Bain Capital Completes Acquisition of PowerSchool

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(Very Positive)

PowerSchool, a leading provider of cloud-based software for K-12 education, has been acquired by Bain Capital for $22.80 per share in cash, representing a total enterprise value of approximately $5.6 billion. The transaction marks PowerSchool's transition to a private company, with its common stock no longer publicly listed on the New York Stock Exchange.

PowerSchool's software solutions support over 60 million students and over 18,000 customers in more than 90 countries. The company aims to enhance every step of a student's learning journey by combining educational and operational technology. With Bain Capital's support, PowerSchool plans to continue driving innovation, particularly with its generative AI platform, PowerBuddy, and expand its global reach.

As part of the transaction, Vista Equity Partners and Onex Partners have retained minority investments in PowerSchool. The acquisition is expected to further PowerSchool's mission of delivering differentiated education software to improve student outcomes, empower educators, and help districts operate more efficiently.

PowerSchool, un fornitore leader di software basato su cloud per l'istruzione K-12, è stata acquisita da Bain Capital per 22,80 dollari per azione in contante, rappresentando un valore totale dell'impresa di circa 5,6 miliardi di dollari. Questa transazione segna la transizione di PowerSchool verso una società privata, con le sue azioni comuni non più quotate sulla Borsa di New York.

Le soluzioni software di PowerSchool supportano oltre 60 milioni di studenti e oltre 18.000 clienti in più di 90 paesi. L'azienda mira a migliorare ogni fase del percorso di apprendimento degli studenti combinando tecnologia educativa e operativa. Con il supporto di Bain Capital, PowerSchool prevede di continuare a promuovere l'innovazione, in particolare con la sua piattaforma di intelligenza artificiale generativa, PowerBuddy, ed espandere la sua portata globale.

Come parte della transazione, Vista Equity Partners e Onex Partners hanno mantenuto investimenti di minoranza in PowerSchool. Si prevede che l'acquisizione sosterrà la missione di PowerSchool di fornire software educativo differenziato per migliorare i risultati degli studenti, potenziare gli educatori e aiutare i distretti a operare in modo più efficiente.

PowerSchool, un proveedor líder de software basado en la nube para la educación K-12, ha sido adquirida por Bain Capital por 22,80 dólares por acción en efectivo, lo que representa un valor total de la empresa de aproximadamente 5,6 mil millones de dólares. La transacción marca la transición de PowerSchool a una empresa privada, con sus acciones comunes ya no cotizando públicamente en la Bolsa de Nueva York.

Las soluciones de software de PowerSchool apoyan a más de 60 millones de estudiantes y más de 18,000 clientes en más de 90 países. La empresa tiene como objetivo mejorar cada paso del viaje de aprendizaje de un estudiante combinando tecnología educativa y operativa. Con el apoyo de Bain Capital, PowerSchool planea continuar impulsando la innovación, particularmente con su plataforma de inteligencia artificial generativa, PowerBuddy, y expandir su alcance global.

Como parte de la transacción, Vista Equity Partners y Onex Partners han mantenido inversiones minoritarias en PowerSchool. Se espera que la adquisición fortalezca la misión de PowerSchool de ofrecer software educativo diferenciado para mejorar los resultados de los estudiantes, empoderar a los educadores y ayudar a los distritos a operar de manera más eficiente.

파워스쿨(PowerSchool)은 K-12 교육을 위한 클라우드 기반 소프트웨어의 선두 공급업체로, 베인 캐피털(Bain Capital)에 의해 주당 22.80달러 현금으로 인수되었으며, 이는 약 56억 달러의 총 기업 가치를 나타냅니다. 이 거래는 파워스쿨의 민간 기업으로의 전환을 의미하며, 뉴욕 증권 거래소에서 더 이상 일반 주식이 공개 상장되지 않습니다.

파워스쿨의 소프트웨어 솔루션은 전 세계 6천만 학생18,000 고객 이상을 지원하며, 90개국 이상에서 사용됩니다. 이 회사는 교육 및 운영 기술을 결합하여 학생의 학습 여정의 모든 단계를 향상시키는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다. 베인 캐피털의 지원을 받아 파워스쿨은 혁신을 지속적으로 추진하고, 특히 생성적 인공지능 플랫폼인 파워버디(PowerBuddy)를 통해 글로벌 확장을 계획하고 있습니다.

