D-Wave Quantum Joins the Chicago Quantum Exchange

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D-Wave Quantum Inc., a leading quantum computing provider, has joined the Chicago Quantum Exchange (CQE) as a corporate partner. The collaboration aims to advance quantum education, industry adoption, and research in materials science. D-Wave offers cloud access to its 5,000+-qubit annealing systems and is developing gate-based systems. The partnership aligns with CQE's mission to foster a Midwest-based quantum community and drive the quantum economy.

D-Wave's involvement extends to MxD, a Chicago-based digital manufacturing innovation center, where its technology can be applied to optimization problems in logistics, manufacturing, and supply chain management. This collaboration is part of a broader initiative, supported by Governor J.B. Pritzker, to boost quantum commercialization in the region.

D-Wave Quantum Inc., un fornitore leader nel campo del calcolo quantistico, è diventato partner corporate del Chicago Quantum Exchange (CQE). La collaborazione punta a promuovere l'istruzione quantistica, l'adozione industriale e la ricerca in scienza dei materiali. D-Wave offre accesso cloud ai suoi sistemi di annealing con oltre 5.000 qubit e sta sviluppando sistemi basati su gate. Questa partnership si allinea con la missione del CQE di creare una comunità quantistica basata nel Midwest e di stimolare l'economia quantistica.

Il coinvolgimento di D-Wave si estende a MxD, un centro di innovazione nella produzione digitale con sede a Chicago, dove la sua tecnologia può essere applicata a problemi di ottimizzazione nella logistica, produzione e gestione della catena di approvvigionamento. Questa collaborazione fa parte di un'iniziativa più ampia, sostenuta dal Governatore J.B. Pritzker, per incentivare la commercializzazione del quantistico nella regione.

D-Wave Quantum Inc., un proveedor líder en computación cuántica, se ha unido al Chicago Quantum Exchange (CQE) como socio corporativo. La colaboración tiene como objetivo avanzar en la educación cuántica, la adopción en la industria y la investigación en ciencia de materiales. D-Wave ofrece acceso en la nube a sus sistemas de recocido de más de 5,000 qubits y está desarrollando sistemas basados en compuertas. La asociación se alinea con la misión del CQE de fomentar una comunidad cuántica en el Medio Oeste y de impulsar la economía cuántica.

La participación de D-Wave se extiende a MxD, un centro de innovación en manufactura digital con sede en Chicago, donde su tecnología puede aplicarse a problemas de optimización en logística, manufactura y gestión de la cadena de suministro. Esta colaboración es parte de una iniciativa más amplia, apoyada por el Gobernador J.B. Pritzker, para impulsar la comercialización cuántica en la región.

D-Wave Quantum Inc.는 선도적인 양자 컴퓨팅 제공업체로, 시카고 양자 거래소(CQE)의 기업 파트너로 합류했습니다. 이 협력은 양자 교육, 산업 수용재료 과학 연구를 발전시키는 것을 목표로 합니다. D-Wave는 5,000개 이상의 큐비트를 갖춘 어닐링 시스템에 대한 클라우드 접근을 제공하며, 게이트 기반 시스템을 개발하고 있습니다. 이 파트너십은 CQE의 미션인 중서부 기반의 양자 커뮤니티를 육성하고 양자 경제를 주도하기 위한 것입니다.

D-Wave의 참여는 시카고에 본사를 두고 있는 디지털 제조 혁신 센터인 MxD로 확대되며, 그 기술은 물류, 제조 및 공급망 관리의 최적화 문제에 적용될 수 있습니다. 이 협력은 지역의 양자 상업화를 촉진하기 위해 J.B. 프리츠커 주지사가 지원하는 보다 광범위한 이니셔티브의 일환입니다.

D-Wave Quantum Inc., un fournisseur leader en informatique quantique, a rejoint le Chicago Quantum Exchange (CQE) en tant que partenaire corporatif. La collaboration vise à faire progresser l'éducation quantique, l'adoption industrielle et la recherche en science des matériaux. D-Wave propose un accès cloud à ses systèmes d'annealing avec plus de 5 000 qubits et développe des systèmes basés sur des portes. Ce partenariat est en adéquation avec la mission du CQE de favoriser une communauté quantique dans le Midwest et de dynamiser l'économie quantique.

