RCP Advisors Secondary and Co-investment Programs Ranked Among Top by PitchBook

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P10, Inc. (NYSE: PX) announced that its subsidiary, RCP Advisors (RCP), has been recognized by PitchBook in its 2023 Global Manager Performance Score League Tables. RCP's secondary family of funds (RCP SOF I-IV) ranked among the top ten secondary programs, while its co-investment program (RCPDirect I-IV) achieved the highest performance score in the co-investment category.

RCP Advisors specializes in private equity primary fund, secondary fund, and co-investment fund strategies, focusing on North American small buyout fund managers. Luke Sarsfield, P10 Chairman and CEO, stated that this recognition demonstrates the RCP team's expertise and dedication. Jon Madorsky, Managing Partner at RCP, attributed their success to their focused approach in the small buyout market, which provides unique deal flow and diligence opportunities.

P10, Inc. (NYSE: PX) ha annunciato che la sua controllata, RCP Advisors (RCP), è stata riconosciuta da PitchBook nelle sue Tabelle di Classifica delle Performance dei Manager Globali 2023. La famiglia di fondi secondari di RCP (RCP SOF I-IV) si è classificata tra i primi dieci programmi secondari, mentre il suo programma di co-investimento (RCPDirect I-IV) ha ottenuto il punteggio di performance più alto nella categoria dei co-investimenti.

RCP Advisors è specializzata in strategie di fondi primari di private equity, fondi secondari e fondi di co-investimento, concentrandosi sui gestori di fondi di piccole acquisizioni in Nord America. Luke Sarsfield, Presidente e CEO di P10, ha dichiarato che questo riconoscimento dimostra l'expertise e la dedizione del team RCP. Jon Madorsky, Managing Partner di RCP, ha attribuito il loro successo al loro approccio focalizzato nel mercato delle piccole acquisizioni, che offre opportunità uniche di flusso di affari e due diligence.

P10, Inc. (NYSE: PX) anunció que su subsidiaria, RCP Advisors (RCP), ha sido reconocida por PitchBook en sus Tablas de Clasificación de Rendimiento de Gestores Globales 2023. La familia de fondos secundarios de RCP (RCP SOF I-IV) se posicionó entre los diez mejores programas secundarios, mientras que su programa de co-inversión (RCPDirect I-IV) alcanzó la puntuación de rendimiento más alta en la categoría de co-inversión.

RCP Advisors se especializa en estrategias de fondos primarios de capital privado, fondos secundarios y fondos de co-inversión, centrándose en gestores de fondos de pequeñas adquisiciones en América del Norte. Luke Sarsfield, Presidente y CEO de P10, declaró que este reconocimiento demuestra la experiencia y dedicación del equipo de RCP. Jon Madorsky, Socio Gerente en RCP, atribuyó su éxito a su enfoque centrado en el mercado de pequeñas adquisiciones, que proporciona oportunidades únicas de flujo de negocios y debida diligencia.

P10, Inc. (NYSE: PX)는 그 자회사인 RCP Advisors(RCP)가 2023년 PitchBook의 글로벌 매니저 성과 점수 리그 테이블에서 인정받았다고 발표했습니다. RCP의 2차 펀드 패밀리(RCP SOF I-IV)는 상위 10개 2차 프로그램 중 하나로 평가받았습니다, 한편 공동 투자 프로그램(RCPDirect I-IV)은 공동 투자 부문에서 최고 성과 점수를 기록했습니다.

RCP Advisors는 북미 소규모 매수 펀드 관리자에 초점을 맞춘 프라이빗 에쿼티 1차 펀드, 2차 펀드 및 공동 투자 펀드 전략에 전문화되어 있습니다. P10의 회장 겸 CEO인 Luke Sarsfield는 이 인식이 RCP 팀의 전문성과 헌신을 보여준다고 언급했습니다. RCP의 관리 파트너인 Jon Madorsky는 그들의 성공을 소규모 매수 시장에 대한 집중적인 접근 방식 덕분이라고 설명하며, 이는 독특한 거래 흐름과 실사 기회를 제공한다고 하였습니다.