거래의 일환으로 비스타 에쿼티 파트너스(Vista Equity Partners)와 오넥스 파트너스(Onex Partners)는 파워스쿨에 대한 소수 투자 지분을 유지하고 있습니다. 이번 인수는 학생 결과 개선을 위한 차별화된 교육 소프트웨어 제공, 교육자 역량 강화 및 지자체의 운영 효율성 향상이라는 파워스쿨의 사명을 더욱 강화할 것으로 예상됩니다.

PowerSchool, un fournisseur leader de logiciels basés sur le cloud pour l'éducation K-12, a été acquis par Bain Capital pour 22,80 $ par action en espèces, représentant une valeur totale de l'entreprise d'environ 5,6 milliards de $. Cette transaction marque la transition de PowerSchool vers une entreprise privée, les actions ordinaires n'étant plus cotées publiquement à la Bourse de New York.

Les solutions logicielles de PowerSchool soutiennent plus de 60 millions d'élèves et plus de 18 000 clients dans plus de 90 pays. L'entreprise vise à améliorer chaque étape du parcours d'apprentissage d'un élève en combinant technologie éducative et opérationnelle. Avec le soutien de Bain Capital, PowerSchool prévoit de continuer à favoriser l'innovation, en particulier avec sa plateforme d'IA générative, PowerBuddy, et d'étendre sa portée mondiale.

Dans le cadre de la transaction, Vista Equity Partners et Onex Partners ont conservé des investments minoritaires dans PowerSchool. L'acquisition devrait renforcer la mission de PowerSchool de fournir des logiciels éducatifs différenciés pour améliorer les résultats des élèves, responsabiliser les éducateurs et aider les districts à fonctionner plus efficacement.

PowerSchool, ein führender Anbieter von cloudbasierter Software für die K-12-Bildung, wurde von Bain Capital für 22,80 US-Dollar pro Aktie in bar übernommen, was einem Gesamtunternehmenswert von etwa 5,6 Milliarden US-Dollar entspricht. Die Transaktion markiert den Übergang von PowerSchool zu einem Privatunternehmen, wobei die Stammaktien nicht mehr öffentlich an der New York Stock Exchange notiert sind.

Die Softwarelösungen von PowerSchool unterstützen über 60 Millionen Schüler und mehr als 18.000 Kunden in über 90 Ländern. Das Unternehmen zielt darauf ab, jeden Schritt des Lernprozesses der Schüler zu verbessern, indem es Bildungs- und Betriebstechnologien kombiniert. Mit der Unterstützung von Bain Capital plant PowerSchool, weiterhin Innovationen voranzutreiben, insbesondere mit seiner generativen KI-Plattform PowerBuddy, und seine globale Reichweite zu erweitern.

Im Rahmen der Transaktion haben Vista Equity Partners und Onex Partners ihre Minderheitsbeteiligungen an PowerSchool behalten. Man erwartet, dass die Übernahme die Mission von PowerSchool unterstützt, differenzierte Bildungssoftware anzubieten, um die Ergebnisse der Schüler zu verbessern, die Bildungseinrichtungen zu stärken und den Bezirken zu helfen, effizienter zu arbeiten.

  • Acquisition by Bain Capital for $5.6 billion, representing $22.80 per share in cash
  • Continued focus on innovation, particularly with PowerBuddy generative AI platform
  • Plans for global expansion and scaling of operations
  • Retained minority investments from Vista Equity Partners and Onex Partners
  • Delisting from New York Stock Exchange, potentially reducing liquidity for existing shareholders


The acquisition of PowerSchool by Bain Capital for $22.80 per share, valuing the company at $5.6 billion, marks a significant shift in the K-12 education technology landscape. This deal takes PowerSchool private, potentially allowing for more agile decision-making and long-term strategic investments without the pressures of quarterly earnings reports.

