QBE Blazes the Trail for Employee Impact Investing

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QBE North America has launched a pioneering initiative allowing employees to participate in philanthropic impact investments through the CataCap platform and ImpactAssets donor-advised fund. A pilot group of 100 employees can invest $1,000 each, seeded by the QBE Possibilities Fund, into opportunities focused on climate resilience, racial equity, and gender equality.

Employees can add their own funds, which are tax-deductible and eligible for a QBE Foundation match. Any returns flow back into donor-advised accounts for reinvestment. This initiative makes impact investing accessible to all employees, not just high-net-worth individuals. After the pilot, all QBE North America employees can build impact investment portfolios with minimum donations of $100.

QBE North America ha lanciato un'iniziativa pionieristica che consente ai dipendenti di partecipare a investimenti di impatto filantropico attraverso la piattaforma CataCap e il fondo di beneficenza ImpactAssets. Un gruppo pilota di 100 dipendenti può investire 1.000 dollari ciascuno, finanziati dal QBE Possibilities Fund, in opportunità focalizzate sulla resilienza climatica, l'equità razziale e l'uguaglianza di genere.

I dipendenti possono aggiungere i propri fondi, che sono deducibili dalle tasse e idonei per un abbinamento della QBE Foundation. Qualsiasi ritorno fluisce nuovamente nei conti consigliati per il reinvestimento. Questa iniziativa rende gli investimenti a impatto accessibili a tutti i dipendenti, non solo a quelli con un alto patrimonio netto. Dopo il pilota, tutti i dipendenti di QBE North America possono costruire portafogli di investimenti a impatto con donazioni minime di 100 dollari.

QBE North America ha lanzado una iniciativa pionera que permite a los empleados participar en inversiones de impacto filantrópico a través de la plataforma CataCap y el fondo asesorado por donantes ImpactAssets. Un grupo piloto de 100 empleados puede invertir 1.000 dólares cada uno, financiados por el QBE Possibilities Fund, en oportunidades centradas en la resiliencia climática, la equidad racial y la igualdad de género.

Los empleados pueden agregar sus propios fondos, que son deducibles de impuestos y elegibles para un emparejamiento de la Fundación QBE. Cualquier rendimiento regresa a las cuentas asesoradas para su reinversión. Esta iniciativa hace que las inversiones de impacto sean accesibles para todos los empleados, no solo para aquellos con un alto patrimonio neto. Después del piloto, todos los empleados de QBE North America pueden construir carteras de inversiones de impacto con donaciones mínimas de 100 dólares.

QBE North America는 직원들이 CataCap 플랫폼과 ImpactAssets 기부자 지정 기금을 통해 자선 임팩트 투자에 참여할 수 있는 획기적인 이니셔티브를 시작했습니다. 100명의 직원으로 구성된 파일럿 그룹은 QBE 가능성 기금으로 시드된 1,000달러를 각자 투자할 수 있으며, 기후 회복력, 인종 평등 및 성 평등에 중점을 둔 기회에 투자하게 됩니다.

직원들은 자신의 자금을 추가할 수 있으며, 이 자금은 세금 공제가 가능하고 QBE 재단의 매칭을 받을 수 있습니다. 모든 수익은 재투자를 위해 기부자 지정 계좌로 돌아갑니다. 이 이니셔티브는 모든 직원들에게 임팩트 투자를 접근할 수 있게 하며, 고액 자산가들만을 위한 것이 아닙니다. 파일럿 이후, 모든 QBE North America 직원들은 최소 100달러의 기부로 임팩트 투자 포트폴리오를 구축할 수 있습니다.

QBE North America a lancé une initiative novatrice permettant aux employés de participer à des investissements d'impact philanthropique via la plateforme CataCap et le fonds conseillé par des donateurs ImpactAssets. Un groupe pilote de 100 employés peut investir chacun 1 000 dollars, financés par le QBE Possibilities Fund, dans des opportunités axées sur la résilience climatique, l'équité raciale et l'égalité des sexes.

Les employés peuvent ajouter leurs propres fonds, qui sont déductibles d'impôt et éligibles pour un match de la Fondation QBE. Tous les rendements retournent dans des comptes conseillés pour réinvestissement. Cette initiative rend les investissements à impact accessibles à tous les employés, pas seulement à ceux disposant d'un patrimoine élevé. Après la phase pilote, tous les employés de QBE North America pourront constituer des portefeuilles d'investissements d'impact avec des dons minimums de 100 dollars.

QBE North America hat eine bahnbrechende Initiative ins Leben gerufen, die es den Mitarbeitern ermöglicht, an philanthropischen Impact-Investitionen über die CataCap-Plattform und den ImpactAssets-Fonds mit Empfehlungsberatung teilzunehmen. Eine Pilotgruppe von 100 Mitarbeitern kann jeweils 1.000 US-Dollar investieren, die vom QBE Possibilities Fund bereitgestellt werden, in Möglichkeiten, die sich auf Klimaresilienz, Rassengleichheit und Geschlechtergerechtigkeit konzentrieren.