P10, Inc. (NYSE: PX) a annoncé que sa filiale, RCP Advisors (RCP), a été reconnue par PitchBook dans ses tableaux de classement des performances des gestionnaires mondiaux 2023. La famille de fonds secondaires de RCP (RCP SOF I-IV) est classée parmi les dix meilleurs programmes secondaires, tandis que son programme de co-investissement (RCPDirect I-IV) a obtenu le meilleur score de performance dans la catégorie co-investissement.

RCP Advisors se spécialise dans les stratégies de fonds de capital-investissement primaire, de fonds secondaires et de co-investissement, en se concentrant sur les gestionnaires de fonds de petites acquisitions en Amérique du Nord. Luke Sarsfield, Président et PDG de P10, a déclaré que cette reconnaissance démontre l'expertise et le dévouement de l'équipe de RCP. Jon Madorsky, associé directeur chez RCP, a attribué leur succès à leur approche ciblée sur le marché des petites acquisitions, qui offre des opportunités uniques de flux de transactions et de diligence raisonnable.

P10, Inc. (NYSE: PX) gab bekannt, dass seine Tochtergesellschaft, RCP Advisors (RCP), von PitchBook in den Tabellen zur globalen Manager-Leistungsbewertung 2023 anerkannt wurde. Die sekundäre Fondsfamilie von RCP (RCP SOF I-IV) belegte einen Platz unter den zehn besten sekundären Programmen, während sein Co-Investitionsprogramm (RCPDirect I-IV) die höchste Leistungsbewertung in der Kategorie Co-Investitionen erreichte.

RCP Advisors ist auf Strategien für primäre Private-Equity-Fonds, sekundäre Fonds und Co-Investitionsfonds spezialisiert und konzentriert sich auf kleine Buyout-Fondsmanager in Nordamerika. Luke Sarsfield, Vorsitzender und CEO von P10, äußerte, dass diese Anerkennung das Fachwissen und die Hingabe des RCP-Teams demonstriert. Jon Madorsky, Managing Partner bei RCP, führte ihren Erfolg auf ihren fokussierten Ansatz im Markt für kleine Buyouts zurück, der einzigartige Dealströme und Due-Diligence-Möglichkeiten bietet.

  • RCP's secondary funds ranked among top ten in PitchBook's 2023 Global Manager Performance Score League Tables
  • RCP's co-investment program achieved highest performance score in its category
  • Recognition by PitchBook validates RCP's expertise in private equity strategies
  • Focused approach in small buyout market provides unique deal flow and diligence opportunities
  • None.


RCP Advisors' recognition in PitchBook's 2023 Global Manager Performance Score League Tables is a significant achievement in the private equity sector. Their top-ten ranking for secondary programs and highest performance score in co-investments underscore their expertise in the small buyout market.

This performance is particularly noteworthy given the challenging economic environment. It suggests that RCP's focused strategy on North American small buyouts is yielding strong returns, potentially outperforming larger market segments.

For investors, this recognition could translate to increased interest in P10's offerings, potentially driving AUM growth and fee revenue. The success in both secondary and co-investment strategies also indicates a diversified strength, which could appeal to a broader range of institutional investors seeking exposure to these specialized private equity segments.

However, it's important to note that past performance doesn't guarantee future results. Investors should consider how sustainable this outperformance is and whether RCP can maintain its edge in an increasingly competitive private equity landscape.

This recognition by PitchBook, a respected industry data provider, significantly enhances P10's credibility in the private markets space. It's likely to boost the company's brand value and could lead to increased investor interest, potentially affecting both AUM and the stock price positively.

The outperformance in small buyouts is particularly interesting. This segment often flies under the radar of larger private equity firms, potentially offering better value and less competition. RCP's success here could indicate a sustainable competitive advantage.

For P10 shareholders, this news is encouraging. It suggests that the company's subsidiary is executing well in a high-margin business. If this performance translates into increased capital inflows, it could drive revenue growth and profitability for P10.

However, investors should also consider the cyclical nature of private equity performance and the potential for increased competition if other firms try to replicate RCP's success in this niche market.