Key points to consider:

  • The $5.6 billion valuation represents a premium over PowerSchool's previous market cap, indicating Bain Capital's confidence in the company's growth potential.
  • PowerSchool's extensive reach, serving over 60 million students and 18,000 customers across 90+ countries, provides a solid foundation for expansion.
  • The retention of minority stakes by Vista Equity Partners and Onex Partners suggests continued confidence in PowerSchool's future.
  • The focus on PowerBuddy, their generative AI platform, aligns with current EdTech trends and could be a key differentiator in the market.

For investors, while direct investment in PowerSchool is no longer possible, this deal may signal increased private equity interest in the EdTech sector, potentially driving valuations for similar public companies.

PowerSchool's transition to a private company under Bain Capital's ownership is a pivotal moment in the EdTech industry. This move could accelerate PowerSchool's innovation and global expansion strategies, particularly in AI-driven personalized learning.

Key considerations for the EdTech landscape:

  • PowerSchool's PowerBuddy AI platform could set new standards for personalized education, potentially influencing the entire sector.
  • The company's comprehensive suite of K-12 software solutions positions it well to capitalize on the growing demand for integrated educational technologies.
  • Private ownership may allow PowerSchool to make bolder moves in product development and market expansion without short-term market pressures.
  • The backing of Bain Capital could lead to strategic acquisitions, further consolidating PowerSchool's market position.

This acquisition may trigger a wave of private equity interest in EdTech, potentially leading to more M&A activity and increased competition for talent and market share in the sector.

Transaction supports PowerSchool’s next chapter as a private standalone company

FOLSOM, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- PowerSchool Holdings, Inc. (“PowerSchool” or the “Company”), a leading provider of cloud-based software for K-12 education, today announced the close of its acquisition by Bain Capital for $22.80 per share in cash, representing a total enterprise value of approximately $5.6 billion.

PowerSchool’s software solutions support over 60 million students and over 18,000 customers in more than 90 countries. The Company brings together the best of K-12 educational and operational technology to enhance every step of a student’s learning journey.

“We could not be more excited to enter this next phase of PowerSchool’s development, which will further its mission of delivering differentiated education software to drive better student outcomes, empower educators, and help districts operate more efficiently,” said Hardeep Gulati, Chief Executive Officer of PowerSchool. “Together with Bain Capital, PowerSchool will continue to drive industry-leading innovation, particularly with PowerBuddy, our generative AI platform, and scale our global reach, helping more schools personalize education for every student journey.”

“PowerSchool is aligned, throughout its entire organization, to its mission to personalize education and improve learning outcomes. We’ve had the privilege of seeing the leadership team’s dedication to this mission through a world-class product innovation engine,” said David Humphrey, a Partner at Bain Capital. “We are thrilled to support PowerSchool’s mission and growth as it becomes a private company. This is a significant milestone that builds on PowerSchool’s strong foundation and vast potential to deliver the power of its exceptional software solutions to a growing number of administrators, educators, parents, and students worldwide,” added Max de Groen, a Partner at Bain Capital.

PowerSchool’s common stock will no longer be publicly listed on the New York Stock Exchange, and PowerSchool will continue operations as a privately held company.

As part of the transaction, Vista Equity Partners and Onex Partners have each retained a minority investment in PowerSchool.

“Since our initial investment, PowerSchool has experienced a significant transformation, driven by strong leadership and our partnership with Hardeep,” said Monti Saroya, Co-Head of Vista’s Flagship Fund and Senior Managing Director. “We are confident that PowerSchool’s relentless focus on product innovation—especially through embracing generative AI—and tactical expansion of its capabilities can further enhance education globally in this next phase.”

“Supporting Hardeep and PowerSchool in the mission to transform K-12 education through technology has been rewarding and a privilege for Onex,” said Laurence Goldberg, Managing Director at Onex Partners. “We are confident in the Company’s ability to continue innovating to enhance the learning experience and improve outcomes for students, educators, administrators and parents.”


Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC acted as the exclusive financial advisor, and Kirkland & Ellis LLP served as legal advisor to PowerSchool. Centerview Partners LLC acted as the exclusive financial advisor, and Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP served as legal advisor to the Special Committee of the PowerSchool Board of Directors. Ropes & Gray LLP acted as legal advisor to Bain Capital.

