rate rose by 3.9% in 2022, with 10.6 million people falling ill and 1.3 million deaths
- QIAGEN's QuantiFERON-TB Gold Plus test plays a important role in detecting latent TB infection
- Over 35 top TB experts will discuss advancements in diagnostics and new treatment strategies
- The summit offers CPD and CME credits and emphasizes the need for renewed global efforts in TB control
- Topics include global and regional TB updates, challenges in special populations, and socioeconomic factors influencing TB

The event aims to foster collaboration and innovation in the fight against TB, with a focus on early detection and prevention strategies.

QIAGEN sponsorizza il Global TB Summit annuale dall'8 all'11 ottobre 2024, affrontando la recrudescenza della Tubercolosi come principale causa di morte per infezioni. L'evento riunirà migliaia di professionisti della salute, sostenitori e responsabili politici provenienti da oltre 170 paesi. I punti principali includono:

- Il tasso di incidenza della tubercolosi è aumentato del 3,9% nel 2022, con 10,6 milioni di persone che si sono ammalate e 1,3 milioni di morti
- Il test QuantiFERON-TB Gold Plus di QIAGEN svolge un ruolo importante nella rilevazione dell'infezione tubercolare latente
- Oltre 35 esperti di tubercolosi discuteranno i progressi nelle diagnosi e le nuove strategie di trattamento
- Il summit offre crediti CPD e CME e sottolinea la necessità di rinnovati sforzi globali nel controllo della tubercolosi
- Gli argomenti trattati includono aggiornamenti globali e regionali sulla tubercolosi, sfide nelle popolazioni speciali e fattori socioeconomici che influenzano la tubercolosi

L'evento mira a promuovere la collaborazione e l'innovazione nella lotta contro la tubercolosi, con un focus su strategie di rilevamento precoce e prevenzione.

QIAGEN patrocina el Global TB Summit anual que se llevará a cabo del 8 al 11 de octubre de 2024, abordando el resurgimiento de la tuberculosis como la principal causa de muerte por infecciones. El evento reunirá a miles de profesionales de la salud, defensores y responsables de políticas de más de 170 países. Los puntos clave incluyen:

- La tasa de incidencia de TB aumentó un 3.9% en 2022, con 10.6 millones de personas enfermas y 1.3 millones de muertes
- La prueba QuantiFERON-TB Gold Plus de QIAGEN desempeña un papel importante en la detección de la infección latente de TB
- Más de 35 expertos en TB discutirán avances en diagnóstico y nuevas estrategias de tratamiento
- La cumbre ofrece créditos CPD y CME y enfatiza la necesidad de esfuerzos globales renovados en el control de la TB
- Los temas incluyen actualizaciones globales y regionales sobre la TB, desafíos en poblaciones especiales y factores socioeconómicos que influyen en la TB

El evento tiene como objetivo fomentar la colaboración y la innovación en la lucha contra la TB, con un enfoque en estrategias de detección temprana y prevención.

QIAGEN은 2024년 10월 8일부터 11일까지 매년 열리는 Global TB Summit를 후원하여 결핵이 주요 감염병 사망 원인으로서 다시 떠오르고 있는 문제를 다룹니다. 이 행사에는 170개국 이상의 의료 전문가, 옹호자 및 정책 입안자들이 모입니다. 주요 내용은 다음과 같습니다:

- 2022년 결핵 발생률이 3.9% 증가하여 1,060만 명이 병에 걸리고 130만 명이 사망함
- QIAGEN의 QuantiFERON-TB Gold Plus 검사는 잠복 결핵 감염을 탐지하는 데 중요한 역할을 합니다
- 35명 이상의 결핵 전문가가 진단의 진전과 새로운 치료 전략에 대해 논의할 예정입니다
- 이 정상 회담은 CPD 및 CME 학점을 제공하며, 결핵 통제를 위한 전 세계적 노력의 필요성을 강조합니다
- 주제에는 글로벌 및 지역 결핵 업데이트, 특정 인구에서의 문제 및 결핵에 영향을 주는 사회경제적 요인이 포함됩니다

이 행사는 결핵 퇴치에 대한 조기 발견 및 예방 전략을 중심으로 협력과 혁신을 촉진하는 것을 목표로 합니다.