L'implication de D-Wave s'étend à MxD, un centre d'innovation en fabrication numérique basé à Chicago, où sa technologie peut être appliquée à des problèmes d'optimisation dans la logistique, la fabrication et la gestion de la chaîne d'approvisionnement. Cette collaboration fait partie d'une initiative plus large, soutenue par le Gouverneur J.B. Pritzker, visant à stimuler la commercialisation quantique dans la région.

D-Wave Quantum Inc., ein führender Anbieter von Quantencomputing, hat sich als Unternehmenspartner dem Chicago Quantum Exchange (CQE) angeschlossen. Die Zusammenarbeit zielt darauf ab, Quantenbildung, Industrieakzeptanz und Forschung in Materialwissenschaften voranzutreiben. D-Wave bietet Cloud-Zugang zu seinen annealing Systemen mit über 5.000 Qubits und entwickelt Gate-basierte Systeme. Die Partnerschaft steht im Einklang mit der Mission des CQE, eine Quanten-Community im Mittleren Westen zu fördern und die Quantenwirtschaft voranzutreiben.

D-Waves Engagement erstreckt sich auch auf MxD, ein in Chicago ansässiges Zentrum für digitale Fertigungsinnovation, wo seine Technologie auf Optimierungsprobleme in Logistik, Fertigung und Lieferkettenmanagement angewendet werden kann. Diese Zusammenarbeit ist Teil einer breiteren Initiative, die von Gouverneur J.B. Pritzker unterstützt wird, um die Quantenkommerzialisierung in der Region zu fördern.

  • D-Wave joins Chicago Quantum Exchange, potentially expanding its market reach and research collaborations
  • Partnership aims to accelerate industry adoption of quantum computing
  • D-Wave's 5,000+-qubit annealing systems available via cloud access
  • Collaboration with MxD opens opportunities in manufacturing and logistics sectors
  • Alignment with government-supported quantum commercialization initiatives in the region
  • None.

D-Wave's partnership with the Chicago Quantum Exchange (CQE) represents a strategic move in the quantum computing landscape, but its immediate impact on investors is likely . While this collaboration enhances D-Wave's visibility and potential for future growth, it doesn't directly affect the company's current financial performance or market position.

The partnership does highlight D-Wave's commitment to education and industry adoption, which could lead to long-term benefits. By engaging with the CQE community on materials science research and developing practical optimization use cases, D-Wave is positioning itself to capitalize on future market opportunities. However, investors should note that the quantum computing industry is still in its early stages and widespread commercial adoption may take time.

This move aligns with broader industry trends, as seen in Governor Pritzker's multi-year plan to support quantum commercialization in the region. While promising, investors should remain cautious and monitor concrete developments in D-Wave's business operations and financial results before making investment decisions based on such partnerships.

Collaboration aims to further quantum education and industry adoption efforts

PALO ALTO, Calif. & CHICAGO--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- D-Wave Quantum Inc., a leading provider of quantum computing systems, software, and services, has joined the Chicago Quantum Exchange (CQE) as a corporate partner. The company, which serves a wide range of industries, helps customers derive value from today’s quantum technologies by solving complex computational problems spanning optimization, research and artificial intelligence.

It aims to engage with the CQE community on materials science research, quantum education, and the development of practical optimization use cases, including for the manufacturing and logistics industries.

“Quantum computing has the potential to create new paths for solving some of society’s most difficult challenges, but to realize this vision, we need to accelerate industry adoption and ensure that the future quantum workforce has access to education programs geared toward real-world applications,” said David Awschalom, the Liew Family Professor in Molecular Engineering and Physics at the University of Chicago and the director of the Chicago Quantum Exchange. “We look forward to collaborating with D-Wave to advance these shared goals.”

