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Hybar , a company building an advanced sustainable scrap metal recycling steel rebar mill in Arkansas, has announced a strategic equity investment from Quanta Services, Inc. (NYSE: PWR). Quanta joins existing investors TPG Rise Climate, Koch Minerals & Trading, and Global Principal Partners. The mill, expected to begin operations in less than a year, will be powered by a 105 MW solar field and battery storage facility. It aims to produce environmentally sustainable steel rebar for large infrastructure projects.

Quanta Services, a leading specialized contracting services company, sees this investment as an opportunity to ensure a domestic sustainable supply of materials for its projects. Hybar's mill design and operating methods are expected to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions in steelmaking, aligning with Quanta's expertise in clean energy and construction.

Hybar, una società che sta costruendo un avanzato impianto per il riciclaggio sostenibile di metallo di scarto per barre d'acciaio in Arkansas, ha annunciato un investimento strategico in capitale da Quanta Services, Inc. (NYSE: PWR). Quanta si unisce agli investitori esistenti TPG Rise Climate, Koch Minerals & Trading e Global Principal Partners. Si prevede che l'impianto, che inizierà le sue operazioni in meno di un anno, sarà alimentato da un campo solare da 105 MW e da un impianto di stoccaggio della batteria. L'obiettivo è produrre barre d'acciaio ecologicamente sostenibili per grandi progetti infrastrutturali.

Quanta Services, una delle principali aziende di servizi di contrattazione specializzata, vede questo investimento come un'opportunità per garantire una fornitura domestica e sostenibile di materiali per i suoi progetti. Il design e i metodi operativi dell'impianto di Hybar si prevede ridurranno significativamente le emissioni di gas serra nella produzione dell'acciaio, in linea con l'esperienza di Quanta nell'energia pulita e nella costruzione.

Hybar, una empresa que está construyendo una avanzada planta de reciclaje sostenible de chatarra metálica para varillas de acero en Arkansas, ha anunciado una inversión de capital estratégico de Quanta Services, Inc. (NYSE: PWR). Quanta se une a los inversores existentes TPG Rise Climate, Koch Minerals & Trading y Global Principal Partners. Se espera que la planta, que comenzará a operar en menos de un año, funcione con un campo solar de 105 MW y una instalación de almacenamiento de baterías. Su objetivo es producir varillas de acero ambientalmente sostenibles para grandes proyectos de infraestructura.

Quanta Services, una de las principales empresas de servicios de contratación especializada, considera que esta inversión es una oportunidad para garantizar un suministro doméstico y sostenible de materiales para sus proyectos. Se espera que el diseño y los métodos operativos de la planta de Hybar reduzcan significativamente las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero en la fabricación de acero, alineándose con la experiencia de Quanta en energía limpia y construcción.

하이바(Hybar)는 아칸소에 첨단 지속 가능한 고철 재활용 강철 철근 공장을 건설 중이며, 퀀타 서비스, Inc. (NYSE: PWR)의 전략적 지분 투자를 발표했습니다. 퀀타는 기존 투자자인 TPG Rise Climate, Koch Minerals & Trading, Global Principal Partners에 합류합니다. 이 공장은 1년 안에 가동을 시작할 것으로 예상되며, 105MW 태양광 발전소와 배터리 저장 시설로 운영될 예정입니다. 목표는 대규모 인프라 프로젝트를 위한 환경 친화적인 강철 철근을 생산하는 것입니다.

특화된 계약 서비스 회사인 퀀타 서비스는 이 투자를 프로젝트에 필요한 자재의 국내에서의 지속 가능한 공급을 보장할 수 있는 기회로 보고 있습니다. 하이바의 공장 설계 및 운영 방식은 철강 제조에서 온실가스 배출량을 상당히 줄일 것으로 기대되며, 이는 퀀타의 청정 에너지 및 건설 전문성과 일치합니다.

Hybar, une entreprise construisant une usine de recyclage avancée et durable des métaux ferreux pour barres d'acier en Arkansas, a annoncé un investissement stratégique en capital de Quanta Services, Inc. (NYSE: PWR). Quanta rejoint les investisseurs existants TPG Rise Climate, Koch Minerals & Trading et Global Principal Partners. L'usine, qui devrait commencer ses opérations dans moins d'un an, sera alimentée par un champ solaire de 105 MW et une installation de stockage d'énergie par batterie. Elle vise à produire des barres d'acier écologiques pour de grands projets d'infrastructure.