PitchBook Recognizes RCP for Outstanding Performance in Private Equity Strategies

DALLAS, Oct. 09, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- P10, Inc. (NYSE: PX), a leading private markets solutions provider, today announced that its subsidiary, RCP Advisors (RCP), has been recognized by PitchBook in its 2023 Global Manager Performance Score League Tables, an annual ranking of asset manager funds to inform LP decision-making. RCP’s secondary family of funds (RCP SOF I-IV) ranked among the top ten secondary programs, while its co-investment program (RCPDirect I-IV) achieved the highest performance score in the co-investment category.

“This recognition is a testament to the deep expertise and dedication of the RCP team,” said Luke Sarsfield, P10 Chairman and Chief Executive Officer. “RCP has a focused approach in the small buyout market that is well positioned to deliver continued exceptional results.”

RCP Advisors specializes in private equity primary fund, secondary fund, and co-investment fund strategies, focusing on North American small buyout fund managers. The strong ranking by PitchBook underscores the firm’s consistent approach in providing investors access to the attractive small buyout space.

“Our top-performing strategy is a result of our firm-wide commitment to the North American small buyout market,” said Jon Madorsky, Managing Partner and Co-Portfolio Manager of Secondary Funds at RCP. “Our laser focus gives us unique deal flow and diligence opportunities. We’re extremely proud of what we’ve achieved together at RCP.”

Dave McCoy, Managing Partner and Co-Portfolio Manager of Co-investments at RCP added, “We are honored that our RCPDirect co-investment program has been recognized by PitchBook with a top performance score. Our team works hard to achieve these results, and I want to further thank our GPs and their portfolio management teams, without which our high-quality deal flow and operating performance would not be possible.”

For more information about RCP, please visit

About P10
P10 is a leading multi-asset class private markets solutions provider in the alternative asset management industry. P10’s mission is to provide its investors differentiated access to a broad set of investment solutions that address their diverse investment needs within private markets. As of June 30, 2024, P10 has a global investor base of more than 3,700 investors across 50 states, 60 countries, and six continents, which includes some of the world’s largest pension funds, endowments, foundations, corporate pensions, and financial institutions. Visit

About RCP
Founded in 2001, RCP Advisors, a subsidiary of P10, Inc. (NYSE: PX), is a private equity investment firm that provides access to North American small buyout fund managers through primary funds, secondary funds, and co-investment funds, as well as customized solutions and research services. RCP believes it is one of the largest fund sponsors focused on this niche, with over $14.7 billion in committed capital* and 56 full-time professionals as of September 30, 2024.

Past performance is not a guarantee of future results. There can be no assurance that a fund will achieve comparable results as any prior investments or prior investment funds of RCP. Source: PitchBook. The PitchBook Manager Performance Scores (the “Performance Scores”) are a third-party rating published by PitchBook, an independent third-party, on 9/20/24 (data as of most current date). The PitchBook Global Manager Performance Score League Tables (the "League Tables") are a third-party rating published by PitchBook on 7/30/24 (data as of 12/31/23). The Performance Scores are a quantitative framework designed to assess the performance track record of a fund manager’s closed-end private market strategies, also known as fund families. The Performance Scores aggregate historical performance of each manager’s family of funds across vintage years and reflect the extent to which certain fund families outperformed or underperformed a benchmark, which is based on IRR across all fund vintages within the same fund strategy peer group (e.g., fund-of-funds, secondaries, co-investment, etc.). For the “co-investment – general” fund strategy, a total of 768 fund families across 1,479 funds were included in their evaluation. For the “Secondaries funds” fund strategy, a total of 60 fund families across 209 funds were included in their evaluation. To be included in the ranking, PitchBook required fund families to have at least two funds that are at least five years in age with a Z-score to qualify. Comparisons made by PitchBook are to fund sponsors with investment strategies, structures and investment terms and conditions that are different (in some cases, materially) than those of RCP. Additional information regarding the criteria and methodology underlying the Performance Scores are available here.