QIAGEN sponsorise le Global TB Summit annuel, qui se tiendra du 8 au 11 octobre 2024, afin d'aborder la résurgence de la tuberculose en tant que principal tueur infectieux. L'événement rassemblera des milliers de professionnels de la santé, de défenseurs et de décideurs politiques venus de plus de 170 pays. Les points clés incluent :

- Le taux d'incidence de la tuberculose a augmenté de 3,9 % en 2022, avec 10,6 millions de personnes tombant malades et 1,3 million de décès
- Le test QuantiFERON-TB Gold Plus de QIAGEN joue un rôle important dans la détection de l'infection latente de la tuberculose
- Plus de 35 experts de la tuberculose discuteront des avancées en matière de diagnostic et de nouvelles stratégies de traitement
- Le sommet offre des crédits CPD et CME et souligne la nécessité d'efforts mondiaux renouvelés pour le contrôle de la tuberculose
- Les sujets abordés incluent des mises à jour sur la tuberculose à l'échelle mondiale et régionale, des défis liés à des populations spécifiques et des facteurs socio-économiques influençant la tuberculose

L'événement vise à favoriser la collaboration et l'innovation dans la lutte contre la tuberculose, en se concentrant sur des stratégies de détection précoce et de prévention.

QIAGEN sponsert den jährlichen Global TB Summit vom 8. bis 11. Oktober 2024, der sich mit dem Wiederaufleben der Tuberkulose als führendem infektiösen Killer beschäftigt. Die Veranstaltung wird Tausende von Gesundheitsfachkräften, Befürwortern und politischen Entscheidungsträgern aus über 170 Ländern zusammenbringen. Wichtige Punkte sind:

- Die Inzidenzrate von TB stieg 2022 um 3,9 % an, wobei 10,6 Millionen Menschen erkrankten und 1,3 Millionen starben
- Der QuantiFERON-TB Gold Plus-Test von QIAGEN spielt eine wichtige Rolle bei der Erkennung latenter TB-Infektionen
- Über 35 führende TB-Experten werden über Fortschritte in der Diagnostik und neue Behandlungsstrategien diskutieren
- Der Gipfel bietet CPD- und CME-Credits an und betont die Notwendigkeit erneuter globaler Anstrengungen zur TB-Kontrolle
- Thematisiert werden globale und regionale TB-Updates, Herausforderungen in speziellen Bevölkerungsgruppen und sozioökonomische Faktoren, die TB beeinflussen

Die Veranstaltung zielt darauf ab, Zusammenarbeit und Innovation im Kampf gegen TB zu fördern, wobei der Fokus auf früher Erkennung und Präventionsstrategien liegt.

  • QIAGEN's QuantiFERON-TB Gold Plus test has distributed over 125 million tests across 130+ countries
  • The Global TB Summit offers free online attendance and CPD/CME credits for participants
  • The summit features over 35 leading TB experts discussing critical topics and advancements in TB management
  • Tuberculosis incident rate increased by 3.9% in 2022
  • An estimated 10.6 million people fell ill with tuberculosis in 2022, leading to 1.3 million deaths
  • Approximately one quarter of the world's population is believed to be infected with latent TB


The Global TB Summit 2024 highlights the resurgence of tuberculosis as a major global health threat, with incident rates rising 3.9% in 2022 after previous declines. This event, sponsored by QIAGEN, brings together experts to address critical challenges in TB control and prevention.

Key points:

  • TB caused an estimated 10.6 million infections and 1.3 million deaths in 2022
  • QIAGEN's QuantiFERON-TB Gold Plus (QFT-Plus) test has been important in TB detection, with over 125 million tests distributed globally
  • The summit will cover advancements in diagnostics, prevention and treatment strategies
  • An estimated 25% of the world's population has latent TB infection

The focus on latent TB detection and prevention through tools like QFT-Plus could significantly impact global TB control efforts. This event underscores the need for continued innovation and collaboration in combating TB, potentially influencing future healthcare policies and market demand for advanced diagnostic tools.