Mitarbeiter können eigene Mittel hinzufügen, die steuerlich absetzbar sind und für eine Matching-Spende der QBE Foundation in Frage kommen. Alle Renditen fließen zurück in die empfohlenen Spendenkonten zur Reinvestition. Diese Initiative macht Impact-Investitionen für alle Mitarbeiter zugänglich, nicht nur für wohlhabende Einzelpersonen. Nach der Pilotphase können alle Mitarbeiter von QBE North America Impact-Investitionsportfolios mit Mindestspenden von 100 US-Dollar aufbauen.

  • Innovative employee engagement in philanthropic impact investing
  • Company provides $1,000 seed money for 100 employees in pilot program
  • Tax-deductible employee contributions with company match, doubling impact
  • Potential for ongoing reinvestment of returns into impact opportunities
  • None.

The QBE Possibilities Fund seeding $1,000 each to a pilot group of 100 employees.

NEW YORK, Aug. 5, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- QBE North America has launched a first-of-its-kind initiative in the US that gives employees a vehicle to participate in philanthropic impact investments made through the CataCap platform held at donor-advised fund ImpactAssets

Philanthropic impact investing refers to the utilization of a donor-advised fund to direct donations to companies, organizations and funds with the intention of generating beneficial social or environmental impact as well as a financial return. Any return on the philanthropic investment recycles back into the donor-advised fund account where it can be redirected towards another philanthropic impact investment. Donations can never be withdrawn from the donor-advised account, creating a virtuous cycle of capital allocation towards for-profit companies creating impact.

A pilot group of 100 employees have been offered the chance to place a philanthropic investment of $1,000 each, seeded by the QBE Possibilities Fund, into a selection of five opportunities with impact themes focused on climate resilience, racial equity and gender equality. Employees may also add their own funds towards a philanthropic impact investment, and the donation is tax-deductible and eligible for a QBE Foundation match, effectively doubling the employees' contributions. Any returns flow back into the employees' donor-advised accounts for reallocation towards another impact opportunity. 

This new capability makes philanthropic impact investing accessible to everyone, rather than exclusively to high-net-worth families, foundations and corporations. Once the pilot is complete, all QBE North America employees will have the opportunity to build a portfolio of philanthropic impact investments across a range of asset classes with minimum donations starting at $100

"The QBE Possibilities Fund is thrilled to provide this opportunity to our employees to participate in this groundbreaking program that expects to have a positive impact on critical social and environmental challenges," said Adrian La Forgia, QBE North America's Chief Risk Officer. "When these investments generate a financial return to a revolving fund of philanthropic impact investments, we can offer ever-growing support for entrepreneurial-minded organizations focused on accelerating solutions to climate and equity challenges."

The QBE Possibilities Fund pilot will run through September at which time participation in philanthropic impact investments using the CataCap platform will be extended to all QBE North America employees.

About QBE North America

QBE North America is a global insurance leader helping customers solve unique risks, so they can stay focused on their future. Part of QBE Insurance Group Limited, QBE North America reported Gross Written Premiums in 2023 of $7.6 billion. QBE Insurance Group's results can be found at Headquartered in Sydney, Australia, QBE operates out of 27 countries around the globe, with a presence in every key insurance market. The North America division, headquartered in New York, conducts business primarily through its insurance company subsidiaries. The actual terms and conditions of any insurance coverage are subject to the language of the policies as issued. Additional information can be found at or follow QBE North America on LinkedInFacebook and Instagram

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What is the QBE Possibilities Fund and how does it work for employees?

The QBE Possibilities Fund is an initiative by QBE North America that seeds $1,000 to each of 100 pilot employees for philanthropic impact investments. Employees can invest in opportunities focused on climate resilience, racial equity, and gender equality through the CataCap platform and ImpactAssets donor-advised fund.

How can QBE North America employees participate in the philanthropic impact investing program?

Currently, 100 employees are part of a pilot program. After September 2024, all QBE North America employees will have the opportunity to build a portfolio of philanthropic impact investments with minimum donations starting at $100.

What are the benefits for employees participating in QBE's philanthropic impact investing program?

Employees can make tax-deductible contributions, which are eligible for a QBE Foundation match, effectively doubling their impact. Any returns from investments flow back into their donor-advised accounts for reinvestment in other impact opportunities.

What impact themes does QBE's philanthropic impact investing program focus on?

The program focuses on impact themes including climate resilience, racial equity, and gender equality, allowing employees to invest in opportunities that address critical social and environmental challenges.



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