Quanta Services, une entreprise leader dans les services de sous-traitance spécialisée, considère cet investissement comme une opportunité d'assurer un approvisionnement national durable en matériaux pour ses projets. La conception et les méthodes opérationnelles de l'usine de Hybar devraient réduire considérablement les émissions de gaz à effet de serre dans la fabrication de l'acier, en accord avec l'expertise de Quanta dans le domaine de l'énergie propre et de la construction.

Hybar, ein Unternehmen, das ein fortschrittliches, nachhaltiges Recyclingwerk für Schrottmetall zur Herstellung von Stahlbewehrungen in Arkansas errichtet, hat eine strategische Eigenkapitalbeteiligung von Quanta Services, Inc. (NYSE: PWR) bekannt gegeben. Quanta tritt bestehenden Investoren wie TPG Rise Climate, Koch Minerals & Trading und Global Principal Partners bei. Das Werk, das voraussichtlich in weniger als einem Jahr in Betrieb gehen wird, wird von einem 105-MW-Solarfeld und einer Batterielagerung betrieben. Es hat zum Ziel, umweltfreundliche Stahlbewehrungen für große Infrastrukturprojekte zu produzieren.

Quanta Services, ein führendes Unternehmen für spezialisierte Vertragsdienstleistungen, sieht diese Investition als Gelegenheit, eine nachhaltige nationale Versorgung mit Materialien für seine Projekte sicherzustellen. Das Design und die Betriebsverfahren von Hybar sollen die Treibhausgasemissionen in der Stahlherstellung erheblich reduzieren, was im Einklang mit Quantas Expertise in den Bereichen saubere Energie und Bau steht.

  • Strategic equity investment from Quanta Services (NYSE: PWR)
  • Mill operations expected to begin in less than a year
  • 105 MW solar field and battery storage facility to power the mill
  • Potential for cost-effective pricing of sustainable materials
  • Alignment with Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act and Inflation Reduction Act projects
  • None.

Quanta Services' strategic equity investment in Hybar is a positive development for both companies. For Hybar, this partnership brings in additional capital and expertise in large-scale infrastructure projects, potentially accelerating their growth and market penetration. The collaboration aligns well with Hybar's focus on sustainable steel production, which is increasingly important in the current regulatory environment.

For Quanta, this investment offers vertical integration opportunities and a potential edge in securing cost-effective, sustainable materials for their projects. This could lead to improved margins and a competitive advantage in bidding for contracts, especially those tied to government infrastructure initiatives. The move also demonstrates Quanta's commitment to sustainability, which may enhance its appeal to ESG-focused investors.

Investors should monitor how this partnership translates into tangible financial benefits for both companies in the coming quarters, particularly in terms of revenue growth and operational efficiencies.

Hybar's approach to steel rebar production represents a significant leap forward in sustainable manufacturing. By powering their mill with a 105 MW solar field and battery storage, they're setting a new standard for low-carbon steel production. This aligns perfectly with the growing demand for green building materials in infrastructure projects.

The potential use of green hydrogen and the substitution of steel slag for cement in concrete are particularly noteworthy. These innovations could dramatically reduce the carbon footprint of both steel and concrete production, two industries that are traditionally heavy emitters. If successful, Hybar could become a leader in sustainable construction materials, potentially commanding premium pricing and capturing market share from less eco-friendly competitors.

Investors should keep an eye on the scalability of these technologies and any regulatory incentives that could accelerate their adoption in the construction industry.

The strategic partnership between Hybar and Quanta Services taps into several key market trends. First, there's growing demand for sustainable materials in infrastructure projects, driven by both public policy (e.g., Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act) and private sector ESG initiatives. Second, there's increasing focus on supply chain resilience and domestic production capacity.

Hybar's positioning as a producer of "the most environmentally sustainable steel rebar in North America" could give it a significant competitive advantage in this evolving market landscape. The backing of high-profile investors like TPG Rise Climate and Koch Minerals & Trading further validates the market potential.

