D-Wave Introduces Service-Level Agreements for Leap Quantum Cloud Customers in Production

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D-Wave Quantum Inc. (NYSE: QBTS) has introduced service-level agreements (SLAs) for its Leap™ quantum cloud service customers transitioning to production applications. The company's Leap service, providing access to annealing quantum computers and hybrid solvers since 2018, has consistently exceeded 99.9% availability for its Solver API and quantum computers over the past two years.

Key highlights include:

  • Nearly 200 million jobs run without scheduling or queue times
  • Average job processing time of less than a second on the QPU
  • 30% boost in processing speeds with recent enhancements
  • 215% increase in job submissions over the past 12 months, totaling over 60 million

The SLAs aim to support the growing commercial adoption of quantum technology by ensuring reliability and accessibility for business-critical workflows.

D-Wave Quantum Inc. (NYSE: QBTS) ha introdotto accordi di livello di servizio (SLA) per i clienti del suo servizio cloud quantistico Leap™ che si stanno trasferendo a applicazioni di produzione. Il servizio Leap dell'azienda, che fornisce accesso a computer quantistici di annichilimento e risolutori ibridi dal 2018, ha continuamente superato il 99.9% di disponibilità per la sua API Solver e i computer quantistici negli ultimi due anni.

I punti salienti includono:

  • Quasi 200 milioni di lavori eseguiti senza tempi di pianificazione o di attesa
  • Tempo medio di elaborazione dei lavori inferiore a un secondo sulla QPU
  • Aumento del 30% nella velocità di elaborazione con i recenti miglioramenti
  • Aumento del 215% nelle richieste di lavoro negli ultimi 12 mesi, per un totale di oltre 60 milioni

Gli SLA mirano a supportare l'adozione commerciale crescente della tecnologia quantistica garantendo affidabilità e accessibilità per i flussi di lavoro critici per le aziende.

D-Wave Quantum Inc. (NYSE: QBTS) ha introducido acuerdos de nivel de servicio (SLA) para los clientes de su servicio de nube cuántica Leap™ que están haciendo la transición a aplicaciones de producción. El servicio Leap de la compañía, que proporciona acceso a computadoras cuánticas de recocido y solucionadores híbridos desde 2018, ha superado consistentemente el 99.9% de disponibilidad para su API Solver y computadoras cuánticas en los últimos dos años.

Los puntos destacados incluyen:

  • Casi 200 millones de trabajos ejecutados sin tiempos de programación o de espera
  • Tiempo promedio de procesamiento de trabajos de menos de un segundo en la QPU
  • Aumento del 30% en la velocidad de procesamiento con las mejoras recientes
  • Aumento del 215% en las presentaciones de trabajos en los últimos 12 meses, totalizando más de 60 millones

Los SLA tienen como objetivo apoyar la creciente adopción comercial de la tecnología cuántica asegurando fiabilidad y accesibilidad para flujos de trabajo críticos para el negocio.

D-Wave Quantum Inc. (NYSE: QBTS)는 서비스 수준 계약(SLA)을 도입하여 Leap™ 양자 클라우드 서비스 고객이 생산 애플리케이션으로 전환할 수 있도록 지원하고 있습니다. 2018년부터 소멸 양자 컴퓨터와 하이브리드 솔버에 대한 접근을 제공하는 회사의 Leap 서비스는 지난 2년 동안 99.9% 이상의 가용성을 지속적으로 초과했습니다. 이 가용성은 Solver API와 양자 컴퓨터를 포함합니다.

주요 하이라이트는 다음과 같습니다:

  • 예약 또는 대기 시간이 없는 거의 2억 개의 작업 실행
  • QPU에서 평균 작업 처리 시간 1초 미만
  • 최근 개선으로 인해 처리 속도 30% 향상
  • 지난 12개월 동안 작업 제출이 215% 증가하여 6천만 건 이상 완료

SLA는 비즈니스에 중요한 작업 흐름의 신뢰성과 접근성을 보장하여 양자 기술의 상업적 채택이 증가하도록 지원하는 것을 목표로 합니다.

D-Wave Quantum Inc. (NYSE: QBTS) a introduit des accords de niveau de service (SLA) pour ses clients du service cloud quantique Leap™ qui passent à des applications de production. Le service Leap de l'entreprise, qui donne accès à des ordinateurs quantiques d'aniquilation et à des solveurs hybrides depuis 2018, a dépasse régulièrement 99,9 % de disponibilité pour son API Solver et ses ordinateurs quantiques au cours des deux dernières années.