QIAGEN's sponsorship of the Global TB Summit 2024 positions the company as a leader in TB diagnostics, potentially boosting its market presence and product adoption. The rising TB incidence rates and WHO endorsement of QIAGEN's QuantiFERON technology suggest a growing market for TB diagnostics.

Key market implications:

  • Increased global focus on TB could drive demand for QIAGEN's diagnostic products
  • The summit's CPD and CME accreditation may lead to wider adoption of QIAGEN's technologies among healthcare professionals
  • Collaboration with over 35 leading TB experts could result in new product developments or partnerships
  • The hybrid format of the summit may expand QIAGEN's reach and influence in the global healthcare community

While specific financial figures are not provided, the event's scale and QIAGEN's prominent role suggest potential for significant long-term market growth in the TB diagnostics sector. Investors should monitor for any new partnerships or product announcements resulting from this summit.

QIAGEN’s leading tuberculosis blood test QuantiFERON®-TB Gold Plus remains crucial for detection of latent tuberculosis infection, aiding in breaking the cycle of disease transmission // Over 35 top tuberculosis experts to discuss critical topics such as advancements in diagnostics and new treatment strategies // CPD- and CME-accredited event highlights the need for renewed global efforts for tuberculosis control

Venlo, the Netherlands, Oct. 07, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Thousands of healthcare professionals, advocates, and public policymakers from over 170 countries are set to participate from October 8-11 in the annual Global TB Summit, sponsored by QIAGEN, as the world confronts the resurgence of tuberculosis as one of the deadliest infectious diseases.

After a decline of about 2% per year between 2020 and 2022, the tuberculosis incident rate rose by 3.9% in 2022. An estimated 10.6 million people worldwide fell ill with tuberculosis in 2022, leading to 1.3 million deaths. This made tuberculosis the second leading infectious disease killer after COVID-19.1

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), access to early and accurate diagnosis is a key factor for the End TB Strategy.1 One test endorsed by the WHO is QIAGEN’s leading TB blood test QuantiFERON-TB Gold Plus (QFT®-Plus), producing more accurate results than the century-old skin test. It is unaffected by prior BCG vaccination and is optimized to elicit both CD8 and CD4 T cell responses. With over 125 million tests distributed across more than 130 countries, QIAGEN’s QuantiFERON technology has been pivotal in national TB control strategies, aiding in the early detection and prevention of TB.

“Tuberculosis remains a significant global threat, even though it is both preventable and curable. At the Global TB Summit 2024, we are focusing on the most pressing challenges. Our mission is clear: to harness innovation and foster global collaboration in our fight against this deadly disease. Only by coming together and leveraging our collective expertise can we seek to have a TB-free world,” said Glen Hansen, Chief Medical Officer at QIAGEN.

This year’s Global TB Summit, scheduled in a hybrid format with virtual and in-person meetings in London, will gather to hear from over 35 leading TB experts about new ways to address the urgent need for intensified action against TB. The summit is free to attend online and offers participants the opportunity to earn CPD and CME credits.

The event will cover critical topics such as global and regional TB updates, challenges in special populations, the impact of co-morbidities and the socioeconomic factors influencing TB. Attendees will also hear powerful personal narratives from patients and healthcare workers on the frontlines, providing both educational and inspirational content for all participants. Additionally, the event will cover advancements in TB diagnostics, prevention and treatment strategies.

The identification and treatment of latent TB infection is critical to curbing the spread of the disease. An estimated one quarter of the world’s population is believed to be infected with latent TB. This makes the infection a silent threat, with those infected showing no symptoms of the disease. The infection can stay latent for years, but may progress to active TB in some patients, further transmitting and spreading the disease. QFT-Plus plays a crucial role in identifying those infected before they develop symptoms, enabling preventative treatment that can break the cycle of TB transmission.

