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QED Connect (OTC PINK:QEDN) has successfully delivered its first purchase order of GMSacha Inchi flour to the Pilot Raw Material Plant in Vevey, Switzerland, owned by one of the world's largest food companies. This milestone marks a significant step for QEDN, as it positions the company as a unique supplier of high-quality Sacha Inchi flour for use in plant-based protein and Omega 3,6,9 formulations.
Key highlights:
- QEDN has contracts with over 950 farmers in Colombia, managing 950 hectares of Sacha Inchi
- The company's R&D facilities have been verified by the buyer
- QEDN is developing GMSacha Inchi beverages in 1-liter and 200-ml tetra packs
- The company is also working with the Colombian government to develop 'bienestarina mas nuestra' for low-income families
- QEDN's Sacha Inchi flour contains 29% protein and is rich in Omega 3, 6, and 9
What is the current stock price of QED CONNECT (QEDN)?