Les points clés comprennent :

  • Près de 200 millions de travaux exécutés sans temps d'attente ou de planification
  • Temps de traitement moyen inférieur à une seconde sur le QPU
  • Amélioration de 30 % des vitesses de traitement avec les récentes améliorations
  • Augmentation de 215 % des soumissions de travaux au cours des 12 derniers mois, totalisant plus de 60 millions

Les SLA visent à soutenir l'adoption commerciale croissante de la technologie quantique en garantissant fiabilité et accessibilité pour les flux de travail critiques pour l'entreprise.

D-Wave Quantum Inc. (NYSE: QBTS) hat Service-Level-Agreements (SLAs) für Kunden seines Leap™-Quanten-Cloud-Dienstes eingeführt, die in Produktionsanwendungen übergehen. Der Leap-Service des Unternehmens, der seit 2018 den Zugang zu annealing-quantencomputern und hybriden Lösungsansätzen ermöglicht, hat in den letzten zwei Jahren durchgehend eine Verfügbarkeit von über 99,9% für seine Solver-API und Quantencomputer erreicht.

Wichtige Highlights sind:

  • Fast 200 Millionen Jobs, die ohne Terminplanung oder Wartezeiten ausgeführt werden
  • Durchschnittliche Bearbeitungszeit von weniger als einer Sekunde auf dem QPU
  • 30% Steigerung der Verarbeitungsgeschwindigkeit durch die jüngsten Verbesserungen
  • 215% Zuwachs bei den Job-Einreichungen in den letzten 12 Monaten, insgesamt über 60 Millionen

Die SLAs zielen darauf ab, die wachsende kommerzielle Akzeptanz von Quanten-Technologie zu unterstützen, indem sie Zuverlässigkeit und Zugänglichkeit für geschäftskritische Arbeitsabläufe gewährleisten.

  • Consistent 99.9% availability for Solver API and quantum computers over the past two years
  • Nearly 200 million jobs run without scheduling or queue times
  • Average job processing time of less than a second on the QPU
  • 30% boost in processing speeds with recent enhancements
  • 215% increase in job submissions over the past 12 months, totaling over 60 million
  • None.


D-Wave's introduction of service-level agreements (SLAs) for its Leap quantum cloud service marks a significant step towards the commercialization of quantum computing. The 99.9% uptime and availability guarantee, along with subsecond solve times, demonstrates the maturity and reliability of their quantum systems. This move is particularly noteworthy as it addresses key concerns for businesses looking to integrate quantum computing into their production environments.

The 215% increase in job submissions over the past year indicates growing adoption and trust in D-Wave's technology. The ability to process nearly 200 million jobs without scheduling or queue times showcases the scalability of their system, which is important for real-world applications. The recent 30% boost in processing speeds further enhances the value proposition for potential customers.

For investors, this development signals D-Wave's readiness to capture a larger share of the emerging quantum computing market. The SLAs could potentially accelerate enterprise adoption, leading to increased revenue streams and solidifying D-Wave's position as a leader in commercial quantum computing solutions.

D-Wave's introduction of SLAs for its Leap quantum cloud service is a strategic move that could significantly impact the quantum computing market landscape. By offering guarantees typically associated with mature cloud services, D-Wave is positioning itself as a reliable provider for enterprise-grade quantum solutions.

The consistent 99.9% availability over the past two years demonstrates operational excellence, which is important for attracting risk-averse enterprise customers. The substantial increase in job submissions - over 60 million in the past 12 months - indicates growing market demand and could translate into revenue growth for D-Wave.

For investors, this development suggests D-Wave is transitioning from a primarily research-focused company to one with a strong commercial outlook. The emphasis on production-grade services could lead to more stable, recurring revenue streams, potentially improving the company's financial profile and making it a more attractive investment in the quantum computing sector.

D-Wave's cloud service offers 99.9% uptime and availability with subsecond solve times even under heavy customer usage

PALO ALTO, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- D-Wave Quantum Inc. (NYSE: QBTS) (“D-Wave” or the “Company”), a leader in quantum computing systems, software, and services and the world’s first commercial supplier of quantum computers, today announced the introduction of service-level agreements (SLAs) specifically tailored for Leap™ quantum cloud service customers who are transitioning applications into production. By establishing formal SLAs, D-Wave stands behind the high levels of availability, reliability and scalability of its Leap cloud service and its ability to support requirements for commercial-grade quantum and hybrid-quantum applications as customers move into production deployments.