D-Wave, founded in 1999, is developing two types of superconducting quantum computers: annealing systems, currently at 5,000+-qubits, and gate-based systems. D-Wave offers cloud access to its current annealing quantum computing systems as well as open-source software and support services for customers across a variety of sectors, including government, education, manufacturing, logistics, financial services, life sciences, retail and more.

“As the world’s first commercial quantum computing company, D-Wave is at the forefront of quantum innovation, education, and adoption,” said Dr. Alan Baratz, CEO of D-Wave. “Our efforts are well aligned with the Chicago Quantum Exchange’s mission of fostering a Midwest-based quantum community that advances quantum science, trains the future quantum workforce, and, ultimately, drives the quantum economy. We’re thrilled to join the CQE and look forward to working together to support its efforts in helping Chicago become a central driver of US leadership in quantum.”

The CQE is based at the University of Chicago and anchored by the US Department of Energy’s Argonne National Laboratory and Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, the University of Wisconsin–Madison, Northwestern University, and Purdue University. The CQE includes about 50 corporate, international, nonprofit, and regional partners.

D-Wave is also a member of MxD, a Chicago-based digital manufacturing innovation center focused on providing solutions for the domestic defense industrial base. MxD members can use D-Wave’s quantum computing technologies today to solve a variety of optimization problems that they face, including optimization for logistics and manufacturing, materials sciences, mobility, supply chain management, and more.

Both MxD and the CQE are members of The Bloch Quantum Tech Hub. Governor J.B. Pritzker announced a multi-year plan to support quantum commercialization in the region. D-Wave’s technology, products, and training are expected to play a role in these efforts.

About D-Wave Quantum Inc.

D-Wave is a leader in the development and delivery of quantum computing systems, software, and services, and is the world’s first commercial supplier of quantum computers—and the only company building both annealing quantum computers and gate-model quantum computers. Our mission is to unlock the power of quantum computing today to benefit business and society. We do this by delivering customer value with practical quantum applications for problems as diverse as logistics, artificial intelligence, materials sciences, drug discovery, scheduling, cybersecurity, fault detection, and financial modeling. D-Wave’s technology has been used by some of the world’s most advanced organizations including Mastercard, Deloitte, Davidson Technologies, ArcelorMittal, Siemens Healthineers, Unisys, NEC Corporation, Pattison Food Group Ltd., DENSO, Lockheed Martin, Forschungszentrum Jülich, University of Southern California, and Los Alamos National Laboratory.

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Certain statements in this press release are forward-looking, as defined in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These statements involve risks, uncertainties, and other factors that may cause actual results to differ materially from the information expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements and may not be indicative of future results. These forward-looking statements are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties, including, among others, various factors beyond management’s control, including the risks set forth under the heading “Risk Factors” discussed under the caption “Item 1A. Risk Factors” in Part I of our most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K or any updates discussed under the caption “Item 1A. Risk Factors” in Part II of our Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q and in our other filings with the SEC. Undue reliance should not be placed on the forward-looking statements in this press release in making an investment decision, which are based on information available to us on the date hereof. We undertake no duty to update this information unless required by law.


Alex Daigle

Source: D-Wave Quantum Inc.


What is the significance of D-Wave Quantum (QBTS) joining the Chicago Quantum Exchange?

D-Wave's partnership with CQE aims to advance quantum education, industry adoption, and materials science research. It aligns with CQE's mission to foster a Midwest-based quantum community and drive the quantum economy, potentially expanding D-Wave's market reach and research collaborations.

How many qubits does D-Wave Quantum's (QBTS) current annealing system have?

D-Wave's current annealing quantum computing system has over 5,000 qubits.

What industries can benefit from D-Wave Quantum's (QBTS) technology through the MxD partnership?

Through the partnership with MxD, D-Wave's quantum computing technologies can be applied to optimization problems in industries such as manufacturing, logistics, materials sciences, mobility, and supply chain management.

How is D-Wave Quantum (QBTS) contributing to quantum education efforts?

D-Wave is collaborating with the Chicago Quantum Exchange to advance quantum education, including developing programs geared toward real-world applications of quantum computing.

D-Wave Quantum Inc.


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