Professor Onn Min Kon, Consultant Respiratory Physician at Imperial College, England, and chair of the Global TB Summit, emphasized the event’s importance: "With a focus on the global challenges in TB control, as well as the latest advancements in diagnostics and new strategies in TB management, I am confident that this year’s Global TB Summit will offer invaluable insights that are directly applicable to your practice."

With a history spanning more than a decade, the Global TB Summit has become a cornerstone event for learning about the latest developments in TB, networking with peers and gaining insights from real-world clinical cases. The full program as well as the registration form can be found here:

1) WHO Global Tuberculosis Report 2023 Factsheet,; accessed on September 16, 2024


QIAGEN N.V., a Netherlands-based holding company, is the leading global provider of Sample to Insight solutions that enable customers to gain valuable molecular insights from samples containing the building blocks of life. Our sample technologies isolate and process DNA, RNA and proteins from blood, tissue and other materials. Assay technologies make these biomolecules visible and ready for analysis. Bioinformatics software and knowledge bases interpret data to report relevant, actionable insights. Automation solutions tie these together in seamless and cost-effective workflows. QIAGEN provides solutions to more than 500,000 customers around the world in Molecular Diagnostics (human healthcare) and Life Sciences (academia, pharma R&D and industrial applications, primarily forensics). As of June 30, 2024, QIAGEN employed more than 5,900 people in over 35 locations worldwide. Further information can be found at

Forward-Looking Statement

Certain statements contained in this press release may be considered forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the U.S. Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. To the extent that any of the statements contained herein relating to QIAGEN's products, timing for launch and development, marketing and/or regulatory approvals, financial and operational outlook, growth and expansion, collaborations, markets, strategy or operating results, including without limitation its expected adjusted net sales and adjusted diluted earnings results, are forward-looking, such statements are based on current expectations and assumptions that involve a number of uncertainties and risks. Such uncertainties and risks include, but are not limited to, risks associated with management of growth and international operations (including the effects of currency fluctuations, regulatory processes and dependence on logistics), variability of operating results and allocations between customer classes, the commercial development of markets for our products to customers in academia, pharma, applied testing and molecular diagnostics; changing relationships with customers, suppliers and strategic partners; competition; rapid or unexpected changes in technologies; fluctuations in demand for QIAGEN's products (including fluctuations due to general economic conditions, the level and timing of customers' funding, budgets and other factors); our ability to obtain regulatory approval of our products; difficulties in successfully adapting QIAGEN's products to integrated solutions and producing such products; the ability of QIAGEN to identify and develop new products and to differentiate and protect our products from competitors' products; market acceptance of QIAGEN's new products and the integration of acquired technologies and businesses; actions of governments, global or regional economic developments, weather or transportation delays, natural disasters, political or public health crises, and its impact on the demand for our products and other aspects of our business, or other force majeure events; as well as the possibility that expected benefits related to recent or pending acquisitions may not materialize as expected; and the other factors discussed under the heading “Risk Factors in our most recent Annual Report on Form 20-F. For further information, please refer to the discussions in reports that QIAGEN has filed with, or furnished to, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.

Source: QIAGEN N.V.
Category: Corporate


When and where is the Global TB Summit 2024 sponsored by QIAGEN taking place?

The Global TB Summit 2024 is scheduled from October 8-11 in a hybrid format with virtual and in-person meetings in London.

What is the significance of QIAGEN's QuantiFERON-TB Gold Plus test in tuberculosis control?

QIAGEN's QuantiFERON-TB Gold Plus test is important for detecting latent tuberculosis infection, producing more accurate results than the traditional skin test and aiding in breaking the cycle of disease transmission.

How has the tuberculosis incident rate changed recently according to the QIAGEN press release?

After a decline of about 2% per year between 2020 and 2022, the tuberculosis incident rate rose by 3.9% in 2022.

What are some key topics that will be discussed at the Global TB Summit 2024?

Key topics include global and regional TB updates, challenges in special populations, the impact of co-morbidities, socioeconomic factors influencing TB, advancements in TB diagnostics, and new prevention and treatment strategies.



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