Paycor Unveils Innovative Features to Redefine Time-Off Management

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Paycor HCM, Inc. (Nasdaq: PYCR) has unveiled innovative features to transform time-off management for the modern workforce. The new additions to Paycor's HCM platform aim to streamline operations through automation, real-time visibility, and proactive controls. Key benefits include:

1. Better Insights & Visibility: Seamless integration of time-off requests with scheduling, providing real-time visibility and enhanced productivity.

2. Faster Communication and Approvals: Time Off Advisor offers peak time visibility, automatic request approvals, and on-the-go management for leaders.

3. Prevent Burn-out: Paycor Paths provides training to recognize and prevent burnout, with easy access to time-off balances and requests.

These enhancements have earned Paycor several accolades, including awards from Brandon Hall Group and Titan Business Awards.

Paycor HCM, Inc. (Nasdaq: PYCR) ha presentato funzionalità innovative per trasformare la gestione delle assenze per la forza lavoro moderna. Le nuove aggiunte alla piattaforma HCM di Paycor mirano a semplificare le operazioni attraverso l'automazione, la visibilità in tempo reale e controlli proattivi. I principali vantaggi includono:

1. Migliori Insight e Visibilità: Integrazione fluida delle richieste di assenza con la pianificazione, fornendo visibilità in tempo reale e produttività migliorata.

2. Comunicazione e Approvazioni Più Veloci: Time Off Advisor offre visibilità nei momenti di picco, approvazioni automatiche delle richieste e gestione in movimento per i leader.

3. Prevenire il Burn-out: Paycor Paths fornisce formazione per riconoscere e prevenire il burn-out, con facile accesso ai saldi e alle richieste di assenza.

Questi miglioramenti hanno fatto guadagnare a Paycor numerosi riconoscimenti, tra cui premi dal Brandon Hall Group e dai Titan Business Awards.

Paycor HCM, Inc. (Nasdaq: PYCR) ha presentado funciones innovadoras para transformar la gestión de ausencias en la fuerza laboral moderna. Las nuevas adiciones a la plataforma HCM de Paycor buscan simplificar las operaciones mediante la automatización, la visibilidad en tiempo real y controles proactivos. Los principales beneficios incluyen:

1. Mejores Perspectivas y Visibilidad: Integración fluida de las solicitudes de tiempo libre con la programación, proporcionando visibilidad en tiempo real y mayor productividad.

2. Comunicación y Aprobaciones Más Rápidas: Time Off Advisor ofrece visibilidad durante momentos pico, aprobaciones automáticas de solicitudes y gestión sobre la marcha para los líderes.

3. Prevenir el Burn-out: Paycor Paths ofrece capacitación para reconocer y prevenir el burn-out, con acceso fácil a los saldos y solicitudes de tiempo libre.

Estas mejoras han valido a Paycor varios reconocimientos, incluidos premios del Brandon Hall Group y de los Titan Business Awards.

Paycor HCM, Inc. (Nasdaq: PYCR)는 현대 인력을 위한 휴가 관리 혁신 기능을 발표했습니다. Paycor의 HCM 플랫폼에 추가된 새로운 기능들은 자동화, 실시간 가시성 및 사전 통제를 통해 운영을 간소화하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다. 주요 이점은 다음과 같습니다:

1. 더 나은 통찰력 및 가시성: 일정과의 원활한 통합으로 요청된 휴가를 통해 실시간 가시성을 제공하고 생산성을 강화합니다.

2. 더 빠른 커뮤니케이션 및 승인: Time Off Advisor는 피크 시간에 대한 가시성을 제공하며, 요청을 자동으로 승인하고 리더들이 이동 중에도 관리할 수 있도록 합니다.

3. 탈진 예방: Paycor Paths는 탈진을 인식하고 예방하기 위한 교육을 제공하며, 휴가 잔여일 및 요청에 쉽게 접근할 수 있습니다.

이러한 개선 사항들로 인해 Paycor는 Brandon Hall Group 및 Titan Business Awards로부터 여러 차례 수상을 하였습니다.