Debt financing for the transaction was provided by Ares Capital Management, HPS Investment Partners, Blackstone Alternative Credit Advisors, Blue Owl Credit Advisors, Sixth Street Partners, and Golub Capital.

About PowerSchool

PowerSchool is a leading provider of cloud-based software for K-12 education in North America. Its mission is to empower educators, administrators, and families to ensure personalized education for every student journey. PowerSchool offers end-to-end product clouds that connect the central office to the classroom to the home with award-winning products including Schoology Learning and Naviance CCLR, so school districts can securely manage student data, enrollment, attendance, grades, instruction, assessments, human resources, talent, professional development, special education, data analytics and insights, communications, and college and career readiness. PowerSchool supports over 60 million students and over 18,000 customers in more than 90 countries, including more than 90 of the top 100 districts by student enrollment in the United States. Learn more at

© PowerSchool. PowerSchool and other PowerSchool marks are trademarks of PowerSchool Holdings, Inc. or its subsidiaries. Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.

About Bain Capital

Bain Capital, LP is one of the world’s leading private multi-asset alternative investment firms that creates lasting impact for our investors, teams, businesses, and the communities in which we live. Since our founding in 1984, we’ve applied our insight and experience to organically expand into numerous asset classes including private equity, credit, public equity, venture capital, real estate, life sciences, insurance and other strategic areas of focus. The firm has offices on four continents, more than 1,800 employees and approximately $185 billion in assets under management. To learn more, visit

About Vista Equity Partners

Vista is a leading global investment firm with more than $100 billion in assets under management as of March 31, 2024. The firm exclusively invests in enterprise software, data and technology-enabled organizations across private equity, permanent capital, credit and public equity strategies, bringing an approach that prioritizes creating enduring market value for the benefit of its global ecosystem of investors, companies, customers and employees. Vista's investments are anchored by a sizable long-term capital base, experience in structuring technology-oriented transactions and proven, flexible management techniques that drive sustainable growth. Vista believes the transformative power of technology is the key to an even better future – a healthier planet, a smarter economy, a diverse and inclusive community and a broader path to prosperity. Further information is available at Follow Vista on LinkedIn, @Vista Equity Partners, and on X, @Vista_Equity.

About Onex Corporation

Onex invests and manages capital on behalf of its shareholders and clients across the globe. Formed in 1984, we have a long track record of creating value for our clients and shareholders. Our investors include a broad range of global clients, including public and private pension plans, sovereign wealth funds, insurance companies, family offices and high-net-worth individuals. In total, Onex has $49 billion in assets under management, of which $8.5 billion is Onex’ own investing capital. With offices in Toronto, New York, New Jersey and London, Onex and its experienced management teams are collectively the largest investors across Onex’ platforms.

Onex is listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol ONEX. For more information on Onex, visit Onex’ security filings can also be accessed at

For PowerSchool:

Investor Relations

Shane Harrison


Media Relations

Beth Keebler


For Bain Capital:

Charlyn Lusk/Scott Lessne


For Vista Equity Partners:

Brian W. Steel


For Onex Corporation:

Jill Homenuk


Source: PowerSchool Holdings, Inc.


What is the acquisition price for PowerSchool (PWSC)?

Bain Capital acquired PowerSchool for $22.80 per share in cash, representing a total enterprise value of approximately $5.6 billion.

Will PowerSchool (PWSC) remain a public company after the Bain Capital acquisition?

No, PowerSchool will no longer be publicly listed on the New York Stock Exchange and will continue operations as a privately held company.

What is PowerSchool's market reach after the Bain Capital acquisition?

PowerSchool's software solutions support over 60 million students and over 18,000 customers in more than 90 countries.

What is PowerBuddy and how does it relate to PowerSchool (PWSC)?

PowerBuddy is PowerSchool's generative AI platform. The company plans to continue driving innovation with this platform following the Bain Capital acquisition.

PowerSchool Holdings, Inc.


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Software - Application
Services-prepackaged Software
United States of America