However, investors should also consider potential risks, such as the cyclical nature of the construction industry and the possibility of new entrants with similar green technologies. The success of Hybar's first mill, set to begin operations in less than a year, will be a important indicator of the company's long-term prospects.

OSCEOLA, Ark., Sept. 11, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Hybar LLC, a company building a technologically advanced environmentally sustainable scrap metal recycling steel rebar mill in northeast Arkansas, announced today that Quanta Services, Inc. (NYSE: PWR) recently made a strategic equity investment in Hybar. Quanta Services joins Hybar's existing high-profile group of equity investors, including TPG Rise Climate, the dedicated climate investing strategy of TPG's global impact investing platform; Koch Minerals & Trading, a Koch subsidiary specializing in commodity trading and services; and Global Principal Partners, the investment entity used by Hybar's senior management team.

Quanta Services is a leading specialized contracting services company that delivers infrastructure solutions for the utility, renewable energy, technology, communications, pipeline, and energy industries. Quanta's services include designing, installing, repairing, and maintaining energy and communications infrastructure throughout the United States, Canada, Australia and select other international markets. "Quanta's expertise in developing large-scale infrastructure and renewable energy projects lines up well with Hybar's objective of producing the most environmentally sustainable steel rebar in North America," said Dave Stickler, Hybar's chief executive officer.

Hybar's first steel rebar mill, which is expected to begin operations in less than a year, will be powered by an adjacent 105 MW solar field and battery storage facility and through a special rate contract entered into with Entergy Arkansas, LLC. The mill will produce a full complement of high-yielding steel rebar that will primarily be used in large infrastructure projects, including projects supported by the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act and the Inflation Reduction Act.

Quanta Services looks forward to collaborating with the Hybar management team and is excited to join Hybar's high-quality group of equity investors as the company pursues its growth initiatives of building and operating a portfolio of energy efficient sustainable steel mills.  "Quanta's investment in Hybar provides an attractive growth opportunity and supports our goal of ensuring domestic sustainable supply of materials for our projects at cost effective pricing in the market," commented Redgie Probst, Quanta's chief operating officer.

Mike Stone, Hybar's chairman and partner at TPG, stated, "Adding a strategic investor like Quanta Services to the Hybar family is further validation that Hybar's mill design and operating methods—which will drastically reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the steelmaking process—are highly sought after by many of the leading companies and investors across the energy space. As Hybar continues to explore the production and use of green hydrogen, and the substitution of its steel slag for cement in making concrete construction materials, we believe Hybar will benefit significantly from Quanta's expertise in clean energy and construction."

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This press release may contain forward-looking statements, including, but not limited to, the expansion project and financing plans, including the offering of the bonds and equity financing. Forward-looking statements may generally be identified by the use of the words "anticipates," "expects," "intends," "plans," "should," "could," "would," "may," "will," "believes," "estimates," "potential," "target," or "continue" and variations or similar expressions. These statements are based upon the current expectations and beliefs of management and are subject to certain risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those described in the forward-looking statements. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on any of these forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements speak only as of the date hereof. We undertake no obligation to update any of these forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances after the date of this press release or to reflect actual outcomes, except as required by law.

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What is the significance of Quanta Services' investment in Hybar?

Quanta Services' investment in Hybar provides strategic support for sustainable steel production, ensures a domestic supply of materials for Quanta's projects, and validates Hybar's environmentally friendly mill design and operating methods.

How will Hybar's steel rebar mill be powered?

Hybar's steel rebar mill will be powered by an adjacent 105 MW solar field and battery storage facility, as well as through a special rate contract with Entergy Arkansas,

When is Hybar's first steel rebar mill expected to begin operations?

Hybar's first steel rebar mill is expected to begin operations in less than a year from the announcement date (September 11, 2024).

What are the potential benefits of Hybar's partnership with Quanta Services (PWR)?

The partnership with Quanta Services (PWR) is expected to provide Hybar with expertise in clean energy and construction, support for growth initiatives, and potential collaboration on sustainable material supply for infrastructure projects.

Quanta Services, Inc.


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