The Leap quantum cloud service—providing real-time, secure access to D-Wave’s annealing quantum computers and hybrid solvers since 2018—has proven to be a production-grade service on which customers can run business-critical workflows. D-Wave’s monitoring data confirms that the Leap service has consistently exceeded 99.9% availability for its Solver API and its aggregated set of annealing quantum computers over the past two years, meaning that the service is highly responsive even during periods of high demand.

Since the launch of the Leap service, customers have run nearly 200 million jobs without having to schedule work in advance, endure lengthy queue times, or work around unavailable hardware. On average, it takes just a fraction of a second to process a job directly on the QPU, according to recent median sample-time measurements. D-Wave recently introduced enhancements to the Leap service and the Ocean™ SDK that boost its already remarkably fast processing speeds by 30%, enabling customers to achieve even faster computations and solve complex problems more effectively. In the past 12 months, the Leap service has seen a surge in usage, with over 60 million jobs submitted, a 215% increase over the previous 12 months. This growth highlights the demand for immediate access to cloud-based quantum computing, reinforcing D-Wave’s decision to create an SLA offering for its customers.

“When it comes to incorporating quantum computing into a company’s overall IT infrastructure, organizations should consider prioritizing a real-time production-grade quantum cloud service that offers the kind of assurances that service-level agreements provide,” said Heather West, PhD, research manager and analyst with IDC. “Technology leaders should have the same expectations of quantum cloud services that they do for any software-as-a-service, with reliability and accessibility leading their decision criteria.”

“As the transition to production deployments accelerates, providing exceptional access to our cloud service has never been more critical,” said Dr. Trevor Lanting, chief development officer of D-Wave. “Our SLA offering is designed to support this dynamic shift with confidence, enabling businesses to thrive as quantum technology’s commercial value and adoption grows.”

Learn more about D-Wave’s Leap quantum cloud service.

About D-Wave Quantum Inc.

D-Wave is a leader in the development and delivery of quantum computing systems, software, and services, and is the world’s first commercial supplier of quantum computers—and the only company building both annealing quantum computers and gate-model quantum computers. Our mission is to unlock the power of quantum computing today to benefit business and society. We do this by delivering customer value with practical quantum applications for problems as diverse as logistics, artificial intelligence, materials sciences, drug discovery, scheduling, cybersecurity, fault detection, and financial modeling. D-Wave’s technology has been used by some of the world’s most advanced organizations including Mastercard, Deloitte, Davidson Technologies, ArcelorMittal, Siemens Healthineers, Unisys, NEC Corporation, Pattison Food Group Ltd., DENSO, Lockheed Martin, Forschungszentrum Jülich, University of Southern California, and Los Alamos National Laboratory.

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Certain statements in this press release are forward-looking, as defined in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These statements involve risks, uncertainties, and other factors that may cause actual results to differ materially from the information expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements and may not be indicative of future results. These forward-looking statements are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties, including, among others, various factors beyond management’s control, including the risks set forth under the heading “Risk Factors” discussed under the caption “Item 1A. Risk Factors” in Part I of our most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K or any updates discussed under the caption “Item 1A. Risk Factors” in Part II of our Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q and in our other filings with the SEC. Undue reliance should not be placed on the forward-looking statements in this press release in making an investment decision, which are based on information available to us on the date hereof. We undertake no duty to update this information unless required by law.

Media Contacts:


Alex Daigle

Source: D-Wave Quantum Inc.


What is D-Wave's new offering for Leap quantum cloud service customers?

D-Wave has introduced service-level agreements (SLAs) for Leap quantum cloud service customers who are transitioning applications into production, ensuring high levels of availability, reliability, and scalability.

What is the availability rate of D-Wave's Leap quantum cloud service?

D-Wave's Leap quantum cloud service has consistently exceeded 99.9% availability for its Solver API and aggregated set of annealing quantum computers over the past two years.

How many jobs have been run on D-Wave's Leap quantum cloud service?

Since the launch of the Leap service, customers have run nearly 200 million jobs without having to schedule work in advance, endure lengthy queue times, or work around unavailable hardware.

What is the average processing time for a job on D-Wave's QPU?

On average, it takes just a fraction of a second to process a job directly on the QPU, according to recent median sample-time measurements.

How has D-Wave's Leap service usage grown in the past year?

In the past 12 months, the Leap service has seen a surge in usage, with over 60 million jobs submitted, representing a 215% increase over the previous 12 months.

D-Wave Quantum Inc.


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