Paycor HCM, Inc. (Nasdaq: PYCR) a dévoilé des fonctionnalités innovantes pour transformer la gestion des congés pour la main-d'œuvre moderne. Les nouvelles additions à la plateforme HCM de Paycor visent à rationaliser les opérations grâce à l'automatisation, une visibilité en temps réel et des contrôles proactifs. Les principaux avantages incluent :

1. Meilleures Informations et Visibilité: Intégration fluide des demandes de congés avec la planification, offrant une visibilité en temps réel et une productivité accrue.

2. Communication et Approbations Plus Rapides: Le Conseiller de Congé offre une visibilité pendant les périodes de pointe, des approbations de demandes automatiques et une gestion mobile pour les dirigeants.

3. Prévenir l'Épuisement: Paycor Paths propose une formation pour reconnaître et prévenir l'épuisement, avec un accès facile aux soldes de congés et aux demandes.

Ces améliorations ont valu à Paycor plusieurs distinctions, notamment des prix du Brandon Hall Group et des Titan Business Awards.

Paycor HCM, Inc. (Nasdaq: PYCR) hat innovative Funktionen vorgestellt, um das Management von Urlaubszeiten für die moderne Belegschaft zu transformieren. Die neuen Ergänzungen zur HCM-Plattform von Paycor zielen darauf ab, die Abläufe durch Automatisierung, Echtzeit-Transparenz und proaktive Kontrollen zu optimieren. Zu den wichtigsten Vorteilen gehören:

1. Bessere Einblicke und Transparenz: Nahtlose Integration von Urlaubsanfragen mit der Planung, die Echtzeit-Transparenz und verbesserte Produktivität bietet.

2. Schnellere Kommunikation und Genehmigungen: Der Urlaubsberater bietet Sichtbarkeit zu Stoßzeiten, automatische Genehmigungen von Anfragen und mobiles Management für Führungskräfte.

3. Burn-out Vorbeugen: Paycor Paths bietet Schulungen zur Erkennung und Vermeidung von Burn-out, mit einfachem Zugriff auf Urlaubsbestände und Anfragen.

Diese Verbesserungen haben Paycor mehrere Auszeichnungen eingebracht, darunter Preise von der Brandon Hall Group und den Titan Business Awards.

  • Introduction of innovative time-off management features to enhance efficiency and employee well-being
  • Seamless integration of time-off requests with scheduling for improved productivity
  • Implementation of automatic approval systems and on-the-go management for faster communication
  • Addition of burnout prevention tools and training through Paycor Paths
  • Recognition through multiple industry awards for the new features
  • None.


Paycor's new time-off management features represent a significant advancement in HCM software functionality. The integration of time-off requests with scheduling and real-time visibility addresses a critical pain point for businesses, potentially improving operational efficiency and employee satisfaction. The automatic syncing with cloud-based calendars and API integrations demonstrate a focus on seamless data flow across platforms, which is important in today's interconnected work environments.

The Time Off Advisor with peak time visibility and automatic approval criteria is a standout feature that could significantly reduce administrative overhead. This, combined with mobile app accessibility, aligns well with the trend towards more flexible and remote work arrangements. The inclusion of burnout prevention tools in Paycor Paths shows a commendable focus on employee well-being, which is increasingly important for retention and productivity.

While these features are innovative, their true impact will depend on user adoption and integration into existing workflows. The accolades from Brandon Hall Group and Titan Business Awards lend credibility to the advancements, but the real test will be in the market response and customer satisfaction over time.

From a market perspective, Paycor's new features align with several key trends in the HCM software market:

  • Increasing demand for automation in HR processes
  • Growing focus on employee well-being and work-life balance
  • Rising importance of mobile accessibility in workforce management
  • Shift towards data-driven decision-making in HR

These enhancements could potentially strengthen Paycor's competitive position in the HCM software market, which is projected to grow significantly in the coming years. The emphasis on preventing burnout and encouraging time away is particularly timely, given the increased awareness of mental health issues in the workplace post-pandemic.