Neither P10 nor RCP have not made any payment to PitchBook or any of its affiliates to be considered for this ranking or in connection with any other services. The Performance Scores should not be considered an endorsement of RCP or its funds by the authors or distributors of such rankings. The Performance Scores are developed on a proprietary basis exclusively by PitchBook. Neither P10 nor RCP have not independently verified the data used in PitchBook’s Performance Scores and makes no representations about the accuracy or completeness of such information or Performance Scores. This ranking is not to be construed as indicative of RCP’s future performance or the future performance of any investment vehicle managed by RCP. The Performance Scores should not be relied upon when making a decision to invest in any fund. *“Committed capital” primarily reflects the capital commitments associated with RCP’s SMAs, focused commingled funds, and advisory accounts advised by RCP since the firm’s inception in 2001 (including funds that have since been sold, dissolved, or wound down and certain historical advisory accounts for which RCP’s advisory contracts have expired). We include capital commitments in our calculation of committed capital if (a) we have full discretion over the investment decisions in an account or have responsibility or custody of assets or (b) we do not have full discretion to make investment decisions but play a role in advising the client on asset allocation, performing investment manager due diligence and recommending investments for the client’s portfolio and/or monitoring and reporting on their investments. For our discretionary SMAs and commingled funds, as well as for our non-discretionary advisory accounts for which RCP is responsible for advising on all investments within the client’s portfolio, committed capital is calculated based on aggregate capital commitments to such accounts. For non-discretionary accounts where RCP is responsible for advising only a portion of the client portfolio investments, committed capital is calculated as capital commitments by the client to those underlying investments which were made based on RCP’s recommendation or with respect to which RCP advises the client. Committed capital does not include (i) certain historical non-discretionary advisory accounts no longer under advisement by RCP, (ii) assets managed or advised by the Private Capital Unit or HB Units of RCP 2, (iii) capital commitments to funds managed or sponsored by RCP’s affiliated (but independently operated) management companies, and (iv) RCP’s ancillary products or services.

Forward-Looking Statements
Some of the statements in this release may constitute “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Words such as “will,” “expect,” “believe,” “estimate,” “continue,” “anticipate,” “intend,” “plan” and similar expressions are intended to identify these forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements discuss management’s current expectations and projections relating to our financial position, results of operations, plans, objectives, future performance, and business. The inclusion of any forward-looking information in this release should not be regarded as a representation that the future plans, estimates, or expectations contemplated will be achieved. Forward-looking statements reflect management’s current plans, estimates, and expectations, and are inherently uncertain. All forward-looking statements are subject to known and unknown risks, uncertainties, assumptions and other important factors that may cause actual results to be materially different; global and domestic market and business conditions; successful execution of business and growth strategies and regulatory factors relevant to our business; changes in our tax status; our ability to maintain our fee structure; our ability to attract and retain key employees; our ability to manage our obligations under our debt agreements; our ability to make acquisitions and successfully integrate the businesses we acquire; assumptions relating to our operations, financial results, financial condition, business prospects and growth strategy; and our ability to manage the effects of events outside of our control. The foregoing list of factors is not exhaustive. For more information regarding these risks and uncertainties as well as additional risks that we face, you should refer to the “Risk Factors” included in our annual report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023, filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) on March 13, 2024, and in our subsequent reports filed from time to time with the SEC. The forward-looking statements included in this release are made only as of the date hereof. We undertake no obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statement as a result of new information or future events, except as otherwise required by law.

Ownership Limitations
P10’s Certificate of Incorporation contains certain provisions for the protection of tax benefits relating to P10’s net operating losses. Such provisions generally void transfers of shares that would result in the creation of a new 4.99% shareholder or result in an existing 4.99% shareholder acquiring additional shares of P10, and it expires at the third anniversary of the IPO, October 2024.

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Taylor Donahue


How did RCP Advisors perform in PitchBook's 2023 Global Manager Performance Score League Tables?

RCP Advisors' secondary family of funds (RCP SOF I-IV) ranked among the top ten secondary programs, while its co-investment program (RCPDirect I-IV) achieved the highest performance score in the co-investment category.

What is RCP Advisors' specialization in private equity?

RCP Advisors specializes in private equity primary fund, secondary fund, and co-investment fund strategies, focusing on North American small buyout fund managers.

How does RCP Advisors' focus on the small buyout market benefit investors?

RCP's focused approach in the small buyout market provides unique deal flow and diligence opportunities, potentially leading to exceptional results for investors.

What did P10 (NYSE: PX) CEO Luke Sarsfield say about RCP's recognition by PitchBook?

Luke Sarsfield stated that the recognition is a testament to the deep expertise and dedication of the RCP team, and that RCP's focused approach is well-positioned to deliver continued exceptional results.

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