However, the HCM software market is highly competitive, with players like Workday, ADP and Oracle offering robust solutions. Paycor's ability to differentiate through these features and effectively market them to both existing and potential clients will be important for capturing market share and driving growth. The company's focus on addressing specific pain points in time-off management could resonate well with mid-sized businesses, which form a significant portion of Paycor's target market.

CINCINNATI, Sept. 24, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Paycor HCM, Inc. (Nasdaq: PYCR) (“Paycor”), a leading provider of human capital management (HCM) software, today announced a suite of innovative features designed to transform time-off management for the modern workforce. These cutting-edge additions to Paycor’s HCM platform streamline time-off operations through automation, real-time visibility and proactive controls to drive efficiency and promote employee well-being.

“It’s so important for workers to feel in control of their time, and Paycor’s new time-off features help leaders address this pain point,” said Ryan Bergstrom, Chief Product & Technology Officer at Paycor. “Our new experience helps workers unplug, empowers employees and leaders to take control of time-off management, reduces stress, and ensures smooth operations. We're proud to offer flexible solutions that not only meet the needs of today's workforce but also set a new standard for the future of work."

Key benefits include:

Better Insights & Visibility to Help Leaders Make Decisions
Paycor now offers seamless integration of time-off requests with scheduling, providing leaders with real-time visibility of these requests while building schedules. This feature allows for enhanced productivity and coordination through comprehensive visibility into time-off schedules for employees and leaders. Seamless integration across our ecosystem through APIs and data streams, including automatic syncing to cloud-based calendars, ensures accurate and up-to-date information.

Faster Communication and Approvals
Time Off Advisor provides employees with peak time visibility through blackout dates and balance forecasting, enabling better planning and communication with managers for time-off planning. Within this module, leaders can establish predefined criteria for automatically approving or denying time off requests. Additionally, managers can conveniently manage approvals on-the-go through preferred methods, such as the mobile app or email.

Prevent Burn-out and Encourage Time Away
Paycor Paths offers bite-sized training to empower leaders to recognize and prevent causes of burnout while easily accessing time-off balances and requests to identify potentially at-risk employees via the COR Leadership Dashboard.

Paycor has received several accolades for these enhancements, including “Best Advance in Time” and “Best Advancement in Online Coaching Tools” from Brandon Hall Group and “Business Intelligence Solution” from Titan Business Awards.

To learn more about how our time experience can streamline operations and provide flexibility to your workforce, visit Paycor Time & Attendance.

About Paycor 
Paycor’s human capital management (HCM) platform modernizes every aspect of people management, from recruiting, onboarding, and payroll to career development and retention, but what really sets us apart is our focus on leaders. For more than 30 years, we’ve been listening to and partnering with leaders, so we know what they need: a unified HR platform, easy integration with third party apps, powerful analytics, talent development tools, and configurable technology that supports specific industry needs. That’s why more than 30,000 customers trust Paycor to help them solve problems and achieve their goals. Learn more at

Media Relations:
Carly Pennekamp

Investor Relations:
Rachel White


What new features has Paycor (PYCR) introduced for time-off management?

Paycor (PYCR) has introduced features including seamless integration of time-off requests with scheduling, Time Off Advisor for peak time visibility and automatic approvals, and Paycor Paths for burnout prevention and leadership training.

How does Paycor's (PYCR) new time-off management system improve visibility for leaders?

Paycor's (PYCR) new system provides real-time visibility of time-off requests while building schedules, offering comprehensive visibility into time-off schedules for employees and leaders, and integrates with cloud-based calendars for up-to-date information.

What awards has Paycor (PYCR) received for its new time-off management features?

Paycor (PYCR) has received awards including 'Best Advance in Time' and 'Best Advancement in Online Coaching Tools' from Brandon Hall Group, and 'Business Intelligence Solution' from Titan Business Awards.

How does Paycor (PYCR) address employee burnout with its new features?

Paycor (PYCR) addresses burnout through Paycor Paths, which offers training to help leaders recognize and prevent burnout causes, and provides easy access to time-off balances and requests to identify potentially at-risk employees via the COR Leadership Dashboard.

Paycor HCM, Inc.


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Software - Application
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United States of America